SPOILERS! Scarlet & Violet Leaks Thread - Data/Mechanics


Robot from the Future
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Orange Islands
Hey All,

Considering we are now just 1 month away from the release of Scarlet and Violet - I thought it was about time we got this stuff up and running properly.

This thread will be to discuss all things leaked already related to mechanics and information - that includes anything from Riddler Khu or Kaka (As these two do appear to at least be somewhat credible). They have proven to know certain aspects of the games and have relatively proven credentials.

Please do not post story spoilers here - go to https://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/scarlet-and-violet-gameplay-story-leaks.3710528/

If someone wants to DM me (or alternatively make a nice post) with all the current up to date leaks and post it here as a starting point that would be cool. I know the two guys above have leaked a tonne of information and a number of people are extremely excited to finally start talking about it.

Remember- Orange Islands rules still apply - Be nice to each other! We will allow some speculation here about stats/types etc, but please do not go too mad. We will be watching and will be moderating as we see fit.

I'll post the created "Dex Leak" which supposedly has most of the returning Pokémon on it (It's not 100% accurate as proven by the latest trailers) - but its a decent starting point and is based on credible information provided by Riddler Khu.

You can now - finally - have at it!
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Bisharp getting an evolution is concerning due to one reason: Bisharp is already very viable as is in-game, and showed great success in OU even today. Unless the evolution is going to be oriented for VGC / Doubles, I can only hope it doesn’t end in a situation of overoptimization like with Galarian Darmanitan being overoptimized (for different reasons of course), but finger crossed either way.

Still very, very excited that we are getting (more than one) new traditional cross-gen evolutions since the fourth generation. Since Gen 3 have two new baby Pokémon (Azurill and Wynaut), Gen 9 will also be the second odd-numbered generation to introduce traditional (non-regional) evolutionary additions for pre-existing Pokémon lines... and the first whole new evolutions in an odd-numbered generation altogether too.

Another promising aspect is the Paradox Pokémon, and I’m pleasantly surprised that the concept co-existed with new cross-gen evolutions this time, unlike Mega Evolution with only Sylveon (though it is kinda seen coming in hindsight) and Alolan (Regional) forms with three “techniclaly cross-gen but not entirely new” situation like standard Pikachu turning into Alolan Raichu in Alola, of which continued in Galar forms alongside their own exclusive evolutions.

I’m glad Team Star is split into five sub-group that each specialize one type. This help with the lack of type diversity too many evil team suffered for.
Where is the alleged Dragon/Ice pseudo-legendary, I must see that thing with my own eyes.

I love pseudo-legendaries and always look forward to new ones. Moreover, Dragon is my favorite type, and Ice is also one of my Top 5 favorite types.

Given those three qualities, this alleged Dragon/Ice pseudo has the perfect ingredients to be one of my favorite Pokemon from Gen 9.
I'll just go over highlights of my thoughts on the leaks.
-I was going to go with Fuecoco, but with Hiusian Typlo being Fire/Ghost plus Water/Fighting being a starter combo I've wanted since Samurott wasn't it, I'm going with Quaxly.
-Someone theorized that the Steel/Fairy Hammer wielders are the Ralts equivalent being a rare early-game encounter that gets way powerful later, so they're one of my favorites already.
-The leaked bug turning out to be the "coin but not really" Pokemon was one of the biggest twists we got so far.
-I don't mind the regional fakes being Kanto only, mostly due to there being more regional forms/evolutions/paradoxes that aren't just Kanto only.
-I don't like Paradox Amooguss/Jigglypuff at all, especially when a Fairy/Fighting Gallade/Gardevoir fusion and mecha-Tyranitar are legit possibilities.
This fanmade Salamence should have been displayed instead of the boring looking wyvern one.
-I hope Paradox Hydeigon leans into more predatory bird motifs or even a griffin instead of turning into a joke chicken with its new Flying type.
-The four peril legendaries are Lando-T 2,3,4, and 5 with Intimidate clones. Their types counter one of genies (Grass Snail-Lando, Ice Leopard-Torn, Fire Fish-Amoru, Ground Deer- Thunderblunder) while most of the genies have abilities to counter stat drops (Defiant for Torn/Thunder, Contrary for Amoru)
-The bigger plot twist possibility that paradoxes are dreams made real by the 3rd legendary and not time travelers/fallers.
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I'll start by linking to this site that has compiled the info from Khu and Kaka. It's not my site but they are pretty quick to update.

Dunsparce evo reveal when???
It's tough for me to trust that website at complete face value when multiple places in it heavily imply that Khu and Kaka have very incomplete information regarding at least some of the mons, along the lines of typings and Dex order only (the most blatant examples being the "PinkHammer" line and the dolphin line, where at least one member is stuck using fan/guess art from non-Pokemon franchises). Anyone assemble the precise leak contents quickly enough so I don't have to infect any devices checking?

Also, I'm shocked or I'd be shocked if you cannot get the already revealed Hisuian-form Pokemon (e.g. the Arcanine-H shown in one trailer) in-game in the same way as past Paradox Pokemon.
I imagined Poison/Steel as Lairon with glowing crystals coming out of the holes or a Gigalith with green instead of red. It makes sense that they didn't go with a radioactive theme for Poison/Steel and the engine is perfect for that typing.

I'm so using the Grass/Fire if it learns Leech Seed and Will-O-Wisp. With Leech Seed or not, I wish it came one Gen sooner for Restricted Sparring. Did you know that Grass is the only type that resists more than one of the types Fire is weak to?

The Paradox Pokemon I can't wait to see the most are Gallade because the Fairy/Fighting archer sounds cool, Hydreigon seeing them as anything other than a Dragon sounds interesting, and Salamence because of how the Pokedex talks about flying being its dream and an ancient version that couldn't fly yet makes sense. F-Volcarona seems interesting too because of losing its Bug type. I hope it's a more drastic change than when Drapion lost its Bug type!
So apparently the Pokémon unable to be transferred to a Switch game (excluding the potential for DLC) has been whittled down to the following:
-Snivy and Emboar lines
-Patrat line
-the Simis
-Blitzle line
-Sewaddle line
-Ducklett line
-Pikipek line

For a grand total of 27 Pokémon left. Hopefully DLC can rectify this, maybe in one fell swoop.
So apparently the Pokémon unable to be transferred to a Switch game (excluding the potential for DLC) has been whittled down to the following:
-Snivy and Emboar lines
-Patrat line
-the Simis
-Blitzle line
-Sewaddle line
-Ducklett line
-Pikipek line

For a grand total of 27 Pokémon left. Hopefully DLC can rectify this, maybe in one fell swoop.
I'll add that certain forms still can't be transferred into switch games though Home. Alolan Golem, Muk, and Raticate for example, can only show up in the Let's Go games through in-game trades and Go Park, but not with Home.
tfw didn't want to get spoiled, but found Farigiraf on Twitter months ago and have been in a spiral ever since.
I really want to know more about paradox (or whatever the official translation is going to be), they being independent of the base mon is a big deal, as Jigglypuff or Delibird may require a bigger buff than what Beedrill got from mega. While at the same time you can't buff mence or Hydreigon that hard, and apparently some paradox may be stronger than others, so who knows how this could end.
Now let's hope Kurt and friends get their copies soon, so we can stop listening to Khu and their weird riddles that leave more questions than answers, but that may take another 3 weeks...

So apparently the Pokémon unable to be transferred to a Switch game (excluding the potential for DLC) has been whittled down to the following:
-Snivy and Emboar lines
-Patrat line
-the Simis
-Blitzle line
-Sewaddle line
-Ducklett line
-Pikipek line

For a grand total of 27 Pokémon left. Hopefully DLC can rectify this, maybe in one fell swoop.
You know from where most of those mons are?
It's tough for me to trust that website at complete face value when multiple places in it heavily imply that Khu and Kaka have very incomplete information regarding at least some of the mons, along the lines of typings and Dex order only (the most blatant examples being the "PinkHammer" line and the dolphin line, where at least one member is stuck using fan/guess art from non-Pokemon franchises). Anyone assemble the precise leak contents quickly enough so I don't have to infect any devices checking?

Also, I'm shocked or I'd be shocked if you cannot get the already revealed Hisuian-form Pokemon (e.g. the Arcanine-H shown in one trailer) in-game in the same way as past Paradox Pokemon.
It's kind of the opposite where they've obviously played the games but the information we get from Khu and (especially) Kaka is sparse and the site just collects it. The dex order is more an invention of the site itself.
In this case Kaka initially mentioned a mon with a hammer (ハンマー持ってるポケモンはどう), Khu confirmed its existence and said it was Fairy, Kaka called it Steel/Fairy using a gif that comes up as the first result for steel on tenor, and also said it has 3 evolution stages by posting 3 emojis. So that's what we've had to work with and it was vague enough at the time that people were asking if it was the Dunsparce evolution but for the most part the whole dex has been figured out now.

I posted a compendium going over the leaked mons in Smogoff before September when we first learned about every new mon in the game, with original sources where possible. It mostly just covers the mons and not other game mechanic or plot stuff, so the site posted above mostly covers the same content but updated (which also has some sources if you click each mon) but it's a nice glimpse in time. As for relevant updates, Kaka hasn't been posting lately (he came back to say bye a week ago) while Khu talked about having to collect individual coin "cells" or the first stage for multiple coins to evolve the coin mon, and that the coin evolution has a "powerful new ability" and a 140/150 BP move with no negative effect. He also posted a list of each mon with alternate forms (parrot, mice, Dunsparce evolution, dolphin, box legendaries, regional Tauros, separating Lechonk evo (genders), and the engine and coin (calling them bike and cell, as cosmetic/unusable forms?)).

Also to clarify, the paradoxes are not ancestors or descendants and did not actually exist in the past or future and you don't time travel to find them. According to Khu, the bottom row of that dex image just represents mons without a regional dex number and doesn't confirm either way if the evolution is possible in the game.

As for new pokemon I want to see, I think Pawmi3's revive move will be funny, though it sounds relatively useless for the main campaign.
So I've been seeing the paradox form leaks for a while now and they probably are real, but it feels kinda weird we haven't seen anything relating to them yet. Maybe Wiglet is an example of one, but the leaks seem to have been trying to separate it from the Paradox Pokemon so that's probably not the case.

I wonder if they are related to the regional gimmick in any way. Based on the leaks so far, they feel like more fancy versions of regional variants.
It's tough for me to trust that website at complete face value when multiple places in it heavily imply that Khu and Kaka have very incomplete information regarding at least some of the mons, along the lines of typings and Dex order only

Khu's info has almost always been right but he's rarely explicit and people often misinterpret his riddles. Kaka shared much more info but he seemed to occasionally be misremembering when answering questions people asked, and there was definitely issues with a language barrier. So I imagine some typings/concepts of the new pokemon might be off

Bellibolt is a pretty good example. Khu hinted at it in a riddle months ago, which most people misinterpreted and concluded that he was talking about an electric/psychic frog pokemon. People then asked Kaka about it and he said it existed. But as we now know, Bellibolt is just pure electric
Hooray, we can talk about this now. Although this is a spoiler thread, could we still keep story spoilers in spoiler tags?

Brief opinions:

-Sad that Marshadow :marshadow: likely not in base game, but expected a fair chance this would be the case. Hopefully it'll make it in in DLC1. (No, primape :primeape: evo not acceptable substitute)

-I might try to not look at images of all the mons except a select few. I need to see para misdreavus :misdreavus: to help me decide between S or V, and I need to know if any other para mons are ghost type. It's not the biggest deal since apparently there will be 7* tera raids with the para mons, but apparently they will be impossible to solo with npcs.

-So far Gengar :gengar: continues to sport a unique typing, while several ghost mon types will no longer be unique.

-Water/fighting quaxly-evo + fighting/flying flamingo means there are now more than a full teams worth of fighting-type birds. (Quax3, flamingo, blaziken :blaziken:, decidueye-h, zapdos-g, hawlucha :hawlucha:, sirfetch'd :sirfetch'd:)

-Other than ghosts and paradox mons, not sure which unrevealed mons I'm most looking forward to. Dolphin is intriguing, want to know what the heck a sushi mon consists of, and electric bird maybe. I like to use a weird unconventional mon on my in-game teams (klefki :klefki:, wishiwashi :wishiwashi:, grapploct :grapploct: in last 3), hope there's something of similar quirkiness.

-Supposedly changing tera-type will be possible pre-DLC, which is nice

-Today Khu hinted that some sort of official pkhex-lite may be in the DLC...
You know from where most of those mons are?
*Looks at ORAS and BDSP.*

I'm so sorry for your loss. :psytear:

-Today Khu hinted that some sort of official pkhex-lite may be in the DLC...
That would be WILD.

Is there any info on the game structure? The official info pushing the three paths has me concerned since I'm not currently interested in 2/3.
What are the paths again? Gym Leader challenge, the "Path of Legends" with that dude, and the last one is Team Star?

I'll admit the potential time travel shenanigans are interesting, but it doesn't seem very replayable, especially if the story is done with GF's infamous "cutscenes".

Leaders without scaling are straight up busts. Complete trash.

Can't say I'm thrilled with Team Star. They sound as irrelevant as it gets.

Who knows how it'll all work? :mehowth:
Haven't seen this mentioned yet but we talked a fair bit about it in capcord: it appears there's some balance changes coming alongside S/V and though we know little about what is changing or how, there's still some stuff heard.


(titan is the codename for the games iirc)



These seem to somewhat confirm each other (there's at least a base for Centro's claims) and we've speculated a lot on what exactly is different about Protean. Common consensus is that it works similarly to Color Change, meaning that you only switch typing after a move has been used, but we don't know for sure yet. There might be more out there but we're not exactly a sleuthing community and mostly just get updates whenever someone feels like posting about it.

Some other stuff off the top of my head not yet mentioned here:
  • Terra Blast has been deduced to have a BP of 60 based off trailer footage
  • The new "mouse family" Pokemon apparently has Parental Bond as an ability
  • Apparently the games have a lot of glitches/performance issues (khu even stated that he'd describe titan as having the bug/dark typing) though this all could just be because the game wasn't fully finished then
If there's any other cool ability/move/mechanic stuff being throw around lmk it's the main thing I'm interested in right now
Really wondering how the hell paradoxes work mechanics wise. iirc khu once said they were "as strong as legendaries" which could imply BST ranges from 540 to 600 BST (so most would have their stats changed anyways), but I wonder how different their movepool is from the "base" mons

these sound like some of the weirdest concepts we've had yet but I'm glad to see Gamefreak trying something different
I'm curious how paradox pokemon are going to be named, since they apparently do have new names/their own dex slot. As far as I know, we have no clear info on that. All the descriptions have me imagining some cross between regional forms and ultra beasts, which is promising. Volcarona is also my favorite pokemon so I hope I love both of its new forms
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