SPOILERS! Scarlet & Violet Leaks Thread - Data/Mechanics

New evolutions compared to old:

Quagsire --> Clodsire: +35 HP, +35 SpDef, -10 Atk, -25 Def, -20 SpAtk, -15 Spd
Bisharp --> Kingambit: +35 HP, +10 Atk, +20 Def, +15 SpDef, -15 Spd (New BST is 555)
Primeape --> Annihilape: +45 HP, +10 Atk, +20 Def, +20 SpDef, -10 SpAtk, -5 Spd (New BST is 535)
Girafarig --> Farigiraf: +50 HP, +10 Atk, +5 Def, +20 SpAtk, +5 SpDef, -25 Spd (New BST is 520)
Dunsparce --> Dudunsparce: +25 HP, +30 Atk, +10 Def, +20 SpAtk, +10 SpDef, +10 Spd (New BST is 520)

Kingambit is -20 spe.
>Farigiraf 120/90/70/110/70/60

Once again, a Johto evolution trades Speed for HP while keeping mediocre defenses and a barely good attack stat.

Hmm... where have I-


Ah, right.
BST got leaked. Source is 4chan so treat with a grain of salt.
Ooh, lemme see...

  • Dudunsparce does have better Speed than Dunsparce, even if only slightly. OK, cool, flinch hax can still work with this.
  • Oh, lord, Farigiraf got slower than Girafarig, no! Ehh... at least it probably still has Agility?
  • Revavroom has Speed Boost, right? That ain't looking that bad.
  • Honestly thought Cetitan would have better Defense.
  • Cyclizar don't look too shabby.
  • Squawkabilly looks like... physical Chatot, maybe? Which... not unexpected, I suppose, but even so...
  • Ooh, Grafaiai's decent! Does it not get Sketch like I was thinking?
  • Ooof, Kingambit slow AF.
  • Huh, no additional BST for the other Dudunsparce form. Is it a purely cosmetic form difference?
EDIT: Oh, we're calling BS on that? Oh. OK.
I miss the old days when most of the mons evos were "im you but stronger and faster", more and more evos looking like alternative forms trading something for something. Stop trading shit unless you are some of those special evos that can make it natural (like scyther and scizor). Annihilape should be an stronger and faster version of primeape, same with kingambit, same with 99.9% of the Pokémon that just evolve.
Something something Dreepy

Also I wanted to point how Pawmot stats are... actually not bad. There may be hope for it.

If the new move it's supposed to get is as good as it sounds, it'll probably be VERY good.

Hoping and praying for Huge Power

It has Mold Breaker, but I was actually considering that it might get Huge Power. Huge Power would make thematic sense (it needs to be pretty strong to heft around a massive hammer) and gameplay sense (bolstering its abysmal physical attack). Huge Power as a Hidden would be cool though.
well if we want devil's advocate they could always just have arbitrarily decided pseudos get 610 now

Same goes for Frigibax being "too high"; before Dreepy none were lower than 300 and it had 270
Baxcalibur is 600 tho
You definitely miscalculated, it's 600. Also idk what the "typical" is but sliggoo has a 452 bst for example.

Yeah I read my calculator and I mistyped Baxcalibur's Speed as 97 instead of 87.

Still though, the pre-evos BSTs are not it. Dreepy is an exception, yes, but its BST is lower than 300 and not higher, and in that case Dreepy itself is designed with the Tynamo philosophy of being unusable until it evolves. Frigibax would likely have a flat 300 BST.

The "typical" BST for a mid-stage pseudo is a flat 420 or 410, alternates every other gen barring Sliggoo, whose stats were an in between between Goomy and Goodra rounded up. Dragonair, Shelgon, Metang, Zweilous, and Hakamo-o have 420 BST, while Pupitar, Gabite, and Drakloak have 410 BST. Arctibax is more likely to have a flat 420 BST than an unusual value.
Cetitan: 170/113/65/45/55/73
Let's fucking goooo that speed is perfect for slush rush

Baxcalibur 115/145/92/75/86/87
Honest to goodness? All around solid stat spread. Nice. :D

Which is why it kinda sucks all you get is a defog with dd. If you wanted to set up icetar for a sweep, you'd still need to clear hazards with another mon unless u run heavy-duty boots instead of weakness policy :/

Weakness policy is not at all a common item in singles outside HO. This mon would see plenty of use outside HO. Compressing hazard removal and boosting is gigantic.
Do we have move sets yet?

Any good list on which Pokemon are in game usable day one?

I'm not going to take the BST info for granted if it comes from 4Chan, so don't draw too many conclusions.