Your weird and wacky dreams

I believe it's time to bring this thread back. I fucked up my sleep schedule, as I often do, with a early afternoon nap that ended with me waking up at like 8 PM... I fell asleep while shiny hunting Arceus in BDSP (first time I've ever specifically shiny hunted a legendary actually lol). On the bright side, I had a rather wacky dream!

Anyways, in this dream, I was living in a big city. Pokemon Scarlet and Violet were about to come out, but I had no money. So I look in the classified ads, whose mascot was a regional Trubbish variant that was full of money. I find a job listing, saying "do religious work for 1 day, get 100$". Very suspicious amount, but I need that money!

It's on the top of a skyscrapper. For some reason, I climb up it instead of going inside like a normal person. It's on top of this skyscraper that I see my client.. it's none other than ARCEUS!

But it's not Arceus as you know it. Arceus's head was bald! It then explains to me that, BDSP and Legends aren't good paychecks, it needed that sweet Galar money it was denied because of dexit. So, to make ends meet, Arceus has resorted to using its dvine powers to cook "Mystical Meth". In real life, disregarding the whole "wait Arceus is real???", I think I would have been pretty freaked out, but this is a dream so I'm just like "yeah sure I want the money."

Arceus uses some sort of power to make this bizarrely ancient civilization looking meth lab materialize, but there's an issue: there's a crazed White Kyurem flying in the sky with bugged out eyes. It screams "I NEED MY FIX YOU FUCKING FARCE", uses Fusion Flare, and the entire skyscraper explodes. It was one of those moments where I just immediately wake up upon a crazy ass thing happening in a dream.

The moral of this story is probably: never get a Kyurem hooked on drugs!
a regional Trubbish variant that was full of money


One of the only recent dreams that I can remember was one where I was repeatedly climbing Everest (i have no idea why). There was a specific ledge over a multi thousand meter drop that I had to traverse on every ascent (think agent 47 walking on a ledge except a bit wider). I had to repeatedly crawl across the ledge and I have very vivid memories of seeing the chasm drop away into nothing, with fog obscuring the bottom.

All of this is made worse when considering the fact that I really really really dislike heights. I have no idea why my brain decided to troll me - super uncool of it.
But it's not Arceus as you know it. Arceus's head was bald!
this was my personal highlight

so this isn't just a one-liner: over the years (well, about 2 years at the most), in true phoopesian fashion, i have had a few smogon-related dreams. in the first, i was attending some sort of smogon conference in london. how did i know it was london, you ask? well, i'd cycled there in a previous dream. obviously. anyway, i did a bit of mingling (i remember running into smogon user: may); at one point, i was talking to a man who was evidently some sort of important pokemonist and revealed that i was primarily a smogoff poster. after that the conversation became significantly frostier & more awkward. i think my brain may have based the incident on this r*dan post.

number 2: i was eating dinner at my grandparents' house (that's not the smogon bit. they're not posters afaik) when i telepathically received news that everyone's favourite mod, ivy, had passed away. to provide confirmation of this sad news, ivy's lavish sarcophagus was rolled into the dining room. in order to mourn them properly i underwent the standard funerary procedures: firstly, i returned to my old high school to meet ben shapiro (a student there, evidently), who gave me access to all of ivy's discord logs. i'm not sure why that was important, but it must have been worth interrupting ben shapiro's music theory lesson (nerd). after this, i went out on the town and got exceedingly drunk and sad and watched some fireworks. apparently this is accepted mourning protocol in dreamland.

i don't really remember much about my third smogon dream, other than the fact that i was helping user: faint do something, and it was probably computer-related. i suspect that one was influenced by our extensive parent-child roleplay.
Dreamt that there was a lost media hunt for one of those little cardboard books for toddlers, the book serving entirely to explain to young readers how cool buff girls are. I remember the back cover having a bunch of copyrighted strong women including She-Hulk and a genderswapped Optimus Prime.

Thing is, for whatever reason, the publisher absolutely DID NOT want people finding this book. How desperate were they? Well, in the dream one of the searchers managed to find the book at the gift shop of a formula one race that they were about to participate in, which they did before they could share its contents in depth. During the race another car smashed into them, killing them and causing the book to go missing again. The lost media community pretty much universally agreed that this was no accident, but a hit willed by the publisher or whatever entity that was so eager to have this book fade into the aether.
Ok so after that weird reality TV show, I've moved back to my varsity apartment and immediatly had another weird dream in there.

Yall need a bit of context for that one. I used to roleplay in modern fantasy servers on Discord, and spent a good part of my late-middle school/early-high school era in a server two friends of mine and I made. In this server, my main character was a young woman who struggled with containing her dark powers (named Irina) and the main character of another player had a similar issue with some sort of evil split personality that was a reincarnation which fused with an earlier incarnation (the main one) of the character (named Kamane). The two hit it off and became shipped, being infatuated with each other although Kamane was not as direct to show it. Pretty weird as a whole but we were young as fuck and while I hold dear memories to that server, it taught me exactly what not to do in a roleplay server.

"Unfortunately", or moreso fortunately (God forbid!), the server was closed in early 2020 after a series of arguments / dramas coupled with bad handling of one of the story arcs that made it so much of a slug, nobody was interested in roleplaying despite some of the moderators' funny and interesting side-stories. However, this did not give closure to a lot of stuff.

And here I am, two years and a half later and definitely more mature, dreaming about fucking closure between Irina and Kamane. The dream was in an art style not dissimilar to the recent Live A Live remake, which is a game I've been playing a lot recently. As such, people, decors, etc, were represented from up high and a bit pixelated, not dissimilar to the screenshot below.


I had a PMD server which was way more active and could endure until early 2022, where it fell off, save for the story of a Hisuian Samurott one of the other members of the staff and I created during early-summer (but which we haven't gotten around to finishing yet). This server is all the contrary, I am very proud of what I have done in it. Anyways, it comes up during the latter part of the story for some reason. Let's actually get to the dream.


Irina enters in some sort of wooden cottage that the omnipotent spectator I was could feel was now Kamane's home. Although Kamane never appears in person, Irina finds a letter announcing their breakup, which pains her but me not so much. The weird thing with this letter is that I don't really remember its contents other than that and the next part that was also recounted by the letter, but I remember it was written particularly great, which (God forbid again) is a level of writing Kamane's roleplayer wouldn't have as far as I know although he was fine. I think the breakup happened in a "I still love you but we must" sort of way.

Then, some sort of flashback appears showing Kamane exploring a dark cave with none other than a Wigglytuff. It could be assumed this was PMD2's Guildmaster Wigglytuff, but I doubt that because of the third part of the dream. Anyways, Kamane and Wigglytuff find some sort of treasure, but Wigglytuff gets crushed by a rock and dies.

Then the flashback cuts to show a scene of another Wigglytuff (which I think was actually the real deal, as in the real Guildmaster Wigglytuff) training an Igglybuff by making it crossing unsteady bridges while carrying boulders. The bridges don't lead anywhere and are mostly over safe ground and not pits. I would compare them to Sunyshore City's bridges. The Wigglytuff was observing from below. This scene is the most light-hearted of the three. The first time, Igglybuff falls through the bridge onto Wigglytuff which gets stunned by the combined weight of both the Igglybuff and the rock, though I guess this was actually 90% due to the rock's weight. The other times around, Igglybuff gets better at crossing the collapsing bridge. Now that I think about it, was this further mocking Wigglytuff's death above?

And then the dream ends, leaving me wondering as always what the fuck is going on.
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Had a dream that I opened up the New York Times only to find the front page article being about some economic measure called "The Angel Factor", measured as "+[number]". Apparently the Fed had enacted some policy that had shifted America's Angel Factor from +1 to +5. Whatever the heck this meant, it was apparently dire. According to the story and the comments by NYT staffers this wasn't just bad economic policy, it was a downright cataclysmic choice that would have severe consequences for America's stability. I seem to recall being scared as shit in the dream too.
1. one time when i was like 9 i had a dream where i was driving a Bugatti into my school completely naked and starting doing push ups in the cafeteria

2. i just woke up from a dream where my car's radio "ran out of battery" so i went to a random school and got a doctor check up?? no clue what happened there
Doing this at the recommendation of Theorymon but never got around to it

Dream 1: This dream involved me rescuing some girl from Morpheus from matrix in which I conveniently found him in a semi hidden room after looking for digimon cards in the tcg section of a toys-r-us and he had laser robots similar to eggman's death bots.

Dream 2:
So I was at the mall shopping at the combination store of target and Walmart where I found a skarner figure(league champion.) So I do some random stuff like claim some pan pizzas as mine before giving them back to the actual person and I'm ready to buy the skarner and the cashier mid checkout randomly walks out and disappears so I end up talking to the manager where I say he, they respond with he? So I'm like oh I misgendered them so I said they as a catch all which for some reason set them off and they had all of their employees refuse to check me out, so I'm running around trying to find one person not subservient to the manager, she steals my glasses, and keeps claiming she will punch me in the face but when I egg her on to do it she very lightly taps my face instead, so then I outburst about how I haven't done anything wrong as she laughs because the store has now closed and gates begin to automatically shut which releases the Sweet Joes who shoot a sweet liquid with alcoholic content that gets you slowly drunker so I'm making a break for it after reobtaining my glasses and just taking the figure and end up in a basement area where other shoppers are with a store that says the word Freece over and over with the rest in Brail. I open the door by pushing which no one thought to do and crawl through a narrow tunnel that lead to upturned asphalt in the parking lot and went home. I recall all of this I was stuck in a sitcom but details too unclear.

Dream 3: I can hardly remember most of the dream but it was zombie-virus related and after a good amount of people, myself included, locked ourselves into a room, it was somehow discovered that the vaccine was for me to hit everyone in the stomach with a large drain pipe cleaner and the starters for scarlet and violet were in the corner represented by glowing white orbs and their future typings.
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So I had a dream that intersected with real life a few days ago. How the hell can this happen? You'll get it once I explain this dream!

So this dream starts out pretty normally: I decide in my dream that I'll be making a music level for Super Mario Maker 2. Suddenly, I hear foot steps from outside my house, and then a whole bunch of weirdos burst into my room! They're here for one reason: they somehow found out I was making a Mario Maker music level, and want THEIR music to be featured in it! Here's the cast of weirdos, each I recall having some sort of argument. Note I'm paraphrasing their arguments, I can't remember exact talking points from a dream lol.

Kirby: "My music kicks ass, and you can have an epic boss battle at the end!"

Reimu: "My music is baller, and you listen to my shit 24/7 anyways."

Solid Snake: "I bet you could do cool shit with a stealth music level."

Luke Skywalker: "If you give Disney a small payment of 3 million dollars, they'll hack the switch for you"


There were more random fictional character too but I don't really remember them.

Anyways, in the end I choose Reimu. But there's a catch. I say something along the lines of "yeah Touhou music is baller. I think I'll make a stage about Cirno's theme with a Frog Suit!"

Reimu gets wide eyed, and I see a vein pop off her forehead. "WHAT THE FUCK YOU PRICK, THAT'S NOT MY THEME, DO NOT DO A STAGE ABOUT THAT DUMBASS FAIRY!"

She then starts shooting shit at me, and it feels like a 3D Touhou game. But something is off... Reimu starts to shoot needle at my chest (yes she actually shoots needles in some of the Touhou games), and I can feel a very odd, uncomfortable tingling sensation. Now, in the past I have "felt" things in dreams, but I usually have a hard time describing them when I wake up. This felt way too "real", and I soon wake up, still having that same feeling, that something is landing on me.

I'm very confused, I clearly woke up because something in REAL LIFE just happened to me, and is still happening. I slowly open my eyes and look at my chest area...


Look, I think spiders are cool. I go out of the way not to harm them cuz they're great at killing pests, and I find them to be fascinating creatures in general. But because one woke me up and its one of the first things I see, its like instinct overrode my usual actions. I was in full "fight or flight" mode, and the caveman part of me had one goal in mind.


So I grab a calculus textbook that was on my night stand (I need to review some calc when I go back to college, Im rusty but have not open the book again yet...), and smash the spider until its a squashed smear on the book. I felt pretty bad after scraping pieces of its corpse off my math textbook, I guess I had some sort of primal moment there!

It's crazy to me though, was my body interpreting the weird feeling of a spider crawling on me as Reimu stabbing me with needles?

On the bright side, I am def making that Mario Maker level later for sure LOL
Any Unova Pokémon fans here remember the whole story about Kyurem and Lacunosa Town? I had a dream about that once. All I can remember is that Kyurem's head was dis-proportionately larger than it should have been, and that after battling it, the cave was suddenly full of dead bodies that appeared out of nowhere, leading me to the horrifying realization about what most likely happened beforehand.

I also had one about two weeks ago that was just as useless as most other dreams I have, until it transitions into a mass shooting from the back of a local Wal-Mart store that eventually that eventually ends with me getting shot in the arm.

And finally, I remember one dream from earlier this year that was very short in length and seemed like I was watching one of those trailers for a new episode of the Pokémon show they release every week. Apparently the focus of the episode was about one of my favorite characters from the Ranger trilogy as opposed to a main series game.

So, uh... yeah, those are my weird dream stories.
Another weird and wacky dream my brain just created before I woke up today, in the span of one hour of sleep from 6 to 7AM. But before, a bit of context.


So I have been taking up (again) and binging through Super Kirby Clash recently. I kinda like grinding a bit after being done with my uni stuff to get some Platinums on the wide roster of bosses. For those who don't know about the game, it is a grindy game in which you have to fight bosses that are on sorts of "wanted" posters as a team of 4 Kirbies (of which you can choose roles such as the busted time-stopping mage, the alright swordsman and doctor and the hammer dude who is fucking ass) to restore piece to the realm of which I forgot the name. I actually beat the true final boss of the main campaign (the non-online one) yesterday, so me dreaming about this game may be due to that.

I've also been thinking about my varsity exams recently, and been taking up my lessons a whole 2 or 3 weeks before the exams (depending on which ones are concerned). I am in my 2nd year studying English-speaking countries literature, language and culture, and the year is harder and more demanding from us students than the last one, so I am kinda worried about my exams.

This context might help you guess what I've been dreaming about. It is about both my exams and Super Kirby Clash. But how did my wacky brain manage to merge these two subjects?


I am entering in a room where I am meant to take my exams. My Switch is in my bag for some reason, and an Asian-looking girl sits right behind me and we begin to talk and even flirt a bit before the exam.

We soon get hit by the terms and conditions of the exam: we have to clear a level called "the Final Battle" as fast as possible and will be graded on how good we fare. For your information, this level really exists in the game. It is the penultimate fight of the main campaign and has you fight the big baddie Parallel Nightmare and then a surprising character he invokes through a portal.

However, in my dream, the level is different. We have to play turn by turn while the scores are projected on a board. The aforementioned Asian girl has to play it right before me, and I look behind to see her play. The fight is against some sort of Mii, and she uses some sort of speedrunner trick that isn't even in the game to skip a phase of the boss (or so I conclude). I look at the board and see the times of the other students, and I realize I'm fucked because they are all very low and likely made use of this trick which I do not know how to perform.

I understand I'm fucked but here goes nothing, I boot up my console and look for the level... and then it's not there. I search everywhere, from the Grasslands to the Decisive Battlefield to the Dreamscape but no fucking way to find it. To make matters worse, I accidentally enter a level which has me fight the Dark Matter Swordsman Clone from Planet Robobot, but I soon see this isn't the right level (though I do not question Dark Matter being in the game as well despite it clearly not being in there normally) and quit the fuck out of it. After a while searching, I lift my head up and just see that I was skipped over and pee my pants.

The end.

What do you think? Do you think that I will fail my exams? I am good at Super Kirby Clash honestly, but not THAT good...
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ok so i dreamed i was watching a baseball game, originally it was like a tv view but then midway through it changed to me watching from the bleachers. i was rooting for one of the teams, but neither of them had any name (that i saw at least). my team was batting for the duration of the dream.

at one point, nancy pelosi of all people came up to bat and got hit by the ball, which apparently counted as a home run. the person on first base she was batting in looked incredibly done with the game and was walking extremely slowly, so pelosi was walking like 2 feet behind her and urging her to hurry up. when she reached home plate she did a little celebration.

at another point, a teammate hit a foul ball and this big kid who looked like he was about 13 years old spawned out of nowhere and ran to first base. i think i learned later on that first base was "where he lived" but this was to be taken in a metaphorical and not literal sense. i don't think he was affiliated with either team.

finally, beauts was up to bat, and i was told that they were batting "with specs pixilate boomburst". there were no visual effects or anything, it was just a style of batting. instead of having a baseball bat, they had both arms stretched diagonally out in front of them with 2 thumbs up, and when the ball came near them it simply got blasted away.

so the first pitch that beauts "hit" looked really promising but was unfortunately barely a foul ball. then they had the brilliant idea to "power it up with normalium z" (this would remove pixilate) and intentionally hit the ball directly up into the air. i remember screaming down that this was really bad and not gonna work, but i don't think they heard me. luckily this was a foul ball as well. the dream ended there but i wanna say we were winning about 14-11 with a very strong batter out so i have high hopes for the outcome of the game
I had a dream a while ago where I was in Stardew Valley, right by the bus. When I entered the bus, Clint was in the driver's seat. This was the night after I unlocked the Bus Repair from the Community Center. Also, I had a dream sometime before that where I was just walking around in the town. I also had a dream about a Rasberry Pi screen, but it was very faint and I couldn't read what it said. I then woke up, set up a Raspberry Pi later in the day, and saw that screen. When I was a kid, I had a dream about chasing an Eevee through a series of light blue rooms. I was weird back then.
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I came home after finding yet another pack of TCG cards by the side of the road (something that has happened twice this week). As I was spreading the cards out to dry since it rained recently, I noticed something. These were pokemon cards, and some of them I didn't recognize, so I concluded that this pack was somehow a result of somebody breaking street date for gen 9. The new mons I noticed were:
  • Galarian Wurmple. Yes, it expressly said Galarian despite this supposedly being for gen 9. Fully white, with wispy strands coming off it not unlike Nintetales-A or Zorua-H. Poison type even though that doesn't exist in TCG.
  • A spider named AWP. Resembles the current design for the Scuttlebug enemy in Mario games, though with white stripes and sneakers on its feet instead of suction cups. Listed as Grass, probably actually Bug because TCG.
  • A heavily armoured turtle resembling the Megaman Zero 4 boss Heat Gemblem (reference pic below). Instead of being on a card, some of its concepts were described in a booklet that accompanied the card pack. Unfortunately, said description was both scrambled like text in dreams usually are and also in French, which I'm pretty rusty with. I wasn't able to get any information out of it.
I dreamt that Phoopes had sent me a quite difficult math problem via discord, and for some reason solving it was very urgent and there would be dire consequences if I didn't. This was the first time smogon has ever encroached on my dreams so it kind of felt like a boundary violation. On top of that I didn't know how to solve the problem and woke up in a shit mood that lasted the whole day. I know that the dream was just a product of my own brain but I'm having a hard time not holding it against phoopes (just kidding shoutout phoopes)
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I dreamt that Phoopes had sent me a quite difficult math problem via discord, and for some reason solving it was very urgent and there would be dire consequences if I didn't. This was the first time smogon has ever encroached on my dreams so it kind of felt like a boundary violation. On top of that I didn't know how to solve the problem and woke up in a shit mood that lasted the whole day. I know that the dream was just a product of my own brain but I'm having a hard time not holding it against phoopes (just kidding shoutout phoopes)

have the solution to the Riemann hypothesis on my desk by the end of the day or I will seize all your material possessions, leaving you destitute
Heads up, this dream I had last night was weirdly depressing.

Essentially from what I recall I was watching one of those "Top 10 mysterious deaths" videos and one of the entries was about a kid who was out with his family only to apparently suddenly remember that he had died serving in the Iraq war in his past life. This supposed evidence of reincarnation came at a terrible cost, for re-gaining these memories plunged the kid into such a state of misery and guilt that he promptly tossed himself into a nearby body of water, drowning himself. The b-roll was a blurry photo of the child mid-jump, the distress on his face being visible even with the blur. The narrator didn't offer any commentary that I can remember but there seemed to be an air of skepticism, as if this story was a cover-up for something more sinister that had happened between the boy and his family. I myself recall thinking "How were they unable to save him if they could somehow manage to take a photo?"
Last night I had a dream where all of Smogon was actually a library (maybe even a Great Library for you old heads) and every time you entered the library was the equivalent to you logging in to the forums. All posts had to be handwritten and then were added to the library when completed. Surprisingly, I saw one of IRL acquaintances that I haven't seen in years in the library. He was writing an extensively long post by hand. I asked him what his username was, and he replied that he was vonFiedler. Idk why my brain made the connection between these two people but it did.

Also in the dream I tried to abuse my moderator powers by editing BIG ASHLEY's No-Post November blog but I was found out and everyone got mad at me.
So I had this dream where I got a job at a gardening supply store. I don't remember all the work I did (I think I knocked some shit over?) and also just did random shit just to be busy. They also had a room where plants were growing in these little flat things of soil that you could interjoin (they were like little green sprouts) and they had a moon version of the soil things that was made of plastic and was unsuited for actually growing plants. It also looked like there was some civilization on the small replica moon.

Also I had a (fully intact) sandwich in my stomach, which had the Jalepeno from Plants vs. Zombies as an ingredient. I could ask it to do things like skip time (apparently its fiery energy had this power) and to heat me up when I was locked in the store, which ended up being to hot and I burst into a giant flame for a second (I was fine). I don't know why I didn't ask Jalepeno just to skip the night, but I digress