Resource Scarlet & Violet BSS Discussion

I really like my Helmet Iron def Appletun that I'm using again, anyone run or see it?

It's great with Tera fairy, I recently put Draco meteor to better hit dragons than pulse, and Skeledirge ignores the debuff. Helmet, iron def, and recover work great together, I've chipped down some kingambits for ex. Apple Acid is a good move too. The stats are fine, is it an ok Mon generally? I mainly have it for breloom, but those seem rare idk.
I've been experimenting with this Dragapult moveset for a bit and it's worked out surprisingly well:

Dragapult @ Focus Sash
Ability: Infiltrator
Level: 50
Tera Type: Steel
EVs: 116 Atk / 140 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Dragon Darts
- Phantom Force
- Fire Blast

Normally, bulky steel types are the biggest thorn in Dragapult's side, but with this EV spread it's able to easily 2HKO most Corviknight builds, even after leftovers recovery. The lower attack investment is also less of a problem with Dragon Dance being able to boost attack even further. Tera Steel allows Dragapult to cover its weaknesses better and more easily set up on pokemon that would otherwise check it, like Mimkyu.
I really like my Helmet Iron def Appletun that I'm using again, anyone run or see it?

It's great with Tera fairy, I recently put Draco meteor to better hit dragons than pulse, and Skeledirge ignores the debuff. Helmet, iron def, and recover work great together, I've chipped down some kingambits for ex. Apple Acid is a good move too. The stats are fine, is it an ok Mon generally? I mainly have it for breloom, but those seem rare idk.
Looks like a good non-fissure dondozo counter too, i’m a fan. Might try it out, could see running covert cloak too for garg and spdef drops. I’ve actually seen a few appletun on the ladder, apple acid is just a good move in a meta like this
yeah. Covert Cloak could work too I'm sure, right now I'm actually running fighting tera Cloak Cryogonal for Garg lol. Immune to Fissure, though idk if it's common. Appletun absolutely hates Trick users, but it's still good w/ waters on the whole like Dondozo and maybe Washtom.

Thick Fat is really great too, you 'resist' stuff like Torch Song, and resist ice if terad. Un tera ice is just 2x SE, compared to the type's 4x weakness. I wwas fairy type and +2 on Baxcalibur, unboosted Icicle Spear does like 35 damage(not %,) if 5 hits.
What could be a good ev spread for a Farigiraf? It has an amazing ability in armor tail, good bulk and high spatk.

A team that ended at 761st place last season was using Farigiraf, the set there seems to be:

H108 B132 C252 D12 S4 with Modest

Twin Beam, Tera Blast (Fighting), Nasty Plot and Grass Knot

It seems like the idea is to check specific Pokemon, namely Amoonguss and Breloom (the bulk is enough to live to live +2 Play Rough from Life Orb Mimikyu guaranteed). There isn't a whole lot written on the blog otherwise though I don't think

I will say that Farigiraf is a Pokemon with a lot of customizability, so try running with this as the base and adjust to fit your party as necessary
What's the most reliable way to beat Unaware Skeledirge with Yawn? This thing is impossible to OHKO, impossible to switch into, and almost impossible to out-wall. I'm at a loss for ideas here.
Why is Gallade unpopular? I have realized it has sharpness and a wide movepool to take advantage for: leaf blade, sacred sword, night slash, aqua cutter, psycho cut, aerial ace, xcissor... He can even 2hko full def don.

252 Atk Life Orb Sharpness Gallade Leaf Blade vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Dondozo: 244-289 (48.4 - 57.3%) -- 91.8% chance to 2HKO

100% 2hko after tera grass.

Yes, he is slow and need lo to kill don (otherwise is 3hko). But I think It can work, with scarf and its wide movepool.
What's the most reliable way to beat Unaware Skeledirge with Yawn? This thing is impossible to OHKO, impossible to switch into, and almost impossible to out-wall. I'm at a loss for ideas here.

Tricking it a scarf can help, though I guess they can still Yawn if rocks are up, or go for Torch Song(at least you'd stop yawn.) I don't have much for this either, as I don't use meta stuff generally, I'm considering tera water Hydro Pump Pinchurchin(sleep immune cause ability of electric terrain.)

I have no idea why gallade is uncommon, but I'm thankful. Decent stats, great ability and movepool. Way back mega gallade saw some use even when talonflame was crazy common lol, I don't see why gallade wouldn't be good job w with a strong ability and so few real flying types that are seen(Mence gets wingbeat, but not DNite which is the more common Mon.)
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Why is Gallade unpopular? I have realized it has sharpness and a wide movepool to take advantage for: leaf blade, sacred sword, night slash, aqua cutter, psycho cut, aerial ace, xcissor... He can even 2hko full def don.

252 Atk Life Orb Sharpness Gallade Leaf Blade vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Dondozo: 244-289 (48.4 - 57.3%) -- 91.8% chance to 2HKO

100% 2hko after tera grass.

Yes, he is slow and need lo to kill don (otherwise is 3hko). But I think It can work, with scarf and its wide movepool.
The thing with Gallade is that there are a lot of high priority threats that are both very common and have an advantageous MU vs him, such as pult, skeledirge, band azu, dragonite, gholdengo to name a few.
I do believe a Scarf set would be the most splashable one since it doesn't need much support to do its thing (every team packs fairy, ghost and flying resists in one way or another) and deals with some common mons like non-scarf hydreigon decently, as well as being able to disrupt most if not all of his defensive answers with Trick (although you can run additional coverage if you so choose); Agility would need screens support but competes with set up mons like the aforementioned dragonite and annihilape (whom offer more than just raw damage on a stick thanks to their greater bulk / access to priority). It's worth noting that Gallade hits much harder than them even with no boosts.

He's definitely an underexplored mon with some great potential, I'll try to experiment with him myself once I get some more time on my hands.
Hello: I'm new to competitive, and I wanted help with my team:


Is it ok? I was thinking of adding Scizor, what do you think?

Greetings from Argentina!
I'm testing out Expert Belt Goodra as a specially defensive 'mon and it seems to be able to pretty reliably 2HKO Skeledirge with Surf.
What could be a good ev spread for a Farigiraf? It has an amazing ability in armor tail, good bulk and high spatk.

Farigiraf works really well as a lead, I've found.

Farigiraf @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Cud Chew
Tera Type: Fairy
Bold Nature
Evs: 252 HP / 60 SpA / 196 Def
- Calm Mind
- Twin Beam
- Tera Blast
- Shadow Ball

With this nature and EV spread, Farigiraf is able to serve as an extremely solid bulky attacker. Notably, with the given EV spread, it's able to OHKO Glimmora after a single Calm Mind boost, both breaking its Focus Sash as well as avoiding triggering Toxic Debris.
Hello: I'm new to competitive, and I wanted help with my team:

View attachment 482757

Is it ok? I was thinking of adding Scizor, what do you think?

Greetings from Argentina!

Looks pretty solid. Other than Hydreigon's Tera type, the only thing I might change myself (which is purely because I don't know much about Cloyster in this meta), is something other than Tera Ice? I know you get the extra damage on Ice Shard/Icicle Spear, but I'm not sure how much that matters after you've gotten Shell Smash off.
I've been experimenting with this Tsareena moveset for a bit and it's worked out surprisingly well:

Tsareena @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Queenly Majesty
Level: 50
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 252Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Play Rough
- Power Whip
- High Jump Kick
- U Turn

This set lets you outspeed every Meowscarada except the scarf one oneshotting it with U-turn and let you check against Palafin lead(they greed for a flipturn), Rotom-water, Azumarill, Breloom and Quaquaval with ease. Queenly Majesty also lets you check Scizor and Dragonite's priority moves but need some predictions. With how common tera-normal Dragonite (many of them do not have fire punch but earthquake and outrage which Tsareena can check easily) has been in the ladder, Tsareena with High Jump Kick also punish them hard. Tera-fairy also allow you to check against dragon types.
Hello: I'm new to competitive, and I wanted help with my team:

View attachment 482757

Is it ok? I was thinking of adding Scizor, what do you think?

Greetings from Argentina!
Looks pretty good, I'd consider investing in a good dondozo counter though, as I don't exactly see one on this team. Your Hydreigon could potentially take on dozo, but in the case theyre running body press that wouldn't really work, and clodsire, while immune to dozo's water moves, can't really do much to dozo in return (most usually run rest);
I've been experimenting with this Tsareena moveset for a bit and it's worked out surprisingly well:

Tsareena @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Queenly Majesty
Level: 50
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 252Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Play Rough
- Power Whip
- High Jump Kick
- U Turn

This set lets you outspeed every Meowscarada except the scarf one oneshotting it with U-turn and let you check against Palafin lead(they greed for a flipturn), Rotom-water, Azumarill, Breloom and Quaquaval with ease. Queenly Majesty also lets you check Scizor and Dragonite's priority moves but need some predictions. With how common tera-normal Dragonite (many of them do not have fire punch but earthquake and outrage which Tsareena can check easily) has been in the ladder, Tsareena with High Jump Kick also punish them hard. Tera-fairy also allow you to check against dragon types.

Very interesting. Can trop kick work the same way as power whip? That 85 acc heavily dislikes me...
Very interesting. Can trop kick work the same way as power whip? That 85 acc heavily dislikes me...
Yes and no... Trop kick is more reliable and has 100% chance to lower enemy's attack. However, Trop kick doesn't OHKO palafin in either form while power whip can. Same logic applies to Azumarill and Rotom Water too. I think trop kick can work if you pref attack drop than the OHKO potential.
What are some things people use for Annhilape? I don't know many. Rn trained a Normal Tera Swalot(yes lol.) The Liquid Ooze hurts Ape a lot.

I like to use odd stuff, but certainly I'd expect there are common options. What are they?
What are some things people use for Annhilape? I don't know many. Rn trained a Normal Tera Swalot(yes lol.) The Liquid Ooze hurts Ape a lot.

I like to use odd stuff, but certainly I'd expect there are common options. What are they?

The Firagiraf set that I posted earlier in this thread is the most consistent check to Annihilape I've found. A physically bulky normal type that's neutral to Drain Punch is probably as good as you're going to get until Hisuian Zoroark is available.
Oh right good point. I have a trained Farigiraf, I might go back to it.

Also, for me it'd be a good idea to beat Dragalge. I'm horribly weak to it, and though it's rare idk why. 196+SpA almost always ohkos at +1, is that investment ok? I was told odd numbers for stats you're boosting, so is 4 SpD and Spe with just 52 def ok? Calcing atm.

Edit: is Baton pass ok? My appletun with passed cm(s) becomes ridiculous, cause it's iron def. Helps most of team. But idk if a BP set should be sap sipper or cud chew.

Additionally, could you run.Uprpar for hippo?

+1 196+ SpA Farigiraf Uproar vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Hippowdon: 141-166 (65.5 - 77.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
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