CAP 2 Smogon "Create a Pokemon" Part Deux: Poll 3

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Well for HP, I guess a question to consider is if we want thing to be able to pull of Pain Split Well or just go without means of healing outside of Wish support from other members.

I don't think any fighting type gets a reliable recover move and Ghosts only really have Pain Split. I may be wrong though.
Make it 30/300/1//3/1/200 lol
Total:525 with 300 attack and 200 speed,but easily killed by everything
Give him Adaptability,Shadow Sneak,Mach Punch and Belly Drum.Plus Dragon Claw.

Haha,seriously,a BALANCED would be cool,something like:
110/115/80/90/50/80 woud be cool(ok,not so balanced,but a bulky somewhat fast physical sweeper)
Hyra didn't send me a PM like I was waiting for, so I'm crashing this party!

90/ 105/ 85/ 92/ 70/ 103 = 545 BST

Haha Garchomp, suck on that. A bit bulky for a Ghost, but if we're thinking Bulk Up, I say go for it. Attacks are fairly balanced. I was going for a Garchomp thing, where the Attack is the best stat, but with a decent Sp. Attack. Too bad it turned out like Swampert. I'll probably get some people screaming "That speed makes it broken!!!!" but honestly, it doesn't have much in the way of attacks to back it up, and the guaranteed counters (any OU Flying or Psychic pokemon with a good STAB, i.e. everything) will still outspeed it.
Could I get opinions on the Stat spread that I've come up with as Hyra requested me to submit one...
110 / 95 / 90 / 75 / 70 / 85
bst =525

I like it. Sp. Def should be 80 minimum tho. Personally, I would add another 10-15 to SpDef and bring it up to 535-540 BST. If you really don't want to break 525, then I would move 10 from HP to Sp. Def.

The biggest knock against this spread, is that it does nothing well. I'm OK with that, because the typing is so good offensively and defensively. I also think this will have a huge movepool, so the stats can be very balanced.
medium. on the slowish end i think, but if it's higher, then i'm just going to vote for lower offenses.
@ Deck night - I didn't really want to break 85 Base speed as that looks to be our max and anything more just begs to have a Choice Scarf wacked on it, which seems incredibly lazy.

@ Doug Just Doug - Sounds good. Of course it depends on what the BST is. If the BST ends up being something like 535-545 the I'll dump the extra 10 into Sdef.
People have been discussing spreads since we decided on the type. Before that, even!

Anyway, we're only one poll away as Medium speed seems to have won.

And in my defence, I'm only posting mine as it will be my last chance to go onto Smogon for a week...
Personally I wanted to wait until Hyra actually request BST spreads but everyone's is spamming their like crazy so I thought I'll show my idea, but before I do I like to see how well it looks when compare to our OU mud puppy, Swampert

100/110/90/85/90/60 = 535

While basing my stat spread on Swampert's, I tried to make it alittle more beefy on the phyicsal side

90/100/105/80/90/60 = 515

Personally I think it looks okay to me.
I think it should be

a bit higher then medium. If it were to be a counter to cross, I say it should have atleast base 86 speed, to outspeed it. Or 91 if we want it to be able to switch in to Porygon-z's tri Beam, and KO with somthing.Then It should also have the defence to have a chaince to survive:

Weavile Pursuit
Tyranitar Crunch
Heracross Nightslash

Then it should be able to kill Heracross, Tyranitar,Weavile,Porygon-Z, and be able to 2HKO Cressy with Stab. And 2HKO Blissey with it's strongest None stab attack.

Also, a few of these should be good, all of them of them would be broken I think
So a spread would look kinda like this:


Enough to Out speed everything it needs to counter. Gets in on about everything.Solid Defences work well with typing. S.Def needs to be on the lowside, so it isn't the perfect wall. 80 S.Atk is so it could mix sweeper slightly.
I'm no good with BSTs or any of the technical stuff for that matter. I'll stick with my sorta defined role for trying to create visual aspects of pokemon. :(

Sorry I suck.
I'm no good with BSTs or any of the technical stuff for that matter. I'll stick with my sorta defined role for trying to create visual aspects of pokemon. :(

Sorry I suck.

Anyone can be a BST wonk given a short amount of time. Art (at least good art) may be a skill, but it takes years to develop it well for many people. Especially internet Art since mice aren't exactly as sensitive as the human hand.

Advantages of 85 Speed:

Can outspeed Max Speed Jolly Breloom (269 vs. 262) without +Speed nature.
Ties Heracross.
Allows a pokemon to beat Max speed Base 130's with Choice Scarf without a +Speed nature.


There are loads of 80 Base Speed pokemon that use +Speed natures.
Still rather middling.
Takes away more points from other stats.

Advantages of 80 Base speed:

Outspeeds nuetral speed natured Heatran, Metagross, and Breloom.
Beats everything below Base 130 speed with Choice Scarf.


Needs +Speed nature to beat Base 130's with Choice Scarf.
Shares a large number of pokemon with +Speed natures.

Advantages of 75 Base Speed:

Beats nuetral natured Breloom and Heracross.


Very middling, and slower than a lot of base 80 and 85s.

Advantages of 70 Base Speed:

Compared to 85, gives a lot of room to improve other stats while still allowing a +Speed nature to beat Base 80s.


Ties many common pokemon like Metagross and Breloom, requiring a lot of Speed EVs if you want to outspeed them.

Advantages of 65 Base Speed:

Beats Swampert, Abomasnow, and Tyranitar. Minor investment needed t outspeed Skarmory.
Allows the most stats to be distributed elsewhere in the medium speed range.


Without Speed EVs, slower than Skarmory. Pretty much always slower than Breloom.
I might suck, but I'll take a crack anyway though. ;o

Basically, I feel the HP should be moderate, but with enough to take advantage of its typing. Every fully evolved Ghost type, barring Giratina and Drifblim, have HP stats in between 45-70. Dusknoir being the lowest and Froslass the highest.

Now, as per a rule, and mostly due to the properties of being a ghost pokemon, they have subpar defenses. Dusknoir and Spiritomb break this rule, but their reduced HP helps to balance things out a bit.

So, since we aimed for our guy to be physically strong with bulky defenses, I feel we can compromise a bit with our HP and defenses.

As for speed, due to the nature of our pokemon, medium speed would work best due to him being more physically oriented. Think about it, aren't bulkier fighters a bit slower than lighter ones? A good comparison would be comparing Medieval Knights to Ninjas. The knights have the better defenses and raw power, but the ninja excels at stealth and speed while sacrificing armor, thus making him more vulnerable.

In terms of speed, Ghost types and fighters can be seem at mixed spectrums. The lowest of the Ghost and Fighting types would be Spiritomb with his amazing 35 speed stat. The fastest of these particular types is Infernape with his 108 base speed. We can easily compare the two as the Knight and Ninja. Infernape has amazing speed and power to cover up his weak defenses, much like how a ninja has to be quick and overtake foes before they have a chance to retaliate or else his lack of defenses will be his own undoing.

Spiritomb on the other hand is more heavily built and can take the hits, but this also nerfs his speed by quite alot, as would a suit of armor. However, the armor allows for the fighter to stay longer to deal more blows to his opponent.

Given that our guy will most likely be a bulkier physical creation, a bit of a cutback in speed might not be too much to ask. He'll have the appropriate staying power with his defenses to be able to fight valiantly.

With those points made, this is a beta spread I humbly propose:

HP: 65
Atk: 120
Def: 110
SpAtk: 80
SDef: 85
Speed: 65

Total: 525

Hopefully you'll find everything balanced out well enough?

Also, going back to my recovery thing. Since I believe his HP might be high enough to evade the need for Pain Split, Drain Punch might be a viable option for HP recovery, even if it might just be a gimic.
HP: 65
Atk: 120
Def: 110
SpAtk: 80
SDef: 85
Speed: 65

Total: 525

271 HP
256 Def
206 Sp. Def

Current Defense Tier: 116.96, 114.68

Physical Def Tier: Scizor, Harriyama
Sp. Def Tier: Scizor, Aerodactyl, Starmie

Those defenses give you Scizor without Scizor's amazing resists. Harriyama beats this pokemon easily in Sp. Def still, so I suggest making it a bit more physically oriented, with a bit less HP so it gets more of a ghost feel.

HP: 60 (-5)
Atk: 120
Def: 110 (+20)
SpAtk: 60 (-20)
SDef: 85
Speed: 70 (+5)

261 HP
296 Def
206 Sp. Def

Defense Tier: 118.09
Sp. Def Tier: 114.28

Similar Pokemon in Defenses: Gliscor (both sides).

This gives it enough power to tank, enough speed to outrun 0 speed Cresselia more easily, and a bit more vunerable on the Sp. Def side.
A spread of 60/120/130/60/85/70 works well enough for me too. It still fits the bulky knight description I kinda had for him in comparison.

Thanks for the little defense thing by the way. ;o

65/105/115/50/125/65 (Speed last) = 525 BST

Low HP allows Pain Split to remain a viable option. High defenses allow general tankiness. Low Satk means it can't really hurt physical walls too much (bar Cress, Dusk, Uxie or Umbreon, but only the first 2 are commonly seen/used), and low speed stops it abusing it's awesome offensive typing. Could utilize Sub and Focus Punch along with Shadow Claw/Sneak and Pain Split or a Boosting Move. Take special hits a bit worse than Dusknoir and physical hits roughly as well as Bronzong. Hits about as hard as Infernape on the Physical side, and a bit weaker than Forretress (LOL) on the special side. As fast as Scizor or Vaporeon. Same BST as the Eveeloutions or Dusknoir (Who is a good pokemon to compare our new ghost too.)

Reposting as I was skipped :(

Comments etc please guys :)
Definitely going with Medium on this one.

Once again, I'd like to request that I be able to submit a base statistic spread when we have chosen the general range. I know it may be somewhat annoying how insistent I seem, but I just want to make sure that my name is not lost in the shuffle of the hundreds of posts these topics receive.

On the topic of spreads, I would propose something like this:

90 HP
98 Attack
95 Defense
65 Sp.Atk
110 Sp.Def
82 Speed

This spread has several interesting advantages. It has very impressive special defense right off the bat. With an Maximum HP of 384, it hits a great number for Leftovers recovery. It really does not need over 400 HP, seeing as it is immune to Seismic Toss. Now, with its great Special Defense, it can focus on building up the other side with the inevitable Bulk Up. Bulk Up builds up its Attack and Defense, acting kind of like a reverse-Suicune. Suicune focuses on Defense, and its Special Attack and Special Defense get their rises through Calm Mind. This Pokemon would work in the opposite way. Now, the 82 Speed helps it out-speed all Base-80 Pokemon, and it can also be neglected altogether (in favor or bulkier builds) and still out-speed a lot of no-speed tanks. Plus, this could potentially have access to Shadow Sneak and Mach Punch, but we'll get there when we get there.

Hurray for base spreads! I sincerely hope that I can submit a spread ... I have been wanting to do so for a long time and have taken every effort possible to display my interest and (hopeful) competence in the matter.
Definitely, medium, and in fact, I'd like to hit the lower spectrum, i.e., 60-65 speed. Why? To have a useless speed stat. This thing will be able to defend on both sides of the spectrum, to attack well with its good physical attacking stat, and being a ghost, it will have for sure quite some support/status options. Having lowish (but not TR worthy) speed will let it focus on its other spread stats.

So far, the best spread I've seen is this:

90/100/105/80/90/60 = 515

Personally I think it looks okay to me.

I'd raise attack to 105, or even 110 (but not a single point more), lower special attack to 75, and raise special defense to 95, but honestly, if that one were the one chosen, I'd be quite happy.
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