Project SV NU Personal Viability Rankings Discussion


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Personal NU VR Discussion

:goodra: :oricorio-pom-pom: :passimian: :vaporeon: :sandaconda: :bruxish: :chansey: :medicham: :zoroark: :mabosstiff: :venomoth: :umbreon: :copperajah:

Due to subjectivity with tiering, people will have differing opinions on where Pokemon land on the viability rankings. In lower tiers, new meta trends can shape how the tier is played and how Pokemon are viewed as new, viable threats, or as strictly flavor-of-the-month Pokemon. In teambuilding, each person has an individual view on how certain Pokemon blend into the meta and carve niches for themselves in a dynamically shifting metagame. With this thread, Everyone can share their own personal viability rankings and provide some insight into their thought processes on where you think the Pokemon should fall.

  1. No shitposting :) I've linked a post from Rabia and one from Lunala from the SM edition to show an example of good posts
  2. If placements are obvious, comments do not need to be made on those Pokemon
  3. Feel free to rank the Pokemon as you'd like, as long as the system is comprehensible and we can understand how your system works
    1. As a suggestion, you can rank them in the usual format (S to C/D, with sub-ranks) or the alpha VR Top / High / Mid / Low ones. You can also add an UR ranking, if you want to comment on possibly controversial ones.
  4. If the rankings are massive, use hidetags
  5. You can comment on your own rankings and other users too, but let's keep it cordial; if someone ranked highly a Pokémon you think has no place in the tier, that just means you guys have different views on the meta. You can talk about why you don't agree with it, but don't go too far.
This is going to be very horribly inaccurate but here we go;

S Rank
:Passimian: Passimian
:Oricorio-Pom Pom:Oricorio-Pom Pom

In my opinion, these four are certainly above the rest. Specs Goodra is insane, hard to switch into, decent speed tier and bulky? What else do you need? Passimian is really splashable, fightings are so good right now and the fact Passimian has u-turn + knock off for utility is just insane. It will always make progress versus you. Oricorio-Pom Pom has an amazing defensive typing that allows it to set up QD's pretty easily while also having good defogging sets and checking other QD's in the tier such as Oricorio-Sensu. Bruxish is really hard to switch into with its high power stabs, it even has priority to make it even more busted.

:dudunsparce: Dudunsparce
:Medicham: Medicham

Very solid, Venomoth would be S tier but just has a few MU's where it struggles like Chansey, Crocalor, Oricorio's, etc. Zangoose Belly Drum sets are broken but they do require a lot of support and otherwise toxic boost sets aren't the greatest but still strong. Sandaconda is a great physical wall and one of the only viable grounds, able to spread para and set up rocks reliably throughout a game. Vaporeon is vital as a defensive check to dominant waters such as Bruxish and you'll find yourself in a tough situation if you let it get too many Calm Minds late game. Toxicroak is a monster, its very good at breaking down opposing teams with SD sets and Tera Dark gives it some nice STAB priority on sucker punch as well while now also making it immune to Bruxish's STABS. It's also another fighting and as we established, those are busted. Mabosstiff. Banded/Scarf Stakeout with good coverage? Need i say more? Dudunsparce is very versatile while having a lot of incredibly threatening sets it can run. Braviary is one of the only viable defoggers at the moment while also being good offensively, Medicham is another broken fighting but it you won't find it offering much other than breaking power, which admittedly is insane.

:frosmoth: Frosmoth
:perrserker: Perrserker
:haunter: Haunter
:drifblim: Drifblim

All of these are also great but not to the extend of the people above. Muk is really great at dealing with the QD'ers of the tier rn with haze, can spread tspikes and also poison in general with poison touch whittling down its checks, curse sets are also good. It would be higher if Sandaconda wasn't such a pain for it. Frosmoth is a cool QD'er that has a good MU versus the Oricorio's while also benefitting a lot from Terastallizing. It's low physical bulk and lack luster speed can be an issue at times however. Perrserker and Copperajah are really similar but Perrserker is more threatening and can act as a pivot which makes it more suited for offensive in my opinion while Copperajah has better supporting moves and bulk overall making it better on balance builds. Haunter i've heard great things about due to Nasty Plot sets and great coverage, its offensive stats are great too so i don't doubt it at all. Drifblim is a great defogger with the options to spread burn or paralysis while also having a good offensive unburden set, very cool. Spiritomb is loving a meta without any viable fairy types, all it has to worry about its Tera Fairies and that's fine enough for it. Crotomb sets are underrated as well in my opinion due to not many dark type answers.

:farigiraf: Farigiraf
:crocalor: Crocalor
:Oricorio-Sensu: Oricorio-Sensu
:Jolteon: Jolteon
:Eelektross: Eelektross
:rotom-frost: Rotom-Frost
:houndoom: Houndoom
:ursaring: Ursaring

The last people of the A tier. Farigiraf is incredibly strong on offense but needs a lot of support to work out. Crocalor is a cool unaware wall but it's rock weakness can hurt it a bit. With some pressure, you'll be able to break through it fine. Oricorio-Sensu is great but a lot of competition for it at the moment and it really does not like the existance of Oricorio-Pom Pom as a dominant mon in the tier. Jolteon is another great mon, but frankly a bit too reliant on tera to go any further in my opinion. Eelektross serves as an amazing pivot also being offensively potent, underrated in my opnion. Rotom-Frost is another underrated electric, it is so hard to stop this mon from volting all over you, as grounds absolutely hate Blizzard. Houndoom has great stabs and is able to break down stall teams really well. Ursaring is incredibly bulky with Eviolite and a very threatening wincon for balance.


:basculin: Basculin
:vespiquen: Vespiquen
:clawitzer: Clawitizer
:honchkrow: Honchkrow
:klawf: Klawf
:pyroar: Pyroar
:scyther: Scyther
:whiscash: Whiscash

These mons are great but have a few nasty flaws that can limit them. Basculin has some amazing traits such as Adaptability but there are quite a few water immune Pokemon in the meta that can give it a rough time such as Toxicroak and Vaporeon. Vespiquen loves this meta at the moment with a 4x fighting resist, access to toxic + u-turn to make a good pivot and to add to this, Spikes. Clawitizer has insane breaking power, but is very slow which can be a bit nasty for it at times. Honchkrow has great breaking power as well but is a little bit too slow and is liable to killing itself with Brave Birds if you aren't using Acrobatics. Klawf has Rocks + Koff and Regenerator, just poor typing. Pyroar is fast and has good breaking potiential. Scyther can struggle with some stuff in the meta like the Oricorio's but hey, it can SD and pivot out with U-turn and thats pretty cool. Whiscash guarantees HO some hazards at the start of a game, a very valuable asset. Magneton is a Steel Type, a rare typing in this meta and fits well on VoltTurn teams. Rabsca is fine enough with Calm Mind + Recover with good coverage.


:veluza: Veluza
:rotom: Rotom
:vivillon: Vivillon
:oricorio: Oricorio
:jumpluff: Jumpluff

These guys are pretty outclassed for the most part but function fine enough. Veluza struggles in the shadow of Bruxish with only Fillet Away to differentiate itself. Rotom has a lot of electric and ghost type competition but otherwise it performs fine. Vivillon has a lot of QD competition as well with the likes of Venomoth and the Oricorio's being here but Compound Eyes + Sleep Powder + Hurricane. Oricorio is worse then its two other forms but it has a better MU versus Frosmoth so yeah.


:crabominable: Crabominable
:oricorio-pau: Oricorio-Pa'u
:cacturne: Cacturne
:golduck: Golduck
:flapple: Flapple

These are more on the niche side but fine enough. Morgrem is a good dual screener but its absolutely useless versus Dark types and that can be a big problem with Mabosstiff running around. Squawkabilly has a lot of strength but struggles to compete with Zangoose as a "guts" user. Crabominable has a lot of competition with the other fightings but its bulk + STAB combination can make up for it. Oricorio-Pa'u is like Oricorio, except the MU lies with Medicham instead, which feels just kinda meh. Cacturne has an amazing MU versus Bruxish but its still Cacturne. Golduck is a water with fine stats + Nasty Plot and good coverage, fits very well on manual rain too. Flapple probably belongs here because its still incredibly strong with Hustle sets.

:frogadier: Frogadier
:toedscool: Toedscool
:electrode: Electrode
:qwilfish: Qwilfish

These Pokemon are very niche. Frogadier is the fastest Pokemon with Taunt + Spikes. Does that make it viable? I guess. Toedscool movepool is absolutely cracked and a decent ability for it but the thing is, no reliable recovery and stats are mediocre. Electrode is an okay manual rain setter, so thats why its here. Qwilfish is so awkward; its a poison type with intimidate, must be good versus fightings right? Wrong. Passimian has Defiant, Medicham slaps with Psychic STAB and it can't touch Toxicroak. L for Qwilfish.
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S Rank
:goodra: Goodra
:oricorio-pom-pom: Oricorio-Pom-Pom
:Passimian: Passimian

S- Rank
:bruxish: Bruxish
:sandaconda: Sandaconda - Glare is broken
:vaporeon: Vaporeon

A+ Rank
:copperajah: Copperajah
:frosmoth: Frosmoth
:mabosstiff: Mabosstiff
:muk: Muk - Muk is insane and deserves this spot amongst the strongest mons.
:tauros-paldea-combat: Tauros-Paldea - Underrated Fighting-type, better than Medicham.
:toxicroak: Toxicroak
:umbreon: Umbreon
:venomoth: Venomoth

A Rank
:chansey: Chansey - Could see it being lower ngl, really passive and doesn't do too much most games.
:Crabominable: Crabominable
:drifblim: Drifblim - Better than Braviary as hazard removal due to Ghost-typing, Will-O-Wisp, Strength Sap, and Aftermath.
:Dudunsparce-three-segment: Dudunsparce
:Farigiraf: Farigiraf
:haunter: Haunter - Haven't seen or used yet, but in theory this thing is busted.
:Lycanroc: Lycanroc
:Medicham: Medicham - Overhyped and exploitable if you play your cards right.
:Oricorio-Sensu: Oricorio-Sensu
:perrserker: Perrserker
:Rotom: Rotom

A- Rank
:Braviary: Braviary
:crocalor: Crocalor
:clawitzer: Clawitzer
:eelektross: Eelektross
:hattrem: Hattrem - Great mon to throw on any team. Magic Bounce is great when it can scare off most hazard setters while Nuzzle cripples their switches.
:houndoom: Houndoom
:Jolteon: Jolteon
:Quaxwell: Quaxwell
:Zangoose: Zangoose
:zoroark: Zoroark

B+ Rank
:Honchkrow: Honchkrow
:klawf: Klawf
:pyroar: Pyroar
:Qwilfish: Qwilfish
:rotom-frost: Rotom-Frost
:skuntank: Skuntank
:Spiritomb: Spiritomb
:ursaring: Ursaring
:vespiquen: Vespiquen - Why does it never die?

B Rank
:Basculin: Baculin
:cacturne: Cacturne
:Indeedee-f: Indeedee-F
:lilligant: Lilligant
:lurantis: Lurantis
:magneton: Magneton
:Oricorio: Oricorio
:Oricorio-Pa’u: Oricorio-Pa’u
:sawsbuck: Sawsbuck
:scyther: Scyther
:Vivillon: Vivillon

B- Rank
:appletun: Appletun
:Masquerain: Masquerain
:Morgrem: Morgrem
:rabsca: Rabsca - Surprised Revival Blessing isn't as broken in the tier as it should be.
:Squawkabilly: Squawkabilly - Use Zangoose or Ursaring.
:Veluza: Veluza
:Whiscash: Whiscash
NU Personal VR

S Rank:

Pokemon in this rank fill all of the main criteria and then some with a strong proficiency in one or more of the positive traits. If a Pokemon in this rank has any downsides, they are usually tame or eclipsed by their obvious assets.

S Rank
:goodra: Goodra
:oricorio-pom-pom: Oricorio-Pom-Pom
:passimian: Passimian

A Rank:
Pokemon in this rank may fill the majority or all of the positive criteria. These Pokemon may have one major or a handful of minor negative characteristics that could set them back.

A+ Rank
:sandaconda: Sandaconda
:copperajah: Copperajah
:vaporeon: Vaporeon
:bruxish: Bruxish
:muk: Muk
:tauros-paldea-combat: Tauros-Paldea-Combat
:venomoth: Venomoth

A Rank
:mabosstiff: Mabosstiff
:umbreon: Umbreon
:frosmoth: Frosmoth
:toxicroak: Toxicroak
:vespiquen: Vespiquen
:skuntank: Skuntank
:crabominable: Crabominable
:zoroark: Zoroark

A- Rank
:chansey: Chansey
:drifblim: Drifblim
:jolteon: Jolteon - Strong Volt Switches after a CM
:eelektross: Eelektross
:dudunsparce: Dudunsparce
:farigiraf: Farigiraf
:medicham: Medicham - Hard to switch into, but that's about it. Dual priority is nice
:lycanroc: Lycanroc - Priority against Quiver Dancers, Suicide lead also guarantees rocks most of the time
:klawf: Klawf - Regen + Rock Helmet checks some Physical attackers like Honchkrow well, can Knock Off boots too
:haunter: Haunter - Should probably run Focus Blast over Dazzling Gleam since it has that now
:rotom: Rotom

B Rank:
Pokemon in this rank do an alright job fulfilling criteria, albeit not as convincingly. These Pokemon will have some issues you should be accounting for while building your team.

B+ Rank
:oricorio-sensu: Oricorio-Sensu
:crocalor: Crocalor
:braviary: Braviary
:pyroar: Pyroar
:magneton: Magneton
:clawitzer: Clawitzer
:hattrem: Hattrem - Magic Bounce + Nuzzle
:zangoose: Zangoose
:basculin: Basculin

B Rank
:scyther: Scyther
:lurantis: Lurantis
:spiritomb: Spiritomb - CroTomb or WispHex Foul Play are good
:morgrem: Morgrem - Screens is still annoying
:honchkrow: Honchkrow
:rotom-frost: Rotom-Frost
:ursaring: Ursaring - SpDef Bulk Up is so hard to kill and deals so much damage in return
:houndoom: Houndoom
:vivillon: Vivillon
:cacturne: Cacturne - Reliable Bruxish answer

B- Rank
:sawsbuck: Sawsbuck - 95 Speed with 60% chance to flinch is annoying
:veluza: Veluza - Hard to set-up and vulnerable to revenge killing, but Stored Power Mold Breaker sets can do well
:lilligant: Lilligant
:whiscash: Whiscash
:perrserker: Perrserker
:oricorio: Oricorio
:qwilfish: Qwilfish
:murkrow: Murkrow - Prankster weather setter with Haze if needed
:rabsca: Rabsca - Revival Blessing doesn't work that great on a mon with 45 Speed
:leafeon: Leafeon - Needs Sun, but can work without it occasionally
:scovillain: Scovillain - Reliant on Sun
:quaxwell: Quaxwell - Not high on this, but it's the best spinner in the tier

C Rank:
Pokemon in this rank do a mediocre job at filling criteria. The sizable amount of negative characteristics associated with these Pokemon are something to weigh against their positives before you fit one on a team.

C+ Rank
:masquerain: Masquerain
:glimmet: Glimmet
:jumpluff: Jumpluff - Surprisingly strong after an SD, can also set Screens and Memento
:tinkatuff: Tinkatuff - Combination of Knock Off, Encore, and Thunder Wave is annoying to deal with, but it's passive otherwise
:flareon: Flareon - Guts + Trailblaze
:spidops: Spidops - Decently bulky against physical attackers, has multiple hazards too
:carkol: Carkol - Hazards + Spin, cripples with Wisp and Flame Body

C Rank
:camerupt: Camerupt
:flapple: Flapple
:gogoat: Gogoat
:appletun: Appletun
:squawkabilly: Squawkabilly
:squawkabilly-blue: Squawkabilly-Blue - Green and Blue have Hustle

C- Rank
:toedscool: Toedscool - Unblockable Spore, can set hazards and spin, knocks off items.
:glaceon: Glaceon - Technically Specs Freeze Dry should be hard to switch into
:dunsparce: Dunsparce - Eviolite makes it hard to kill
:banette: Banette - Could work in theory with SD and Knock Off, but reliant on Shadow Sneak to make up for its poor speed
:squawkabilly-yellow: Squawkabilly-Yellow
:squawkabilly-white: Squawkabilly-White
:dugtrio: Dugtrio - Fast EQs and Stone Edges
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S Rank:
Pokemon in this rank fill all of the main criteria and then some with a strong proficiency in one or more of the positive traits. If a Pokemon in this rank has any downsides, they are usually tame or eclipsed by their obvious assets.

S Rank
:goodra: Goodra
:oricorio-pom-pom: Oricorio-Pom-Pom
:passimian: Passimian

A Rank:
Pokemon in this rank may fill the majority or all of the positive criteria. These Pokemon may have one major or a handful of minor negative characteristics that could set them back.

A+ Rank
:sandaconda: Sandaconda
:vaporeon: Vaporeon
:bruxish: Bruxish
:muk: Muk
:tauros-paldea-combat: Tauros-Paldea-Combat
:chansey: Chansey

A Rank
:mabosstiff: Mabosstiff
:umbreon: Umbreon
:toxicroak: Toxicroak
:venomoth: Venomoth
:vespiquen: Vespiquen
:copperajah: Copperajah

A- Rank
:jolteon: Jolteon
:dudunsparce: Dudunsparce
:skuntank: Skuntank
:zoroark: Zoroark
:crabominable: Crabominable
:medicham: Medicham
:lycanroc: Lycanroc
:haunter: Haunter

B Rank:
Pokemon in this rank do an alright job fulfilling criteria, albeit not as convincingly. These Pokemon will have some issues you should be accounting for while building your team.

B+ Rank
:crocalor: Crocalor
:rotom: Rotom
:braviary: Braviary
:pyroar: Pyroar
:klawf: Klawf
:eelektross: Eelektross
:clawitzer: Clawitzer
:hattrem: Hattrem
:farigiraf: Farigiraf
:zangoose: Zangoose
:basculin: Basculin
:ursaring: Ursaring
:cacturne: Cacturne
:perrserker: Perrserker
:frosmoth: Frosmoth

B Rank
:scyther: Scyther
:drifblim: Drifblim
:magneton: Magneton
:oricorio-sensu: Oricorio-Sensu
:spiritomb: Spiritomb
:morgrem: Morgrem
:honchkrow: Honchkrow
:rotom-frost: Rotom-Frost
:houndoom: Houndoom
:vivillon: Vivillon
:lilligant: Lilligant
:veluza: Veluza
:whiscash: Whiscash

B- Rank
:squawkabilly: Squawkabilly
:squawkabilly-blue: Squawkabilly-Blue
:qwilfish: Qwilfish
:rabsca: Rabsca
:lurantis: Lurantis
:frogadier: Frogadier
:quaxwell: Quaxwell
:jumpluff: Jumpluff

C Rank:
Pokemon in this rank do a mediocre job at filling criteria. The sizable amount of negative characteristics associated with these Pokemon are something to weigh against their positives before you fit one on a team.

C+ Rank
:masquerain: Masquerain
:sawsbuck: Sawsbuck
:scovillain: Scovillain
:glimmet: Glimmet
:tinkatuff: Tinkatuff
:flareon: Flareon
:spidops: Spidops
:carkol: Carkol
:appletun: Appletun

C Rank
:camerupt: Camerupt
:flapple: Flapple
:gogoat: Gogoat
:leafeon: Leafeon
:oricorio: Oricorio
:oricorio-pau: Oricorio-pau
:murkrow: Murkrow

C- Rank
:toedscool: Toedscool
:glaceon: Glaceon
:banette: Banette
:squawkabilly-yellow: Squawkabilly-Yellow
:squawkabilly-white: Squawkabilly-White
:dugtrio: Dugtrio

:goodra: Goodra
:oricorio-pom-pom: Oricorio-Pom-Pom
:passimian: Passimian
:vaporeon: Vaporeon

These four define the tier from a balance standpoint and are generally easy to use on most builds. Goodra soft checks a ton, i.e. Dudunsparce, Venomoth, Jolteon, and more, and is probably the best wallbreaker in the format. Oricorio-E is simply an absurdly good setup sweeper whose potency is amplified by Tera, and its Defog set is really nice for the tier. Passimian is god once again, being a great revenge killer, pivot, and late-game cleaner with Tera Fighting. Vaporeon does the same as last generation---sitting in front of foes and stalling them forever---except this time around, Haze is a ton more viable. It also can be a good setup sweeper with Calm Mind now and not just be Toxicroak fodder!


:braviary: Braviary
:bruxish: Bruxish
:copperajah: Copperajah
:dudunsparce: Dudunsparce
:Frosmoth: Frosmoth
:Mabosstiff: Mabosstiff
:sandaconda: Sandaconda
:toxicroak: Toxicroak
:venomoth: Venomoth

All of these Pokemon were to me 1) broken lol or 2) really great building tools just a notch below the S rank guys. Copperajah I rate very highly as a Steel-type; it just ends up stat checking so much, and Whirlwind is really nice to fall back on against some of the bulky setup sweepers. Sandaconda might have an argument for S down the line, but I view the S-rank guys as more defining and generally just a notch above it.


:chansey: Chansey
:farigiraf: Farigiraf
:Jolteon: Jolteon
:Medicham: Medicham
:Muk: Muk
:Oricorio-sensu: Oricorio-Sensu
:tauros-paldea: Tauros-Paldea
:umbreon: Umbreon
:zoroark: Zoroark

Strong Pokemon that, although meta, have enough competition to keep them lower. Chansey is a passive cunt that somehow loses to Oricorio-E :D Farigiraf is insane but tied to offense builds so far, which are strong but maybe not as defining as they could be to push it to a higher rank. Jolteon is pretty reliant on Tera, but its common Tera types actually mess with its counterplay so well lmao. Medicham is absurd but offers nothing beyond wallbreaking power, would probably rate it 4th among the Fighting-types for that alone. Muk is great, nice special wall with a ton of versatility between T Spikes, Curse, CB, etc. Oricorio-G would be better if the cheerleader variant wasn't around, also weaker to random Knock Off :( Paldean Tauros is really annoying because of how bulky it is LOL, really nice coverage to go along with its really well distributed stats. Umbreon feels like it should be S, but I think Vaporeon oftentimes is a better standalone defensive option that fills the same niche. Zoroark will perpetually feels like it's ass, but I'll rate it more highly for now given the dearth of great Dark-type checks.


:Drifblim: Drifblim
:haunter: Haunter
:Lycanroc: Lycanroc
:perrserker: Perrserker
:Ursaring: Ursaring
:Vespiquen: Vespiquen
:zangoose: Zangoose

Drifblim and Haunter I rate here mostly for potential; Terrain could easily unlock Drifblim, and Haunter's movepool buffs are really good. It's mostly a matter of seeing them in action more for me. I think Perrserker is just outclassed by Copperajah, but being able to pivot is cool. Ursaring is a bulky cunt and I hate facing it. Zangoose is overrated but still dangerous.


:basculin: Basculin
:clawitzer: Clawitzer
:crocalor: Crocalor
:Houndoom: Houndoom
:Pyroar: Pyroar
:Rotom-Frost: Rotom-Frost
:Scyther: Scyther
:Spiritomb: Spiritomb

Crocalor and Spiritomb both fell off in my eyes with stall not being as good now. Houndoom as a result dropped too, as Taunt + Nasty Plot breaking stall isn't as valued. Instead, I think Pyroar may be the better option now. Taunt + Will-O-Wisp helps keep it from being deadweight across games. Basculin and Clawitzer I think have room to rise in the future, but right now Bruxish keeps them from being higher. Rotom-F and Scyther are really strong pivots, mostly because they can boost before pivoting out. Rotom-F is an interesting one to me going forward given the tier's Ice-type checks aren't super plentiful, let alone ones that can also check its Electric-type moves.


:Cacturne: Cacturne
:Crabominable: Crabominable
:Eelektross: Eelektross
:Honchkrow: Honchkrow
:Indeedee-F: Indeedee-F
:Klawf: Klawf
:Rotom: Rotom
:Rotom-Fan: Rotom-Fan
:Sawsbuck: Sawsbuck
:Skuntank: Skuntank

Good few of these are just outclassed or have room to drop/rise further. Crabominable, Indeedee-F, and the Rotoms stand out to be as ones that could improve as the tier develops more. Crabominable mostly just struggles with how plentiful Fighting-types are; Passimian, Toxicroak, and Paldean Tauros are all great options, and while there's not necessarily a ton to hate about the crab, I find you do need to go a bit out of your way to end up using it. Indeedee-F enables Terrain, not a ton more to say there. Rotom has been seeing more use lately, a faster Choice Scarf user than Passimian that can still pivot and potentially mess with Oricorio-E thanks to Trick. Rotom-S is mostly banking on Oricorio-E leaving the tier eventually.

Meanwhile, Honchkrow is just sort of here. Still a strong Pokemon, but it's weirdly frail and hard to justify in my experience over Braviary. Eelektross feels kind of niche yet solid nonetheless? That's also how I feel about Sawsbuck; perfectly fine Pokemon but not one I'd build with too frequently. Klawf is frankly kind of mediocre, ends up feeling like I build myself into a hole if I use it. Skuntank definitely should be better down the line but right now is underwhelming. So much Sandaconda usage and Muk ends up being the go-to Poison-type for teams.


:Camerupt: Camerupt
:Hattrem: Hattrem
:Jumpluff: Jumpluff
:Lilligant: Lilligant
:Magneton: Magneton
:Misdreavus: Misdreavus
:Morgrem: Morgrem
:Oricorio: Oricorio-Baile
:Quaxwell: Quaxwell
:Rabsca: Rabsca
:Squawkabilly: Squawkabilly
:Veluza: Veluza
:Vivillon-Fancy: Vivillon

This tier is definitely just the "I am outclassed" one. Lilligant, Oricorio-Baile, Squawkabilly, Veluza, and Vivillon are hard to justify over their competition. Still fine options in a vacuum, though. Hattrem and Quaxwell are very overrated, especially the latter. It's never been impactful in games and suffers from a really limited movepool and bad stats. Camerupt is fine, just hard to find times to use it when Sandaconda + Vaporeon/Goodra is available. Jumpluff is cool but gives Oricorio-E a ton of leverage. Magneton lacks a ton of Steel-types to trap, and the ones it may want to can deal with it fairly easily. Misdreavus is cute but needs more use before I rate it more highly. Morgrem is tied to dual screens, so it realistically could be rated more highly. I just think it as a Pokemon still sucks lol. Rabsca is fine; Calm Mind sets aren't too bad and Tera definitely helps it.


:Electrode: Electrode
:Glimmet: Glimmet
:Gogoat: Gogoat
:Golduck: Golduck
:Lurantis: Lurantis
:Masquerain: Masquerain
:pincurchin: Pincurchin
:Oricorio-Pau: Oricorio-Pa'u
:Qwilfish: Qwilfish
:Raichu: Raichu
:Scovillain: Scovillain
:Tinkatuff: Tinkatuff
:Toedscool: Toedscool
:Whiscash: Whiscash

These guys are all very niche but retain some sort of use I guess? Electrode is basically just bad Jolteon, but it's a fast rain setter. Glimmet is a fine lead on hyper offense. Gogoat is pretty good as a bulky setup sweeper, though the coverage can be hard to figure out between Earthquake and Rock-type coverage. Golduck is tied to rain, but rain is not too bad! Lurantis is ok as a Defogger but really hates how bad its movepool is, often needing to Tera to not give free turns to a lot of the meta threats. Masquerain is probably a fine Quiver Dance user, same with Oricorio-P, and can set Sticky Web better than shit-ass Spidops. Pincurchin sets Electric Terrain :). Qwilfish is good under rain but WOW does it suck otherwise. Actively just loses to all the Fighting-types like GG bro. Raichu has a nice Speed tier, and Tera Fairy NP is legit. Scovillain is ass but it'd feel weird to unrank. Tinkatuff and Toedscool are fine enough but yeah you can tell they're NFEs. They're both just SO PASSIVE, and although they have a good amount of disrupting moves to make up for that, that doesn't stop them from letting a lot of the top Pokemon from doing whatever against them. Whiscash is trash but I don't want to disrespect Danny..
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This is going to be very horribly inaccurate but here we go;

S Rank
:Passimian: (just so incredibly splashable with u-turn and koff utility while having solid bulk, could argue A+ but i think this honestly deserves S)
:Oricorio-Pom Pom:

:zangoose: (belly drum set is so busted lmfao)
:dudunsparce: (very versatile while calm mind is also just incredibly strong)
:braviary: (honestly might be one of the best defoggers here while also being incredibly threatening with Bulk Up, since while Oricorio's are good defoggers they want to be used offensively, not defensively)

:frosmoth: (would be mid imo without its ice stab hitting oricorio's, since all it has then is obscene special bulk and cool tera stuff)
:perrserker: (honestly perrserker and copperajah are about the same in viability, choose whichever one fits better on your team)
:haunter: (i havent used much of it but i have heard some very good things so forgive me if i'm wrong)
:drifblim: (another great defogger, i think its a tier below braviary due to braviary's sheer power as a set up sweeper while unburden seems more niche in my personal opinion. Spreading Paralysis and Burn is certainly very neat for a team though so i can see in A+.)

:farigiraf: (double dance is really good but it does need a lot of support to function and flops in front of some certain mons)
:crocalor: (good unaware user but sometimes it can fold to the offensive pressure we have in this tier due to rock weakness and faces competition from other anti-set up mons such as Muk that can offer more to a team)
:Oricorio-Sensu: (strong but has a lot of competition as a QD mon in my opinion but still great:
:Jolteon: (would be higher if wasn't so reliant on tera, meta heavily favours this without a lot of grounds imo)
:Eelektross: (spdef pivot puts in a lot of work, grounds hate switching into this mon so its really hard to block, otherwise here because I feel like it can be rather hard to fit at times but they may just be me.)


:basculin: (has great traits but with vaporeon being so good and other water immune mons around, sometimes it can fall short.)
:clawitzer: (this thing has amazing breaking potiential, just really slow)
:honchkrow: (decent enough, just wish it was faster. Being slower then base 80's can be pretty horrible.)
:klawf: (regenerator with rocks + koff is amazing however it has a horrible defensive typing so you may need to tera to get the most use out of it.)
:pyroar: (i don't know what it is but this can feel underwhelming i guess.)
:scyther: (finds it hard to switch in and oricorio's can be a massive pain for it, otherwise fine)
:whiscash: (great lead of HO)


:veluza: (can be good but i find requires support to work out)
:rotom: (fine enough but does have quite a bit of competition from other electrics)
:vivillon: (same here but with QD'ers)
:oricorio: (its fine but the other oricorio's can outshine greatly. The MU versus Frosmoth is neat however)
:jumpluff: (lots of utility for offensive here, especially screens:


:morgrem: (good pro's such as prankster screens + taunt and parting shot, problem is that some darks can bully you such as mabosstiff)
:squawkabilly: (good breaking potiential but dies rather quickly and has competition with zangoose for the role of a "guts" user.)
:crabominable: (we love fighting types, this one can be a bit weird though due to low speed and ice typing, you probably want to use for bulk and in order to that it may require a tera)
:oricorio-pau: (more quiver dancer except this one is supposed to be better versus medicham)
:cacturne: (its cacturne but it actually has good MU's in the meta so okay

:frogadier: (fastest mon in the tier with taunt + spikes)
:flapple: (i never see this lol)
:toedscool: (lots of good moves, just bad ability + underwhelming stats and typing)
:electrode: (i guess if your running manual weather this is one of your only options so there you go)
whys vespiqueen in B+ tier if it crumples to any rock coverage and has barley any useful resists?
whys vespiqueen in B+ tier if it crumples to any rock coverage and has barley any useful resists?
I put Vespiquen there because it benefits a lot from the meta right now, the typing actually isn't that bad when fightings are largely dominant in this tier and most of them are not running rock coverage, such as passimian who would prefer to run Gunk Shot to hit random Tera Fairies or Tera Fairy to hit Spiritomb as opposed for rock slide to maybe chunk a stray oricorio without a boost or Vespiquen.

Another reason is the fact that Vespiquen got buffed with Spikes + Terastalization meaning that the downsides to Vespiquen's typing being 4x weak to rocks can be avoided as well as the fact it is one of the only mons in this tier with recovery + spikes. Vespiquen also kept toxic, a rare move in this meta that allows it to put dangerous set up sweepers on a timer. A common tera for Vespiquen is Ghost so you can spinblock mons such as Quaxwell and keep your favourable MU versus fighting types. Vespiquen also can serve as a useful pivot for a team thanks to U-turn

So because of all this, Vespiquen is actually pretty nice and should be considered as a viable option in NU.

Just made a Tier List so you guys can edit and post more freely. Feel free to PM me if there's any mon missing. Have fun!
Using MegaUltra tiermaker tier list...
S tier are mons that dominates most matches and are so splashable
A tier are great mons that can be used in diferent style
B tier are good mons that are great with the right support
C tier are mons with ok to mediocre niches in the tier
D = shitmon tier
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S Tier: pokémon that are easy to use, fit in most teams and have almost no downsides. They are the best at what they do and face little competition, while giving shape to the meta.
A tier have a lot of pokemon that can shine by themselves. The pokémon in A+ and A are pretty easy to fit in any team, with our best walls and breakers. A- follows right after, with some really good pivots and hazard setters.
B tier has some strange pokémon... They are great and work well when paired with enough support, mostly the pokemon in B+ and B, but the ones in B- only work under specific scenarios. Some of them are bad rockers, or depend on weather and Tera to be useful.
C tier has some REALLY bad pokémon. You can make them work if u put in enough effort to build a team around them or that needs them as suicide leads / for a gimmick. Slaking and Glimmet are good examples.
D tier are just trash. They lost really necessary moves or are straight up outclassed by anything you can think of. Just dont use them.

my-image (24).png

Now, some notes. I can see A LOT of potential in my B+ and B tier. I dont think the mons in B- will get better any time soon, but stuff like Golduck, Lurantis and Scyther will get better soon. The first two after Goodra's ban, and Scyther once it gets Roost/Dual Wingbeat back. The Rotom forms might actually get Defog back, with Pokémon home. If Bruxish gets banned, Basculin might take its place, and Haunter wont face as much competition from other ghost-types once Sensu rises to UU (probably). Its a pretty fast scarfer, even tho Poison is better defensively. Veluza might drop even further without Light Clay, tho.

About my A+, all these mons can stand up on their own. they check what they need to check, sweep with little to no support, and are incredible revenge killers. I'd love to see JollyCoil Conda getting some usage, as it can destroy many unprepared teams. Ursa brings both a Special wall and a late game sweeper, Zoroark is super versatile, and the others dont really need any explanation.
A and A- rank have some really good Scarf users, pivots, walls and role compression. If I need a rocker, and a QD check, I always think about Copper. They are the second best option when it comes to any role the pokemon in S and A+ can take. I'd like to shine a spotlight on Wish twave Farigiraf (120 HP, and super bulky with tera Fairy!), Lycan as both a SD Trailblaze sweeper and Scarf user, and tera Ghost Vespiquen (aka immortal wasp).
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I would love to know why Dudunsparce is UR for you
Oh that's Dudunsparce. I got confused because when I used that tier list I thought "why are there two Dunsparce pictures?" Until I realized that one of them is actually Dudunsparce, so I did fix that error also it's in the A rank if you're wondering.
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Ty for the tier list template MegaUltra :3

None of this is ordered within the tiers, except for the S+ tier.

A lot of this could change, still a relatively new tier so I definitely haven't seen what all of these pokemon are capable of. It was pretty hard to actually make this haha I'm sure there's a few mons I'm overrating/underrating.


Post bans tierlist. Some of the lower ranks are theorymon stuff.

Though might as well explain some of my takes, "off-kilter" or otherwise:

Other QDers: Frosmoth is the best QDer after Moth and Pom-Pom got the axed, followed by Sensu, Viv, Baile, Lilligant, Pau, then Masquerain. Frosmoth has utility AND power, ofc not on the same set but it has versatility which the other QDers lack, not super super reliant on Tera per say but Tera helps it a LOT. Sensu's the next best Oricorio, Dark weakness sucks but hey. Viv has a dummy accurate Sleep Powder and Hurricane, plus Flying's a decent offensive type ATM, Venomoth outclassed it huge and without it and Goodra, seems to be a LOT better. Baile beats Copper naturally, and the typing isn't the worst if you get past the Rocks weakness. Lilligant is super Tera reliant but without Goodra it'll have a much easier time likely, its still quite threatening to say Vaporeon builds. Pau's outclassed mainly but the 4x Fighting resist is neat. Masquerain is mainly ranked cause of Webs though. I prefer it as a setter vs Spidops cause of compression and better offensive pressure options. (Spidops I kept ranked because while its stats are putrid its support movepool is to die for)

Non-Passimian Fighters: Tauros never dies and still is quite powerful. Multiple viable sets too. Prefer it to Croak ATM given the preferable Sandaconda matchup but Croak has its perks in Dry Skin and strong dual STAB. Medicham should probably be lower but this mon always scared the living fuck out in me in Team Preview so mentally its in the upper echelons of A rank.

Clawitzer: Hard to get in admittedly but something almost always dies if it does get in. I see this being a problem in the future but Vaporeon's omnipresence keeps it in check ATM.

Pyroar vs Houndoom: I've always viewed Pyroar and Doomer as having their own advantages but I don't think one necessarily outclasses the other. Dark-types are good offensively and Nasty Plot is a point in Houndoom's favor, but Pyroar does Choiced sets WAY better due to better Speed and Hyper Voice being stronger than Dark Pulse. I've seen Boots Pyroar with WoW a few times which seems like an alright set.

Squawkabilly: Personally I've always liked this more than Zangoose or Ursaring cause the Flying-type (Spikes immunity! Brave Bird actually chunks Normal immunities well too) and access to U-turn actually do help it as a Guts user. Hustle sounds fun but extremely risky. Still I acknowledge its mainly preferred to use the two I mentioned.

Klawf: I've never seen this accomplish much of anything. Lycanroc is the much better Rocker on offensive builds and more bulky builds have Copper, Sanda, Dudunsparce even. Still its got enough perks, Knock + Regen is HUGE.

Honchkrow: Speed tier kills a lot of the potential viability of this mon but its a scary breaker regardless. Likely will get better if Mabosstiff gets banned.

Rotom-Fan: With Pom-Pom banned there's reasons to actually use this now lol. The type is good defensively as Pom-Pom proved and you also get things like WoW like other Rotoms.

Quaxwell: Shitmon but the utility is quite neat and its one of our only spinners. Prinplup/Wartortle case.

Raichu: Jolteon that trades power and speed for much better coverage (not as Tera reliant) and NP. Niche pick overall though.

Golduck: NP is a niche breaker and Rain is decent enough of a playstyle to rank.

Morgrem: With Light Clay ban its lost a lot of its luster. Still its got utility up the wazoo with Prankster Parting Shot and T-Wave.

Electrode: Enables Rain which isn't the worst archetype ATM. Murkrow similarly can go here for enabling weather builds. (Scovillain's rank is where I'd rank Sun ATM) There are other Pokemon that can do the job though so its not ranked with the sweepers.

Glaceon/Leafeon: Outclassed to hell but with Tera they CAN work enough for me to rank them. Glaceon is worse Frosmoth with better all around bulk and Freeze-Dry and Leafeon is outperformed by practically every other offensive Grass-type.

New Rabia VR dropped, the big changes are as follows:

Passimian and Sandaconda are the only S-rank Pokemon right now. It's very hard to justify forgoing either at the moment; the former is the best revenge killer in this tier by a country mile, and the latter is... really the only good Ground-type XD! It also has broken Glare in a generation where clerics aren't real.

I rate Paldean Tauros above Toxicroak currently. In theory, Toxicroak should be fantastic because it sits on Vaporeon for eons, but I just haven't seen the use to justify ranking it in the same spot as Tauros. Tauros is insanely potent; its bulk + speed makes setting up and sweeping pretty trivial, and good techs to enable it further have seen use. Lum Berry helps versus Sandaconda and other paralysis spreaders, Tera Electric aids against any Flying-type, Trailblaze means Choice Scarf users are fake.

Medicham continues dropping, just hard to justify on teams over the other Fighting-types because they offer more to a build! It's still of course a fantastic wallbreaker and should not be slept on, but I find actually building with it to be fruitless.

Clawitzer is broken, so I put it in A :) Tera Dragon 2HKOes the entire format barring opposing Tera, and outspeeding the entire defensive metagame is a nice bonus. It's still got the issue of being slow, so it's pretty easy to force out and potentially pivot around, but you have to play perfect around it unless you want to fodder your entire team. Similarly, I moved Magneton up to A- because Analytic Choice Specs sets are painfully difficult to play against. It's also a great counter to Tera Fairy Oricorio-G.

I moved all of the Rotoms up a bit. Rotom is seeing more use now as a Choice Scarf user that outruns Passimian, and other sets with Leftovers are great for exploiting the high Sandaconda usage. Protect on such variants is great because it means you can safely scout Passimian and Mabosstiff. Rotom-F, meanwhile, is a powerful Ice-type in a tier without great blanket answers to such attackers. It's still pretty inconsistent because lol Blizzard accuracy, but common defensive cores do struggle a ton into it. Same can be said for Rotom-S, which is essentially a slower but significantly stronger Oricorio-E.

We continue the theme of "Electric-types good :D" with Eelektross up to B+. Coil sets are really hard to shut down and synergize really nicely with Spikes---just another byproduct of a metagame where running sets to exploit non-Stone Edge Sandaconda is rewarding.

I moved Vivillon up to B+ from B-. It's still early, but Vivillon functions as a slightly less potent alternative to Venomoth with highly accurate Sleep Powder and Hurricane. We've not seen a ton of it so far, but a straightforward set of Sleep Powder / Substitute / Quiver Dance / Hurricane is quite effective, albeit reliant on good entry hazard removal (lol).

A lot of Fire-types I dropped to B, and the poverty Dragon-types I rose to B. Crocalor's viability is contingent on stall's place in the metagame, and stall isn't finding a lot of success currently. There are so many random Tera types and wallbreakers running around that finding defensive consistency with the archetype is really hard, and this generation favors offense so heavily as is that keeping momentum in your favor can be tough. Meanwhile, Houndoom and Pyroar both are just... not really insane? They're really easily revenge killed and perpetually struggle into the Vaporeon spam. On the other hand, Flapple and Appletun have more distinct paths to use with Goodra gone.
Been having fun playing recently so want to share some thoughts about the tier and a few mons

Dudunsparce: Extremely flexible, bulky, can be a win con, can be just a strong hitter you can slap on any teams, anything that can take a Boomburst has to be careful of your coverage, very scary to come up against on Team Preview

Medicham: Very scary Pokemon, a little underwhelming when I played with it, I preferred using Mabosstiff as my big hitter which is why I have it higher, but another terrifying one in team preview

Honchkrow : Underrated by a lot of people I feel. After one moxie boost can clean up a whole battle with Tera Dark sucker punch, and not many can survive a switch in to brave bird + sucker/coverage move. Give it a try

Cacturne: Cacturne is obviously a great Bruxish counter and completely shuts it down from team preview, but even against non Bruxish teams I've found it doing great, coming in on Vaporeon/lead Whiscash and putting in work. Running boots it can get in, spike up and deal some good damage. Spiky Shield is excellent for scouting, and combined with a Helmet user can shut down and chip users.
I've had a lot of success running it with Leech Seed to heal up my helmet user (usually Qwilfish/Sandaconda). I've not tried it but you can even run SD and threaten the likes of Chansey. Very cool mon, worth running alone to shut down Bruxish who is absolutely terrifying

Crabominable: AV is very nice, can trade very favourably, also an insane breaker on trick room, definitely try it out

Rotom Fan: Can come in on non rock move Sandaconda, nasty plot up and break with T Bolt/Air Slash/Tera Blast (Ice/Rock/Fighting/Ground), or just fire off attacks. You can easily just run wisp or volt and run a different tera mon, but I think this mon is very underrated

Qwilfish: Run Poison Point over Intimidate to deny Defiant boosts, and chip down Passimian even more. Gets Spikes and T Spikes in a tier where hazard control is sparse, a fast taunt user, as well as good STABs and even Aqua Jet if you need another priority user. Perfect partner for Cacturne

Ursaring: Iron Hands of NU - this thing can always trade favourably and is ridiculously bulky

Toedscool: I think this is the best of the unevolved passive spinners, great movepool, garbage ability

Klawf: Very underwhelming, was exciting to use this with rocks, knock off and regen, but even with all this I can't justify putting him on a lot of teams, gets shut down by the top 2 mons in the tier and Lycanroc is a better lead

The further down the tier list the less certain I am, but I ranked all I feel have some potential
Hey NU
Time for my VR update!

my-image (2).png

Here are some changes I have made in my VR;


:Oricorio: B to A+
With PomPom gone, I have come to appreciate how good Oricorio-Baile really is. Now, while Fire/Flying isn't as good as Electric/Flying in my opinion, this defensive typing is still really great and underrated in my opinion, resisting some crucial types such as Fighting, a common offensive typing in the meta while being immune to Ground moves and 4x resisting Grass moves, which can be nice for Pokémon such as Appletun and Lurantis. It can also check Steel types such as Perrserker and Copperajah pretty well, although you have to be careful of Copperajah running Rock moves. This Pokemon can also make a good check to Passimian, just like how PomPom used to and I value this a lot as it gives Oricorio-Baile some good set up opporunities on one of the most common Pokémon in this tier. Not to mention how it checks Pokemon such as Frosmoth and Vivillon with Dancer. Grass is an amazing Tera Typing on this Pokémon, you now hit the Water, Ground and Rock such as Vaporeon, Sandaconda and Klawf which could of caused you problems beforehand while also being useful versus Eelektross, as most sets are completely walled by Grass types. So, This Pokémon is just criminally underrated in this metagame at the moment and I hope people really give it more of a shot as it has some really good traits at the moment.

:Frosmoth: A to A+
With the tier losing two very scary Quiver Dancers, Frosmoth has stepped up to be the next incredibly scary Quiver Dancer in the tier, using its immense special bulk thanks to Ice Scales to get off Quiver Dancers with relative ease. It does have some flaws, such as it being relatively slow at base 65, meaning it is revenge killed by Passimian at +1, but if you ever let this get to +2 and you don't have something like a Chansey in the back, you are done for. By the way, don't run Tera Ground. You will find yourself walled by opposing Frosmoth variants that will just use you as set up, with only the benefit of hitting Muk super effectively, which is not that big of a deal considering you can whittle Muk down throughout a game pretty well with hazards and chip damage. Use Tera Fighting instead, allowing you to always hit opposing Frosmoth at least neutrally.

:Vivillon: B to A
Yet another Pokemon stepping up in the Quiver Dancer role, Vivillon has some great traits such as Compound Eyes + Sleep Powder and Hurricane, giving it some good opportunities to set up Quiver Dances and Hurricanes high base power makes it hit incredibly hard afterwards whilst making the move a lot more reliable to use as STAB. Flying resists such as Klawf and Copperajah are also chunked by Tera Fighting sets. This is another mon that i beg you don't use Tera Ground on. If you run Tera Ground, you will find yourself in a bad situation when fighting Eelektross and the Rotom Forms, as you will have to try and beat it using resisted Hurricanes. If you run Tera Fighting, you at least hit it neutrally while still hitting Flying Resists pretty well. Overall, pretty great Pokémon, it could honestly be A+ but I decided to put it in A because its competition is pretty tough.

:Lilligant: (i didnt rank this) to B
Lilligant before the bans honestly was not worth using at all due to Goodra existing and being a massive pain for it while Quiver Dancer competition was high. Now? It fares a lot better, which is why I'm ranking it now. Tera Fire is pretty neat on this, otherwise just okay but thought it should be ranked.

:Clawitzer: B+ to A
This Shrimp should really not hit as hard as it does. Tera Dragon is just insane, nothing par Chansey is able to withstand more then two hits, and Chansey isn't even safe because if you choose to Tera Fighting on Clawitizer, Aura Sphere is able to cleanly 2HKO Chansey. If that doesn't show how strong Clawitizer is, then I don't know what does. Only reason its not A+ is poor speed.

:Muk: A to A+
Muk is such a good special tank, spreading Toxic Spikes and checking dangerous special threats such as Frosmoth, Vivillon, and Oricorio-Baile with its immense special bulk while also being threatening itself with Curse sets. While Sandaconda can be dangerous for this Pokémon, this is not the worst Pokémon to be walled by, as there are multiple Pokémon in the meta that can abuse Sandaconda pretty well, such as Rotom and Vaporeon. This all combines to make a really solid Pokémon in this metagame.

:Copperajah: A to A+
In a similar vein to Muk, Copperajah can be a great special tank as well, with Whirlwind to phase out dangerous Quiver Dancers and can set rocks for you while being a decent offensive presence by itself. It is also a great answer to numerous Tera Fairy Pokemon, such as Tera Fairy Oricorio Sensu and Ursaring. I believe I said in my last VR post that I thought Perrserker was about the same in viability with Copperajah. I don't believe this anymore, with Copperajah's better bulk and ability to phaze being more valuable in my opinion. Overall, just a solid mon really that you can't go wrong with.

:Magneton: B+ to A-
This is a really scary Pokemon for sure. Specs Analytic sets hit way too hard, OHKOing Sandaconda without even needing the Analytic boost. And if you play this metagame much at all, you will know that Sandaconda is basically our only viable ground type. Camerupt is decent but doesn't stick around for very long at all, so this gives Magneton free reign to spam is high power stab moves with ease. The only flaw making this not go higher is its speed at 70, which is a tad bit underwhelming but there's no denying Magneton's great wallbreaking powers.

:Rotom-Fan: (i forgot to rank this lmfao) to B
Oricorio-PomPom is no more! Rotom-Fan is now able to live in SV NU without being in the shadow of Oricorio-PomPom. Now its certainly not as good as Oricorio-PomPom was, infact far from it. It has no reliable recovery and a worse speed tier, not to mention it doesn't have the busted move we all know, Quiver Dance. However, Nasty Plot sets are pretty nice to use, as it can find great opportunities to set up thanks to that great typing and Terastallizing into a Water Type can be quite beneficial to Rotom-Fan, giving it close to perfect coverage in the tier and also flipping its Ice weakness into a resist. So, overall pretty solid and deserving of this spot.

:Rotom: B to B+
I undersold this Pokémon last time. This is a great Pokémon that is able to abuse Pokémon such as Glare Sandaconda sets and Chansey, who are unable to touch it giving Rotom some great set up opportunities with Nasty Plot. Scarf Sets are also so good, outspeeding some other relevant scarfers such as Passimian and Mabosstiff. Overall, pretty solid.


:Zangoose: A+ to B+
How the mighty have fallen. Ever since the Light Clay ban, Belly Drum sets have basically fallen off the side of the world completely, leaving only Toxic Boost sets left to roam the landscape of SV NU. It's still pretty good at wallbreaking but without its potent Belly Drum sets, I can't justify putting it higher then B+ in my personal opinion.

:Braviary: A+ to A
I overrated this. It's still pretty nice, but as good as I thought it was. It's typing is pretty unspectacular, as the Normal typing makes it neutral to Fighting type attacks whereas it would really benefit from the resistance, and otherwise its resistances aren't very notable, with only the immunity to Ground being pretty nice. It's offensive sets are still very potent, with Brave Bird and Close Combat giving it the covetted Flying/Fighting coverage that every neglected Normal/Flying wish they got (L to Squawkabilly and Swellow), but it simply does not deserve to be in A+

:Crocalor: B+ to B
As stall continues to fall out of the meta, so does Crocalor. Its unaware ability is still great at beating set up sweepers such as the numerous Quiver Dancers of the tier, but in my personal experiences, its vulnerability to hazards such as Stealth Rock can hurt Crocalor greatly, which is why im dropping it to B.

:Morgrem: B- to UR
With Light Clay being banned, Morgrem is basically useless now. Screens just is unviable, there is not enough turns now for abusers to make use of screens.

:Jumpluff: B to C
In a similar vein to Morgrem, Light Clay's ban has hurt Jumpluff substantially and has only left it with offensive and utility sets, which is why it is now in C tier.

Well there we go!
There is most of the changes I put on my VR, there's more put i'm too lazy to put them all on here, that would be a lot of effort : P
Cya NU! : D
going to comment my opinions on some higher tiers, can't be bothered to differentiate and explain random C rank Pokemon like Tropius and Swalot.

S Tier: you need a very compelling argument to not use these Pokemon on every team. They either have immense set diversity or their few sets are so potent that even knowing what they're going to do can be very difficult or impossible to manage.
Knock Off, U-turn, and Rock Slide, Earthquake, and Gunk Shot coverage weaken its few checks, enabling its Choice Scarf sets to very easily clean barely weakened teams. Many games often come down to Choice Scarf Passimian speed ties. Bulk Up sets destroy the bulky teams that could attempt to take advantage of a Choice-locked set.
Sandaconda is by far the best Stealth Rock setter, with a great defensive typing and stats. Glare is one of the most drawback free moves in the entire game, as Electric types struggle to pivot into Sandaconda and even Magic Bounce or trading status means nothing because of Shed Skin. Coil sets still allow Sandaconda to boast the perfect EdgeQuake coverage and sweep offensive and defensive teams alike.
Yeah this thing just replaced Oricorio-Pom-Pom. I actually think Sensu is BETTER offensively than Pom-Pom, despite a slightly worse defensive typing, but Goodra leaving and developments such as Taunt Oricorio to beat Umbreon, Vaporeon, and Chansey have made this Pokemon extremely over the top and I can't see this thing sticking around much longer.

A Tiers: These Pokemon are the best at their specific roles and can consolidate these roles to make extremely optimized teams. Besides a few weaknesses that their strengths vastly outweigh, many of these could be considered S ranks with a few metagame shifts.


