Lunar Sloth
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  • Hiya, ADV ZU Gold Rush, I'm GMT +1 and free from 7PM-11PM my time on weekdays, can be more flexible on weekends. What works for you?
    Lunar Sloth
    Lunar Sloth
    Hi! I'm GMT -5. I would prefer to play sometime after Sunday the 4th. I should be relatively free everyday that next week except on Monday the 5th. Would Tuesday, August 6th at 10pm your time be fine perhaps?
    That sounds good to me ^^
    Lunar Sloth
    Lunar Sloth
    online on ps as Lunar Sloth. Ready whenever now :)
    Hey ya, when do u want to play for CCC? Im GMT-7 and would prefer to play like early morning sat my time (maybe around 8-9 am). Lmk if that works for u or if u would prefer an alternative time.
    Hey, when do you want to play for the Random Trio tournament. I'm +5.5 and can preferably anytime after 9PM my time up until midnight
    Lunar Sloth
    Lunar Sloth
    Hey! I am gmt -5. I am free to play tomorrow or friday anytime before 2pm my time, which would probably work best with our timezones. I am also free saturday after 4pm my time, and free most of sunday. Do you think 11:30am or 12pm gmt-5 friday could work? If I'm understanding timezones right that should be 10pm or 10:30pm for you?
    Infinite Misery
    Infinite Misery
    Yeah 11:30-12 your time would be fine
    Infinite Misery
    Infinite Misery
    Hey, I'm on as Infinite Misery
    Rbtt, im gmt+1, wanna play today? I can do pretty much any time
    Id really prefer to get this done today, Ill be gone on the weekend and only returning Sunday, and I dont know what time yet :/
    If its impossible for you Ill try making Sunday work somehow
    Lunar Sloth
    Lunar Sloth
    I suppose I could try to make it work today. It would have to be later though, around 12 am your time if thats okay. If not, I would be fine sometime on sunday.
    thats fine, thanks!
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