Pet Mod Return to Orre, Tercera (Shadow Move Submission time!)

:ho-oh: :espeon:Return to Orre, Tecera! :lugia: :umbreon: (approved by DuoM2 )


This is a micrometa that only uses Pokemon obtainable in Coloseum and XD. Evolutions from later gens, such as Sylveon, are also included as long as they are reasonably obtainable. So to summarize...
Here's a neat visual aid I whipped together to quickly reference!


Now to clarify: This is a Generation 9 NatDex Based Pet Mod played in the BSS(Battle Stadium Singles) format.
All items are(currently) banned, as are z-moves, megas, dynamaxing, and terra hats. Always discussing with the players on what would be the most fun.
However, here comes the twist..!

Shadow pokemon and Purified pokemon shall exist, and is the primary point of this Pet Mod.

As we move forward, we'll do our best to make some interesting and fun additions using this fairly restrictive pool of pokemon with the goal of making a unique and rather daring metagame unlike what you may find anywhere else. This next part of the post will now go over what exactly are Shadow pokemon in the context of this PM, followed by an explanation of Purified pokemon.


Shadow pokemon are pokemon that have had their hearts sealed away and have now become relentless fighting machines, while this effect was limited in scope for Colosseum and XD, in the Tercera this effect is far more extreme. A Shadow pokemon will receive shadow moves, a shadow typing, and potentially improved stats. Shadow moves are super effective on non-shadow pokemon and not very effective on other shadow pokemon, and part of the PM will be adding in new shadow moves and changed the old ones. Shadow pokemon also receive a Shadow Ability unique to each shadow pokemon--The shadow ability can be any reasonable concept someone wants to try and would be bundled with the shadow pokemon on submission typically!

While the idea is a little nebulous, at the start, this idea simply gives a raw power boost to anyone who has it, with the Shadow type replacing a poor secondary typing, or giving a resist to other strong Shadow pokemon.... They really get to shine with new moves and abilities designed by the lovely community!


Purified pokemon are pokemon that have beaten the powerful shadows burying their emotions and have become far stronger because of it! These pokemon are in a simple way a way to hand out buffs by the community to anything desired!
They can have new abilities, moves, typing, and stats! But no custom content.


The actual pokemon from the list will receive zero changes themselves, with Shadow and Purified versions being considered new pokemon for all intents and purposes, which will keep making track of our changes and additions considerably simpler than usual. Furthermore, as a result, any pokemon from the list can have a Shadow version, and/or a Purified version, having one doesn't lock you out from the other, but, you can only have one of each.
This is simply the start of the project, and I'm unsure of what changes will happen in the near to far future, so please, feel free to get involved and post in this thread, or otherwise come on down to the discord!

Thanks for reading!
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Welcome to the first SEASON of Tercera!
What is a season? It's like a slate, but longer. As there is a small selection of pokemon available, and no currently existing Shadow or Purified pokemon, let's take this time to get some submissions going!

Submissions are completely open and free, choose any pokemon you'd like and let your ideas run wild!
You are allowed to submit up to two Shadow pokemon, and two Purified pokemon, though at this stage there are nothing but the default shadow moves... But that's okay, because we need some pokemon before we can whip up some moves!

Keep in mind the restrictions on both types of submissions!
Shadow Pokemon get a unique ability the replaces all of their old abilities and have to have the Shadow type, the may have some stat changes, but they only gain new shadow moves.
Purified pokemon have no custom content.
Both can gain stat increases.

And before we get to the template, two more things to keep in mind:
You should include a small blurb about your submission--How has the pokemon changed after being purified? Is there an interesting result of them becoming a powerful shadow type? Have some fun with it!
And secondly... Try to be reasonable with your submission, if they are found to be underpowered and lacking a niche, we can always buff them in the future, it feels much worse nerfing a submission than buffing one.

Stats: / / / / /
Movepool Changes:

How many submissions will be accepted?
Most! If there are any excessively problematic submissions there will be suggestions on how to fix/improve it to make it acceptable, and in the case of multiple of the pokemon, discussion will be had on which submission is better suited on moving forward, perhaps there are elements of both to consider? Again, the intent is not a competition, but to come together and make a really sick Pet Mod... So show us what you've got!

(This first part here will run till July 1st!)
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Purified Pokemon:

finally a chance to make Ledian good.


Pokemon: Ledian-Purified
Typing: Bug/Fighting
Abilities: Iron Fist/Swarm/Defiant
Stats: 85/110/80/60/115/85 (BST 535)
Movepool Changes:

+Victory Dance, Bullet Punch, Fire Punch, Close Combat, Vaccuum Wave, First Impression

-Psybeam, Ominous Wind, all Flying type moves

Flavor: Ledian as a Pokemon has always been seen as weak, percieved as easily having its heart sealed away. But in reality, it was a constant fight, a constant struggle. After having its heart reopened, they made it their journey to get stronger. Who doesn't love a good underdog story?


Pokemon: Flareon-Purified
Typing: Fire/Dragon
Abilities: Flash Fire/Intimidate/Mold Breaker
Stats: 65/130/70/95/110/65 (BST 535)
Movepool Changes:

+Draco Meteor, Breaking Swipe, Dragon Pulse, Outrage, Dragon Dance, Dragon Rush, Dragon Tail

Flavor: The unlocking of their heart also unlocked memories of a time long gone by.

Shadow Pokemon:


Typing: Psychic/Shadow
Abilities: Shadow Nightmare (Shadow moves this Pokemon uses will do 1.5x damage if the target is asleep)
Stats: 85/83/70/103/115/72 (BST 528)
Movepool Changes: +Shadow Wave, Shadow Panic
Flavor: This Pokemon is intent on feasting on nightmares. It often appears in the nightmares it is feasting on as a tall, indistinct, shadowy figure.


Pokemon: Raticate-Shadow
Typing: Normal/Shadow
Abilities: Miasma (Shadow moves this Pokemon uses have a 20% chance of poisoning opposing non-Shadow Pokemon)
Stats: 85/106/85/50/70/97 (BST 493)
Movepool Changes: +Shadow Rush, Shadow Blitz, Shadow End
Flavor: Sewer Raticate, basically.
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Typing: Normal/Shadow
Abilities: Laws of Street
Laws of Streets: Super Effective non-Shadow moves drop corresponding defense by one
Stats: 68/95/57/95/66/105
Moves: Shadow Rush, Shadow Blitz, Shadow Break
Flavor: First you hit. Then you hit again. It's the street's law, and Raticate's learned it. It's become master in never being kind nor feeling compassion, and always target your weak points.

Pokemon: Froslass-Purified
Typing: Ice/Fairy
Abilities: Triage, Natural Cure
Stats: 110/70/95/70/95/70
Movepool Changes:
+Moonblast, Heal Pulse, Moonlight, Wish, Healing Wish, Charm, Dazzling Gleam, Calm Mind
- Will-o-Wisp, Hex, Sucker Punch, Taunt, Switcheroo
Flavor: Now a snow rescuer, after having lost many people in mounts, she now saves them.
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Pokemon: Plusle-Purified
Typing: Electric/Fairy
Abilities: Lightning Rod / Plus | Analytic
Stats: 70/60/60/105/85/115 (495)
Movepool Changes:
:plusle: Dazzling Gleam, Baby-Doll Eyes, Moonblast, Draining Kiss.
:minun: All Dark type moves.
Flavor: Plusle is the positive Pokemon, so it makes sense for it to be on the "good side"
Description: Fast special attacker with a good STAB combination and Analytic to punish switches.

Pokemon: Minun-Shadow
Typing: Electric/Shadow
Abilities: Lightning Rod / Minus | Negative Charge
Active Shadow type Pokemon without this Ability have their Attack and Special Attack multiplied by 0.75.
Stats: 90/30/80/75/115/105 (495)
Movepool Changes:
:plusle: Shadow Bolt, Shadow Rave, Shadow Rush.
:minun: Nasty Plot.
Flavor: If Plusle, the positive Pokemon, is purified, then it only makes sense for Minun to be the Shadow type.
Description: Defensive Shadow type! Hopefully this will help in holding off the future broken Shadow types, at least a bit. Has Wish, Rapid Spin and Haze for utility.
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Pokemon: Shadow Arcanine
Typing: Fire / Shadow
Abilities: Fear the Dark
Upon switch-in, opposing Pokemon have their attack and special attack lowered by 1 stage each.
Stats: 81 HP / 125 Atk / 75 Def / 115 SpA / 70 SpD / 89 Spe [BST-560]
Movepool Changes: + Bulk Up, Shadow Ball, Bitter Blade, Shadow Rush, Shadow Blast, Shadow End, Shadow Fire, Shadow Hold, - Play Rough, Psychic Fangs, Teleport
Flavor: Arcanine’s owner stepped on his tail one too many times, causing him to go evil and barbecue his owner.
Description: Powerful wallbreaker with a mixed Intimidate clone to grant it switch-in opportunities against many foes, especially Shadowmons.
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Pokemon: Sunflora-Purified
Typing: Grass/Fire
Abilities: Chlorophyll/Solar Power (Drought)
Stats: 85/100/75/100/100/50
Movepool Changes: Solar Blade, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Blaze Kick | Inferno, Blast Burn
Flavor: After being purified, Sunflora attained the ability to truly channel the Sun rather than just benefit from it.
Competitive: Mixed wallbreaker with Growth to set up
Hey folks! Loving the submissions so far just a small reminder(as I made it clearer in the submission post) shadow pokemon have a new ability that replaces all of their old ones, and only gain shadow moves--I know right now there's a paltry amount of shadow moves at the moment, and they're uninteresting, but after this submission phase we will be adding in and updating shadow moves--Initially this means any shadow pokemon added in during this phase will be getting a second spotlight on them as we help add in some new moves! While greater discussion, and back and forths, happen in the discord, for those that don't wish to join I will be sure to keep them in the loop by posting in this thread!

Now for some of my own submissions:


Pokemon: Hitmonchan-Shadow
Typing: Fighting/Shadow
Abilities: Shadow Boxer
When hit by a resisted attack, raise Def/S.Def by one stage. Increases the power of all punching moves by 20%.
Stats: 50/105/79/35/110/76 -> 70/105/89/35/115/86 455bst -> 500bst
Movepool Changes:
+ (none yet)
-Helping Hand
Flavor: 'This pokemon's spirit has been consumed by shadows, they have become far more brutal and rely on dirty fighting much more.'

Hitmonchan-S pivots into the design of Hitmonchan being the "defensive" evolution in the Hitmon line and can put pressure on any Shadow move tossed out, as well as any threatening Rock or Bug moves as well, making the opponent second guess if the boxer is coming out or not.


Pokemon: Smeargle-Shadow
Typing: Normal/Shadow
Abilities: Critic
When hit by a crit, inflict a random status effect on the opponent. Placeholder ability.
Stats: 55/20/35/20/45/75 -> 65/35/45/35/45/75 250bst -> 300bst
Movepool Changes:
+ All shadow moves.
- All non-shadow moves.
Flavor: 'The fluid from Smeargle's tail has lost all color and is simply gray, markings formed from this fluid sear onto the surface permanently.'


Pokemon: Feraligatr-Purified
Typing: Water/Steel
Abilities: Torrent/Stamina (Sheer Force)
Stats: 85/105/100/79/83/78 -> 95/105/110/79/83/78 530bst -> 550bst
Movepool Changes:
+ (None)
- Dragon Dance
Flavor: 'Having conquered the shadows, this pokemon seems to have uncovered a bottomless well of energy, able to tirelessly fight for days.'

These are very simple changes at a glance, but with a potentially massive impact on how the pokemon operates, further stat adjustments can be made, but for now this should be a good direction for them to be put into.
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Pokemon: Persian-Shadow
Typing: Normal / Shadow
Abilities: Shadow Claws (+1 Critical Hit Ratio. When this Pokemon gets a critical hit, the attack's power is multiplied by 1.2x.)
Stats: 65 / 100 (+30) / 60 / 65 / 65 / 115
Movepool Changes: +Shadow Rush
Flavor: Evil cat that was mistreated by its owner (he also really liked to gamble and whatnot) and was consumed by the shadows.
Competitive: basically a crit machine with slash similar to gen 1 (i have been watching too much gen 1 stadium rentals lately,) mainly a physical inteleon. gains shadow rush as powerful shadow-type STAB for now and it has other coverage plus moves that also have high crit ratio like night slash and shadow claw. pretty frail and easy to revenge kill though.
Pokemon: Walrein-Shadow
Typing: Water / Shadow
Abilities: Cryogenian
On switch-in, summons Snow. While Snow is active, the base powers of this Pokemon's moves are multiplied by 1.3x.
Stats: 110 / 80 / 90 / 95 / 90 / 65 (530) -> 115 / 80 / 95 / 100 / 95 / 65 (550)
Movepool Changes: +Shadow Wave
Flavor: The ice caps are melting, and the loss of Walrein's home has sparked a desire for revenge, which the shadows have taken advantage of. Now, it summons freezing snows wherever it goes, trying to start a new ice age.
Competitive: Slow, pretty bulky wallbreaker. Sheds Walrein's unfortunate Ice typing for the Shadow typing, and a strong ability with no real drawbacks in Cryogenian. It has a very strong coverage option in unmissable, Cryogenian-boosted Blizzard, which when combined with a boosted Hydro Pump and Shadow Wave, gives it pretty much perfect coverage on everything except... itself. The main drawback is its speed, making it pretty easy to overpower with anything strong enough to survive one of its powerful hits.

Pokemon: Furret-Purified
Typing: Normal/Ghost
Abilities: Klutz / Frisk (Fluffy)
Stats: 85 / 76 / 64 / 45 / 55 / 90 (415) -> 85 / 126 (+50) / 64 / 45 / 85 (+30) / 110 (+20) (515 (+100))
Movepool Changes: +Poltergeist, Hex, Astonish, Ominous Wind, Trick-Or-Treat, Shadow Punch
Flavor: In purification, the shadows of Furret's inferiority were banished. Freed from its burden, its spirit was able to ascend, seeking to become the powerful Pokemon it had always dreamed of being.
Competitive: I think out of all the pokemon, it's justified to give Furret a massive buff to its stats and a good ability. If you peaked in GSC PU, you'd welcome any change. Furret becomes a powerful physical threat, in combination with its amazing defensive typing and Fluffy giving it a further resistance to contact moves. It can use its bulk to set up with Coil, and then use its good Speed tier and strong Normal and Ghost STABs to deal big damage. (I forgot that poltergeist needs an item so we shadow punch now)

Pokemon: Roserade-Shadow
Typing: Poison / Shadow
Abilities: Last Dance
When this Pokemon uses a dance move, its Special Attack is raised by one stage. This Pokemon is immune to confusion, and it's dance moves deal 0.75x damage.
Stats: 60 / 70 / 65 / 125 / 105 / 99 (+9) (524 BST)
Movepool Changes: +Shadow Rave, Shadow Mist, Shadow Panic
Flavor: roserade but more evil ig
Competitive: Weird like baby serperior thing. Roserade has a way higher special attack stat than Serperior does, so to compensate, its boosting move has less power, isn't STAB, and has to be used over two turns to get the same boost as Contrary Leaf Storm. It's risky, but the payoff is absolutely huge. A +2 Sludge Bomb and Shadow Rave hits most things hard as hell, if not outright killing them then taking a huge chunk off of their health if they don't resist it.
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Pokemon: Heracross-Shadow
Typing: Fighting / Shadow
Ability: Shadow Scourge
When opponent switches in, while Heracross-Shadow is active, opposing Pokémon take 1/16 of their hp as damage.
Stats: 80/125/75/40/95/95 (+10)
Movepool Changes:
+ Shadow Rush, Shadow Break, Shadow End, Shadow Down, Shadow Sky
Flavor: After years of being knocked out of trees and being lured with honey, Heracross has grown spiteful, allowing the shadows to take hold.
Competitive: With high attack, solid speed, and the new shadow typing, Heracross-Shadow has the ability to be a dangerous wallbreaker and sweeper. With the opportunity to be a thicker sweeper with Bulk Up or a more aggressive one with Swords Dance, Heracross-Shadow would be an expert in forcing painful scenarios for opponents. They have the choice to take big damage or take chip on their switch in from Shadow Scourge and whatever attack you were throwing out.

Pokemon: Typhlosion-Purified
Typing: Fire/Ground
Abilities: Blaze/Flash Fire/Competitive (HA)
Stats: 88 (+10)/84/78/119 (+10)/85/100
Movepool Changes:
+ Earth Power, Scorching Sands, Stealth Rock
Flavor: Having overcome the shadows, Typhlosion’s power burns like an active volcano.
Competitive: With a very solid offensive typing, and the offensive stats to deal big damage, Typhlosion-Purified could serve as a dangerous wallbreaker and offensive lead with stealth rocks. Sweeping potential is limited by a lack of set up, but powerful STAB options in eruption and sandsear storm help mitigate that.
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Name: Magcargo-Shadow
: Fire / Shadow
: Combustion (This Pokemon can burn a target regardless of its typing.)
Stats: 60 / 75 / 135 / 90 / 120 / 30 | 490 BST
Movepool Changes:
+ Shadow Fire, Shadow Sky
- Curse, Toxic, all Rock moves (except Stealth Rock)
Description: Magcargo can now kinda do what it was intended to do and be a defensive Fire type with its Rock type gone. Stats akin to Toxapex but less passive, no Regen or BB to abuse and a usable special attacking stat. Can set Rocks, pass burns with Wisp (or Shadow Fire on Flash Fire mons), Recover to stay healthy, and Shadow Sky can provide good chip over time.

Pokemon: Rapidash-Purified
Typing: Fire/Flying
Abilities: Aerilate / Flash Fire / Flame Body
Stats: 65 / 120 / 70 / 100 / 80 / 120 (555)
Movepool Changes: +Dual Wingbeat, Brave Bird, Hurricane
Flavor: Rapidash gains flaming wings, becoming a pegasus of sorts.
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Pokemon: Altaria-Shadow
Typing: Shadow / Flying
Abilities: Shadow Dawn (Summons Shadow Sky for 5 turns upon switching in)
Stats: 75 / 80 (+10) / 90 / 70 / 115 (+10) / 90 (+10) [BST: 520]
Movepool Changes: + Shadow Sky, Shadow Wave, Shadow Mist
Flavor: Dark cloud waah

Pokemon: Mismagius-Shadow
Typing: Ghost / Shadow
Abilities: Shadow Spell (This Pokémon's special moves have an additional 30% chance of lower their target SpDef by one stage.)
Stats: 60 / 60 / 60 / 115 (+10) / 115 (+10) / 115 (+10) [BST: 525]
Movepool Changes: + Shadow Wave, Shadow Rave, Shadow Mist, Shadow Sky, Shadow Shed
Flavor: A hopefully balanced offensive-oriented Shadow pokémon, also filling in the currently empty niche of strong special Ghost-type. Its ability allows it to work as a Stallbreaker.

Pokemon: Hariyama-Purified
Typing: Fighting / Water
Abilities: Thick Fat / Guts / Filter
: 144 / 130 (+10) / 70 (+10) / 60 (+20) / 70 (+10) / 50 [BST: 524]
Movepool Changes: + Water Gun, Surf, Hydro Pump, Liquidation, Life Dew, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Whirlpool, Avalanche
Flavor: Rapid Strikes hon hon

Pokemon: Meganium-Purified
Typing: Grass / Ice
Abilities: Overgrow / Sheer Force / Leaf Guard
Stats: 80 / 82 / 100 / 93 (+10) / 100 / 90 (+10) [BST: 545]
Movepool Changes: + Icicle Crash, Powder Snow, Aurora Beam, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Earth Power, Aurora Veil, Sand Tomb, Icy Wind, Thunderbolt, Thunder
Flavor: Ground beats Steel, Steel beats Ice, Ice beats Ground. The cycle is complete. I tried to take advantage of that new typing as much as possible by investing into its best asepct; its offensive potential. Ice + Grass is already very good, and coupled with Ground, its basically perfect coverage. Enhanced by stat boosts and the great ability Sheer Force, this should hopefully make up for the absolutely abysmal defensive profile this Meganium-Purified has.
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[B]Typing[/B]: [IMG][/IMG][IMG][/IMG]
[B]Stats[/B]: [SIZE=2](+)[/SIZE] / [SIZE=2](+)[/SIZE] / [SIZE=2](+)[/SIZE] / [SIZE=2](+)[/SIZE] / [SIZE=2](+)[/SIZE] / [SIZE=2](+)[/SIZE]
[B]Movepool Changes[/B]:

Pokemon: Donphan-Purified
Typing: Ground / Electric
Abilities: Sturdy / Filter
Stats: 90 (+0) / 110 (-10) / 120 (+0) / 70 (+10) / 70 (+10) / 70 (+20)
Movepool Changes: +Discharge, +Headlong Rush, Superpower, +Thunder Punch, +Thunderbolt, +Work Up
Description: Bulky Ground that can be tailored to meet its team's needs. Makes for a solid glue option as it can provide a blanket defensive check, hazard control, hazards, and item removal. Can also run more specialized sets, like Curse, Work Up+Rapid Spin, or Sturdy HO lead.
Flavor: After being purified, Donphan followed its dreams and got a dynamo installed.[/code][/hide]
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Howdy everyone! We're about halfway through the month, and halfway through the current season of Tercera here... So I figured now would be a good time for an update post about the PM as well as a post dedicated to going over the great submissions put forth so far!

First up; Return to Orre Tercera has fully become a BSS format!
BSS, or, Battle Stadium Singles, is a metagame where your pokemon are level 50, and you bring six pokemon, but choose three to send out. This format assists immensely with the balance of the tier, and helps promote diversity in options. Having done some tests with our current pool of pokemon, I've had a lot of fun. Notably :quagsire: has proven itself to be a great pokemon in this tier. We'll also be properly putting Tercera onto the DH server in the coming days so this format can be easily played!!!

Now with that little announcement out of the way, onto the submission reviews! These will be short.

Purified Pokemon:

finally a chance to make Ledian good.


Pokemon: Ledian-Purified
Typing: Bug/Fighting
Abilities: Iron Fist/Swarm/Defiant
Stats: 85/110/80/60/115/85 (BST 535)
Movepool Changes:

+Victory Dance, Bullet Punch, Fire Punch, Close Combat, Vaccuum Wave, First Impression

-Psybeam, Ominous Wind, all Flying type moves

Flavor: Ledian as a Pokemon has always been seen as weak, percieved as easily having its heart sealed away. But in reality, it was a constant fight, a constant struggle. After having its heart reopened, they made it their journey to get stronger. Who doesn't love a good underdog story?


Pokemon: Flareon-Purified
Typing: Fire/Dragon
Abilities: Flash Fire/Intimidate/Mold Breaker
Stats: 65/130/70/95/110/65 (BST 535)
Movepool Changes:

+Draco Meteor, Breaking Swipe, Dragon Pulse, Outrage, Dragon Dance, Dragon Rush, Dragon Tail

Flavor: The unlocking of their heart also unlocked memories of a time long gone by.

Shadow Pokemon:


Typing: Psychic/Shadow
Abilities: Shadow Nightmare (Shadow moves this Pokemon uses have a 20% chance of putting opposing non-Shadow Pokemon to sleep)
Stats: 85/83/70/103/115/72 (BST 528)
Movepool Changes: +Shadow Wave, Shadow Panic
Flavor: This Pokemon is intent on feasting on nightmares. It often appears in the nightmares it is feasting on as a tall, indistinct, shadowy figure.


Pokemon: Raticate-Shadow
Typing: Normal/Shadow
Abilities: Miasma (Shadow moves this Pokemon uses have a 20% chance of poisoning opposing non-Shadow Pokemon)
Stats: 85/106/85/50/70/97 (BST 493)
Movepool Changes: +Shadow Rush, Shadow Blitz, Shadow End
Flavor: Sewer Raticate, basically.
:ledian: - This pokemon seems a bit annoying, but not overwhelming, if it's seen to be otherwise once implemented the clear choice of balance is probably removing Victory Dance or trimming some stats.

:flareon: - Big fan of this pokemon, with the implementation of the lv50 rule, we have actually lost Mence and Dnite, this primes Flareon to actually be our premier dragon type! Might just be, again, a removal of Dragon Dance if it's too overwhelming but it otherwise looks fine.

:hypno: - This ability is unacceptable. It's just absolutely unfun and horrid to fight against. It needs to be something else entirely. We'll be making shadow moves come next season, so we can give something sleep related then, but just giving a 20% to put 'mons to sleep is very annoying and frankly a bit uncompetitive.

:raticate: - See below.

Typing: Normal/Shadow
Abilities: Target Wounds
Target Wounds: Super Effective non-Shadow moves drop corresponding defense by one
Stats: 68/95/57/95/66/105
xxMovesxx: Shadow Rush, Shadow Blitz, Shadow Break
Flavor: First you hit. Then you hit again. It's the street's law, and Raticate's learned it. It's become master in never being kind nor feeling compassion, and always target your weak points.

Pokemon: Froslass-Purified
Typing: Ice/Fairy
Abilities: Triage, Natural Cure
Stats: 110/70/95/70/95/70
Movepool Changes:
+Moonblast, Heal Pulse, Moonlight, Wish, Healing Wish, Charm, Dazzling Gleam, Calm Mind
- Will-o-Wisp, Hex, Sucker Punch, Taunt, Switcheroo
Flavor: Now a snow rescuer, after having lost many people in mounts, she now saves them.
:raticate: - We actually have two submissions for Raticate!!! In the event of this, I think it's best to look between the stats and find a good middle ground of what should be done, and to simply give Raticate-S both of the abilities suggested. I think it's more than fine for shadow pokemon to have multiple abilities, and this would be a good test to see how that effects the balance of Raticate-S.

:froslass: - I adore the direction taken with this pokemon, and with the removal of Tail Glow, I think this pokemon is more than fine now.

Pokemon: Plusle-Purified
Typing: Electric/Fairy
Abilities: Lightning Rod / Plus | Analytic
Stats: 70/60/60/105/85/115 (495)
Movepool Changes:
:plusle: Dazzling Gleam, Baby-Doll Eyes, Moonblast, Draining Kiss.
:minun: All Dark type moves.
Flavor: Plusle is the positive Pokemon, so it makes sense for it to be on the "good side"
Description: Fast special attacker with a good STAB combination and Analytic to punish switches.

Pokemon: Minun-Shadow
Typing: Electric/Shadow
Abilities: Lightning Rod / Minus | Negative Charge
Active Shadow type Pokemon without this Ability have their Attack and Special Attack multiplied by 0.75.
Stats: 90/30/80/75/115/105 (495)
Movepool Changes:
:plusle: Shadow Bolt, Shadow Rave, Shadow Rush.
:minun: Nasty Plot.
Flavor: If Plusle, the positive Pokemon, is purified, then it only makes sense for Minun to be the Shadow type.
Description: Defensive Shadow type! Hopefully this will help in holding off the future broken Shadow types, at least a bit. Has Wish, Rapid Spin and Haze for utility.
:plusle: - This meta lacks fairy types, so Plusle slots in just nicely, it's really cool.

:minun: - Similarly, I love the direction taken with Minun here and general trend of Shadow types having "defense" abilities, this should help provide inherent value to the pokemon. Just note that it needs to lose it's other abilities, Shadow Pokemon only have their shadow ability.

Pokemon: Shadow Arcanine
Typing: Fire / Shadow
Abilities: Fear the Dark
Upon switch-in, opposing Pokemon have their attack and special attack lowered by 1 stage each.
Stats: 81 HP / 125 Atk / 75 Def / 115 SpA / 70 SpD / 89 Spe [BST-560]
Movepool Changes: + Bulk Up, Shadow Ball, Bitter Blade, Shadow Rush, Shadow Blast, Shadow End, Shadow Fire, Shadow Hold, - Play Rough, Psychic Fangs, Teleport
Flavor: Arcanine’s owner stepped on his tail one too many times, causing him to go evil and barbecue his owner.
Description: Powerful wallbreaker with a mixed Intimidate clone to grant it switch-in opportunities against many foes, especially Shadowmons.
:arcanine: - A bit of a beast, it'll be curious on where Arcanine lands balance-wise when implemented, it could realistically end up anywhere! Fear the Dark is a cool ability that I can see just providing value at all times, but with a weakness to rocks, and some lower defense stats... Maybe it'll keep this thing in check!

Pokemon: Sunflora-Purified
Typing: Grass/Fire
Abilities: Chlorophyll/Solar Power (Drought)
Stats: 85/100/75/100/100/50
Movepool Changes: Solar Blade, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Blaze Kick | Inferno, Blast Burn
Flavor: After being purified, Sunflora attained the ability to truly channel the Sun rather than just benefit from it.
Competitive: Mixed wallbreaker with Growth to set up
:sunflora: - Ah, the petmod classic, Sunflora with Drought. Honestly, while I've seen this concept multiple times before, this is probably one of my favorites? It's very slow, and the Grass/Fire typing is very cool.

Pokemon: Persian-Shadow
Typing: Normal / Shadow
Abilities: Shadow Claws (+1 Critical Hit Ratio. When this Pokemon gets a critical hit, the attack's power is multiplied by 1.2x.)
Stats: 65 / 100 (+30) / 60 / 65 / 65 / 115
Movepool Changes: +Shadow Rush
Flavor: Evil cat that was mistreated by its owner (he also really liked to gamble and whatnot) and was consumed by the shadows.
Competitive: basically a crit machine with slash similar to gen 1 (i have been watching too much gen 1 stadium rentals lately,) mainly a physical inteleon. gains shadow rush as powerful shadow-type STAB for now and it has other coverage plus moves that also have high crit ratio like night slash and shadow claw. pretty frail and easy to revenge kill though.
:persian: - It's very likely this 'mon will struggle a bit, but that's more than okay. We can support it with some cool shadow moves, and the BSS format can give it a bit of a time to shine in some areas. Bit fan of the gen 1 inspiration!

Pokemon: Walrein-Shadow
Typing: Water / Shadow
Abilities: Cryogenian
On switch-in, summons Snow. While Snow is active, the base powers of this Pokemon's moves are multiplied by 1.3x.
Stats: 110 / 80 / 90 / 95 / 90 / 65 (530) -> 115 / 80 / 95 / 100 / 95 / 65 (550)
Movepool Changes: +Shadow Wave
Flavor: The ice caps are melting, and the loss of Walrein's home has sparked a desire for revenge, which the shadows have taken advantage of. Now, it summons freezing snows wherever it goes, trying to start a new ice age.
Competitive: Slow, pretty bulky wallbreaker. Sheds Walrein's unfortunate Ice typing for the Shadow typing, and a strong ability with no real drawbacks in Cryogenian. It has a very strong coverage option in unmissable, Cryogenian-boosted Blizzard, which when combined with a boosted Hydro Pump and Shadow Wave, gives it pretty much perfect coverage on everything except... itself. The main drawback is its speed, making it pretty easy to overpower with anything strong enough to survive one of its powerful hits.

Pokemon: Furret-Purified
Typing: Normal/Ghost
Abilities: Klutz / Frisk (Fluffy)
Stats: 85 / 76 / 64 / 45 / 55 / 90 (415) -> 85 / 126 (+50) / 64 / 45 / 85 (+30) / 110 (+20) (515 (+100))
Movepool Changes: +Poltergeist, Hex, Astonish, Ominous Wind, Trick-Or-Treat, Shadow Punch
Flavor: In purification, the shadows of Furret's inferiority were banished. Freed from its burden, its spirit was able to ascend, seeking to become the powerful Pokemon it had always dreamed of being.
Competitive: I think out of all the pokemon, it's justified to give Furret a massive buff to its stats and a good ability. If you peaked in GSC PU, you'd welcome any change. Furret becomes a powerful physical threat, in combination with its amazing defensive typing and Fluffy giving it a further resistance to contact moves. It can use its bulk to set up with Coil, and then use its good Speed tier and strong Normal and Ghost STABs to deal big damage. (I forgot that poltergeist needs an item so we shadow punch now)
:walrein: - Part of me says this pokemon might be a small problem. I was told that Walrein here wouldn't actually be a problem, but I'm unsure! I think we let it cook and see how it goes, and if it's too strong, we can always adjust it... Even if that means swapping it's typing from water -> ice.

:furret: - Normal/Ghost is a fan favorite typing, and our pal here looks to be extremely strong..... I'm all for it! Similarly to the lack of dragons, there's a lack of ghosts in this meta(that are good), so I'm eager to see how Furret would slot in and change things. There's plenty of ways to tune this 'mon if they're too strong.

Pokemon: Heracross-Shadow
Typing: Fighting / Shadow
Ability: Shadow Scourge
When opponent switches in, while Heracross-Shadow is active, opposing Pokémon take 1/16 of their hp as damage.
Stats: 80/125/75/40/95/100 (+15)
Movepool Changes:
+ Shadow Rush, Shadow Break, Shadow End, Shadow Down, Shadow Sky
Flavor: After years of being knocked out of trees and being lured with honey, Heracross has grown spiteful, allowing the shadows to take hold.
Competitive: With high attack, solid speed, and the new shadow typing, Heracross-Shadow has the ability to be a dangerous wallbreaker and sweeper. With the opportunity to be a thicker sweeper with Bulk Up or a more aggressive one with Swords Dance, Heracross-Shadow would be an expert in forcing painful scenarios for opponents. They have the choice to take big damage or take chip on their switch in from Shadow Scourge and whatever attack you were throwing out.

Pokemon: Typhlosion-Purified
Typing: Fire/Ground
Abilities: Blaze/Flash Fire/Competitive (HA)
Stats: 88 (+10)/84/78/119 (+10)/85/100
Movepool Changes:
+ Earth Power, Scorching Sands, Sandsear Storm, Stealth Rock
Flavor: Having overcome the shadows, Typhlosion’s power burns like an active volcano.
Competitive: With a very solid offensive typing, and the offensive stats to deal big damage, Typhlosion-Purified could serve as a dangerous wallbreaker and offensive lead with stealth rocks. Sweeping potential is limited by a lack of set up, but powerful STAB options in eruption and sandsear storm help mitigate that.
:heracross: - This pokemon is a menace. I was discussing how you adjust it, and realized that it being a Fighting type is FAR better balance-wise than Bug due to the loss of stab on Megahorn, and was stumped a bit. I'm all for this thing to be let loose and tear up the competition, but it might be that the stats will need to go down. Time will tell...

:typhlosion: - Absolutely great pokemon. Love love love the Fire/Ground typing here. I however say it should lose Sandsear Storm. I think it's more than fine without this.

Name: Magcargo-Shadow
: Fire / Shadow
: Combustion (This Pokemon can burn a target regardless of its typing.)
Stats: 60 / 75 / 135 / 90 / 120 / 30 | 490 BST
Movepool Changes:
+ Shadow Fire, Shadow Sky
- Curse, Toxic, all Rock moves (except Stealth Rock)
Description: Magcargo can now kinda do what it was intended to do and be a defensive Fire type with its Rock type gone. Stats akin to Toxapex but less passive, no Regen or BB to abuse and a usable special attacking stat. Can set Rocks, pass burns with Wisp (or Shadow Fire on Flash Fire mons), Recover to stay healthy, and Shadow Sky can provide good chip over time.
:magcargo: - A great direction to take Magcargo, and really, a unique one all around! A properly defensive fire type like this is pretty damn neato.


Pokemon: Rapidash-Purified
Typing: Fire/Flying
Abilities: Aerilate / Flash Fire / Flame Body
Stats: 65 / 120 / 70 / 100 / 80 / 120 (555)
Movepool Changes: +Dual Wingbeat, Brave Bird, Hurricane
Flavor: Rapidash gains flaming wings, becoming a pegasus of sorts.
:rapidash: - A cool, and completely different take on Fire/Flying in comparison to Moltres. Love it!

Pokemon: Altaria-Shadow
Typing: Shadow / Flying
Abilities: Shadow Dawn (Summons Shadow Sky for 5 turns upon switching in)
Stats: 75 / 80 (+10) / 90 / 70 / 115 (+10) / 90 (+10) [BST: 520]
Movepool Changes: + Shadow Sky, Shadow Wave, Shadow Mist
Flavor: Dark cloud waah

Pokemon: Hariyama-Purified
Typing: Fighting / Water
Abilities: Thick Fat / Guts / Filter
: 144 / 130 (+10) / 70 (+10) / 60 (+20) / 70 (+10) / 50 [BST: 524]
Movepool Changes: + Water Gun, Surf, Hydro Pump, Liquidation, Life Dew, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Whirlpool, Avalanche
Flavor: Rapid Strikes hon hon
:altaria: - Simply cool. I think the value of a Shadow/Flying will be rather valuable as we move forward with this project, meanwhile shadow dawn can be a bit of a liability for teams and structures. Pretty interested on how this will end up playing out.

:hariyama: - Yeesh, this thing is a bit of a monster. We'll see if it even needs to have any stat boosts but I'm all for this thing to show up and throw hands.

Pokemon: Donphan-Purified
Typing: Ground / Electric
Abilities: Sturdy / Filter
Stats: 90 / 110 (-10) / 120 (+0) / 100 (+40) / 70 (+10) / 90 (+40)
Movepool Changes: +Discharge, +Headlong Rush, Superpower, +Thunder Punch, +Thunderbolt, +Work Up, +Volt Switch
Description: Bulky Ground that can be tailored to meet its team's needs. Makes for a solid glue option as it can provide a blanket defensive check, hazard control, pivoting, hazards, and item removal. Can also run more specialized sets, like Curse, Work Up+Rapid Spin, and Scarf.
Flavor: After being purified, Donphan followed its dreams and got a dynamo installed.
:donphan: - Not bad at all, this is a really unique concept and it's really interesting to imagine how this pokemon will end up playing, but what I don't like in the slightest is how much it's Spa and Spe are raised, in conjunction to Volt Switch. It's a bulky fast ground that can also rapid spin and rotate fairly easily. I'd recommend trimming some stats and maybe just outright removing volt switch as it seems more than fine without.


And that concludes the initial review of all our submissions thus far! These are a very creative and diverse cast of pokemon, and it'll be great fun to see them put into the pet mod proper! Feel free to join the discord if you haven't already, and stay tuned for more submissions and updates to Tercera as things are really coming along nicely so far!
I've been getting more interested in this petmod over time, so screw it I'll play


Type: Fighting / Shadow
Ability: Dark Mind - This Pokemon is immune to Psychic-type and Dark-type moves, as well as any moves affected by Prankster.
Stats: 100 | 115 | 80 | 50 | 80 | 90 [BST = 515]
Movepool Changes: + Shadow Blast, Shadow Shed
Description: Annhiliape minus the OP typing and sig move. Effective offensive threat thanks to its good Attack and Shadow mon status allowing it to hit many things for super-effective damage.
Flavor: An angry and violent Primeape is an everyday occurence, but those corrupted by shadow are even more dangerous, deliberately attacking surrounding people, structures, and fellow Pokemon. Only the wisest and most caring trainers raise them, as most fear their Primeape becoming a Shadow Pokemon and turning on them.


Type: Water / Poison
Abilities: Poison Touch, Intimidate, Toxic Debris
Stats: 80 | 95 | 100 | 70 | 95 | 85 [BST= 525]
Movepool Changes: +Explosion, Knock Off, Slack Off

Description: Bulky guy that can specialize in either physical walling w/ Intimidate, hazard setting with Toxic Debris and Spikes, or all out-offense with Poison Touch + Barb Barrage.
Flavor: The purification process not only increased Qwilfish's strength but also control over its quills and poison (hence the new abilities), making cohabitation with humans much easier. You'll commonly find purified Qwilfish swimming around in harbors and guarding docked ships.


Type: Steel / Electric
Abilities: Sturdy, Solid Rock, Lightning Rod
Stats: 80 | 80 | 130 | 95 | 130 | 30 [BST= 545]
Movepool Changes: N/A
Description: Great defensive pivot with access to Stealth Rock and slow Volt Switch, but lacks the reliable recovery that all great walls have. This was going to keep Magnet Pull and serve as a more defensive take on Magnezone... completely missing that Magneton is still legal lol. Two viable steel trappers would probably be much, especially since Shadow Pokemon already weaken the defensive prowess of Steels. Others' thoughts on if Probopass should have Magnet Pull would be appreciated.
Flavor: Purification has become a service of high demand for archaeology and anthropology, due to its ability to make Pokemon like Probopass and Claydol more resilient to erosion. It seems that purifying Probopass also alters its magnetic affinity.
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I've been getting more interested in this petmod over time, so screw it I'll play


Type: Fighting / Shadow
Ability: Dark Mind - This Pokemon is immune to Psychic-type and Dark-type moves, as well as any moves affected by Prankster.
Stats: 100 | 115 | 80 | 50 | 80 | 90 [BST = 515]
Movepool Changes: + Shadow Blast, Shadow Shed
Description: Annhiliape minus the OP typing and sig move. Effective scarfer thanks to its good Attack and Shadow mon status allowing it to hit many things for super-effective damage.
Flavor: An angry and violent Primeape is an everyday occurence, but those corrupted by shadow are even more dangerous, deliberately attacking surrounding people, structures, and fellow Pokemon. Only the wisest and most caring trainers raise them, as most fear their Primeape becoming a Shadow Pokemon and turning on them.


Type: Water / Poison
Abilities: Technician, Intimidate, Toxic Debris
Stats: 80 | 95 | 100 | 70 | 95 | 90 [BST= 530]
Movepool Changes: +Explosion, Knock Off, Slack Off, Water Shuriken

Description: Gaining access to instant recovery and the ever-incredible utility of Knock Off, Qwilfish can function as either an effective physical wall with Intimidate or hazard setter with Toxic Debris and Spikes. Technician opens the door to offensive sets, giving Qwilfish the potential to unleash Barb Barrages of an effective 180 BP, and that's before STAB. Below-average attack/speed for a sweeper along with poison being a mediocre offensive type might keep this from being overbearing, but I wouldn't be suprised if it gets a veto. If so, Qwilfish can still have offensive potential via Technician + Loaded Dice + Water Shuriken and Pin Missile.
Flavor: The purification process not only increased Qwilfish's strength but also control over its quills and poison (hence the new abilities), making cohabitation with humans much easier. You'll commonly find purified Qwilfish swimming around in harbors and guarding docked ships.


Type: Steel / Electric
Abilities: Sturdy, Solid Rock, Analytic
Stats: 80 | 80 | 130 | 95 | 130 | 30 [BST= 545]
Movepool Changes: N/A
Description: Great defensive pivot with access to Stealth Rock, slow Volt Switch, and Analytic-boosted attacks. However, it lacks the reliable recovery moves that all great walls have, so running Leftovers is a must. This was going to keep Magnet Pull and serve as a defensive version of Magnezone... completely missing that Magneton is still legal lol. Two viable steel trappers would probably be much, especially since Shadow Pokemon already weaken the defensive prowess of Steels. Others' thoughts on if Probopass should have Magnet Pull would be appreciated.
Flavor: Purification has become a service of high demand for archaeology and anthropology, due to its ability to make Pokemon like Probopass and Claydol more resilient to erosion. It seems that purifying Probopass also alters its magnetic affinity.
Thank you for the interest! Here, to help improve your submissions I'll go over them here!
A reminder that we can always nerf or buff submissions after they've been accepted, and as a result there's no need to "veto" a submission.

:primeape: - There are currently no items allowed, not even lefties or an oran berry. I bring this up because you mention choice scarf. Anywho, the immunity to moves that interact with prankster is a bit unintuitive, but I totally jive with the psychic/dark immunity? That's pretty unique. Great submission.

:qwilfish: - Yeah this thing's kinda WACK! Knock off, slack off, shuriken, technician, toxic debris, and stats that aren't garbo... Intimidate is also good here as this is a BSS format! Honestly, I think what you should do is decide on what you want this thing to do, instead of trying to give it everything. Good news is because you gave it everything, you can just start trimming and it ought to end up just fine.

:probopass: - No need for Analytic. Honestly, Solid Rock + some of it's defensive stats back, would give it that identity you're talking about! Not to mention the old probopass will still exist! This is a fairly tricky submission, but my advice is to try and let something cool out into the wild, and let's see how it goes. It's fine if it's not perfect off the bat.
Thank you for the interest! Here, to help improve your submissions I'll go over them here!
A reminder that we can always nerf or buff submissions after they've been accepted, and as a result there's no need to "veto" a submission.

:primeape: - There are currently no items allowed, not even lefties or an oran berry. I bring this up because you mention choice scarf. Anywho, the immunity to moves that interact with prankster is a bit unintuitive, but I totally jive with the psychic/dark immunity? That's pretty unique. Great submission.

:qwilfish: - Yeah this thing's kinda WACK! Knock off, slack off, shuriken, technician, toxic debris, and stats that aren't garbo... Intimidate is also good here as this is a BSS format! Honestly, I think what you should do is decide on what you want this thing to do, instead of trying to give it everything. Good news is because you gave it everything, you can just start trimming and it ought to end up just fine.

:probopass: - No need for Analytic. Honestly, Solid Rock + some of it's defensive stats back, would give it that identity you're talking about! Not to mention the old probopass will still exist! This is a fairly tricky submission, but my advice is to try and let something cool out into the wild, and let's see how it goes. It's fine if it's not perfect off the bat.
Thanks a ton for the input. I completely missed the universal items ban lol, will definitely change Shadow Primeape's description to reflect that. As for the other two, I'll definitely nerf Purified Qwilfish's options and retool Purified Probopass's abilities, though I'm not sure how to go around that yet - thankfully there's still over a week to fix the subs
Alright, and with that, submissions are closed!

Great last minute additions, and all around these pokemon are rad af. In an upcoming post I'll be outlining some of the changes to some of the submissions (Raticate-Shadow) and announce the start of the second season, which will be SHADOW MOVES ! This will involve changing all the existing shadow moves to not be butts, as well as the addition of new shadow moves! Now that we see what shadow pokemon we have to start with here, we can consider the balance and distribution of these moves better. Feel free to use this time to think up your future submissions, and remember this about shadow moves: They are super effective to all non-shadow pokemon, resisted by shadow pokemon, and shadow pokemon do not get STAB off shadow moves.

Similarly when R2O is fully playable on the DH client I'll be sure to inform y'all. Have a good day!
The season of shadows shall now begin! This is the second SEASON of Tercera!
Much like the previous season, this will last for roughly a full month!

Much like the previous season, just about any and all submissions will be accepted and put into the PetMod--This season is focused on the shadow moves that shadow pokemon will have moving forward, and this involves reworking the old shadow moves and adding in new ones. In the event of two submissions for the same rework of a move we will attempt to turn one of them in a new move if there is enough of a difference between the two.
Again, the goal is to include everyone's submissions!

Shadow moves are strong, think outside of the box if you can help it!
Shadow moves are super effective to all non-shadow pokemon, and resisted by shadow types. Their base power, if the move has no drawbacks, should be on the lower end to reflect this--In my example I will show how Shadow Rush(the basic Shadow Move) has been changed to reflect this. Shadow Pokemon have other moves than just shadow moves, and should still be encouraged to use them!

Here are the shadow moves:

Our shadow pokemon:
:Hypno: :Raticate: :Minun: :Arcanine: :Hitmonchan: :Smeargle: :Persian: :Walrein: :Roserade: :Heracross: :Magcargo: :Altaria: :Mismagius: :Primeape:

And here is the template:

New Move or Rework:
Base Power:

Now for the rework of Shadow Rush!

Name: Shadow Rush
New Move or Rework: Rework
Type: Shadow
Physical/Special/Status: Physical
Base Power: 50bp
Accuracy: 100%
Effect: N/A
Distribution: All shadow pokemon


Simple and sweet! For new and old moves, consider the distribution carefully, and be open to the idea of the move being tweaked later down the line--Or otherwise added to other shadow pokemon if limited. The intent of "signature" shadow moves will be respected as much as possible if that becomes a factor, but ultimately if there is something that can improve the health/fun of the petmod its always best to go for that over limiting oneself.

For now, you are limited to up to four submissions, lets work together to rework ALL of the old moves and get some cool ideas out there! (Shadow Boom anyone?)
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New Move or Rework: Shadow Down
Type: Shadow
Physical/Special/Status: Physical
Base Power: 40
Accuracy: 100
Effect: lowers the opponent's defense by two
Distribution: :heracross::walrein::persian::raticate::primeape::arcanine:
Justification: Funny tool to break walls
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Name: Shadow Blitz
New Move or Rework: Rework
Type: Shadow
Physical/Special/Status: Physical
Base Power: 40
Accuracy: 100
Effect: +1 Priority
Distribution: Persian, Walrein, Altaria.
Justification: This wasn’t part of the move format but I still think I should add a bit of input on my thought process. Priority Shadow moves are crazy, the ability to hit most thing’s super effectively, and before they can attack is a bit busted. The small distribution should help keep things balanced.

Name: Shadow Half
New Move or Rework: Rework
Type: Shadow
Physical/Special/Status: Special
Base Power: 65
Accuracy: 100
Effect: Heals the user equal to half the damage dealt.
Distribution: Roserade, Minun, Raticate
Justification: Sort of like Giga Drain, but weaker because it’s a Shadow move. Nothing crazy.
Name: Shadow Chill
New Move or Rework: New
Type: Shadow
Physical/Special/Status: Status
Base Power: 0
Accuracy: 85
Effect: Inflicts the opponent with Frostbite. This halves their special attack and causes them to take 1/16 of their max hp as damage at the end of the turn. Ice types are immune.
Distribution: Walrein, Minun, Mismagius
Justification: Legends Arceus Frostbite. Much more fun than freeze. Cool on defensive Shadow mons.

Name: Shadow Thwack
New Move or Rework: New
Type: Shadow
Physical/Special/Status: Physical
Base Power: 65
Accuracy: 95
Effect: Hits the opponents special defense instead of their physical defense.
Distribution: Hypno, Raticate, Hitmonchan, Persian, Heracross, Arcanine, Primape
Justification: Cool psudeo psyshock clone but hits on the special side instead of the physical side. This might be a bit too strong on some of the more powerful physical attackers such as Arcanine and my boy Heracross, but we will have to wait and see.