Tournament OMFL IV - Week 3


Thanks Fancy1

All games will be played on the Pokemon Showdown main server or SmogTours in the most current version of the format corresponding to those listed above. The result between players may be decided in a best-of-one or best-of-three at the discretion of both players involved. If there is no agreement, the result will decided in a Bo1 by default. Here are the Tournament Rules

Winning a round rewards a team with 2 points, drawing 1 point, and losing zero points. In addition, the manner in which the round has been won will also be recorded i.e. the difference between a team's wins and losses in a specific week's round (referred to as "Win Differential").

:eevee: Evasion Boosting Eevees (2) vs (5) Ballin' Barraskewdas :barraskewda:

SV 2v2: RobDog747 vs Vertigo
SV Almost Any Ability: AlexSaysBruh123 vs Giga-Chandélure
SV Anything Goes: RL vs sundays.n_sundaes
SV Balanced Hackmons: Codename C.A.T vs Stolen Identity
SV Godly Gift: Frixel vs longhiep341
SV Mix and Mega: Redflix vs Maybca☆〜ゝ。∂
SV NFE: elleapple vs Dragonillis
SV STABmons: hidden vs Palapapop

:gengar: Galactic Gengars (5) vs (2) Unnerfed Talonflames :talonflame:

SV 2v2: BlackKnight_Gawain vs Phantomistix
SV Almost Any Ability: RoyalReloaded vs Hera
SV Anything Goes: LordDoesOtherStuff vs henguinie
SV Balanced Hackmons: lemonstre1 vs Zane(Bifloofendoofen)
SV Godly Gift: The Dragon Master vs KarpeSan
SV Mix and Mega: oaklies vs hayedenn
SV NFE: June vs BigFatMantis
SV STABmons: mimilimi vs hidin
Evasion Boosting Eevees vs Ballin' Barraskewdas

SV 2v2: RobDog747 vs Vertigo
SV Almost Any Ability: AlexSaysBruh123 vs Giga-Chandélure
SV Anything Goes: RL vs sundays.n_sundaes
SV Balanced Hackmons: Codename C.A.T vs Stolen Identity
SV Godly Gift: Frixel vs longhiep341
SV Mix and Mega: Redflix vs Maybca☆〜ゝ。∂
SV NFE: elleapple vs Dragonillis
SV STABmons: hidden vs Palapapop

Galactic Gengars vs Unnerfed Talonflames

SV 2v2: BlackKnight_Gawain vs Phantomistix
SV Almost Any Ability: RoyalReloaded vs Hera
SV Anything Goes: LordDoesOtherStuff vs henguinie
SV Balanced Hackmons: lemonstre1 vs Zane(Bifloofendoofen)
SV Godly Gift: The Dragon Master vs KarpeSan
SV Mix and Mega: oaklies vs hayedenn
SV NFE: June vs BigFatMantis
SV STABmons: mimilimi vs hidin
Games are due Sunday, June 2nd, at 11:59pm -4. Good luck, and have a fun time during the tour!!!
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Evasion Boosting Eevees (3)vs Ballin' Barraskewdas(5)

SV 2v2: RobDog747 vs OM
SV Almost Any Ability: AlexSaysBruh123 vs Giga-Chandélure
SV Anything Goes: RL vs sundays.n_sundaes
SV Balanced Hackmons: Codename C.A.T vs Stolen Identity
SV Godly Gift: Frixel vs longhiep341
SV Mix and Mega: Redflix vs Maybca☆〜ゝ。∂
SV NFE: elleapple vs Lyna
SV STABmons: hidden vs Palapapop idk the both are good and hidden scare me
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Nya~! Behold, fellow comrades~! The bourgeoisie Roaring Moon, nya~! Symbolizing the ruling class, it possesses immense wealth and privilege, nya~! Accumulated through exploitative means, nya~! Its opulent lifestyle is sustained by the labor of others, the proletariat, nya~! Meow~! Roaring Moon's very existence embodies the vast wealth inequality that pervades our world, nya~! Where a select few amass immeasurable riches while the masses toil and suffer, nya~!

In stark contrast, nya~! We find the proletariat Regieleki, nya~! ⚡ Representing the working class, it is burdened by the weight of economic oppression, nya~! Regieleki, despite its inherent potential and raw power, nya~! Has been relegated to the margins, denied the recognition and autonomy it deserves, nya~! Meow~! It tirelessly harnesses its electric energy, the collective power of the proletariat, nya~! In its valiant struggle against the bourgeois dominance, nya~!

As the battle ensues, nya~! ‍ Regieleki's lightning-fast strikes echo the united resistance of the working class against the exploitative bourgeoisie, nya~! ⚡ Its thunderous blows serve as a rallying cry, nya~! ️ Reminding us that the proletariat's collective strength, when unleashed, has the potential to topple the oppressive structures that oppress and exploit, nya~!

Meow~! The bourgeoisie, nya~! Accustomed to their positions of power, initially underestimate the resilience and determination of Regieleki, nya~! They cannot comprehend the magnitude of the proletariat's struggle, nya~! ️ Blinded by their materialistic pursuits and privilege, nya~! However, as Regieleki's electrifying assaults intensify, nya~! ⚡ The bourgeoisie's façade of invincibility begins to crumble, nya~!

In this climactic battle, nya~! Regieleki's victories serve as a metaphorical triumph for the working class, nya~! Each electrifying strike weakens the bourgeoisie's grip on power, nya~! ⚡ Undermining their oppressive structures and laying the foundation for a more equitable society, nya~! The proletariat, personified by Regieleki, emerges as the vanguard of change, nya~! Leading the charge toward a future free from economic exploitation, nya~!

However, let us not be blinded by a simplistic dichotomy, nya~! Progress does not solely lie in the defeat of the bourgeoisie, nya~! ️ But in the creation of a society where the collective power of the proletariat is harnessed for the betterment of all, nya~! It is in unity, solidarity, and a commitment to a fair and just society that we find true liberation, nya~!

As we witness Regieleki's triumphant stand against Roaring Moon, nya~! Let us be inspired to strive for a world where every individual, irrespective of their background, can unleash their full potential, nya~! Let us work together to dismantle the oppressive systems that perpetuate inequality, nya~!