Metagame SV OU Metagame Discussion v2 [Update on Post #5186]

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Should zap cannon, inferno, dynamic punch be tested for rng? They’re 50% accurate, are high power, and give statuses, zap cannon and dynamic punch even give effects that make even more rng. This is literally rng on steroids unlike I’ve ever seen.

Rng that makes more damn rng.

They are not even comparable. You choose it for the damage and potential to spread status. You choosw QC purely to hax (or hope it does).
Should zap cannon, inferno, dynamic punch be tested for rng?

there is immunities for zap and dpunch, no idea what inferno is

an item that move the priority to +0 to +1 can't be put at the same level of an electric move that can be resisted or simply walled by big walls like blissey

also steam eruption and scald for me are ok moves, just need to learn how to play around them, but u can't learn how to play around a pokemon that can go always +1

Finchinator any news on the poll? can we please have a roadmap on what council wants to do now?
Well, IMO of course no, even if those things can be considered "cheese" "unhealthy" "skill-less" or whatever you want to call them, they aren't really an issue for anybody since honestly in Pokémon there are other rng elements which are far more BS and we have to deal with them on Pokémon with high usage. Action would be needed if they were more consistent or would allow something like 100% unusable shitmons winning some matches because of luck, but that doesn't happen with cute charm, contrary or quick claw, but banning them while other stuff in the tier needs to be checked rn would feel super silly.
You have really got to get off of this "All RNG elements are the same and equally worthy of action". Risk and mitigation is a part of this game. RNG items and elements are banned if there's either no risk or no mitigation. King's Rock? The opponent accepts no risk by using it and you can't do anything to mitigate it. Same thing with Bright Powder. Even evasion works like that, because the only risk in evasion strategies is that the opponent might roll under the number they need to hit you, and the only mitigation for it is Haze or accuracy boosting moves, neither of which are common, and the latter especially having almost no other use. Quick Claw is the same. There is no risk and no mitigation for it. It either works and means you don't get your turn, or it doesn't work and the opponent gets nothing, and either outcome is out of your hands.

Cute Charm though? Just bring same gender mons and Enamorus no longer has an Ability. Contrary getting an evasion boost from Defog? That's literally just a competitive strategy. The former is unreliable against anyone who doesn't just make their whole team male for the aesthetic, and the latter is just a strategic play you can make that the opponent can reasonably expect and play around. Just because something has a percent sign in its description doesn't mean it's the same as everything else that does.
there is immunities for zap and dpunch, no idea what inferno is

an item that move the priority to +0 to +1 can't be put at the same level of an electric move that can be resisted or simply walled by big walls like blissey

also steam eruption and scald for me are ok moves, just need to learn how to play around them, but u can't learn how to play around a pokemon that can go always +1

Finchinator any news on the poll? can we please have a roadmap on what council wants to do now?
Quick claw doesn’t give you +1 priority, it makes you go first in your priority bracket. Any priority move trumps quick claw, unless the quick claw user also uses a priority move.
If we're gonna ban everything that has rng involved, let's ban all the moves with secondary effects (the ones affected by serene grace) because moves like thunderbolt, flamethrower, and ice beam all have a 10% chance to para, burn, and freeze. Let's also ban everything that can miss because there's rng involved. Let's just stop playing the games because crits and speed ties exist. YAY!
King's rock was hardly allowing unusable shitmons to win games last gen and still got axed.
Eh? Cloyster pretty much fits that definition like a glove and was like 90% of the reason to ban king's rock, the remaining 10% being beat up weavile memes.
A big difference is that bright powder can sometimes give a free switchin, and quick claw is only sometimes useful (bulky mons don't always want it, fast mons don't need it) but dodging a move is basically always useful.
I see what you're saying, but to me, if you're using Quick Claw at all, it's because you're using it on a mon where it would be useful, blunting that difference to the point where they are functionally similar.

I keep referencing Ursaluna because that mom is balanced around not being able to go first outside of tricky Trick Room strategies. It would be an instant S class if it had so much as Sucker Punch (Quick Attack for Teddiursa u COWARDS). But it's hardly the best user of the item as is, others can make terrifyingly effective.

The only thing that makes me wanna keep it is for Slowbro-G, oddly enough. Let that be his thing. I'll even vote for a complex rule just for that and that alone. It deserves the shenanigans.

Spin the wheel, yes you. Do it now.
A big difference is that bright powder can sometimes give a free switchin, and quick claw is only sometimes useful (bulky mons don't always want it, fast mons don't need it) but dodging a move is basically always useful.
Well the other thing is that the pokemon that want quick claw benefit a lot more from the chance to move first than most pokemon from a 10% to dodge. And most mons that can run bright powder have huge opportunity cost for doing so and quick claw not so much

Edit:if people are using "everything is rng" argument just unban snow cloak, sand veil, bright powder, king's rock etc, they all don't break the game like double team or minimize.
Well the other thing is that the pokemon that want quick claw benefit a lot more from the chance to move first than most pokemon from a 10% to dodge. And most mons that can run bright powder have huge opportunity cost for doing so and quick claw not so much

Edit:if people are using "everything is rng" argument just unban snow cloak, sand veil, bright powder, king's rock etc, they all don't break the game like double team or minimize.

King's Rock was never really a "too much RNG" ban, since it was broken on Cloyster and somewhere between usable gimmick and actual option on Weavile, and otherwise not a problem. If we're being honest, that was a "This is too powerful, and we're afraid it's going to break more mons if we just ban the current abusers, so we're banning the item," decision that was dressed up as a competitiveness issue.

Quick Claw is a fun gimmick, but take any team built around it and replace it with more normal items, and you have an (at least) equally solid team. It's not propping up low-tier trash, it doesn't require specialized answers in the team builder, it doesn't force otherwise-useless moves, it's not actually causing major issues to the tier. It's a gimmick that synergizes well with screens HO, and screens HO is so powerful that you can afford to sacrifice your items and still be effective.
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