what numbers simply aren't real?


The mines wont sweep themselves!
is a Community Contributor
Greetings from Mesopotamia!

It is the year 3 B.C and I have discovered something incredible! A new number! I call it "zero" or 0. I've been looking at it recently and it just doesn't look real! What other numbers do you look at think "damn, that can't possibly be a real number"?


P.S. We've just had a historic change to the number line as we know it, we may not have another for centuries. A lot of people out here are losing their shit at this incredible change to the number line, so please don't try to make any more changes to it. I fear people may be caused physical stress if we add another revolutionary number like 0.

P.P.S. So a friend told me "B.C." stood for "Before Christ"... what the fuck does that mean?
0 can't be a real number. numbers are for counting things. how can you count none of something. it simply does not make sense. call me old-fashioned, but i do not recognise "zero" as a number.
idk seems p real to me, like when someone is all 'count up how many wenches the ashelies (tm) have" and I answer "zero".

by definition a 10 is a gf that greater than which none can be imagined. if one can imagine the gf as in the understanding, than they can see that the gf in their understanding is not a 10, for if said gf existed irl She would be greater.

Hope this helps!!
cDonald's Theorem most likely, I love it though, it's such a magical expression of maths that the world might never be able to prove it ever again <3 :]
