Pet Mod MetaMons

Pokemon: Dachsbun
Stats: 75 / 90 / 110 / 75 / 80 / 90 [BST 520] (+18/+10/-5/+25/+0/-5)
Abilities: Well-Baked Body / Aroma Veil
Typing: Fairy/Steel
Move Changes: + Calm Mind, Flash Cannon, Iron Defense, Iron Head, Metal Claw, Moonblast, Moonlight, Steel Beam, Stored Power
Description: This doggo is so well-baked that it is fresh out of the forge. New stats and movepool allows it to run special moves instead of relying on its physical attacks. Thanks to WBB it will always be using Body Press anyways.
Only way its going to be checked is with Ground type mons so its too strong with Moonlight. Recommend removin that.
Votes are closed. Results come later. I will wait for the DH update to finish for The next Slate. Have fun
Pokemon: Accelgor
Stats: 80 / 85 / 100 / 80 / 100 / 75 | 520
Abilites: Hydration / Sticky Hold / Water Bubble
Typing: Bug / Water
Move Changes:
+ Liquidation, Waterfall, Aqua Jet, Hydro Pump, Scald, Poison Jab, Nasty Plot
Description: idk why were making another fast bug when beedrill already exists. so heres a stabmons araquanid looking thing.
Congratulations to Anna Conja on winnning :accelgor:!!!!!
Pokémon: Lickilicky
Stats: 150 / 110 / 80 / 60 / 80 / 40 (520 BST)
Abilities: Thick Fat / Own Tempo
Typing: Normal
Move Changes: +Chilly Reception
Description: Big Chilly Reception pivot + Wish passer. 150 HP wishes are obviously really big and heal a lot of health on your average mon. With above average bulk, Lickilicky probably does get quite a few chances to get a Wish Reception off, and pass it to a lower HP mon to basically fully heal them. It's not the most passive thing in the world, either- 110 attack combined with Own Tempo Thrash has potential if you got that dog in you and want to run Band Lickilicky. I really wanted to give it Shed Tail but resisted the temptation because I don't know if it actually has a tail.

Pokémon: Dachsbun
Stats: 57 / 80 / 115 / 113 / 80 / 95 (540 BST)
Abilities: Well-Baked Body / Aroma Veil
Typing: Fairy/Fire
Move Changes: +Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Mystical Fire, Overheat, Burn Up, Fire Spin, Will-O-Wisp, Moonblast
Description: I hate dachsbun. Sure, it's a cute bread dog, but that doesn't change the fact that it's absurdly passive and just sits there clicking Wish and Play Rough like Scream Tail 2. Apparently it has 95 speed? That's messed up. It's a piece of bread. But this sub attempts to remedy it's crippling phobia of making progress by giving it two things: A better offensive STAB combination, and an actually usable offensive stat. Flamethrower/Fire Blast + Moonblast combined are an infinitely better combo than Play Rough off of a 80 attack stat. With these new tools, Dachsbun is able to actually serve as a decently fast and pretty strong special mon, with a cool and honestly really good defensive typing and a useful immunity that allows it to switch into Fire moves with abandon.
And Totally_Odette wins Dachsbun AND Lickilicky!!! :dachsbun: :lickilicky:

New slate coming soon, realized update isnt coming that soon so we gotta make some mons before we can properly playtest.
Slate 9: yeah it's that typing trio again '-'
Must have the Normal type.
Should use Scrappy as its ability.
Should use :choice-band: as its item.

:sv/glimmet: (has access to Eviolite)
Must have the Poison type.
Should use Toxic Debris as its ability.
SpA should be highest stat.

Must have the Ice type.
Should use Swords Dance.
Should use Slush Rush as its ability.
Pokémon: Stoutland

Abilities: Scrappy / Justified
Stats: 85 / 115 / 90 / 55 / 80 / 100 (525)
Move Changes: +Head Charge, Quick Attack
Description: we dont have any physical fairies yet so stoutland serves to fill that role. also stoutland gets actual normal stab that's not strength
:Stoutland: @ :Choice-Band:
Ability: Scrappy
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Head Charge
- Play Rough
- Quick Attack
- Superpower

Pokémon: Glimmet

Abilities: Toxic Debris
Stats: 88 / 35 / 92 / 105 / 65 / 75 (450)
Move Changes: +Shadow Ball, Hex, Thunder Wave, Earth Power
Description: physical bulk is bumped up to abuse toxic debris more effectively. glim can also be a decent lead mon with its better speed stat. ghost typing spinblocks and provides stab hex
:Glimmet: @ :Eviolite:
Ability: Toxic Debris
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Spikes
- Hex
- Thunder Wave
- Sludge Bomb

:glimmet: @ :focus-sash:
Ability: Toxic Debris
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Spikes
- Memento
- Sludge Bomb
- Shadow Ball


Pokémon: Beartic

Abilities: Slush Rush / Inner Focus
Stats: 95 / 120 / 80 / 70 / 80 / 75 (530)
Move Changes: +Knock Off, Ice Shard, Ice Spinner, Icicle Spear
Description: funny weavile lookin guy
:beartic: @ :Heavy-Duty-Boots:
Ability: Slush Rush
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Ice Shard
- Icicle Crash
- Knock Off
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Pokemon: Stoutland
Stats: 85/115/80/45/80/50
Abilities: Scrappy | Ball Fetch
Typing: Normal/Ghost
Move Changes:
+Head Charge, Shadow Sneak, Poltergeist, Shadow Claw, Hex, Explosion, Earthquake
-Crunch, Psychic Fangs, Wild Charge, Superpower, Play Rough
Description: A very strong physical wallbreaker, with one of the best typings on the game, letting it switch into the many attacks that its inmune to, and then deal huge damage with a big Head Charge, which cannot be switched into by Ghosts (added it cus it is slightly better than Double-Edge, since it only deals 1/4 of recoil instead of 1/3), Poltergeist, Iron Head, or Earthquake, also has access to STAB priority in Shadow Sneak, and being able to do some huge damage with Explosion, which because of Scrappy, Ghosts cant switch into, making it a strong Choice Band user, at the cost of some of its coverage moves, most importantly Close Combat and Play Rough, which would help it against the Dark types that now hit it superefectively, some of its bulk and most importantly, a bunch of its speed, which now makes it a less reliable Scarf user.

Pokemon: Glimmet
Stats: 60/30/90/105/70/60
Abilities: Toxic Debris | Water Veil
Move Changes:
+Hydro Pump, Surf, Liquidation, Water Pulse, Mortal Spin
Description: A slow hazard control mon with access to a great typing, movepool, and ability, in exchange for the item slot, it can set up its many hazards consistantly due to its bulk with Eviolite, and Toxic Debris, and be able to pressure the opponent with decently strong Hydro Pumps and Sludge Waves, and the ability to remove hazards with Mortal Spin, but sacrificing its item slot in the process, making it unable to heal in any way, as well as being fairy slow and weak to being Knocked Off.

Pokemon: Beartic
Stats: 95/105/80/70/60/70
Abilities: Slush Rush | Ice Body
Move Changes:

+Flip Turn, Snow Throw
-Close Combat, Superpower, Earthquake
90BP | 100% Acc | 16PP | Ice | Physical | Sets up Snow for 5 turns when this move is used
Description: I thought it would be interesting to actually make Snow viable on a meta, we already have Lickillicky with Chilly Reception, but what about a mon that can set up Snow and abuse it, so i brainstormed stuff for Beartic and came up with this! Ice/Water type helps it a lot, as it helps dealing with the Fire and Rock types that would hurt it if it was pure Ice, as well as its Ice type covering the Grass type that would hurt it from its Grass weakness due to getting the Water type now, and now gets a powerful STAB move in Snow Throw that also sets up Snow, effectively shutting down any attempts at changing the weather by just switching in a Drizzle/Drought/Sand Stream mon, and can help future snow abusers by pivoting into them with Flip Turn, it can also use the snow for itself, since it boosts its speed and defense, it can set up a Swords Dance and deal huge damage to the opponent, while being faster than anything due to its now boosted speed, also boosted by Slush Rush, and it still has many other coverage moves, Stone Edge, Play Rough, Crunch, X-Scissor, Heavy Slam and Shadow Claw but to compensate, its attack was nerfed by a lot, making it heavily reliant on Swords Dance to deal meaningful damage, as well as its its SpDef now being a big weak spot due to it being nerfed by a lot, and removing any way it could deal with Steel types, by removing its coverage moves that could deal with it
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Pokemon: Stoutland
Stats: 95 / 115 / 90 / 45 / 90 / 80 | 515
Abilites: Pickup / Run Away / Scrappy
Typing: Normal
Move Changes:
+ Extreme Speed, Bone Rush, Parting Shot
- Howl, Work Up
Description: boring mon for a boring premise. spam band espeed, click crunch on wochien and superpower on steels and parting shot on the rest

Pokemon: Glimmet
Stats: 68 / 45 / 72 / 105 / 100 / 60 | 450
Abilites: Poison Point / Toxic Debris
Typing: Rock / Poison
Move Changes:
+ Earth Power, Calm Mind, Strength Sap, Mortal Spin
Description: real nice typing actually to beat the oricorios. sap shores up its weaker def + not good physically defensive type. cm can exist to force mons to switch around

Pokemon: Beartic
Stats: 95 / 120 / 130 / 40 / 60 / 80 | 525
Abilites: Thermal Exchange / Slush Rush
Typing: Ice / Fairy
Move Changes:
+ Mountain Gale
Description: idk i didnt feel like giving it ground (lotta grounds) or fighting (lotta phys fightings) or dark (already done) so fairy just gives it a fighting neutrality it probably only uses sd one stab eq cc
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Pokémon: Stoutland
Stats: 90 / 125 / 100 / 45 / 90 / 100
Abilities: Early Bird / Sand Rush / Scrappy

Move Changes:
+Close Combat, Headlong Rush, Double-Edge
-Work Up, Howl
Description: funnily enough, normal / fighting is unresisted with scrappy, so this could make for an epic breaker
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Abilities: Vital Spirit, Overcoat, Scrappy
Stats: 94 | 120 | 80 | 50 | 75 | 102 [BST= 521]
Movepool Changes: +Close Combat, Headlong Rush, Ice Spinner, Power Whip
Description: Fuck it we headlong rush. Also some more coverage options ig



Abilities: Slush Rush, Ice Body
Stats: 100 | 130 | 100 | 60 | 80 | 66 [BST= 545]
Movepool Changes: + Gunk Shot, Ice Shard, Poison Jab
Description: We have a mon on the chopping block that's legally obligated to combo with Chilly Reception Lickilicky, so it's important for the two to work well together - this Beartic is neutral to fighting while thick fat Lickilicky resists fire. Ice/Poison is a surprisingly good STAB combo for this meta, being resisted only by Iron Thorns (which can be easily circumvented by an eq or close combat), so even though a lot of mons have super-effective moves to threaten Beartic, there aren't many that actually want to switch into it, especially while Slush Rush is active. Ice Shard was also an easy inclusion, it gives Beartic some consistent damage output outside of snow. Typical set will be lo or hdb with sdance and icicle crash, with either ice shard, poison stab, or eq/cc to fill in the other two slots.
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Pokemon: Stoutland
Stats: 100 / 120 / 90 / 40 / 90 / 100 [BST 540] (+15/+10/+0/-5/+0/+20)
Abilities: Intimidate / Scrappy / Reckless
Typing: Normal
Move Changes:
+ Body Slam, Bulk Up, Close Combat, Double Edge, Earthquake, Flare Blitz, Head Smash, Knock Off, Rock Slide, Slack Off, Stone Edge, Zen Headbutt
- Pursuit, Thunder, Toxic
Description: Stoutland didn't need much to be great. Now, it has a stronger reliable Normal move to spam in Double Edge, and its movepool allows it to potentially run Reckless with a small handful of strong recoil moves. High Attack, high Speed, and a bunch of strong physical moves means that slapping a Choice Band onto this thing can back a huge punch against your opposition. Slack Off included to allow bulkier three-attack sets to work well if you decide not to run Banded.

Pokemon: Glimmet
Stats: 75 / 40 / 60 / 110 / 75 / 90 [BST 450] (+27/+5/+18/+5/+15/+30)
(Note, Glimmora's stats are still 83/55/90/130/81/86, meaning the stat changes of evolving are +8/+15/+30/+20/+6/-4)

Abilities: Toxic Debris / Liquid Ooze
Typing: Poison/Ground
Move Changes:
+ Aura Sphere, Baneful Bunker, Barb Barrage, Chilling Water, Clear Smog, Dazzling Gleam, Drill Run, Earth Power, Energy Ball, Flash Cannon, Mortal Spin, Mud Shot, Muddy Water, Recover, Shadow Ball
- Rock Blast, Stone Edge
Description: Baby Glimmora but better. Changing it from Rock to Ground gives it a better defensive typing, and its increase in bulk will help it stay in the fight for a lot longer. New moves are a combination of ones that it would learn upon evolving and ones that improve its playstyle options. A higher speed means it can use Spikes/Recover/[attacking move of choice] before most of its opponents.

Pokemon: Beartic
Stats: 90 / 125 / 100 / 60 / 90 / 75 [BST 540] (-5/-5/+20/-15/+10/+25)
Abilities: Ice Body / Thick Fat / Slush Rush
Typing: Ice/Fighting
Move Changes:
+ Chilly Reception, Circle Throw, Darkest Lariat, Drain Punch, Hammer Arm, Headlong Rush, Hone Claws, Ice Shard, Ice Spinner, Icicle Spear, Iron Head, Knock Off, Mountain Gale, Throat Chop, Waterfall, Wave Crash, Wild Charge
- Focus Blast, X-Scissor
Description: Similar stat spread to Stoutland, since it will never need its Special Attack. New dual typing gives it STAB on its Close Combats. Thanks to its solid bulk and useable Speed (especially with Slush Rush) it should be a much better Ice/Fighting type than Crabominable ever could hope to be.
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70 / 120 / 60 / 45 / 60 / 120
+ Hyper Drill


70 / 35 / 70 / 115 / 60 / 95
Toxic Debris / Vital Spirit
+ Aura Sphere, Close Combat, Focus Blast, Beat Down* (Fighting-type Hex)
crazy how there’s no mention of the roomtour or any thoughts on it here. guess i’ll drop my own

so for reference, i had no knowledge of the meta, so i got a team from woo and ran with it through the tour, but even with how glaringly weak the team was to the best mon in the tier, i still feel like this tier is an unbalanced mess, and the focus right now should be on balancing, not on adding even more shit that’ll have to be sorted through later

so first off, the biggest issue

What the fuck is this mon lol. Amazing STABs in a meta full of Ghosts, some of the best offenses in the entire meta on BOTH sides of the spectrum, a completely uncontested speed tier (with the next fastest mon being 13 points slower. THIRTEEN!!) And that’s not even mentioning the fucking amazing utility this mon provides between Knock Off, U-Turn, and Pursuit, which by the way, this mon on its own fully invalidates every Dark-weak mon in the meta. Boltund is a shitmon, Wo-Chien is a liability, and so on and so forth. Imo this mon needs to be nerfed in a big way, and I think the first step is axing the speed tier. If you want it to still be fast, my recommendation would be to put it just below the 110 guys, so more offensive counterplay exists.

Nothing is as crazy as Liepard, but I just wanted to rattle off a few other guys who are currently either stupid or poised to be stupid once the cat is nerfed.
:accelgor: I had a Lapras so this mon was fine when I fought it, (edit: nvm i forgot i would’ve lost to this shit anyway but then got a lucky freeze lmao) but STAB Water Bubble Water Shuriken with NP to boost it is stupid as hell, and if you voted for this you should be ashamed. Likely should be nerfed for just how much it invalidates offense.

:wo-chien: As soon as the cat is gone this guy is silly. Like, compare its bulk to everything else in the meta. This mon is CRAZY fat and has a stupid amount of options to troll opponents, racking up crazy chip and healing it off with Leech Seed + Spiky Shield before they can kill you. Imo this mon is way too fat compared to the rest of the meta, and its bulk should be toned down.
:oricorio-sensu::oricorio-pau: I’m not absolutely certain, but it feels like the birds lack reliable counterplay. I was running a Sensu and if not for the Liepard on every team, I would’ve been able to set up and sweep with ease multiple times each game thanks to how passive many of the walls are. The worst part is these mons’ best counterplay is each other thanks to Dancer, making every game a fish of who brought the right Oricorio. Not sure how these would be nerfed but an eye should likely be kept on them from a tiering perspective.

overall, meta is completely unplayable rn and i felt like dogshit at the end of the roomtour. if yall care about the comp aspect of this mod you need to fix your shit ASAP or the future is grim
tl;dr @ mods fix your damn meta
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Pokémon: Stoutland

Abilities: Scrappy / Justified
Stats: 85 / 115 / 90 / 55 / 80 / 100 (525)
Move Changes: +Head Charge, Quick Attack, Close Combat
Description: we dont have any physical fairies yet so stoutland serves to fill that role. also stoutland gets actual normal stab that's not strength
:Stoutland: @ :Choice-Band:
Ability: Scrappy
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Double-Edge
- Play Rough
- Quick Attack
- Close Combat
This Stoutland has a stellar typing and with a Steel-type nuking move like Close Combat it's a lot likely it would be too hard to wall. It still has Superpower if you really need a Fighting-type move.

Pokemon: Stoutland
Stats: 85/130/80/45/80/50
Abilities: Scrappy | Ball Fetch
Typing: Normal/Ghost
Move Changes:
+Head Charge, Shadow Sneak, Poltergeist, Shadow Claw, Hex, Explosion, Earthquake

-Crunch, Psychic Fangs, Wild Charge, Superpower, Play Rough
Description: A very strong physical wallbreaker, with one of the best typings on the game, letting it switch into the many attacks that its inmune to, and then deal huge damage with a big Head Charge, which cannot be switched into by Ghosts (added it cus it is slightly better than Double-Edge, since it only deals 1/4 of recoil instead of 1/3), Poltergeist, Iron Head, or Earthquake, also has access to STAB priority in Shadow Sneak, and being able to do some huge damage with Explosion, which because of Scrappy, Ghosts cant switch into, making it a strong Choice Band user, at the cost of some of its coverage moves, most importantly Close Combat and Play Rough, which would help it against the Dark types that now hit it superefectively, some of its bulk and most importantly, a bunch of its speed, which now makes it a less reliable Scarf user.

Pokemon: Beartic
Stats: 95/105/80/70/60/70
Abilities: Slush Rush | Ice Body
Move Changes:

+Flip Turn, Snow Throw
-Close Combat, Superpower, Earthquake
90BP | 100% Acc | 32PP | Ice | Physical | Sets up Snow for 5 turns when this move is used
Description: I thought it would be interesting to actually make Snow viable on a meta, we already have Lickillicky wih Chilly Reception, but what about a mon that can set up Snow and abuse it, so i brainstormed stuff for Beartic and came up with this! Ice/Water type helps it a lot, as it helps dealing with the Fire and Rock types that would hurt it if it was pure Ice, as well as its Ice type covering the Grass type that would hurt it from its Grass weakness due to getting the Water type now, and now gets a powerful STAB move in Snow Throw that also sets up Snow, effectively shutting down any attempts at changing the weather by just switching in a Drizzle/Drought/Sand Stream mon, and can help future snow abusers by pivoting into them with Flip Turn, it can also use the snow for itself, since it boosts its speed and defense, it can set up a Swords Dance and deal huge damage to the opponent, while being faster than anything due to its now boosted speed, also boosted by Slush Rush, and it still has many other coverage moves, Stone Edge, Play Rough, Crunch, X-Scissor, Heavy Slam and Shadow Claw but to compensate, its attack was nerfed by a lot, making it heavily reliant on Swords Dance to deal meaningful damage, as well as its its SpDef now being a big weak spot due toit being nerfed by a lot, and removing any way it could deal with Steel types, by removing its coverage moves that could deal with it
:stoutland: For Stoutland, its good offensive typing paired with Scrappy Head Charge would make it too strong. It's super slow, so lowering Attack to 115 would work.
:beartic: 32 PP for Snow Throw is too much; 16 PP would work fine.

Pokemon: Beartic
Stats: 95 / 140 / 130 / 40 / 60 / 80 | 545
Abilites: Thermal Exchange / Slush Rush
Typing: Ice / Fairy
Move Changes:
+ Mountain Gale
Description: idk i didnt feel like giving it ground (lotta grounds) or fighting (lotta phys fightings) or dark (already done) so fairy just gives it a fighting neutrality it probably only uses sd one stab eq cc
A little bit of the same reasoning i gave for chemicalmines's Stoutland in terms of the coverage stuff. However for this i'd like you to lower the Attack to 120, something in that area.




Abilities: Vital Spirit, Overcoat, Scrappy
Stats: 94 | 120 | 80 | 50 | 75 | 102 [BST= 521]
Movepool Changes: +Close Combat, Extreme Speed, Headlong Rush, Ice Spinner, Power Whip
Description: Fuck it we espeed, fuck it we headlong rush. Also some more coverage options ig
removing ESpeed makes this okay.
Pokemon: Beartic
Stats: 100 / 125 / 100 / 40 / 100 / 75 [BST 540] (+5/-5/+20/-35/+20/+25)
Abilities: Ice Body / Thick Fat / Slush Rush
Typing: Ice/Fighting
Move Changes:
+ Chilly Reception, Circle Throw, Darkest Lariat, Drain Punch, Hammer Arm, Headlong Rush, Hone Claws, Ice Shard, Ice Spinner, Icicle Spear, Iron Head, Knock Off, Mountain Gale, Slack Off, Throat Chop, Waterfall, Wave Crash, Wild Charge
- Focus Blast, X-Scissor
Description: Similar stat spread to Stoutland, since it will never need its Special Attack. New dual typing gives it STAB on its Close Combats. Thanks to its solid bulk and useable Speed (especially with Slush Rush) it should be a much better Ice/Fighting type than Crabominable ever could hope to be.
Bro has Mew bulk. Remove recovery and lower a bit of that HP or Defenses. like 80/125/90/60/90/75 works. or 95 on defenses.

Also - While we're at it, we are going to announce some very important balance changes. We went and voted for the four most commented mons both on the thread, the roomtour and our council chat (which were, pretty unanimous lol.), to see our future actions.

Addressing the one Pokémon that isn't getting an immediate nerf. Wo-Chien creates a lot of chip and, in a game with no Liepard, it can develop to be a big nuisance to teams. However, the argument for No Nerf was that it was too passive of a mon to really be worth the balance change, and so, it's not happening in our current patch, but it will be revisited later in the mod if needed.

78/106/90/106/90/105, -Pursuit
Liepard being the fastest Pokémon in the mod is a problem. A really big problem. It is basically capable of outspeeding every non-scarfer and it does high damage to "resists" like Sudowoodo. Its checks having zero recovery options (Rest aside) after a Knock Off also makes this Pokémon uncheckable. We are weakening it by lowering its speed by 30 stat points and removing one of its move options so it can be more easily checked.

:sv/oricorio: :sv/oricorio-pom-pom: :sv/oricorio-pau: :sv/oricorio-sensu:
-Quiver Dance
Yes, it needs to go. Quiver Dance makes the Oricorios extremely hard to face, with games revolving to when the Oricorio can sweep your entire team, or when the Liepard can control the game. Them losing Quiver Dance will make the four birds now much more bearable, with Dragon Dance being an option (mainly for Baile) and Calm Mind being another one. The Speed increase really turned games around and hopefully this will make them much less threatening for teams.


We are lowering its attacking stats so it doesn't simply nuke mons with Nasty Plot Water Bubble Hydro Pump / Scald. However, to make it still worth using, it now has a higher Speed and a higher HP stat, so it lives more hits and outspeeds more Pokémon (ties Sudowoodo and Emboar, outspeeds Pa'u and Baile, Iron Thorns, and Gogoat). Its Attack stat was also lowered because it already has good power without a boosting move. (Compared to Araquanid, 75 is 5 points more than the spider's Attack.)