Welcome to the third generation of MetaMons! This Pet Mod aims to create a micrometa where we get bad mon's concepts and use them to recreate the Pokémon in a way that doesn't make them bad.
And how do we do that? Every slate, we get some Pokémon and give them "restrictions" accordingly. These restrictions will determine what you have to keep on a Pokémon, the rest being fair game. Here's some example restrictions and an example submission:

The Pokémon needs to be

The Pokémon needs to have Fillet Away
The Pokémon needs to have Sharpness.
The Pokémon's Speed can't be changed.
Then, you will be able to sub your 'new version' of the Pokémon, while still keeping its identity, according to the submission rules:
- Keep the power level of the mod in mind and reasonable. (don't apply this to first slate, this is where we are going to build our power level)
- Custom Abilities and Moves ARE allowed, but don't bloat your subs with these.
- Always remember to follow ALL the restrictions.

Pokémon: Veluza

Abilities: Mold Breaker / Sharpness
Stats: 90 / 88 / 75 / 102 / 75 / 70
Move Changes: +Moonblast, Scald, Calm Mind, Dazzling Gleam
Description: Special Fillet Away user with a better typing.
Tera will start banned (as opposed to the submission post, i changed my mind)

Competitive Council:

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