also what does LGBTQIA+++ means? If i Didnt misunderstand, these are the first letters of the words, Even If i know no word starting With "+" (jk, jk)
it does !
the words are, in order:
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning (Please correct me on this one if I’m wrong and you know I’m wrong), Intersex, Asexual (I believe this A can also be Aromantic, making it an aroace umbrella, but I’m not sure). The plus covers anything not mentioned here, so like pansexual and a couple other orientations and identities that escape me atm.
ive come to realize that a LOT of custom avatars are anime girl + pokemon, mostly from cis guys and this will cause issues in the future

we gotta reserve more anime girl icons for the trans girls of the community

we're using up too many we're gonna run out

the trans guys however... they've got a LOT of material

I'm also begging the Smogon Staff to make us a Fallout New Vegas thread. Thank you.

(hi gamers I'm trans / enby I hope you all are having a good day, and you're all valid)
ive come to realize that a LOT of custom avatars are anime girl + pokemon, mostly from cis guys and this will cause issues in the future

we gotta reserve more anime girl icons for the trans girls of the community

we're using up too many we're gonna run out

the trans guys however... they've got a LOT of material

I'm also begging the Smogon Staff to make us a Fallout New Vegas thread. Thank you.

(hi gamers I'm trans / enby I hope you all are having a good day, and you're all valid)
counterpoint: choose your avatar because it looks cool or is funny and not because it shares some arbitrary features with you. ill give myself a girl profile picture if i want to, cynthia's dope.


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Surely a hotly debated question but no I don't think being religious inherently makes you homophobic. You can be religious and still stand for and respect the decisions of others, particularly those who may not be of the same faith. If you use your religion as an excuse to tell others they can't be gay (or, perhaps more likely, choose to stand aside while others of your faith do this), then you are homophobic.
If you follow a religion that doesn't support lgbtqia+ are you considered homophobic? Maybe your religion doesn't support it/forbidden in religion?

Not saying anything about other religions, just wondering..
you can interprit a religion in many ways. as a christian heres mine.
as far as im aware, the bible dosent forbid homosexuality, or even some homosexual behavior. all it forbids is same sex intercourse. the bible also says sex is a sin. however, it is tolerated because that was the only way to reproduce. however, same sex intercourse cannot produce offspring, so instead of being a neccesary sin, it is just a sin. therefore, same sex intercourse is a sin, not because it is between two people of the same sex, but because it is by definition, frivolous.
as you can see, religion can be interpreted in several ways, so a religion that one person considers homophobic, another may not.


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If you follow a religion that doesn't support lgbtqia+ are you considered homophobic? Maybe your religion doesn't support it/forbidden in religion?

Not saying anything about other religions, just wondering..
as someone who isn’t religious but has at different points studied christianity and judaism and explored several others to different extents

Almost all religions say nothing in the official text about being LGBTQIA/Queer/Gay, but what they almost all do say is some version of “love and do good to your neighbor without judgement”, such as Qur’an 4:36 or Galatians 5:14

If someone uses their religion as an avenue for bigotry, the fault lies in the person and not the scripture. If an entire sector of a religion claims or supports bigotry, the fault still lies on you to be a good person, and it is still your fault if you choose not to be.

nobody is born with hate. everybody can unlearn it :blobuwu:


from the river to the sea
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Religion doesn't say anything about whether or not you are a moral person, or if you're a bigot, or whatever else. Literally no two people have the same interpretation of any religious text, precept, or whatever else, and this is only worsened with translation biases, the biases of those who preach, and so on. You can read the Bible as saying "kill all gays" or having a LOT of really gay relationships that are portrayed positively. That said, if someone's very religious, I am gonna side eye them till I learn more, because the people who are very into religion tend to follow a big organized religion uncritically and try to proselytize and enforce their worldview on others. It's not that I think they must be a bigot if they're very religious, but I do have to keep myself safe first and foremost, and a lot of the most hostile and violent people I've encountered have been the ones obsessed with religion.
As an atheist and a recovering anti-theist, I don't think bigotry and religiousity are directly tied together in the way a lot of people with similar values as me would have you believe. I do think bigotry and conservatism and religiousity and conservatism are both Venn diagrams with a lot of overlap, but that's probably not a topic for this thread. However, precisely zero people are bigoted against LGBTQ+ people solely because of their religious beliefs. They'll use those religious beliefs as a justification, sure, and other bigoted people might try to manipulate religious people into bigoted beliefs using those religious beliefs as an avenue, but nobody reads the Bible or the Quran or any other holy texts and comes away exclusively hating gay people. There are homophobic passages in those texts, no doubt, but there are also prescriptions against working on Sundays and mixing fabrics, and how many religious people do you know who bring up those talking points? And on the flip side of the same coin, there are millions of religious people, some of them very devoted, who are accepting of the LGBTQ+ community.

No, religion cannot solely be blamed for bigotry in almost any case. It can be a vehicle, but it isn't the driver.
religion does not = bigotry but most religious families are conservative and therefore most deeply religious people are bigots

religion is not the cause its just the demographics of religious people, though arguably that is due to the history of religion itself, I'd say they are not intrinsically linked, religion can be healthy to an individual

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