Metagame Frantic Fusions


Sylveon @ Liechi Berry
Ability: Pixilate

- Substitute
- Last resort
Maybe we can do something with this?
Stats: 65/93/76/85/78/139
93 is not very high but it will do, as Last Resort is pretty high BP.
Basculin (Persian) @ Silk Scarf
Ability: Adaptability
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Last Resort
- Fake Out

Yes, it can't hit ghosts, but the plan is to Fake Out for damage and flinching, then switch out and then switch in after an ally faints and spam Last Resort until it dies.
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Maybe we can do something with this?
Stats: 65/93/76/85/78/139
93 is not very high but it will do, as Last Resort is pretty high BP.
Basculin (Persian) @ Choice Band
Ability: Adaptability
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Last Resort
- Fake Out

Yes, it can't hit ghosts, but the plan is to Fake Out for damage and flinching, then switch out and then switch in after an ally faints and spam Last Resort until it dies.
IIRC Last Resort will fail unless you have used all of your moves in your current switchin. Band will prevent that from happening. Best you could do is Komala Sleep Talk Last Res- Oh nvm Komala is banned
Stats: 70/147/82/65/102/155
Meowscarada (Weavile) @ Choice Band
Ability: Protean
Tera Type: Dark
EVs: 16 HP / 252 Atk / 240 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Low Kick
- Ice Shard
- Night Slash
- Icicle Crash

Explanation of EVs:
240 Spe is the mininum speed to outspeed non-scarf Meowscarada fused with Inteleon. 252 attack is to hit hard, and 16 HP is for bulk.
Screenshot 2023-09-08 6.17.25 PM.png

not that impressive a peak, I'm mostly using it as an excuse to talk about the meta

I really think that the meta is in a perfectly fine spot at the moment. Take this with a grain of salt, as this may just be the AG player within me being numb to overpowered shit, but most of the undesireable parts of the meta (which I will discuss a bit) are quite manageable as is. There is an absolute ton of diversity and unique sets that exist and can be run, but a lot of people are only using a limited pool of sets and it's disappointing to see the potential of this format being squandered. To potentially help remedy this, I am going to discuss a few potent sets that I have seen far too little of, hopefully convincing someone to go experiment.

:tornadus-therian: (:slowbro:/:slowking-galar:/:slowking:/:klawf:/:alomomola:)
People are overreacting to Regenerator. Regen spam is not unbreakable, not in the slightest, it's just that the teams people are using are too passive and allow regen spam too much breathing room. Regenerator cores are extremely beneficial for maintaining the stability of any team that is more offensively oriented, and there are plenty of methods that people can use to help deal with regen, from the plethora of very deadly breakers to very potent hazard stack (with Knock Off of course). Regen is only as broken as you let it be.

:sneasler: (:hawlucha:/:grafaiai:)
If there was anything I had to say should go, it's Unburden, but I'm not quite as against it as others seem to be. As with Regenerator, I don't think people are really utilizing the counterplay that exists as well as they should. There is a distinct lack of people using fast scarfers and priority, despite having several incredible options for each. Either way, Unburden still has a negative effect on the meta, and I will not be sad if it does bite the dust.

Holy shit Volcarona is incredible. SFLO Volc is horrendously powerful, getting calcs that are frankly absurd (+1 252+ SpA Life Orb Sheer Force Volcarona Fire Blast vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Assault Vest Goodra-Hisui [Slowking]: 187-222 (51.3 - 60.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO) This is an incredibly underrated set that can steal games in a single turn, with a very limited pool of consistent defensive checks, essentially just Unaware Blissey and Flash Fire Corviknight. Luckily it is vulnerable to priority so offensive teams have consistent counterplay.

Speaking of priority, here's by far the most consistent user of it with Cinderace or Meowscarada fusion. Ice Spinner, Earthquake, and one of Thunder Punch or Fire Punch is perfect coverage, and allows Dragonite to pose a major threat to bulkier teams that can shrug off Extreme Speed by virtue of its coverage, which allows it to threaten most defensive mons, enabling you to fire off powerful banded attacks. Dragonite is incredible on any offensive team due to its abilty to keep pretty much every major threat to offense in check with its massively powerful Extreme Speed, OHKOing Volcarona and Hariyama after Sitrus Berry.

IT'S THE BOI! Technician Weavile is absolutely nuts, with Beat Up (assuming proper team comp) doing massive damage to pretty much anything that isn't a physically bulky resist, and Icicle Crash offering a great way to threaten Dark resists like Great Tusk. Technician Ice Shard is also, of course, very useful, and Assurance as your alternative to Beat Up in late game scenarios is great, with damage increasing by 33% (90 BP to 120) if the opponent switches in on Rocks, justifying its use over Bite. Weavile with Scyther fusion is also noteworthy for being one of, if not THE fastest meta relevant threat, meaning it is a great revenge killer and gets plenty of opportunities to throw out powerful attacks against slower attackers that it can OHKO.

Give it Tough Claws and go to town. Both Choice Band or SD work fine and it has an incredible speed tier that outruns almost everything. I'd prefer Gunk Shot over Dire Claw even with Tough Claws because it's still more powerful, and avoiding contact means it can hit Fluffy mons a lot harder, though it is entirely up to preference.

:sv/great tusk:
I feel like this is widely agreed to be the best mon in the metagame, and for very good reason. Regenerator sets are an incredible glue, and offensive sets are very dangerous, especially against offensive teams. We all know what it does by now, and we all know it's great.

:weavile: :great tusk: :samurott-hisui: :dragonite: :zapdos: :landorus-therian:
Band Weavile Offense
Dragonite and Lando are insane revenge killers that soften up physical walls for Weavile to break with increased ease. Weak to cheesy Stamina Cresselia but otherwise very consistent.

:corviknight: :volcarona: :haxorus: :hariyama: :gholdengo: :great tusk:
SFLO Volcarona Screens
Barraskewda on Haxorus is for outspeeding SFLO Iron Moth. When If Unburden gets banned you can instead run Sneasler on Haxorus to get the same threshold and better other stats, though you must find a replacement for Hariyama.

Not enough people have experimented with (Bulky) Offense in this meta yet, and it's a massive shame because the teams typically end up very cool and fun. I really hope this inspires some of you to experiment with BO, and I hope to see the fruits of your labors.

edit: just did the math, Beat Up's maximum base power on the Band Weavile team is 180.9, not factoring in Choice Band. Fucking ridiculous.
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Thundurus-Therian (Dragonite) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Multiscale
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt
- Extreme Speed

Thought bolt beam nite seamed cool so I fused it with the strongest sp attacker with decent speed that isn't banned to give it a boost and d dance is to give it more speed to utilize bolt beam while also giving e speed more power :D
Has anyone mentioned these?

:cresselia: + :garganacl:

Garganacl (Cresselia) (F) @ Leftovers
Ability: Purifying Salt
Tera Type: Psychic
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Stored Power
- Moonblast
- Moonlight

HP 120 - Def 142 - SpA 86 - SpD 142 - Spe - 93

This set is largely inspired by one often used in Inheritance before Cresselia got banned. You get an amazing ability with immunity to status + neutral damage from Ghost types + improved defences.

:great tusk: + :decidueye-hisui:

Decidueye-Hisui (Great Tusk) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Scrappy
Tera Type: Ground
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Close Combat
- Headlong Rush
- Knock Off
- Rapid Spin

HP 115 - Atk 159 - Def 151 - SpD 76 - Spe 102

While mostly used with Regenerator or Tough Claws, Scrappy will guarantee Rapin Spin to work + you can use CC on Gholdengo, the premium anti-spinner.
Surprised Volcarona is not banned, but here is a fusion with Toxtricity!
Stats: 85/84/82/163/112/118
Toxtricity (Volcarona) @ Expert Belt
Ability: Punk Rock
Tera Type: Bug
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Quiver Dance
- Bug Buzz
- Giga Drain/Morning Sun
- Fiery Dance
Toxtricity (Volcarona) @ Leftovers
Ability: Punk Rock
Tera Type: Bug
EVs: 252 HP / 176 Def / 80 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Tailwind
- Bug Buzz
- Morning Sun
- Will-O-Wisp/U-Turn
The defensive set is a good enabler for offensive attackers while still packing a punch, while the offensive set can bust through many things excluding Corviknight fused with Dachsbun.
Surprised Volcarona is not banned, but here is a fusion with Toxtricity!
Stats: 85/84/82/163/112/118
Toxtricity (Volcarona) @ Expert Belt
Ability: Punk Rock
Tera Type: Bug
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Quiver Dance
- Bug Buzz
- Giga Drain/Morning Sun
- Fiery Dance
Toxtricity (Volcarona) @ Leftovers
Ability: Punk Rock
Tera Type: Bug
EVs: 252 HP / 176 Def / 80 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Tailwind
- Bug Buzz
- Morning Sun
- Will-O-Wisp/U-Turn
The defensive set is a good enabler for offensive attackers while still packing a punch, while the offensive set can bust through many things excluding Corviknight fused with Dachsbun.
The problem with these sets is that Punk Rock is not as strong as more standard offensive abilities, it has a 1.3 multiplies, compared to adapt that has 1.33 while also making your Fire STAB stronger, also, you should be using something like HDB on a x4 weak mon as hazard stack is the best play style currently, so it will not be easy to keep the field clean, and if you are confident that you can remove them, then something like sheer force + life orb would be better anything.
Is also not recomended to use Tailwind in singles, as the effect doesn't last for too long, and you could be using something with a more lasting effect, like Quiver Dance to win the game.
The problem with these sets is that Punk Rock is not as strong as more standard offensive abilities, it has a 1.3 multiplies, compared to adapt that has 1.33 while also making your Fire STAB stronger, also, you should be using something like HDB on a x4 weak mon as hazard stack is the best play style currently, so it will not be easy to keep the field clean, and if you are confident that you can remove them, then something like sheer force + life orb would be better anything.
Is also not recomended to use Tailwind in singles, as the effect doesn't last for too long, and you could be using something with a more lasting effect, like Quiver Dance to win the game.
Maybe we should not do punk rock then. Maybe do Adaptability+HDB, and spread their out the willo-wisp/u-turn slot into the tailwind to replace it. I just wanted to pitch an idea lol
Want to share meta thoughts before the format completly change with the DLC, but first a team, is my own version of Weavile offense, but unlike TaxFraud's team, this a HO, made it to 1500 with the KaenSoulless alt, but ladder is bad anyway, doesn't really mean is a good team.
:corviknight: (:klefki:) :gengar: (:tauros:) :great tusk: (:flamigo:) :weavile: (:scyther:) :zapdos: (:lycanroc-midnight:) :dragonite: (:cinderace:)
SFLO Gengar is a monster, I have lost some games to Focus Blast missing but when it does hit nothing stops it after a NP except for very fat Muk-A sets, Tauros gives the most speed, and that's way more important than a bit extra of SpA from other options. GT+Flamigo is the best hazard remover of the tier and ends any core that has Gholdengo as the GT check. Zapdos+LycanNight is a good switch in to a lot stuff and can spread status from there, and most of the ladder run GT as their only Electric resist for some reason, so you farm those. Dragonite+Cinder is one of the best revenge killers and wall breakers of the game and deserve more usage.
Weavile+Scyther is extremely dangerous and can end games from preview, if the opponent doesn't pack something like an Intim Water/Fight there is a good chance to win as soon as you get a SD early. If it gets Triple Axel back with the DLC it should be banned, as is quite sus already.

But anyway, I think the meta is mostly fine, Unburden is the only ban that I would ask for, as there are too many possible abusers and it can easily cheese wins vs anything that isn't stall.
:walking wake:
WW is quite dangerous but with the Weather nerf is not that crazy really, it is a fine mon but not perfect, a good team should be able to respond to it by either, keeping the offensive pressure up or having some very fat sponges not weak to its stabs, and we have plenty of those like Goodra-H, Vaporeon, Florges, Blissey, etc.
:slowbro: :klawf:
I think anyone asking for Ability Clause has to give a reason to do that instead of banning Regen, because I havent seen anyone complaining about any other ability being used multiple times, we shouldn't nerf every single ability in the game only because one is annoying, I don't think action is "needed" on regen, but with how often you see complains about it, then banning it may be the best option. And this should also apply to other tiers with AC, but whatever.
SFLO Gengar is a monster, I have lost some games to Focus Blast missing but when it does hit nothing stops it after a NP except for very fat Muk-A sets,

I'm not offering an opinion on it, just how I would deal with it if I ever thought it an issue.

Ground type with bulletproof. Renders shadowball, focus blast, sludgebomb, thunderbolt & energyball all completely useless. Literally means Gengar can only clicking dazzling gleam if it wants damage meaning iron treads or clod would practically make Gengar nonexistent until they died and will get a free set up turn immediately if Gengar does not double. Heatran & Other special walls would comfortably force Gengar out less it sac itself to a weakness.

Bulletproof is an excellent ability that halts the coverage or stab options of many pokemon.

Gengar hates that ability.

On a side note:

Brambleghast @ leftovers
Ability: Windrider

- Rock tomb
- spikes
- Earthquake

Zapdos doesn't exist & ting-lu cannot phase, free set of spikes & attack boost.
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Get your flaming hot chicken wings here!
Stats: 90/112/107/145/105/127
With pretty good defenses, great special attack and good or great speed (depending on who you ask), it can serve as a fast defensive status spreader or an offensive wall breaker. Yes, you have to be afraid of rocks, but that is nothing Heavy Duty boots can't fix. Maybe some Pokemon should knock off things more often?
Electrode (Moltres) @ Heavy Duty Boots
Ability: Flame Body/Static/Aftermath
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Roost
- U-Turn
- Heat Wave
- Sunny Day/Will-O-Wisp
Electrode (Moltres) @ Heavy Duty Boots
Ability: Flame Body/Static/Aftermath
EVs: 216 HP / 252 SpA / 40 Spe
Modest Nature
- Roost
- U-Turn
- Heat Wave/Fire Blast
- Air Slash/Agility
What about burnt chicken wings?
Stats: 90/103/115/127/143/106
It has better defenses than normal Moltres and can function as a pretty good special wall that can absorb Calm Mind boosted Stored Powers every day of the week! It can also absorb weak Moonblasts for its teammates. Either you can give it boots or you can give it Leftovers for larger recovery. Unlike normal Moltres it is not required to have boots, but it is pretty advised. Also, why can normal Moltres learn roost but the Galarian form can't?
Skeledirge (Moltres-Galar) @ Heavy Duty Boots/Leftovers
Ability: Unaware
EVs: 252 HP / 196 Def / 4 SpA / 56 SpD
Calm Nature
- Rest
- Fiery Wrath
- Nasty Plot/Taunt/Sleep Talk
- Air Slash/Memento
Thoughts about the tier
Lastly, I would like to share my thoughts about the dominant abilities and Pokemon that are in the tier.
Regenerator can provide a defensive backbone to teams that need it and with good users such as Goodra-Hisui and Ting-Lu, it is easy to tank hits from non-sheer force boosted attacks. This compels teams to not be too passive lest they get stalled out into struggles by Regenerator cores. I think this is a good meta, but it can lead to teams stalling it out with double or even triple regenerator cores, so it is not all good.
Yeah, this is too strong. Pairing a bulky attacker with a unburden pokemon such as Sneasler and using Belly drum is a recipe for success, and can overwhelm all teams except stall teams, promoting people to use more Unaware pokemon, which leads to specs wallbreakers since there are less threats, then everything becomes a hyperoffensive mess. I think this deserves a ban.
Ability Clause
The only reason people want ability clause is due to Regenerator spamming, but I think this is healthy since status forces a pokemon to switch out and if a player predicts this correctly, they can do massive damage to the switch in which might also have regenerator or even OHKO it with specs. Then they can switch into a tanky wall and wait for the right time to strike another hole. There is also Toxic which causes more and more damage each turn and forces a Regenerator user to switch out into another, and if you can toxic both, this is good for the chip damage needed for a OHKO.
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+ grafaiai.png

Well everyone most likely know about this set, Although I am the person who has popularized this, however it was someone's else creation (I saw someone using it on the ladder, unfortunately missed his name)

But, I have added a TWIST to it, I am running this set:

- torch song
- shadow ball
- earth power
- *substitute*

This set is supposed to beat some soft counters and checks that it just plain out couldn't or had to play some 50/50s in order to win

Although it loses longevity due to loss of slack off but substitute helps you outright avoid sucker mindgames, not just that but you can also 1v1 AV goodra, who relies on dragon tail to counter it

Well, it isn't like a huge tech or something but it was sure worth mentioning how an already good offensive threat can work around to beat some of it's counters/checks

Here are two battles to justify my thoughts:

+ 612.png

However, this is an elephant in the room, it's worth to mention
With Bax being banned, there is a need of one strong Stallbreaker in the tier, there were many people suggesting to use Mold Breaker Hax fused with stuff like Tinglu/Roaring moon(for more attack)
However, Hax doesn't meet the expectations even if it has enormous attack, it's STAB is underwhelming (dragon claw is weak, outrage is unreliable)
Even if you use EQ, you can just get walled by any other bulky fairy, moreover it doesn't have BAX's insane ice/ground coverage

Enough of ranting on Hax,
Talking about garchomp, it's faster and bulkier than Haxorus, although lesser attack but gets compensated by STAB EQ, this helps it KO many threats which hax usually misses on.
Not just that it has something equally good as the ICE/GROUND coverage, EDGEQUAKE offers Amazing neutral coverage, you don't even need to run a 3rd attacking move, just use it with SD+SUB.
It is the true successor of MOLDBREAKER BAX

This is a match against STALL where it put in amazing work:
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With Levitate Gholdengo being its most common set, usually from Uxie/Hydreigon, I'd like to present an alternative:

:gholdengo: + :chesnaught: (:kommo-o: post-DLC)
Chesnaught (Gholdengo) @ Leftovers
Ability: Bulletproof
Tera Type: Steel
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Recover
- Shadow Ball
- Make It Rain
- Nasty Plot

Key matchups:

:gholdengo::gengar::hoopa: Hard walled unless they run Dark Pulse, which is completely useless against every other pokemon
:zapdos: Most of the time it's running No Guard with dual stab, a pivot move and Roost, you're immune to Zap Cannon and resist Hurricane
:cinderace: Immune to Pyro Ball, everything else is resisted, scout for Sucker and you're fine

Heck you might not even need SpDef EVs (used here bc Hoopa's Psychic was doing 40%+ without them, mainly due to Chesnaught's awful SpD)

It should be noted that this set fills a completely different role compared to Levighold as you can no longer spin block effectively and are actually scared of ground types
I would like to offer my option for a special attacking stallbreaker.
No, this is not a fridge with a giraffe! This is Hoopa!
Stats: 80/137/77/177/147/85
Farigiraf (Hoopa) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Armor Tail
Evs: 196 Def / 60 SpA / 252 Spe
- Psychic
- Dark Pulse/Fire Punch/Ice Punch/Thunder Punch
- Focus Blast
- Shadow Ball
This set deals with priority via Armor Tail, which can be good for late game sweeping with help from No Guard Zapdos. The focus sash is to beat all forms of Gholdengo.
It can easily beat Weavile if the Focus Sash is not broken and it is full HP with a focus blast, if that hits and the Weavile is not a Technician Weavile.
It can beat Levighold with Shadow Ball pretty easily, and Chespaghold with Dark Pulse, while yes it is useless due to Shadow Ball, it is just needed to beat this. You can also swap Dark Pulse for Fire Punch for a chance to burn and weaker attacking stat, but it is still super effective and can hit more Pokemon. If you decide to run Fire Punch, put the Special Attack EVs to Attack to boost that, as the special attack is already monstrous.
While it may be physically frail, it can beat Garchomp with Ice punch if the Garchomp has no substitute on the turn Hoopa attacks. If it does however, then Hoopa dies.
Hoopa can live a hit with Focus Sash, and then beat Cinderace with Psychic. If the Cinderace goes for Sucker Punch, that will fail and the turn is doing nothing except Cinderace switching types. Then you can beat Cinderace with Focus Blast.
Since the DLC came out
Sbabam, single team dump.
Talonflame is the only mon I tried that I really liked. If magic guard comes back it'll become that. AAA but a bit better.
Samurott-Hisui is an Electrode because I wanted CE to go first, but that's the only reason. Probably AVRegen would have been a better set but whatever.
Intimidate Corviknight is again an AAA set, I really wanted a defogger because of all the Screens teams around.
Meloetta is the regenvester with U-Turn that also has the highest SpDef. Moves could be adjusted.
Gengar is Sheer Force Life Orb because I love the combo and that set I always used to stop stall on its tracks. It works, it's nice, it's not that fast but oh well.
Great Tusk is my impression of Adaptability Terrakion XD Scarf because I need more speed control than just Talonflame (and I should realistically also put Espeed or similar moves on the team). I changed Specs Adapt Zoroark-Hisui because it got stopped by Goodra even after knocking off the Assault Vest.
Now it's time to create another team from start.
Well, from Talonflame :P
With the meta about to be flipped on its head, I'm gonna share another cool team I've been using, as well as a few mons that council will need to keep its eye on going into the Teal Mask.
:sneasler: :gholdengo: :dragonite: :corviknight: :great tusk: :goodra-hisui:
This is a really fun BO that I've been running on ladder the last few days, and having a lot of success with. Tough Claws Sneasler is insane powerful and has an incredible speed tier that is nearly unrivaled (only being outsped by Weavile and a few niche mons). I really like Espeon fusion for Gholdengo, as it gives good stats, and Magic Bounce gives a lot more freedom to play around things. Intimidate Corviknight is a great pivot and the team's main way of beating Weavile, though you must be wary of switching into Beat Up against a full team. No Defog because it's honestly not good and you can fit a lot more utility with both Body Press and Brave Bird, relying on Gholdengo and Great Tusk to handle hazards. Dropping Draco for EQ on Hoodra could work, but it makes Tusk too free of a switch in imo.

New Tools: Knock Off and Icicle Spear
Weavile gaining both Icicle Spear AND Knock Off may catapult it into unmanageable range. As it is now, very few things are comfortable switching into it, with even resisted Beat Up doing massive damage to nearly every pokemon in the meta. Adding Icicle Spear onto that, as well as the ability to cripple its limited pool of checks with Knock Off, I am very skeptical of its continued presence in the metagame.

:sv/walking wake:
New Tools: Scald, Knock Off, and Flip Turn
It's the same as before, except it can now cripple RegenVest mons, pivot out on it's plethora of forced switches, and use the bullshit that is Scald. Get this out of here.

New Tools: Scald and Flip Turn
I can't wait for the increase in complaints about Regenerator now. All things considered, this is a bigger buff for balance than it is for stall, as being able to safely pass Wish from Alomomola's massive HP pool is a major boon, as you can keep breakers like Zapdos-G, Weavile, or Sneasler healthy throughout the game, allowing you to thoroughly break through defensive teams.

New Tools: Knock Off
Zapdos-G is already horrendously powerful with CB Tough Claws, but now it can cripple its few checks and hit Gholdengo for massive damage (it has a solid chance to 2HKO Uxie Gholdengo through Colbur Berry, guaranteed with Adamant). I am genuinely terrified of what Gapdos is going to do now.

FINALLY we have a Magic Guard Fusion. Clef gives awful stats but it's all worth it for the ability lmao. Heatran, Gholdengo, and maybe Lucario are gonna be good Steel Beam users, and Electrode-H might finally have something to do.
Clefairy could probably run water absorb and be a usable Walking Wake switch in...also more importantly, Empoleon is back, so Wake just found its answer
Clefairy could probably run water absorb and be a usable Walking Wake switch in...also more importantly, Empoleon is back, so Wake just found its answer
so you're forced to run Empoleon or a Water Absorb Fairy. That does not sound like a healthy presence to me, especially when we have a lack of good Fairies or Water Absorb fusions...