Pokémon Crawdaunt



Hp: 63 / Atk: 120 / Def: 85 / Sp.Atk: 90 / Sp.Def: 55 / Spe: 55 / BST: 468
Abilities: Adaptability, Hyper Cutter, Shell Armor
Notable Moves :
Liquidation, Aqua Jet, CrabHammer, Knock Off, Lash Out, Taunt, Close Combat, Rock Slide,
X-Scissor, Tera Blast, Sword Dance, Substitute, Dragon Dance
-Good Offensive Type: Water/Dark a deadly STAB combination
-Good Movepool with Great Coverage that can hit the majority of OU mons with Super effective Damage
-Good attack stat combined with excellent ability (Adaptability) Which allows him to perform his role as a wall-breaker
-Have a Good setup moves
-Water/Dark is a pretty Mid defensive Type
-Is very slow with horrendous defense Stats, He would probably die before he could do any damage
-Why use crawdaunt when H-samurott exists
Potential Sets:

Crawdaunt @ Choice Band
Ability: Adaptability
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Crabhammer / Liquidation ( if you hate missing )
- Aqua Jet
- Knock Off
- Close Combat
Crabhammer and Knock Off cover a Good chunk of the tier, obliterating some popular mons Liks G-Slowking, Cresselia, Ting-Lu, Gholdengo, and Garganacl. Close Combat destroys Hydreigon and Kingambit, Greninja. and we can't forget Aqua Jet can finish low-health mons like glimmora, sandy shocks, Iron Moth

Crawdaunt @ Life Orb
Ability: Adaptability
Tera Type: Poison
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Crabhammer
- Tera Blast
- Knock Off
- Dragon Dance / Sword Dance
This set makes him accomplish his role as a wall breaker kOing the bulkiest mons like Great Tusk, amoonguss, Hatterene, heatran, and Tera poison play in his favor making it live strong attacks like Moon Blast and close combat and U-turn


let's be real crawdaunt has no place in OU I can see that it will stay in UU like last gen but it can fall to RU due to insane creep. low defense with bad speed really hurt him and took the lights from him. it can be solid in rain teams but just like I said bad speed and defense don't help him, but you can take advantage of his miserable speed in a trick room team and I think this is his best place.
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Crunch in Band set is better than CC, since otherwise Dondozo and shit like that take Knock repeatedly due to reduced power after the first hit. And yes, make the text smaller.
you're not going to kill the dondozo anyway
252+ Atk Choice Band Adaptability Crawdaunt Crunch vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Dondozo: 178-210 (35.3 - 41.6%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
he takes the first hit and the Dondozo will go for a curse so getting rid of his item is the best what you can do
you're not going to kill the dondozo anyway
252+ Atk Choice Band Adaptability Crawdaunt Crunch vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Dondozo: 178-210 (35.3 - 41.6%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
he takes the first hit and the Dondozo will go for a curse so getting rid of his item is the best what you can do

Not true. You use Knock, you switch out and force Dozo out. You put Rocks with another Mon, so Dozo takes damage and becomes very close to 2HKO with Crunch. Tera Dark is an option to secure it, though Adaptability Mons are not the best for Tera.
Crawndant in RU is almost impossible, in Gen 8 it was almost banned from UU because of how strong it is especially if you give it a Choice Band or use it as a late game Sword Dance sweeper because you’r opponent mons would already be low enough that Sword Dance Aqua Jet would KO it
Crawndant in RU is almost impossible, in Gen 8 it was almost banned from UU because of how strong it is especially if you give it a Choice Band or use it as a late game Sword Dance sweeper because you’r opponent mons would already be low enough that Sword Dance Aqua Jet would KO it
yeah you're right but i said that it can be ru which it can power creep in this gen is on another level
I think the one thing this post misses is special crawdaunt. it's been a legitimate set in past gens as a lure to mons that would come in safely on a knock or crabhammer. although 90 SpA is weaker than 120 Atk, you're luring in primarily physical walls and doing significant damage as a result. I've been playing with this set to some success:

Crawdaunt @ Choice Specs
Level: 100
Timid / Naive Nature
Ability: Adaptability
Tera Type: Poison / ???
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
- Surf
- Dark Pulse
- Sludge Bomb
- Ice Beam / Hydro Pump / Tera Blast / Close Combat

there's a legit argument for a set like this that lures and chunks physical checks like :dondozo:, physical :amoonguss: and :toxapex:, :corviknight:, and :zamazenta:. sludge bomb does 45% to AV :azumarill:(and 2HKOs if you get the poison), and ice beam OHKOs :garchomp: and does 70%+ to multiscale :dragonite:.

I see a very valuable niche for this set as a lure to would-be checks, and I'm sure exploring different tera types will allow it to lure far more.

oh, and if you run CC in the last slot and Naive over Timid, you get these calcs:

0 Atk Crawdaunt Close Combat vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Kingambit: 344-408 (100.8 - 119.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO
0 Atk Crawdaunt Close Combat vs. 4 HP / 252 Def Blissey: 398-470 (61 - 72%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

which is pretty neat.
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I think the one thing this post misses is special crawdaunt. it's been a legitimate set in past gens as a lure to mons that would come in safely on a knock or crabhammer. although 90 SpA is weaker than 120 Atk, you're luring in primarily physical walls and doing significant damage as a result. I've been playing with this set to some success:

Crawdaunt @ Choice Specs
Level: 100
Timid Nature
Ability: Adaptability
Tera Type: Poison / ???
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
- Surf
- Dark Pulse
- Sludge Bomb
- Ice Beam / Hydro Pump / Tera Blast

there's a legit argument for a set like this that lures and chunks physical checks like :dondozo:, physical :amoonguss: and :toxapex:, :corviknight:, and :zamazenta:. sludge bomb does 45% to AV :azumarill:(and 2HKOs if you get the poison), and ice beam OHKOs :garchomp: and does 70%+ to multiscale :dragonite:.

I see a very valuable niche for this set as a lure to would-be checks, and I'm sure exploring different tera types will allow it to lure far more.

Close Combat is actually a legit last move on this, since most Blissey are bad and use 0 EVs in Defense. Without Blissey, Stall is forced to Tera something to deal with this set. Knock Off is another option for the same purpose.
Close Combat is actually a legit last move on this, since most Blissey are bad and use 0 EVs in Defense. Without Blissey, Stall is forced to Tera something to deal with this set. Knock Off is another option for the same purpose.
ah, the classic physical specs mon. this is why I love mons, for little moments where something seemingly counterintuitive is legitimately good.

you don't even have to run a -Def/SpD nature for blissey, since it 2HKOs regardless. you do, however, have to run Naive or Rash for this calc

0 Atk Crawdaunt Close Combat vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Kingambit: 344-408 (100.8 - 119.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO

which is pretty damn sweet once they know you're specs and bring gambit in expecting dark pulse. two lures for the price of one!
ain't no way you're typing this with a straight face wdym special attaking crawdaunt why use 90 sp.atk when 120 atk is right here it's not going to stay in ou anyways
ain't no way you're typing this with a straight face wdym special attaking crawdaunt why use 90 sp.atk when 120 atk is right here it's not going to stay in ou anyways
hey man, it's legit. not stronger than a physical set but that's exactly why it's a lure, bc someone will bring in dozo and instead of 3HKOing with knock as it rests in your face you'll 2HKO with dark pulse. the first time I remember seeing it was late gen8 to lure fini, so I'm not pulling this outta thin air.
ah, the classic physical specs mon. this is why I love mons, for little moments where something seemingly counterintuitive is legitimately good.

you don't even have to run a -Def/SpD nature for blissey, since it 2HKOs regardless. you do, however, have to run Naive or Rash for this calc

0 Atk Crawdaunt Close Combat vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Kingambit: 344-408 (100.8 - 119.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO

which is pretty damn sweet once they know you're specs and bring gambit in expecting dark pulse. two lures for the price of one!
My apologies for the off topicness, but I get this entirely. AV max sp.atk Toxapex? That's an oxymoron. And it works!
Crawndant in RU is almost impossible, in Gen 8 it was almost banned from UU because of how strong it is especially if you give it a Choice Band or use it as a late game Sword Dance sweeper because you’r opponent mons would already be low enough that Sword Dance Aqua Jet would KO it
told you it's going down to ru