NOC Popcorn Mafia 3 Game Thread

... anyone want a flashwagon for someone else? I distrust the Zippy vote now, for the same reason I argued for myself: no real opposition.

listing other options and explaining why they might be decent shots is fine, but the shot should be within one of the lead wagons of the day

to expand on what i was saying a bit ago about bussing being more likely in popcorn, basically when most eliminations are decided by a single shot, it's way more beneficial for mafia to distance from each other in thread and play towards survival. mafia's game can be uprooted by a single sharpshooter, and they can't rely on thread control

the reason i think you're town as opposed to a bus here is just due to how much it seemed like people stopped caring when you jumped ahead as lead wagon, typically in those situations mafia would help their partner out by trying to create some other viable wagons. there were counterwagons at times, but thread was most dead with you up ahead. at the same time, i have serious doubts about neither of mc or zippy being mafia if you're town for the reasons i explained here. i see why you'd want to explore other options, i just think we need to see an mc or zippy shot through for day 1
its just weird that you found that one specific post
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