NOC Popcorn Mafia 3 Game Thread

I just get the sense there's a lot of excuse making and thus indirect defending of Chad. I guess psy disagreed, but all the people who are recognizing his low activity, "this is unlike chad," saying that normally he plays a lot of games and is awesome are the same dudes who aren't really voting him? Am I crazy for thinking that?

I totally get psy's reluctance yesterday but I think CB offered a lot more than chad (and then ofc Texas has the deciding vote...). Idk I guess there's still not a lot to talk about Chad so Idk why I keep thinking about him. clouds at least is offering a town core which is more than what chad's given.
wtf is goign on
ok this sounds so fake lol. did you get the idea from everyone reacting confused? are you guys all on a team together?
ok this sounds so fake lol. did you get the idea from everyone reacting confused? are you guys all on a team together?
my good sir i was:
out for 99% of yesterday
i had literally just checked the thread on a whim bc i have a test in an hour and half
find out people are dead
do you expect me to not be confused like haha i totally expected psy and caff and mc to die!
disappointing tier :pirate:
3. Duskfall98
5. HydrogenHydreigon
1. Celever

i just feel like these guys should be offering more like i don't expect this from them. celever to me i kind of get because it's a game where he doesn't have to go balls to the wall but at the same time, his most recent appearance was...not good. the major point of note was soft defending chad. ok lol.

dusk is here because i just don't believe for a second he actually thought caff was "scumslipping." but he's very hard to read so. HH can do better and it comes across almost as he's trying to fake his lackadaisical playstyle for me rn

vanilla tier ie they post but v unremarkable
4. realiti -
19. Clouds
9. master oden
10. Lady Salamence
11. skippergamez

I think this is the group I'll need to think about more. LS and realiti are very hard reads historically. I need to ISO clouds and I'll think I'll have a stronger opinion. Oden is probably the one I feel the best about in this group. skip feels a lot better than he normally does, but last time i thought he was mafia, he was town, so maybe it's flipped again here.

filler gang
10. Lady Salamence
6. pulsar512b

these guys just post so much about not the game and it irritates me but i've moved [past seeing it as scumread. not even relevant just jmaking my irritation known

vote these dudes out tier
7. ChadMD
8. Thunder~BALLZ

18. Whydon
5. HydrogenHydreigon

self explanatory. i still haven't heard a good reason why my strategy is not a good strategy. I even like my 1 serious, 1 afk shot strategy. but the later in the game we go, maybe we can't afford to do it as much. sigh. tbz is probably the one i feel best about it, which is saying very little

feeling good tier...mostly:afrostar:
17. Texas Cloverleaf
15. Flyhn
6. pulsar512b

this game is about solidifying a town core. we need to be really careful anointing anyone as town so these three stay here for me. surprisingly, flyhn > pulsar > texas, mainly because texas has some weird defending of certain guys and awkward vote timings but again, I think this is something that will tease itself out as we go. i don't like the thread spam from pulsar but she is relatively new to the game so i don't think it's too much to read into.
Aura Guardian (5) - Flyhn, Lady Salamence, skippergamez, Psypsypsypsypsythe, pulsar512b
ZippyDoo200 (3) - Clouds, Ehmcee, Aura Guardian
Ehmcee (3) - Thunder~BALLZ, realiti, Texas Cloverleaf
CaffeineBoost (2) - Duskfall98, master oden
skippergamez (1) - ZippyDoo200
master oden (1) - Celever
Not Voting (4) - HydrogenHydreigon, ChadMD, CaffeineBoost, Whydon

CaffeineBoost (6) - Duskfall98, Celever, Psypsypsypsypsythe, master oden, Lady Salamence, Texas Cloverleaf
ChadMD (4) - pulsar512b, skippergamez, Ehmcee, CaffeineBoost
(1) - realiti
Thunder~BallZ (1) - JALMONT
Not Voting (6) - HydrogenHydreigon, ChadMD, Thunder~BALLZ, Flyhn, Whydon, Clouds


at least 1 of the mc/caff wagons aren't pure here, with aura choosing the zippy wagon to survivalize on

mafia typically choose to vote on a different wagon than scum partner(s) & with those townreading them when possible. usually force of habit due to feeling the need to distance, but i'm thinking that may be why aura chose the zippy wagon to end on in particular

at #1880 ag was on mc here with texas/realiti/tbz, then he switches off at the end to vote with me and mc, effectively making his chances at survival harder. this initially looked like he could be partnered with mc, but mc's town, so now the motive is up in the air and voting separately from partner(s) seems like a plausible explanation. less concerned about the caff wagon here since mc was a more viable misvote option than caff for ag at the time, so it's more a question of why he switched off mc

i'd still rather ditch ag bussers and chad first anyways, it's just important to keep this in mind cause it's not like ag is just rolling the dice and choosing where to vote arbitrarily

...i'd hope
I even like my 1 serious, 1 afk shot strategy

reducing it to this is not a good idea at all and can easily lead to shooting some afk town into some highposting town for the sake of seeing it through

even the afk'ers will become more readable, like look at hydro's entrance where he goes "so we're voting clouds" despite having zero read aired on me all game and then somehow he goes back and claims to realize psy is dead. but if he saw i was being voted, he should've read the part where psy died too right? it's not that far back

the re-entrance is super off from hydro and then he ditched thread again when i pressured him
reducing it to this is not a good idea at all and can easily lead to shooting some afk town into some highposting town for the sake of seeing it through

even the afk'ers will become more readable, like look at hydro's entrance where he goes "so we're voting clouds" despite having zero read aired on me all game and then somehow he goes back and claims to realize psy is dead. but if he saw i was being voted, he should've read the part where psy died too right? it's not that far back

the re-entrance is super off from hydro and then he ditched thread again when i pressured him
Ok??? I mean we can just shoot all the AFKs. That's what I originally wanted. And do you actually believe all the AFKs in the bucket are going to do what the masses want. I doubt it. I just fail to see a winning strategy in playing mafia between 12 people and hoping there aren't too many mafia in the afk bucket. We're really going to rely on tbz and whydon keeping up with the game in a lylo situation? That's crazy and flat out game losing.

Sorry, that's just the facts. I'm all for giving people chances and letting them play the game. But until I see some evidence of that happening, I'm not going to give people a pass like you want to. Kind of interesting you letting 3 dudes slides who you've played with before in lieu of going after HH. That's intriguing to me.
Sorry, that's just the facts. I'm all for giving people chances and letting them play the game. But until I see some evidence of that happening, I'm not going to give people a pass like you want to. Kind of interesting you letting 3 dudes slides who you've played with before in lieu of going after HH. That's intriguing to me.

i have no interest in giving anyone a pass for not playing the game, nor have i said anything like that so i'm not sure where you're deriving this from

i'm also not "going after" HH, he's had two separate scummy appearances today with the most recent being the worst of them. you've even commented on one yourself, lol. and who am i letting slide that i've played with before, & what does me playing with someone prior to this have to do with whether or not i should or shouldn't be voting them? by all means, if you think there's someone that's mafia that i should be seeing as mafia too but am not, tell me, cause you seem to have some semblance of an idea for how i should be seeing things but you haven't aired it
it's rough feeling like i'm talking into an empty chamber and witnessing so much of the game slack off at a time when mafia can & will capitalize on weakening game activity and momentum. if you're sitting there with a town role pm, read the game, form your own thoughts, and don't just blindly follow thread sentiments because you're too lazy to read for yourself. this game isn't that hard to dig into even with the page count, and if you want to ask me questions or talk to me i'd appreciate that cause it's a lot easier for me to read players when i can talk to them and direct the conversation a bit
hydro/chad pairing is definitely likely looking back through chad again

#2344 - chad posts this to pseudo-defend hydro, but he hedges the read in a way where it's not aired as a townread and instead just that hydro's activity should be viewed as nai as opposed to scummy
I am trying my best to understand why caffeine decided to pretend he was scum who slipped and all game purposely acted as if he was mafia and why that would be helpful to town