Social What are some problems you are having recently?

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Banned deucer.
Well, I'll start I guess.
Bro I got banned for 1 day for saying this:

I was just saying hi to him. Like wtf?
I'm having a lot of trouble motivating my staff to work. My Russian, Chinese, and Spanish translation teams are all refusing to translate documents they said they would. In addition, my editors refuse to review output by others. Once again, they wanted this. I don't want to fire them, but I'm running out of options, and I don't know what else to do. Some of them haven't done a thing since January. It feels like nobody wants to work for free anymore.

My only saving grace is that our policy team have been coming up with some great ways to improve operations. The only problem is the people that oversee those operations don't seem to care (or even read) what they have to say. Any advice, TheShield? I'm desperate.
I'm having a lot of trouble motivating my staff to work. My Russian, Chinese, and Spanish translation teams are all refusing to translate documents they said they would. In addition, my editors refuse to review output by others. Once again, they wanted this. I don't want to fire them, but I'm running out of options, and I don't know what else to do. Some of them haven't done a thing since January. It feels like nobody wants to work for free anymore.

My only saving grace is that our policy team have been coming up with some great ways to improve operations. The only problem is the people that oversee those operations don't seem to care (or even read) what they have to say. Any advice, TheShield? I'm desperate.
Maybe give them a raise. If it doesn't work, get some new translators.
I've been having to poop most of today. But am trying to hold it because I always poop in the mornings right after breakfast. I am worried that if I poop now it will mess up my schedule. But I don't mind since I don't want to use my tollilets at work. I just have to make it past dinner and then off to bed

Edit: pooped when I got home. Hope this doesn't screw up my morning schedule
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My heel has been randomly hurting when I walk. I just woke up at some point last week and it's been acting up. No idea what's going on.
Try relaxing your heel by taking hour long naps. If that doesn't work, I don't know what will.
My heel has been randomly hurting when I walk. I just woke up at some point last week and it's been acting up. No idea what's going on.
A bit of random input here, but I remember talking with my mom about a similar problem she's had every now and again. For context, she's an elementary school teacher, and while I have nothing wrong with her work, the one nitpick I've always had is about what shoes she used to wear to school every day. I've tried telling her so many times that maybe her feet- specifically her heels- hurt after school so often because she would often wear the same kinds of tight pairs of shoes for seven hours a day as she proceeds to walk on what might as well be solid concrete because of how that building was constructed. Case in point, maybe your choice of footwear is involved? Who can be certain aside from yourself, of course.
cant seem to get coworkers out my business just cus i'm the only one who never puts it out there.

if i wanted yall to know i would - i honestly have purposely started making shit up just to feed their pathetic hunger for workplace content cus they're that dry in their own lives. i purposely get more and more ridiculous with it just to see how much it takes for the to realize it's all bullshit.
i'm giving them the show they wanted but theyre not the audience getting entertained, now I'm entertaining myself with you all lol.

me and my close work buddies laugh at it all the time as they run off to tell friends like it's true lol.
It’s like, two in the morning right now and I should be trying to get some sleep, but I likely won’t be able to do that until I can get something off my chest. So. I’m a college kid, okay? I’ve been doing relatively well, I’d like to believe, and while I do have my mistakes here and there, on average I would say I have had a good experience that would preferably finish strong.

That being said, I’ve never been a fan of student culture across the board, even at a school I love like the one I’m at. It feels like pretty much everywhere I look, I can find at least a couple people complaining about some random thing that’s not that big of a deal. Over the past few years my roommates have become especially guilty of this, and while I don’t want to demand perfection from them or anything like that, I also can’t stand watching them shoot each other down with drama about work and… various other activities that supposedly happen. These guys all work very similar jobs, and you would think with the amount of complaints I hear every day, they would all just quit by now. Instead, I’m somehow forced to hear the brunt of why they think their lives suck because they don’t know how good they have it. I have no room to call them out on their behaviors because I’m not a student worker like them, but even if I was, my only priority at this point would be getting the facts straight and making sure the atmosphere on campus doesn’t make me want to… you know.

The hilarious part? It’s just college students I have issues with. Never once have I had issues with any of adult staff on campus. In fact, I genuinely feel like they care about us. In retrospect it makes me think back about all the help I’ve ever had from other people and helps me rearrange my priorities. I know I can’t manipulate anyone else’s free will, but if some of these students were at least partially as respectful and responsible as, dare I say, the real staff here, than I would be much, much happier on days like how today (the 5th, not the 6th) have been. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk
It’s like, two in the morning right now and I should be trying to get some sleep, but I likely won’t be able to do that until I can get something off my chest. So. I’m a college kid, okay? I’ve been doing relatively well, I’d like to believe, and while I do have my mistakes here and there, on average I would say I have had a good experience that would preferably finish strong.

That being said, I’ve never been a fan of student culture across the board, even at a school I love like the one I’m at. It feels like pretty much everywhere I look, I can find at least a couple people complaining about some random thing that’s not that big of a deal. Over the past few years my roommates have become especially guilty of this, and while I don’t want to demand perfection from them or anything like that, I also can’t stand watching them shoot each other down with drama about work and… various other activities that supposedly happen. These guys all work very similar jobs, and you would think with the amount of complaints I hear every day, they would all just quit by now. Instead, I’m somehow forced to hear the brunt of why they think their lives suck because they don’t know how good they have it. I have no room to call them out on their behaviors because I’m not a student worker like them, but even if I was, my only priority at this point would be getting the facts straight and making sure the atmosphere on campus doesn’t make me want to… you know.

The hilarious part? It’s just college students I have issues with. Never once have I had issues with any of adult staff on campus. In fact, I genuinely feel like they care about us. In retrospect it makes me think back about all the help I’ve ever had from other people and helps me rearrange my priorities. I know I can’t manipulate anyone else’s free will, but if some of these students were at least partially as respectful and responsible as, dare I say, the real staff here, than I would be much, much happier on days like how today (the 5th, not the 6th) have been. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk
you must understand that complaining about your job (or just complaining in general) is one of the simple pleasures of life. You're doing the exact same thing they're doing, just on a smogon thread. it's how people cope