Metagame Convergence [DLC 2 Bans]

The council has spoken, and the bans are here!

Walking Wake, Ogerpon-Heartflame, Urshifu-Rapid-Strike, Drizzle and Heat Rock are banned from Convergence!

G-LukeTaplerClasZach ParrotBeaf Cultist
Walking WakeBanBanBanBanBan

After these results, we did a quick emergency vote on the item Heat Rock, and the results are:

G-LukeTaplerClasZach ParrotBeaf Cultist

Walking Wake needs no introduction, gaining Nasty Plot and Rapid Spin from Tatsugiri makes it an even more ludicrous wallbreaker and sweeper than it is in standard play, leading most offensive teams left in he dust in regards to how to properly deal with it. Under Sun, its power was devastating, and it could sweep offensive squads whole after a single Nast Plot and even outside of the weather, it had the option to just Nasty Plot and punch holes into fat teams. It was deemed too much for the metagame to handle and was thus banned.

Somehow, Ogepon-Hearthflame is even more of a headache to face in Convergence than it is in OU, mainly because ofnits access to Chlorophyll on sun teams, making it even more of a problem for teams to properly handle, since they can't revenge kill it without priority anymore. Its standard SD 3A set still bullies fat teams since many rely on Fur Coat Umbreon as their chief means of walling physical attackers, which Mold Breaker folds. Not to memtion, the ability to Terastilize giving it Gen 8 Intrepid Sword is borderlime stupid, and allowed it to end games on its own very comfortably. For these reasons Firepon was deemed too unhealthy for the tier.

Urshifu Rapid Strike was already mighty stupid in standard, but the additions of Aqua Step + Moxie and more importantly Swift Swim, have catapulted it into stardom level, with many teams facing rain scrambling to find answers, resorting to Dry Skin Okidogi and Tera Fairy Water immunities littering teams. Its sky high attack !eant you could reasonably spam Flip Turn and do massive damage in the early game and get ready to sweep later on with either Surging Strikes or Wave Crash for bigger tankier threats. Aqua Step variants were less straight forward but were still extremely problematic due to how easily they can snow ball if they are allowed to, and Ursh could make that happen. This was demed too overwhelming to bear forthe meta, and thud Ursh was banned.

Rain has a very complex history in Convergence. It was deemed broken early on, but tge councik at the time decided that banning Palafin, Iron Bundle (the major abusers at the time) and Damp Rock would serve as a suitable enough nerf, as Rain had only one real abuser, and once you had t force the team structure around mutiple Rocks weak setters it would be too much for just 5 turns. Fast forward to DLC era, and not only has Rain gotten multiple new abusers such as Thundurus-Therian / Zapdos, Urshifu, Adaptability Greninja, Tornadus-Therian, Ogerpon-Wellspring and most importantly a new way of setting the weather wit Pure Water types, the playstyle has essentially overcome all of its shortcoming and become the dominant offensive playstyle once again. Water resists are simply not enough to handle the onslaught of rain abusers anymore and forcing Water Absorb / Storm Drain on every team is stupidly restricting. Thus, Drizzle was deemed too powerful to stauy and was banned.

The council deliberated for sometime, and ultimately came to the conclusion that Sun may be much easier to handle in a world were its best abusers were gone, thus Drought was allowed to stay. Even still, some shared concerns with Heat Rock propelling the play style to the sky, and after we did our initial vote, decided to do an emergency tally on Heat Rock, and the majority agreed to ax the item to balance the playstyle while still leaving players with options. Even so, we will be closely monitoring how Sun functions without its best aspects at the forefront.

Some honourable mentions and aspects that the council will be keeping an eye on

:Ogerpon: The biggest eye raiser, as it was the only Pokemon listed for a QB that survived the purge. Make no mistake, Ogerpon is an incredible offensive presence with access to many potent options, chied of which is the infamous Contrary set, which snowballs with Superpower and then proceeds to Tera and get a speed bost and sweep. Enough of the council believes that it is not as overwhelming of a threat as its compatriots, so it has narrowly survived judgement. But we will be keeping our eye on ut asbthe highest priority.

:Landorus-Therian: Big Lando has stolen the valor of Gliscor and has become a menace for teams to face offensively and defensively alike. Posion Heal is a massive boon for Landorus, eliminating all of its biggest issues in standard all at once (easily crippled by Knock Off, prone to Status and lack of any recovery) and making it much more resilient of a threat to take down. Whether it uses Bulk Uo to sweep or just exercises uts infinite utility optiins, Landorus-Therian makes progress. Adding Spikes, Toxic and Knock Off back to its repertoire cements Lando as a certified threat, and is one that should be prepped for.

:Umbreon: Fur Coat Umbreon is the defacto defensive physical wall in the tier, and its hard to see why. 95/110/130 bulk bacjed by Fur Coat and reliabke recovery is short of insane, and being abke to quickly Tera Poison oyt of its weakness to Fighting and crippling Toxic weakness further strengthens it as a wall. Its filed wuth utility as well with Knock Turn + Toxic, our Foul Play for set up sweepers, making it even fit on more offensively geared teams and making it very hard to take advantage of by any physicak attacker. The death of big weather spam and Mold Breaker Firepon may bring these issues to light even more, so expect councik to keep an eye on him.

:scream-tail: The utility god himself. Scream Tail has been spreading status and preventing hazards from going up since the metagame's inception. An extremely fast Encore, stellar defensive profile and perhaps the most amount of utility moves ever (including but not limited to Teleport, Nuzze, Knock Off, Encore, Will-O-Wisp, Stealth Rock), Scream Tail sorta has it all. Combine that with Magic Bounce shutting down most means of cfippling an otherwise passive bulky wall, and you've got yourself a potential S Tier suport Poksmon. It's abysmal special attack has been an issue for it in the past, but how much it can stop progress in its tracks has started to get the attention of the council, and we will keep an eye on how it develops the metagame and how it responds to set development.

Victory Dance is something that has seen some success in the past, but with many if its roadblocks finally biting the dust, we believe that it has the chance to go haywite if left to it's own devices. This ofc is not proven so we cannot act on the move, but rest assured, if Victory Dance shows even the slightest chamce of being problematic we will take it down.

And finally Terastilization. The council is well aware of how potent this issue is and how it warps the tier. Tera makes alot of offensive Pokémon impossible to answer both offensively and defensively, and is even starting to make defensive Pokemon too much to eliminate. Many of the listed threats are excellent Tera abusers, and many unlisted threats are also very prominent on Tera. We decided to elimiate the main domnating factors in the meta first before even touching Tera, but we are definitely having major talks in regards to how we handle Tera moving forward.

And thats it! Tagging Kris to please ban Walking Wake, Ogerpon-Hearthflame, Urshifu-Rapid-Strike, Heat Rock and Drizzle from the ladder. And to also unban Damp Rock, as its now a non factor.

Thanks for tuning in, see you next week!
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(Bold is borrowed moves and abilities)
These Thunderbirds can fill a variety of roles depending on what you need. The moves and abilities they have are bolstered by Kilowattrel, Oricorio-Pom-Pom, and Rotom-Fan.
Thundurus-Therian @ Leftovers
Ability: Competitive
Tera Type: Psychic
IVs: 0 Atk
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Nasty Plot / Calm Mind
- Grass Knot / Stored Power
- Thunderbolt
- Focus Blast / Roost
Set Details

Calm Mind is a slower but more defensive option for if you want to improve bulk alongside special attack. Nasty plot is if you are going fully offensive. Grass Knot is to hit ground types for super effective damage, but Stored Power boosts base power with the number of boosts you have, so after 3 Calm Minds, Stored Power is a spammable 140 BP move, which is very strong. Thunderbolt is just your STAB, nothing else to say. Focus Blast is to hit steel types that are not weak to the previous moves, and finally Roost is to restore HP.
Other Attributes
Timid Nature and 252 Speed EVs increase speed to the maximum, which is not as important as Gen 9 OU as the metagame has centered around Poison Heal, but is still important for outspeeding base 80s to base 100 speed. 252 special attack EVs increase the firepower of Thundurus to the maximum, while the remaining EVs go to Special Defense just for a tad extra bulk. 0 Atk IVs is to reduce confusion and Foul Play Damage, and Tera Type Psychic boosts your Stored Powers. Finally, Competitive is to keep your Special Attack the same or higher and Leftovers is for recovery, but you can go Life Orb for extra firepower.
Checks and Counters
:sv/chansey:/:sv/blissey: Chansey/Blissey
The eggs stop any special attacker with their insanely high HP and Special Defense, and can take a lot of firepower if Thundurus is not running Focus Blast. They could damage you with Seismic Toss, and cripple you with Toxic (yes they get that because of the Dunsparce line), or just outright OHKO you with Final Gambit.
:sv/Greninja: Greninja
Greninja is both faster and can have similar firepower with Adaptability boosting Water and Dark type STABs by 25%. Hydro Pump can do serious damage to Thundurus, and Ice Beam, while weaker when not Tera'd, when Tera'd, can straight up OHKO due to it being Adaptabilty boosted, super effective, and off of a pretty good 103 SPA.
Zapdos @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Static
Tera Type: Ghost/Ground
IVs: 0 Atk
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Bold Nature
- Roost
- Will-O-Wisp/Defog/Thunder Wave/Night Shade/U-Turn
- Spite/Defog/Thunder Wave/Night Shade/Hex
- Thunderbolt
Set Details
Roost is your recovery move. For the second slot, Will-O-Wisp cripples physical attackers via halving the BP of their moves, Defog removes hazards, Thunder wave can cripple non-electric, non-magic bounce Pokeon, Night Shade is consistant damage against Ground types, and U-Turn is for pivoting in a disadvantageous situation. You can also run Spite to lessen the foe's moves PP, and Hex to take advantage of status conditions. Finally, Thunderbolt is your STAB.
Other Attributes
252 HP EVs is to maximize bulk, 252 Spe is to go first more of the time, and 4 Spa is to deal slightly more damage with your special moves. A Bold nature and 0 IVs reduce attack to the mininum, and also increase defense a bit. Tera Ghost takes advantage of Hexes, but you can do Tera Ground if you don't run Hex. Rocky Helmet and Static punish contact via damaging and paralyzing respectively.
Rotom-fan finally losing the levitate ability is pretty cool.
(Bold is borrowed abilities+moves)
The council has spoken, and the bans are here!
While I am kinda new to this format, I think these are well-deserved. Anyways, here is one more pokemon and set!
Iron Thorns
Getting Galvanize from Golem-Alola turns Double-Edge into a 144 BP STAB which can be boosted even further with Dragon Dance. It feels like Iron thorns has all of the moves it needs to be a great sweeper. With Double Edge, Earthquake, and Stone Edge, it has great coverage, hitting everything but Ground Types, which can be sealed with by a Water or Grass type.
Iron Thorns @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Galvanize
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Double-Edge
- Dragon Dance
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
So while the bans were welcome, there are still way too many problems in the tier, and without weather all the other offense variants run rampage, and it is very complicated to get anything consistent, not even fur coat umbreon feels like a decent physical wall.
I think the first step into getting anything playable is banning tera, we got like 20 different set up sweepers that are abusing it and often not even teraing back makes a different because the other already got one or two free set up turn and is going to ohko through a resist or will predict the tera and just nuke you with coverage.
Otherwise, I think a lot needs to be banned, pop bomb, cress/mew (any bulky psychic that can do the demon set), lando, ogerpon, vaporeon/milotic (or phione so bulky waters cant take heart+acid armor), Greninja, Unburden, Belly Drum, Ursaluna, Umbreon, Barraskewda, Victory Dance, Drought among other stuff as there is just too much going on in the tier and the amount of stuff that is one miss prediction away from sweeping teams is too high.
As someone who rarely ever makes a comment on the forums and doesn't really play competitively, Kaen is very right. The metagame is not in a good spot right now. There's too many mons that are either really broken (too many to list) or very frustrating (hi scream tail). I'm sure you're hard at work figuring out what is and isn't too much but more stuff needs to go. The previous bans are a good start though.

Either way, this meta is really cool and I look forward to playing more of it when it's a bit more balanced.
So while the bans were welcome, there are still way too many problems in the tier, and without weather all the other offense variants run rampage, and it is very complicated to get anything consistent, not even fur coat umbreon feels like a decent physical wall […] there is just too much going on in the tier and the amount of stuff that is one miss prediction away from sweeping teams is too high.

I want to push back on this a little. While it's clear that there are many, many viable threats, given time I believe dominant strategies will become apparent and we can take informed action about them at that point. There's often a pressure in monthly OMs to make many bans quickly in the one month where they have a spotlight, but I don't think "too much going on in the tier" is a valid reason to take tiering action -- yet.

Personally, I haven't found offense to be dominant. If anything, with versatile walls like milotic/umbreon/florges, I've found it's bulky playstyles which dominate on ladder. I agree that one miss predict can be super costly in this tier, but I don't find that a bad thing -- I would like to avoid a tier where Poison Heal/Regen mons can afford to play extremely safely, and games last 100+ turns.
I want to push back on this a little. While it's clear that there are many, many viable threats, given time I believe dominant strategies will become apparent and we can take informed action about them at that point. There's often a pressure in monthly OMs to make many bans quickly in the one month where they have a spotlight, but I don't think "too much going on in the tier" is a valid reason to take tiering action -- yet.

Personally, I haven't found offense to be dominant. If anything, with versatile walls like milotic/umbreon/florges, I've found it's bulky playstyles which dominate on ladder. I agree that one miss predict can be super costly in this tier, but I don't find that a bad thing -- I would like to avoid a tier where Poison Heal/Regen mons can afford to play extremely safely, and games last 100+ turns.
Eh dunno, I think a lot needs fast action so we can sooner get into something stable, and I havent see any wall do anything done so far, your 3 examples are set up fodder for SD Fezan, who apparently is only used by me on ladder, but it only got better with the weather ban, it still has no proper defensive answer and can also stop a lot of offensive mons that are too dependent on their abilities like Unburden and Poison Heal.

But either way, I think that something that really needs to go now is Population Bomb, it makes Tera steel mandatory, as all our Steel Types sucks, and Ghosts usually die to Knock Off, before the weather ban you only had to worry about bulky set up sweepers like Ursaring and Snorlax, but now Ambipom and Tauros are just as viable and destructive, you only have to bring them after you identify and remove any Rocky Helmet (they can do it themselves tho). If you didn't bring a tera steel or a team of mons consistently faster than Ambipom then you have are getting swept by it. Oh, and the Tera Steel mon has to be quite bulky and surprise Ambipom/Tauros and kill it in the spot, as failing to ko it right away means you have to tank an Earthquake next.
(Bold is borrowed moves and abilities.)
Mandibuzz might not have an impressive ability or stats on her own, but she is rather bulky. She gains Prankster Haze from Murkrow, and that can stop belly drum users along with Rocky Helmet, which hurts a pokemon using contact moves. She also gets Thunder Wave from Murkrow, which can be used to cripple foes as well as stall out time if needed. She also gets Confuse Ray and attract to be rather annoying. Now let's look at the Galarian Moltres side of things. She gets imprison to block other Mandibuzzes from using certain moves and can also help stop paralysis spreaders. For the natural moveset, she has Taunt to stop setup, Roost to heal, and if you really need it, Prankster Sunny Day and Rain Dance to set up sun and rain. The only thing she needs is Encore.
Mandibuzz @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Prankster
Tera Type: Steel
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Impish Nature
- Roost
- Defog/Thunder Wave/Taunt
- Haze/Thunder Wave/Taunt
- U-Turn
Mandibuzz @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Prankster
Tera Type: Steel
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Impish Nature
- Roost
- Defog/Thunder Wave/Taunt/Haze
- Foul Play
- U-Turn
Spiritomb is not impressive by itself, but stealing Prankster from Sableye and having better overall stats except speed, which doesn't matter when you are slow. It gets both screens as well as a variety of utility options such as PRANKSTER ENCORE, screens, will-o-wisp, and Recover. It can also dish out some damage with Foul play which punishes foes for setting up recklessly.
Spiritomb @ Light Clay
Ability: Prankster
Tera Type: Dark
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
- Recover
- Light Screen
- Reflect
- Foul Play
Spiritomb @ Leftovers
Ability: Prankster
Tera Type: Grass
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Bold Nature

- Will-O-Wisp
- Recover
- Encore/Taunt
- Dark Pulse

People are complaining about poison heal, so here is a pokemon that stops poison heal! It has access to the move Gastro Acid, which nullifies abilities. A poison heal user staying in for a long time can have their 12% heal suddenly turn into 50% damage, crippling them and weakening them for other teammates to take down. There is also Venoshock to take advantage of the fact that Toxic Orb is used on Poison heal sets, becoming a 120 base power move. You can also use Wrap to trap foes and then use Gastro Acid. For the healing, there is Synthesis and you can steal regenerator from Amoonguss.
Victreebel @ Leftovers
Ability: Regenerator
Tera Type: Steel
EVs: 252 HP / 8 SpA / 248 Spe
Timid Nature

- Gastro Acid
- Synthesis
- Wrap/Toxic
- Venoshock
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Posting a team I have been laddering with post ban


Its your standard Veil HO squad, featuring big threats like Nasty Plot Greninja and Sub DD Baxcalibur.

Greninja is an insane sweeper, as is good old Baxcalibur. Greninja might warrant looking into, but it is hard countered by Prankster Mandibuzz who is everywhere on ladder.

I lack the replays, but Lilligant is a decent sweeper, but hasn't done anything more insane than other sweepers. So as far as I am concerned, if I vote for something it's Chesnaught.

Mandibuzz in general is really hard for the team to crack, especially if it is a Foul Play variant. Best bet is get off a DD and Icicle Crash spam against Mandibuzz.

That being said, council has a general ifea of what we are going to look at. Imo Tera is the NUMBER ONE issue in the meta right now and definitely hyper inflates how other Pokemon are in the metapa. Population Bomb and HO in general will be looked at as well.
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Posting a team I have been laddering with post ban



That being said, council has a general idea of what we are going to look at. Imo Tera is the NUMBER ONE issue in the meta right now and definitely hyper inflates how other Pokemon are in the meta. Population Bomb and HO in general will be looked at as well.
(Bold is borrowed moves + abilities.)
jk, I won't argue, Tera is busted on almost all formats and OMs right now. But here is a Regenerator Pokemon!

While it may not have the best defense, offense, and speed stats, those stats are still pretty good to function as a regenerator pivot, stealing from Slowpoke-Galar. (:slowpoke-galar:). It also steals Slack Off from the same source. This allows it to be a pretty good cleric and defensive or offensive pivot with U-Turn from Es(psycho)pathra (thank god speed boost was banned and not espathra itself.)
It can also become more offensive but still bulky with Calm Mind Stored Power sets with recover and Dazzling Gleam. This pokemon is very malleable to your needs, so I will be posting 3 sets today instead of 1 or 2.

Mew @ :leftovers:/:rocky-helmet:
Ability: Regenerator
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Calm Nature
- Slack Off
- Recover / Toxic / Spikes / Skill Swap
- U-Turn
- Stealth Rock / Heal Bell
Mew has a higher speed than Cresselia so it can outspeed threats such as Great Tusk. It can also hit harder with U-Turn, and have more utility moves than Meloetta. Skill Swap is to disrupt Poison heal users and take advantage of being poisoned yourself if you get poisoned, or to remove Adaptability from threarts such as Greninja.
Mew @ :Leftovers:/:Mind-Plate:
Ability: Regenerator / Magic Bounce
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 Spe
Timid Nature
- Slack Off
- Calm Mind
- Stored Power
- Moonblast
Mew is a more offensive option than Cresselia due to Mew's higher special attack stat of 100, and a higher speed of 100 as well. Cresselia is bulkier than Mew but this is a good choice if the rest of your team is slow.
Mew @ :choice-specs:
Ability: Regenerator
Tera Type: Psychic
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpA
Modest Nature
- Psychic
- U-Turn
- Dazzling Gleam
- Aura Sphere
Mew trades a secondary STAB and higher SPA and SPD for access to Regenerator as well as a higher defense stat. You could run 252 speed EVs instead of HP EVs to outspeed more threats, but this has 252 HP to take advantage of Regenerator.
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(Bold is borrowed moves + abilities.)
jk, I won't argue, Tera is busted on almost all formats and OMs right now. But here is a Regenerator Pokemon!

While it may not have the best defense, offense, and speed stats, those stats are still pretty good to function as a regenerator pivot, stealing from Slowpoke-Galar. (:slowpoke-galar:). It also steals Slack Off from the same source. This allows it to be a pretty good cleric and defensive or offensive pivot with U-Turn from Es(psycho)pathra (thank god speed boost was banned and not espathra itself.)
It can also become more offensive but still bulky with Calm Mind Stored Power sets with recover and Dazzling Gleam. This pokemon is very malleable to your needs, so I will be posting 3 sets today instead of 1 or 2.

Mew @ :leftovers:/:rocky-helmet:
Ability: Regenerator
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Calm Nature
- Slack Off
- Recover / Toxic / Spikes / Skill Swap
- U-Turn
- Stealth Rock / Heal Bell
Mew @ :Leftovers:/:Mind-Plate:
Ability: Regenerator / Magic Bounce
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 Spe
Timid Nature
- Slack Off
- Calm Mind
- Stored Power
- Dazzling Gleam
Mew @ :choice-specs:
Ability: Regenerator
Tera Type: Psychic
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpA
Modest Nature
- Psychic
- U-Turn
- Dazzling Gleam
- Aura Sphere
I appreciate the consistent posts, but I should bring to attention that Mew has access to Moonblast. And imo, if you are gonna bring up Mew as a Pokémon, you have to justify why bulky sets aren't outclassed by Cressilia and how offensive ones aren't outclassed by Meloetta. This will let people be more informed and have a better concept as to what your post is going for.
I appreciate the consistent posts, but I should bring to attention that Mew has access to Moonblast. And imo, if you are gonna bring up Mew as a Pokémon, you have to justify why bulky sets aren't outclassed by Cressilia and how offensive ones aren't outclassed by Meloetta. This will let people be more informed and have a better concept as to what your post is going for.
Oh sorry about that.
Hey everyone, council is back again, we have come together to vote on some problematic elements in our current metagame.

Tera, Population Bomb, Lilligant-Hisui and Light Clay are banned from Convergence
G-LukeTaplerZach ParrottClasBeaf Cultist
Population BombBanBanBanBanBan
Victory Dance*BanBanBanBanBan
Light ClayDNBBanBanDNBBan

*Due to OM tiering policy, we are banning Lilligant-Hisui since it is the sole donor of the move. With this logic, expect us to Unban Transform and Imposter, and ban Ditto instead.

The matchup based nature of Terastilization, propelling the strength of sweepers and wallbreakers alike to insans levels, as in a metagame where the power level is as high as it is, a singke free turn of set up is usually all they need spiral out of control. That is not even including Pokémon that just click Tera to bolster their STABs. The mechanic which is already contentious before was seemed too overbearing in standard, making us determine that it had to go.

Population Bomb in standard is balanced by being on a frail Pokémon with 75 Atk. Unfortunately, in Convergence the Normal types are much stronger, and the concept of defensive Coil Normal types that rack up boosts then sweep us also present here. Counterplay basically boiled down to either brining a Ghost or using your Tera Ghost on a wall. This also doesnt account for all Nornal types having the move Knock to bypass them anyway. Burning did not work because many users carry Guts, and most Prankster Haze users simply cannot take Population Bomb anyways, particularly from Technician variants. Thus it was banned from the meta.

Victory Dance made its multiple users of the move turn into very potent set up sweepers with little means of countering them. Lilligant made use of the move on hyper offense builds, while Chesnaught fit in bulkier teams where it can utilize its defensive prowess. The counterplay for these mons were often not as similar as one would think as they carried different moves, optimal Tera types and even abilities (Lilligant ran Technician or Scrappy, while Chesnaught exclusivey ran PH). It was ultimately just proven too efficient of a sweeping tool to be allowed, thus it was decided to be banned.

Hyper Offense is king in the metagame, and with the multiple ridiculous amount of set up sweepers present, we felt like Screens propelled them into stardom. With muktiple Prankster users, or Ice type AVeil setters, it was extremely easy to get them off. This ofc made them too potent to realistically handle, so it was banned.

Tagging Kris to implement these changes done, thanks!
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Hey everyone, council is back again, we have come together to vote on some problematic elements in our current metagame.

Tera, Population Bomb, Lilligant-Hisui and Light Clay are banned from Convergence
G-LukeTaplerZach ParrottClasBeaf Cultist
Population BombBanBanBanBanBan
Victory Dance*BanBanBanBanBan
Light ClayDNBBanBanDNBBan

*Due to OM tiering policy, we are banning Lilligant-Hisui since it is the sole donor of the move. With this logic, expect us to Unban Transform and Imposter, and ban Ditto instead.

The matchup based nature of Terastilization, propelling the strength of sweepers and wallbreakers alike to insans levels, as in a metagame where the power level is as high as it is, a singke free turn of set up is usually all they need spiral out of control. That is not even including Pokémon that just click Tera to bolster their STABs. The mechanic which is already contentious before was seemed too overbearing in standard, making us determine that it had to go.

Population Bomb in standard is balanced by being on a frail Pokémon with 75 Atk. Unfortunately, in Convergence the Normal types are much stronger, and the concept of defensive Coil Normal types that rack up boosts then sweep. Counterplay basically boiled down to either brining a Ghost or using your Tera Ghost on a wal. This also doesnt account for all Dark types having the move Knock to bypass them anyway. Burning did not work because many users carry Guts, and most Prankster users simply cannot take Population Bomb anyways. Thus it was banned from the meta.

Victory Dance made its multiple users of the move turn into very potent set up sweepers with little means of countering them. Lilligant made use of the move on hyper offense builds, while Chesnaught fit in bulkier teams where it can utilize its defensive prowess. The counterplay for these mons were often not as similar as one would think as they carried different moves, optimal Tera types and even abilities (Lilligant ran Technician or Scrappy, while Chesnaught exclusivey ran PH). It was ultimately just proven too efficient of a sweeping tool to be allowed, thus it was decided to be banned.

Hyper Offense is king in the metagame, and with the multiple ridiculous amount of set up sweepers present, we felt like Screens propelled them into stardom. With muktiple Prankster users, or Ice type AVeil setters, it was extremely easy to get them off. This ofc made them too potent to realistically handle, so it was banned.

Tagging Kris to implement these changes done, thanks!

Thank you for the consistent updates to the format. Anyway, I have some reservations regarding part of the bans / unbans.

Firstly, it seems that the issue primarily lies with the move Victory Dance rather than Lilligant-Hisui itself. Victory Dance itself has proven to be the source of imbalance and removing Lilligant-H entirely removes options from the other fighting/grass types, which I think doesn't make sense as the whole point of the format is giving Pokemon more options.

Additionally, banning Population Bomb but not Maushold and its pre-evolution seems inconsistent, considering that only a single line of Pokemon can learn the move. If the reason is that there's more than one mon, they're essentially the same mon. If the reasoning is that "Maushold and its Prevo are not broken without population bomb" then I don't understand why Lilligant is being banned.

The other bans appear reasonable and necessary. However, I do have concerns about unbanning Transform (if that's what the footnote is implying), as it would grant every pure Psychic Pokemon access to it via Mew, which doesn't seem like a good idea.

I appreciate the effort to further balance the meta in any case, just voicing my opinion.
Thank you for the consistent updates to the format. Anyway, I have some reservations regarding part of the bans / unbans.

Firstly, it seems that the issue primarily lies with the move Victory Dance rather than Lilligant-Hisui itself. Victory Dance itself has proven to be the source of imbalance and removing Lilligant-H entirely removes options from the other fighting/grass types, which I think doesn't make sense as the whole point of the format is giving Pokemon more options.

Additionally, banning Population Bomb but not Maushold and its pre-evolution seems inconsistent, considering that only a single line of Pokemon can learn the move. If the reason is that there's more than one mon, they're essentially the same mon. If the reasoning is that "Maushold and its Prevo are not broken without population bomb" then I don't understand why Lilligant is being banned.

The other bans appear reasonable and necessary. However, I do have concerns about unbanning Transform (if that's what the footnote is implying), as it would grant every pure Psychic Pokemon access to it via Mew, which doesn't seem like a good idea.

I appreciate the effort to further balance the meta in any case, just voicing my opinion.

To answer this, OM's current tiering policy dictates that Pokémon bans are prioritized over move and ability bans in the case when only a sole donor is present for the element. This is why Lilligant was axed and not Victory Dance.

As for Populatiom Bomb, in that case it would require us to ban both Maushokd and Tandemaus, which at that point voids the distinction, so we just ax the problematic move.

It may not be pleasing to you, but that is how it is, and we will be following OM Tiering Policy.
(Bold is borrowed moves + abilities)
*Due to OM tiering policy, we are banning Lilligant-Hisui since it is the sole donor of the move. With this logic, expect us to Unban Transform and Imposter, and ban Ditto instead.
Well, time to use Transform Cresselia.
Transform Cresselia could be an answer to Poison Heal if poisoned, as Cress could heal from poison instead of being hurt. It can also blanket check offensive threats. Here is a set to show off Transform Cresselia.
Cresselia @ Leftovers
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 196 Def / 4 SpA / 56 SpD
Calm Nature
- Transform
- Healing Wish
- Psychic
- Hypnosis / Recover
Transform is obvious, copying all stats except health, and that is why HP EVs are maximized. Healing Wish is if you don't need Cresselia anymore, and it can heal a sweeper into perfect condition at the exchange of losing your Cresselia. Psychic is so it is not total taunt bait, and the fourth move slow can be a sleep move so you can immobilize something from 1-3 turns, or recover for extra longevity.
Thank you for the consistent updates to the format. Anyway, I have some reservations regarding part of the bans / unbans.

Firstly, it seems that the issue primarily lies with the move Victory Dance rather than Lilligant-Hisui itself. Victory Dance itself has proven to be the source of imbalance and removing Lilligant-H entirely removes options from the other fighting/grass types, which I think doesn't make sense as the whole point of the format is giving Pokemon more options.

Additionally, banning Population Bomb but not Maushold and its pre-evolution seems inconsistent, considering that only a single line of Pokemon can learn the move. If the reason is that there's more than one mon, they're essentially the same mon. If the reasoning is that "Maushold and its Prevo are not broken without population bomb" then I don't understand why Lilligant is being banned.

The other bans appear reasonable and necessary. However, I do have concerns about unbanning Transform (if that's what the footnote is implying), as it would grant every pure Psychic Pokemon access to it via Mew, which doesn't seem like a good idea.

I appreciate the effort to further balance the meta in any case, just voicing my opinion.

This is a pre-Home Houndstone issue, there is only 1 abuser of Victory Dance or in this case gives access to Victory Dance, which was similar to Houndstone pre-Home in which Last Respects became problematic across many OM's and Tiers. The solution in that case was only to ban Houndstone as the sole recipient of the move and thus it is the easiest lest complex answer in regards to tiering. Post-Home this changed as there were nominally 3 potential abusers (Houndstone, Basculegion both forms) and banning all three due to the move is seen as excessive by tiering standards when it is obviously the move that is the problem and thus an exception was made for this move to be banned in various official tiers and thus the precedent was set.

There are exceptions to this, STABmons for example is a move centric metagame, thus banning moves is a logical component of it's tiering process, in contrast Convergence isn't entirely a move centric metagame in the same vein as say STABmons or Sketchmons is. It is a metagame where mons share their moves and abilities and this difference changes what is acceptable according to policy, thus for the foreeable future, Lilligant-Hisui will be the one banned, not Victory Dance despite the latter proving to be the problemsome component in theory.

TLDR: We avoid complex restrictions as much as possible unless absolutely necessary.
Everyone's favorite blue blob is back (well it's mine ;-;), and packing some fun heat!

I feel like I have seen very little Toxapex so far, which is a shame because it gets access to a lot of great new tools in Convergence. While it still lacks Scald unlike fellow Regen Water Milotic, Qwilfish gives it something it always desperately wanted- 2 reliable STAB moves. Barb Barrage gives you a ludicrously powerful way to both spread chip damage and a hearty base power of 120 to poisoned targets, Flip Turn is the peanut butter to Pex' jelly, and Spikes/Twave give it some valuable options to help build momentum for your team. Personally, I'm not a fan of running Spikes on Pex, because I think it uses Assault Vest better than every other mon in the metagame.

These are the sets I've currently been running to solid success on ladder.

Toxapex @ Assault Vest 
Ability: Regenerator 
Tera Type: Ground 
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD 
Relaxed Nature 
IVs: 0 Spe 
- Barb Barrage/Acid Spray 
- Flip Turn 
- Infestation 
- Dragon Tail/Thunderbolt

Toxapex @ Heavy Duty Boots/Black Sludge 
Ability: Regenerator 
Tera Type: Ground 
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD 
Relaxed Nature 
IVs: 0 Spe 
- Barb Barrage/Dragon Tail 
- Flip Turn 
- Spikes 
- Thunder Wave/Dragon Tail/Recover

No I am not trolling by the way, Thunderbolt IS an option (thanks Skrelp) for Toxapex, and it IS a niche option for it. With Acid Spray, Infestation and Thunderbolt, you can theoretically take on water types that for some reason aren't using Flip Turn. Aside from that, Barb Barrage alongside Infestation give Pex a shocking amount of damage, 252 Def with an Assault Vest gives it great mixed bulk (though you can run 252 SpD if that suits the team better), and Dragon Tail helps keep the countless sweepers in the tier at bay. Overall an incredible and versatile mon, has been a cornerstone for my teams so far and I'd love to hear your guys' thoughts!
I heckin love using Magic Guard but much to my dismay the only donator of the ability right now is the mono-fairy clefable and mono-fairy isn't exactly packed to the brim with abusers so the sillies will have to wait for a MG user with better typing to come along...................

Hey did you know that Florges has 552 BST? That puts it above every non-legendary/Paradox/Gimmickmon/Pseudo besides Arcanine at 555.

Notable Acquisitions: Magic Guard, Unaware, Well-Baked Body, Pixilate I guess | Encore, Thunder Wave, Thunderbolt, Flamethrower, Focus Blast, Ice Beam, Stealth Rock, Psyshock, Roar, Knock Off

As you can see Florges has a lot of new toys thanks to Clefable's Gen 1 privilege and considerably more stats to play with than Clef herself. This lets you run Florges as a bigger Clef with very little compromise. Special Unaware Wall, MG utility, MG+LO breaker, etc are all possible sets you can run on her but my personal favorite eschews most of it's movepool gains:

Florges-White (F) @ Life Orb
Ability: Magic Guard
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Moonblast
- Stored Power/Psyshock
- Calm Mind
- Synthesis/Draining Kiss

It's a basic CM + SP set but it puts in ample work thanks to MG giving it immediate power with costless life orb and allowing it to sponge status/hazards giving it ample opportunities to switch in and either set up or threaten KOs.
I heckin love using Magic Guard but much to my dismay the only donator of the ability right now is the mono-fairy clefable and mono-fairy isn't exactly packed to the brim with abusers so the sillies will have to wait for a MG user with better typing to come along...................

Hey did you know that Florges has 552 BST? That puts it above every non-legendary/Paradox/Gimmickmon/Pseudo besides Arcanine at 555.

Notable Acquisitions: Magic Guard, Unaware, Well-Baked Body, Pixilate I guess | Encore, Thunder Wave, Thunderbolt, Flamethrower, Focus Blast, Ice Beam, Stealth Rock, Psyshock, Roar, Knock Off

As you can see Florges has a lot of new toys thanks to Clefable's Gen 1 privilege and considerably more stats to play with than Clef herself. This lets you run Florges as a bigger Clef with very little compromise. Special Unaware Wall, MG utility, MG+LO breaker, etc are all possible sets you can run on her but my personal favorite eschews most of it's movepool gains:

Florges-White (F) @ Life Orb
Ability: Magic Guard
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Moonblast
- Stored Power/Psyshock
- Calm Mind
- Synthesis/Draining Kiss

It's a basic CM + SP set but it puts in ample work thanks to MG giving it immediate power with costless life orb and allowing it to sponge status/hazards giving it ample opportunities to switch in and either set up or threaten KOs.

I think if you're going to run a set like this you might just be better off running Sylveon. According to some other people I've talked to in the past it is slightly better due to it's higher HP and is otherwise extremely similar to Florges so there's not much point in using Florges over Sylveon iirc. Correct me if I am wrong about this though.
I think if you're going to run a set like this you might just be better off running Sylveon. According to some other people I've talked to in the past it is slightly better due to it's higher HP and is otherwise extremely similar to Florges so there's not much point in using Florges over Sylveon iirc. Correct me if I am wrong about this though.
Unless there's something I'm missing, almost every Pokemon with the same typing is similar to one another because now they're simply different stat blocks all playing with the same toys - so that's kind of redundant. As for Florges vs. Sylveon, the latter does have the higher HP stat, but Florges has a higher everything else - Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed. There's an argument to be made that Sylveon's HP makes this exact set better for dealing with physical attackers since they'll both have high special defense after a couple Calm Minds, and Florges's defense boost is small enough that Sylveon's HP boost impacts that more. However, alterations can be made to the set that make Florges' stats shine more - such as trading out calm mind for Cosmic Power instead, and going Tera Psychic. With Magic Guard, Tera Poison/Steel isn't needed, and you can always hold your switch until after you're fully locked and loaded - getting the defensive benefits of Fairy for as long as you need before gaining the offensive benefits of Psychic at the last moment. Stored Power gets such a ridiculous BP at higher stages that Florges' higher special attack is more than serviceable without Calm Mind boosts - and said special attack with STAB on Moonblast is enough to rattle any Dark types that would otherwise shut down a mono-Stored Power sweeper.

Or you could just run it as-is and have the rest of your team surgically remove their physical attackers before bringing it out for the clean sweep - at which point Florges would be superior as well because then Sylveon's only advantage is irrelevant.

They both have their place, but I'd honestly lean more towards Florges here. For comparison, assuming a spread of 252/0-/0/252+/4/0:
Sylveon has about 5.6% more physical bulk.
Florges has about 6.2% more special bulk.
Florges has about 1.4% more special attack.
Florges has about 19.2% more speed.
Back at it again to rant about more mons I absolutely love to roll with! This time I'm going over 2 physical walls that both serve very different purposes for the team!


The big bad physical wall itself, I know plenty of people know about it but MAN I just want to gush about how much I love this disgusting stat-stick of a mon. With max defense casually having 700 defense, a fantastic dark typing, great STABs and reliable recovery in both wish and moonlight, this thing takes punches like no other mon in the tier. Besides the bonkers strong Fur Coat ability... it really doesn't get a ton from Convergence I'll be honest. Knock is great, Burning Jealousy is ok I guess... Uturn? (Don't use Uturn please) But none of that matters because of Fur Coat. Fur Coat, alongside STAB Foul Play, yeah say bye bye to any physical sweeper's chances at sweeping. Arceus above there is no better feeling than seeing some goober Swords Dance their Haxorus in your face, deal like 60% with a Close Combat, and then get OHKOd by Foul Play.

Umbreon @ Leftovers/Heavy Duty Boots/Rocky Helmet 
Ability: Fur Coat 
Tera Type: Fairy 
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD 
Bold Nature 
IVs: 0 Atk 
- Protect/Moonlight/Thunder Wave/Knock Off/Toxic/Burning Jealousy 
- Wish/Moonlight 
- Curse/Knock Off/Toxic/Uturn 
- Foul Play
Some of the common sets I like to run, you ALWAYS want Foul Play. No, I do not care that it overlaps with Knock Off, you WANT THIS MOVE. It gives Umbreon so much shocking offensive presence, since you're never staying in on Special Attackers and you threaten physical threats back. I think Lefties are best for Umbreon, at least on non-turn sets, since it gives you a lot of sticking power and puts less pressure on your wish/moon PP.
Some fun calcs for the knowing ones, the great stalwart against all the gross physical threats in the tier.
252+ Atk Choice Band Dragon's Maw Haxorus Outrage vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Fur Coat Umbreon: 178-211 (45.1 - 53.5%) -- 2% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
+2 252 Atk Ogerpon Superpower vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Fur Coat Umbreon: 168-198 (42.6 - 50.2%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery


Where Umbreon eats physical hits up like Reese's Puffs, Chesnaught is your more overall great check to physical threats. Once again for the move department it doesn't get a lot (Victory Dance L) but the big one is (shocking) the ability. Poison Heal makes Chesnaught an incredible way to take on weaker wall breakers/physical mons/cringe parahax teams while losing no progress yourself, even generating momentum sometimes. Defog from the Boomer Owl is nice (though not my first thought as a defogger), Sucker/Mach Punch is nice for revenge killing, Toxic is alright for chip spreading, and Uturn is... ok. Chesnaught suffers a lot from Four Move Slot Syndrome, as it has a lot that it wants. However, that makes it very customizable for your team and hey- better to have 4+ good moves than none!

Chesnaught @ Toxic Orb 
Ability: Poison Heal 
Tera Type: Dragon 
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def 
Impish Nature 
- Knock Off/Uturn/Toxic/Bulk Up/Wood Hammer 
- Spiky Shield/Synthesis 
- Spikes/Uturn/Knock Off/Toxic/Synthesis/Defog/Taunt/Sucker Punch 
- Body Press/Knock Off/Triple Arrows
These are the sets I like to use once again, LOT'S of options offensive ches isn't real offensive ches isn't real
My go-to bread and butter is Knock, SSHield, Spikes and BPress with massive max HP and Def, Impish. It's a great way to check/wall plenty of mons, set up spikes (though you can easily replace with Uturn if you want some momentum), cripple certain walls with Knock, and... yeah! It's a great mon so please use it! or not because only I get to use stall mons >:)
Back at it again to rant about more mons I absolutely love to roll with! This time I'm going over 2 physical walls that both serve very different purposes for the team!


The big bad physical wall itself, I know plenty of people know about it but MAN I just want to gush about how much I love this disgusting stat-stick of a mon. With max defense casually having 700 defense, a fantastic dark typing, great STABs and reliable recovery in both wish and moonlight, this thing takes punches like no other mon in the tier. Besides the bonkers strong Fur Coat ability... it really doesn't get a ton from Convergence I'll be honest. Knock is great, Burning Jealousy is ok I guess... Uturn? (Don't use Uturn please) But none of that matters because of Fur Coat. Fur Coat, alongside STAB Foul Play, yeah say bye bye to any physical sweeper's chances at sweeping. Arceus above there is no better feeling than seeing some goober Swords Dance their Haxorus in your face, deal like 60% with a Close Combat, and then get OHKOd by Foul Play.

Umbreon @ Leftovers/Heavy Duty Boots/Rocky Helmet
Ability: Fur Coat
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Protect/Moonlight/Thunder Wave/Knock Off/Toxic/Burning Jealousy
- Wish/Moonlight
- Curse/Knock Off/Toxic/Uturn
- Foul Play
Some of the common sets I like to run, you ALWAYS want Foul Play. No, I do not care that it overlaps with Knock Off, you WANT THIS MOVE. It gives Umbreon so much shocking offensive presence, since you're never staying in on Special Attackers and you threaten physical threats back. I think Lefties are best for Umbreon, at least on non-turn sets, since it gives you a lot of sticking power and puts less pressure on your wish/moon PP.
Some fun calcs for the knowing ones, the great stalwart against all the gross physical threats in the tier.
252+ Atk Choice Band Dragon's Maw Haxorus Outrage vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Fur Coat Umbreon: 178-211 (45.1 - 53.5%) -- 2% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
+2 252 Atk Ogerpon Superpower vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Fur Coat Umbreon: 168-198 (42.6 - 50.2%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery


Where Umbreon eats physical hits up like Reese's Puffs, Chesnaught is your more overall great check to physical threats. Once again for the move department it doesn't get a lot (Victory Dance L) but the big one is (shocking) the ability. Poison Heal makes Chesnaught an incredible way to take on weaker wall breakers/physical mons/cringe parahax teams while losing no progress yourself, even generating momentum sometimes. Defog from the Boomer Owl is nice (though not my first thought as a defogger), Sucker/Mach Punch is nice for revenge killing, Toxic is alright for chip spreading, and Uturn is... ok. Chesnaught suffers a lot from Four Move Slot Syndrome, as it has a lot that it wants. However, that makes it very customizable for your team and hey- better to have 4+ good moves than none!

Chesnaught @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Poison Heal
Tera Type: Dragon
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def
Impish Nature
- Knock Off/Uturn/Toxic/Bulk Up/Wood Hammer
- Spiky Shield/Synthesis
- Spikes/Uturn/Knock Off/Toxic/Synthesis/Defog/Taunt/Sucker Punch
- Body Press/Knock Off/Triple Arrows
These are the sets I like to use once again, LOT'S of options offensive ches isn't real offensive ches isn't real
My go-to bread and butter is Knock, SSHield, Spikes and BPress with massive max HP and Def, Impish. It's a great way to check/wall plenty of mons, set up spikes (though you can easily replace with Uturn if you want some momentum), cripple certain walls with Knock, and... yeah! It's a great mon so please use it! or not because only I get to use stall mons >:)

Even though u-turn is kinda bad on umbreon, parting shot works really well and can help u get momentum into a sweep without taking too much damage, also works pretty well with wish
Even though u-turn is kinda bad on umbreon, parting shot works really well and can help u get momentum into a sweep without taking too much damage, also works pretty well with wish
Can't believe I forgot about Parting Shot haha. Personally though I feel like Umbreon isn't the best for pivoting in mons (Stail, Pex/Milo and Ches do it more reliably because of their innate sustain) but it can def put in work. The -1 to both offenses is also really good for keeping the sweeper safe after they're switched in as well. Definitely a good set, especially since I feel Umbreon can really flex it's 4th move slot to fit PS