(Little) Things that annoy you in Pokémon

I find it ever so slightly annoying that there isn’t a physical Flying Taxi stationed somewhere in the overworld of Kitakami. SwSh had a couple in Wyndon, and there’s a Paldean Flying Taxi in Zapapico. This affects nothing gameplay-wise, of course, but the Kitakamian Flying Taxi only ever appearing as a symbol on the loading screen breaks my immersion a little by reminding me that I’m just teleporting around in a video game and can do so regardless of the actual content of the in-game world.

God no. I'm pretty sure I said this back during the datamine era of SM when we only had pictures of the mons and people were theorizing this shit, but having shit you can't get fully goes against the spirit of the franchise to me.

I think having a battle-exclusive form (Eternamax, Starmobiles, a hypothetical Nihilusamine battle) here and there for the sake of a cool story setpiece is fine, but that’s about as far as I’d be willing to go. I love the Ultra Beasts, and I would have been so disappointed if they weren’t catchable.
Afraid to disagree. What gets me is people acted like they aren't "Pokemon" enough for designs when the games were coming out. Doesn't help that an explicit new ball was made for them
Like, Mystery Dungeon opted for none Pokemon bosses later and no one complains. The BW2 Pokestar Studios where you fight none mons is also generally accepted
Heck, have it like raid battles where it's multiple vs 1 titan and it not using known mon moves and there you go. Doesn't feel like a mon by that point
Like, Mystery Dungeon opted for none Pokemon bosses later and no one complains.

Mystery Dungeon is a totally different type of gameplay, though. (And also one that I - and judging by the gulf in sales numbers, probably a vast majority of main series players - don’t engage in.) What makes sense for one kind of game doesn’t necessarily make sense for another.

The BW2 Pokestar Studios where you fight none mons is also generally accepted

Because Pokéstar Studios is explicitly just a fun, silly, inconsequential side-feature. One of the “non-Pokémon” that you fight is literally just a giant woman’s pair of legs. (And IIRC, you don’t even actually conduct the battle against the non-Pokémon “bosses,” but rather, against a guy in a mocap suit / green screen stand-in.)
Afraid to disagree. What gets me is people acted like they aren't "Pokemon" enough for designs when the games were coming out. Doesn't help that an explicit new ball was made for them
Like, Mystery Dungeon opted for none Pokemon bosses later and no one complains. The BW2 Pokestar Studios where you fight none mons is also generally accepted
Heck, have it like raid battles where it's multiple vs 1 titan and it not using known mon moves and there you go. Doesn't feel like a mon by that point
1) Mystery Dungeon is not the main series.
2) I can tell you've never actually done the PokéStar Studios stuff. Outside of hacking the PokéStar opponents aren't actually real, they're CGI overlayed over green screen punching boards. You don't even actually even see them until you're watching the finished movie back.
Afraid to disagree. What gets me is people acted like they aren't "Pokemon" enough for designs when the games were coming out. Doesn't help that an explicit new ball was made for them
Like, Mystery Dungeon opted for none Pokemon bosses later and no one complains. The BW2 Pokestar Studios where you fight none mons is also generally accepted
Heck, have it like raid battles where it's multiple vs 1 titan and it not using known mon moves and there you go. Doesn't feel like a mon by that point
I really don't like the "UBs are too out there to be pokemon" crap. Were they bizarre by the standards of Alola's setting? Sure, but all I remember about prerelease Alola is "where am I supposed to find Steel-types?" A lot of the concepts don't feel contradictory at all to me. Xurkitree is a standout example: representing a christmas tree and, by extension, a tree in general entirely from the arrangement of the lights and cables is something I've seen in plenty of displays. There's arguably a more solid background here than with Sudowoodo.
I really don't like the "UBs are too out there to be pokemon" crap
Oh no I agree, but that WAS the sentiment at the time. Even though that was the same gen that gave use Tsareena and Salazzle :V. To be fair I'm moreso salty of possessed Lusamine than anything
Still, even though Pokestar is fake, I do think GF can do none mon bosses. I mean beating up manmade robot mechs wouldn't be a bad thing...

Anime did it for eons with TR
And as noted, Revaroom was part of a machine/form to fight against Team Star
Afraid to disagree. What gets me is people acted like they aren't "Pokemon" enough for designs when the games were coming out. Doesn't help that an explicit new ball was made for them
Like, Mystery Dungeon opted for none Pokemon bosses later and no one complains. The BW2 Pokestar Studios where you fight none mons is also generally accepted
Heck, have it like raid battles where it's multiple vs 1 titan and it not using known mon moves and there you go. Doesn't feel like a mon by that point

Actually at the time of GTI’s release it was one of the main points of discourse. I recall it also being brought up in regards to Super despite it being a better game overall.

Both games also had clearly worse sales than the previous ones with Pokemon bosses.
It's not like the mystery dungeon games already had original bosses before.


Other spin-offs also had non-Pokemon/original bosses too.


Honestly my favorite story bosses so far in mainline games are raid-style ones that guarantee capture on defeat just by actually forcing a fight instead of just cheesing with a Master Ball, such as Eternatus, Origin Form Dialga/Palkia, Orgepon, Bloodmoon Ursaluna, and sorta Necrozma in USUM for having a 255 catch rate on Mt. Lanakila.
It's not like the mystery dungeon games already had original bosses before.

View attachment 565703

Other spin-offs also had non-Pokemon/original bosses too.

View attachment 565705View attachment 565707

Honestly my favorite story bosses so far in mainline games are raid-style ones that guarantee capture on defeat just by actually forcing a fight instead of just cheesing with a Master Ball, such as Eternatus, Origin Form Dialga/Palkia, Orgepon, Bloodmoon Ursaluna, and sorta Necrozma in USUM for having a 255 catch rate on Mt. Lanakila.
You did catch Shadow Lugia though, so I'm not sure why you're bringing it up here.
It's not like the mystery dungeon games already had original bosses before.

View attachment 565703

Other spin-offs also had non-Pokemon/original bosses too.

View attachment 565705View attachment 565707

Honestly my favorite story bosses so far in mainline games are raid-style ones that guarantee capture on defeat just by actually forcing a fight instead of just cheesing with a Master Ball, such as Eternatus, Origin Form Dialga/Palkia, Orgepon, Bloodmoon Ursaluna, and sorta Necrozma in USUM for having a 255 catch rate on Mt. Lanakila.

Pretty sure Primal Dialga and Shadow Lugia are two of the most popular bosses because they’re unique takes on actual Pokemon.
been continuing my catch up on the end of Journey, and was looking ahead at some of the titles to make sure how far behind I was and the way the Semifinal & Finals battles are titled bugs me just a smidge

So in Japan it's all Semifinals/Finals #: DescriptiveWord (s) while America wants full proper titles and turned that word into a full thing usually with a pun (as the west likes to do!) . Very cute, I like that.

Except they didn't do it for all of them!

Semifinals I - Overwhelming Victory -> It's.... Champion Time!
Semifinals II - Dazzle -> Bewitch, Battle and Bewilder
Semifinals III - Valor -> Valor: A Strategic Part of Battling

Semifinals IV - Impact -> Whittle While You Work
Finals I - Torrent -> A Flood of Torrential Gains
Finals II - Toy Around -> Toying With Your Motions

Finals III - The Strongest -> Paring Pokemon While Parrying
Finals IV - Partner -> Partners In Time

(The Valor one is also kind of overly straight forward but whatever)
The titles they did go with aren't even bad but it's like c'monnnn guys. You were so close! Go for the full set!

Wonder if someone else was just responsible for either that episode in general, or those titles. Ah well
Actually at the time of GTI’s release it was one of the main points of discourse. I recall it also being brought up in regards to Super despite it being a better game overall.

Both games also had clearly worse sales than the previous ones with Pokemon bosses.
My Devil's Advocate argument is that the non-Pokemon bosses are elements you have to get a good way into the campaign to encounter. Gates to Infinity had a myriad of issues that caused many players (myself included) to drop it much earlier and spread bad word of mouth, or that would be known from pre-buy reading such as the miniscule Starter Selection. SMD in turn was improved noticeably but still had some other contentious changes beyond the Bosses, and a common trend I notice is that with a very middling previous entry, the next one will sell less for it (not less than the preceding game but a lower number overall than its quality should suggest), prime example being Devil May Cry (1 sells 2 Million, the maligned 2nd game a similar 1.7 Million, the very popular 3 sells 1.3 because of that, 4th sells 3 Mil after the popular one).

Long-winded way to say GtI's myriad of shortcomings probably had a negative impact on its sequel even if it fixed things that don't directly relate to the non-Pokemon boss elements. Even if they were contentious this is correlation, not (primary) causation.
Here's a direct copy-paste of Gym Leader Misty's team data in Pokémon FireRed that I found on Bulbapedia. And here's a direct copy-paste of Gym Leader Misty's team in Pokémon LeafGreen that I also found on Bulbapedia.



Notice how there's only one team composition here. Yes, that's to be expected that NPC Trainers all have their teams made well in advance. So, what's the problem here? The problem, as I see it, is that several of them will use version-exclusive Pokémon on their teams even if you can't find this Pokémon in the wild in the version you're playing. From a gameplay perspective, I would imagine this was most often done for the sake of allowing players to have these Pokémon registered as "Seen" in the PokéDex regardless of if they can actually be obtained. Somewhat similarly, we have Pokémon such as Cynthia's Spiritomb in the Sinnoh games, who I'd be willing to bet was the only reason most players could eventually get that PokéDex sighting logged if they didn't have access to people to play in the Underground with. From a world-building perspective, however, this is where things start to fall apart. We know because of several datamines as well as the GameCube Pokémon games that NPC Trainers also have their own OT designations, meaning that we can naturally assume the Pokémon used by NPC Trainers were not specifically traded to them unless otherwise specified.

So with that in mind, using RBY/FRLG Misty as an example again, in the versions where Staryu and Starmie can't be obtained... where the heck did she get these Pokémon from? They couldn't have been found in the wild, as we've established, but they also couldn't have been traded to her since they're still internally recognized in the games as Misty's own Pokémon. I'm not asking for these games to be as realistic as possible, but from an in-universe perspective, there should be absolutely no reason Trainers do this so often. What's even more stupid to me is that the vast majority of the examples I could think of off of memory have other Pokémon that they could be replaced with for those versions. The most recent example I can think of where a game did this right was with Milo's rematch team in Sword & Shield, where two of his team members are actually different in each version which includes his G-Max Flapple/Appletun respectively.

(Disclaimer: If you try and cheat and catch an NPC's Pokémon during a battle, more often than not the game will try and treat it like a wild Pokémon encounter as a sort of failsafe. I know this because I've tried it before with Action Replay codes as a kid.)

(The first tab has the team data, and the second tab has the rest of the actual post. Also yes, that link does say Smogon and not Bulbapedia for some reason, I don't know why it did that.)
Personally, my watsonian answer is that a lot of the version exclusive Mons are often migrating out of and into populated routes and areas. We just so happen to find the ones who have migrated themselves in, hence why they’re still a part of the regional dex, they still live in the region, we just missed them.
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