Inheritance Inheritance (Quiver Dance Banned!)

DLC additions:

:chimecho: Cresselia's sins have been atoned for and no more will there be headaches in the teambuilder over Levitate + Recovery. Previously, Cryogonal was the only one with Levitate + Recovery, now we have a second option with an arguably better movepool: Wish, Heal Bell, Calm Mind, Knock Off, Shadow Ball, Taunt

:crawdaunt: This was a great donor last gen, mainly on watershifu with a set of Adapt + dual-STAB + DD/SD + Filler

:clefable: Magic Guard duh

:manaphy: Likely a good receiver with pure water + all 100s, as a donor it has Tail Glow + Scald but Hydration kinda sucks

:darkrai: Probably the most busted new addition to the meta, will likely inherit from Clawitzer with Mega Launcher + Dark Pulse + Aura Sphere, Stakeout's an option too but without Thievul you're literally just a Dark Pulse button and have no other special moves

:ribombee: QD for fairy types, Sticky Web

:mienshao: Was probably the best donor last gen due to the ubiquity of Regen and it being the best donor for it, unfortunately Cyclizar has stolen its niche

:gliscor: With Poison Heal banned and no Roost, this has zero shot at being a donor, and as a base it's stuck in Landorus's shadow

:torterra: Shell Smash restricted, boring

:infernape: Came across this while looking for a donor for Iron Hands, of all the mons with Drain Punch + Thunder Punch + Recovery, this had one of the better abilities imo

:empoleon: Lacks a donor for Scald + Flash Cannon + Good ability, no idea what it's gonna run

:ninetales: Drought

:mamoswine: Has lots of donors for dual STAB, none of which are clearly the best, interesting to see how this develops

:rillaboom: Flagship pokemon for Grassy Glide, was used a lot on Zarude last gen, even with the nerf I'd be surprised if it doesn't see decent usage

:conkeldurr: Kinda already has everything it wants and it's the best receiver for itself

:chandelure: Faces very strong competition as a Fire/Ghost type, maybe could work as a cleaner with Scarf Torch Song

:mandibuzz: Bad abilities but only mon with Roost + Toxic + Knock Off/Foul Play, as a receiver I don't see much reason to use it over Ting-Lu

:swanna::leavanny::probopass: Do I even need to say anything?

:dusclops::dusknoir: Knock Off is everywhere and stat spread seems like just a worse version of Toxapex

:ambipom: If I want a fast Population Bomb normal-type, I'd go with Cyclizar's superior speed tier to get the jump on Valiant, Sneasler, Cinderace, Meowscarda, Roaring Moon, etc

:milotic: As a base, faces too much competition from Manaphy, as a donor, it's got Scald + Haze + Recover but not much else

:volbeat: Tail Glow + Recovery is cool but a shallow special movepool doesn't help

:ludicolo: Use Ogerpon Wellspring

:snorlax: No Poison Heal, but it's a regenvest with STAB, honestly no idea what it'll do or if it'll be good

:mightyena: Worse version of Mabosstiff

:ninetales-alola: Veil

:ursaluna-bloodmoon: Already being discussed

:ogerpon-hearthflame: Really annoying to find donors with dual STAB, usually you have to settle for either a weaker secondary STAB or a worse ability, for example you've got Sudowoodo with Wood Hammer + Rock Head but your fire STAB is Fire Punch, you've got Mew/Skeledirge with Flare Blitz + Seed Bomb but a subpar ability, you've got Ninetales with Drought + Flare Blitz but now you have no physical grass STAB
Very good, but that's not all... :sphearical:
Now with Superpower and Knock Off! And unlike our banned Enam, this has recovery too. (great for
Not just QD, but QD + Stored Power now! Oh and a built-in Covert Cloak. (great for
Now with coverage! And it's Knock Off and High Horsepower, so good one at that. (great for
Clangorous + Boomburst backed up by good coverage and abilities. (great for
Yo I heard you love pivots, so here's a pivot that toxics while it pivots. And has recovery. And gives Beat Up and Tail Slap a high unbouncable untauntable toxic chance. (great for
These already great donors now get Knock Off, we live in an era of no HDB and no evio it seems. (respectively great for
Dragon's Maw Scale Shot + Loaded Dice goes brrr. (great for
Defog, Knock Off and recovery, plus Wind Rider turns Tailwind into a pseudo-Shift Gear. (interesting for
130 SpA + 106 speed. Give this a Lando-I donor, click NP, and enjoy the show.
(Razor Fang) Don't forget to add this one to the banlist too... :tyke:

Inh right now.jpg
Hello, updates and such!

1. Council Stuff, I have stepped on and greybaum has stepped down!

2. We banned Sableye!

Anyone who has played Inheritence knows how annoying mons like Gholdengo, Blissey, Iron hands among many more can be when they have access to Knock Off, reliably recovery, and a very wide pool of powerful, Prankster boosted moves like Will-O-Wisp, Thunder Wave, Taunt, and most notably Encore. Encore was the straw that broke the camels back, as it completely shut down any set up sweepers, or mons that wanted to click any non attacking move actually, forcing a plethora of switches which can be incredibly annoying to deal with, thanks to how widespread entry hazards are and its access to Knock Off. This oppressive nature was deemed to much, and as such we have banned Sableye.

The reason Sableye got the boot instead of prankster was because the other prankster mons (grimmsnarl, Graififi, Klefki and Murkrow) dont get as useful moves, and as such arent as oppressive.

At the moment we dont have anything on our watchlist. But we heavily encourage anyone to make posts about anything they find problematic in the tier atm, we want the tier to be as balanced as possible for OMWC, where it will be featured!

Tagging Kris to implement, thank you.
Snorlax is a pokemon that has great tanking stats, but unreliable recovery really hurts it. That is where Dudunsparce comes in. With access to Roost and Coil, Snorlax turns from a pokemon with meager recovery and setup into a threatening setup sweeper with reliable recovery! There is Hyper Drill, a 100 base power STAB move that breaks through protect. If you need paralysis, then Body slam is also a good option. The last slot can be coverage against Steel Types with Earthquake. You can also do Drill Run due to the accuracy boosts and it has a higher chance to break through with critical hits.
Snorlax @ Leftovers
Ability: Serene Grace
Tera Type: Normal
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
- Roost
- Coil
- Hyper Drill
- Drill Run
Vaporeon is a pretty bulky pokemon that is hurt with the only recovery being Rest and Wish+Protect. Oricorio can fix that by giving Vaporeon Roost, and don't fear for no water STAB, Revelation Dance is a 90 base power move that defaults to the user's primary type! There is also Quiver Dance to boost your move's power, and Hurricane to deal with Grass Types.
Vaporeon @ Leftovers
Ability: Dancer
Tera Type: Fairy
IVs: 0 Atk
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpA
- Revelation Dance
- Hurricane
- Roost
- Quiver Dance
Last edited:
Hi everyone, just some new ideas I'd like to share with you:

:blissey: + :clefable:

Blissey (F) @ Leftovers
Ability: Magic Guard
Tera Type: Normal
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Stealth Rock
- Night Shade
- Thunder Wave
- Moonlight

When you combine 2 annoying pink fat blobs, this is what you can get.

:manaphy: + :masquerain:

Manaphy @ Leftovers
Ability: Intimidate
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Quiver Dance
- Surf
- Giga Drain
- Ice Beam

I haven't played for a while but isn't this thing quite threatening (as long as AV H-Goodra is gone ofc)
There is also another option that looks cool on paper:

:manaphy: + :raichu:

Manaphy @ Leftovers
Ability: Lightningrod
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Nasty Plot
- Surf
- Thunderbolt
- Grass Knot / Focus Blast / X

The Electric immunity that turns into a free SpA boost might be surprising. Focus Blast is mainly for the notorious H-Goodra.

:zarude: + :shiftry:

Zarude @ Black Glasses / Life Orb
Ability: Wind Rider
Tera Type: Dark
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Tailwind
- Knock Off
- Leaf Blade
- Sucker Punch / X

We were already familiar with Zarude + Rillaboom but you could consider Shiftry as a donor as well. Wind Rider + Tailwind is some Shift Gear stuff.
Iron Leaves and Walking Wake cannot inherit from DLC mons.

Wake and Leaves register both Ninetales and Ribombee as being illegal, but they are fine with inheriting from Rillaboom.
Cinderace and Valiant can inherit from Ninetales, so it isn't an issue with Ninetales or Paradox abilities.
People have already been using it, so this isn't anything new, but I think you could make an argument that Fezandipiti is almost as good H-Goodra as a Spdef Regenerator wall.

Fezandipiti (M) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Regenerator
Tera Type: Poison
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Sassy Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Rapid Spin
- U-turn
- Knock Off
- Dragon Tail

  • Tauros counter: 4x fighting resist allows it to wall the mixed Tauros inheritors, whereas H-Goodra gets smaked by LO CC.
  • Darkrai stop: Mega Launcher Darkrai is the premier special breaker in the tier. H-Goodra is an okay pivot, but can be 2HKO by aura sphere if spikes are down and it is at risk of the 3HKO after 1 Dark Pulse flinch. Fez never has this issue.
  • T-Spikes absorb: Like H-Goodra, Fez cannotget poisoned and has the added benefit of clearing TSpikes on entry
  • Rain/Sun Special Breakers: Rain has become less popular, but a breaker like Adaptability Walking Wake under rain easily 2HKOs
  • H-Zoroark Punk Rock: I also have not been seeing this on the ladder as much, but Specs Boomburst 2HKOs Fex after SR. Definitely a good idea to pair Fez with a ghost type for this reason
Right now Tauros mixed attackers and Specs Darkrai are more common than weather based teams and/or h-zoro, so it's definitely a useful addition to the meta.
:scream tail: @ Leftovers
Ability: Magic Guard
Shiny: Yes
Tera Type: illegal
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Impish Nature
- Night Shade
- Knock Off
- Stealth Rock
- Moonlight
(Inherited from Clefairy)

This set seems quite good. Scream Tail is an incredibly bulky mon with a great defensive type. Its two main weaknesses are that it has garbage attack stats and has a significant weakness to status moves such as Toxic. With Magic Guard, that problem goes away and with Night Shade, Scream Tail can actually deal damage.
Another really good Clefairy set is this.
Jolteon @ Life Orb
Ability: Magic Guard
Shiny: Yes
Tera Type: Ice
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt
- Fire Blast
- Calm Mind/Moonblast

The problem with a set like this is that any generic SpDef Regen pokemon (ie. H-Goodra, Fez, Snorlax, etc.) walls this set, and 80% of teams run this type of pokemon. The best 'mons to take advantage of Tauros are ones that can make use of CC and/or EQ to deal serious damage to the AV Regen walls that dominate the tier. Good examples include Thundrus, Iron Valiant, Infernape, Azelf, etc.
The problem with a set like this is that any generic SpDef Regen pokemon (ie. H-Goodra, Fez, Snorlax, etc.) walls this set, and 80% of teams run this type of pokemon. The best 'mons to take advantage of Tauros are ones that can make use of CC and/or EQ to deal serious damage to the AV Regen walls that dominate the tier. Good examples include Thundrus, Iron Valiant, Infernape, Azelf, etc.
Do these SpDef walls typically Inherit Toxapex?
Hiya! Ban time!

Don VascusThe Number ManClefablepannuResult
StakeoutBanAbstainAbstainBan(2-0-2) BAN
Magic BounceBanDo not banAbstainDo not ban(1-2-1) DO NOT BAN
Scream TailBanBanBanBan(4-0) BAN

Stakeout and Scream Tail are now banned!
Stakeout is an ability that by its mere existence forces you to play badly or instantly lose your check to a coverage move with twice the power. Sets such as Gumshoos!Landorus-T and Gumshoos!Paldean Salamence can get a free switch and easily deal over 80% to your supposed checks to it, and once those find themselves at low health, just force checkmate scenarios every time it comes in. This presence in the metagame was decided to be uncompetitive and thus will no longer be allowed.

Scream Tail has some traits that resemble fellow banned pokemon Cresselia, with its fantastic mixed bulk and Psychic-typing. However, the Big Jigglypuff has some traits that arguably elevate it over it, with its part Fairy-typing, which gives it weaknesses to typings that are seldom seen offensively, and much higher speed, trading in some bulk and power in return. This combination of traits makes it work with virtually any defensive set, but what truly pushes it over the edge is its bulky Calm Mind sets, which use CM, Stored Power, any Fairy stab, and usually recovery but it could easily be Nuzzle or something else. With its ability of choice, be it Magic bounce from Espeon, or Unaware/Magic Guard from Clefable, the only reliable relevant answers for it are mixed Clef!Heatran if it doesnt get haxed to death >:( and your own Unaware CM Sizeable Round Puffball. Not to mention it has been mostly the sole user of Magic Bounce for the entirety of OMWC pools, since its combination of traits makes it the one pokemon capable of doing significant work with Espeon's limited movepool. With all of this in mind, we decided its presence was overbearing in the metagame

Things we're keeping a close eye on:

Magic bounce :espeon:

While it escaped the vote now, and its main abuser is behind bars, this ability still skews the hazard metagame in ways arguably uncompetitive for the tier. Historically, Xatu and Natu recieved the ban instead of the ability as a whole last gen, and it proved to be sufficient to decrease its precense, since espeon's movepool is as empty as it is right now and hatterene still had no form of longevity beyond rest and maybe dkiss. This might not happen this time, however, as Espeon having only morning sun as recovery hurts less now since everyone has only 8pp recovery moves, and there are some more pokemon that could potentially become effective Espeon inheritors.

Gholdengo :gholdengo:

Ghold is here for a singular reason: it is the easiest bulky ghost type to add to your team, ever. In a tier with barely any decent foggers and fairly passive spinners, Gholdengo helps many teams keep its hazards where they want to, while not sacrificing any defensive utility thanks to its solid defensive typing. With how much better and common the setters are than the removers, it can become difficult to stop opposing hazard stack unless you have Magic Bounce or hazards to stack of your own. On top of what Gholdengo as a inheritor brings to the hazard game, it as a doner gives Good as Gold, which ruins the days of the few people running Defog,

Iron Valiant :iron valiant:

With the release of DLC and major tournament play, the true flexibility of Future Gallade is starting to show. Be it with its classic Tough Claws set, the newly-minted Mixed Magic Guard set, its mono attacking Tinted Lens set, or whatever you can come up with it can significantly change its counterplay and still be quite effective. Given enough time, and maybe some more help from the second DLC, this might prove to be too much.

thank you Kris in advance for implementing the changes
GUESS WHO! Yep, my favorite blue blob is back and it has somehow become even more cancerous! (and not stall anymore D:)

Oh You Were Winning? (Toxapex) @ Air Balloon
Ability: Volt Absorb
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Rest
- Revival Blessing
- Sleep Talk

In all seriousness though, I wanted to talk about this set because I find it is both incredibly frustrating and uncompetitive. If this thing gets even the slightest chance to get in, it can easily revive half your team with relative ease so long as you win the coin toss for Sleep Talk. With Volt Absorb, you have only 2 weaknesses in Psychic and Ground (the latter of which can be covered by Air Balloon), and considering this basically walls one of if not THE most popular offensive threat in Space Gallade- yeah you can see the problem. And that's not even talking about stall. Stall genuinely has zero way of countering this set outside of Taunt, which is, to say the least- quite limiting. And if this is paired with a Supreme Overlord mon (btw Kingambit has actually a somewhat alright special movepool), it gets out of hand fast. You think you've seen everything until a Scarf Darkrai with a specs boost decides to stat stick your team to death.

To TLDR my rant about this crime against nature: I think Revival Blessing should be restricted/banned. It is inherently uncompetitive in nature and this isn't even the only effective user of the move. It is a move that has very little effective counterplay, and reverses the mistakes of the user with minimal downside.
GUESS WHO! Yep, my favorite blue blob is back and it has somehow become even more cancerous! (and not stall anymore D:)

Oh You Were Winning? (Toxapex) @ Air Balloon
Ability: Volt Absorb
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Rest
- Revival Blessing
- Sleep Talk

In all seriousness though, I wanted to talk about this set because I find it is both incredibly frustrating and uncompetitive. If this thing gets even the slightest chance to get in, it can easily revive half your team with relative ease so long as you win the coin toss for Sleep Talk. With Volt Absorb, you have only 2 weaknesses in Psychic and Ground (the latter of which can be covered by Air Balloon), and considering this basically walls one of if not THE most popular offensive threat in Space Gallade- yeah you can see the problem. And that's not even talking about stall. Stall genuinely has zero way of countering this set outside of Taunt, which is, to say the least- quite limiting. And if this is paired with a Supreme Overlord mon (btw Kingambit has actually a somewhat alright special movepool), it gets out of hand fast. You think you've seen everything until a Scarf Darkrai with a specs boost decides to stat stick your team to death.

To TLDR my rant about this crime against nature: I think Revival Blessing should be restricted/banned. It is inherently uncompetitive in nature and this isn't even the only effective user of the move. It is a move that has very little effective counterplay, and reverses the mistakes of the user with minimal downside.

Revbless has been free since the beginning and has yet to be looked at for one simple reason: all sets so far with the move have just been so passive that the turns wasted reviving pokemon can be used by your opponent for free setup, somewhat undoing the progress made and in some cases even putting you in a worse situation than before. Sure, in that set you might be capable of slotting nuzzle in the last slot, but covert cloak cm sweepers arent unheard of, and there's plenty of scary ground types that can still use you for free setup.

Pawmot isnt good enough as an offensive donor nor there are any good inheritors that might be able to fully turn it into an offensive reviver, and rabsca only thing of note is that it has recover over pawmot
May I ask your opinion about these sets please?

:urshifu-rapid-strike: into :crawdaunt:

Urshifu-Rapid-Strike @ Life Orb / Lum Berry / Protective Pads
Ability: Adaptability
Tera Type: Fighting
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly / Adamant Nature
- Dragon Dance / Swords Dance
- Crabhammer
- Close Combat
- Aqua Jet

This looks super strong on paper. My main concern is that it should be quite easy to revenge kill.

:blissey: into :gardevoir:

Blissey (F) @ Heavy Duty Boots
Ability: Synchronize / Trace
Tera Type: Normal
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Night Shade
- Will-O-Wisp
- Wish
- Teleport

This is the wishpasser we might need since Scream Tail is gone.

:hatterene: into :iron valiant:

Hatterene (F) @ Booster Energy
Ability: Quark Drive
Tera Type: Psychic
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Quiet Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Trick Room
- Moonblast
- Psyshock
- Focus Blast / Thunderbolt

I'm not sure Trick Room is viable but anyway this set could be fun.
+1 252+ SpA Hatterene Focus Blast vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Assault Vest Goodra-Hisui: 160-190 (43.9 - 52.1%) -- 74.2% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock
Don't miss twice and you'll be alright.
Alright, now, HEAR ME OUT. This started from me wanting a priority user, but already having Technician used up. So, what is a cold-turkey stall player who really wants to try out some new heat supposed to do? Well, I thought- STAB ESpeed is always good, lets look at the normal types- and guess who has the highest (nonbanned) Atk of any normal type? THIS WINNIE THE POOH KNOCKOFF THAT'S WHO! So, you might be wondering now, what is this thing supposed to do? Well well well, let me introduce you to the wonderful world of Ursaring!

Ursaring @ Choice Band/Eviolite (Dragonite Inherited)
Ability: Multiscale
Tera Type: Normal
EVs: 208 HP / 252 Atk / 48 Spe (48 Speed to outspeed Hoodra)
Adamant Nature
- Extreme Speed
- Earthquake/Waterfall
- Facade/Roost
- Brick Break/Ice Punch/Thunder Punch/Focus Punch/Dragon Dance

This is your bread and butter Winnie set(s). With Multiscale, if you can keep hazards off the field this thing can come in mid/late game and clean up shop, or help break open some teams early on. Just a reminder, 252 SpA Life Orb Iron Valiant Focus Blast vs. 208 HP / 0 SpD Multiscale Ursaring: 305-360 (81.7 - 96.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO back with ESpeed btw this is WITHOUT Eviolite. Yeah Multiscale gives you some chonk. Oh and I'm not done yet. While I personally, love the unga bunga nature of Choice Band, lets get into SETUP URSARING.

Ursaring @ Eviolite (Lucario Inherited)
Ability: Inner Focus/Justified
Tera Type: Normal
EVs: 208 HP / 252 Atk / 48 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Close Combat/Drain Punch
- Extreme Speed
- Swords Dance
- Crunch/Ice Punch/Bullet Punch

Oh yeah, this alongside the setup Dragonite set from above is when this starts getting SILLY. You wanna start blasting through things? Yeah, this set is goofy. STAB Espeed, Intimidate Immunity (lmao who uses that) while also not getting cheesed by that one guy running Dudunsparce Kilowattrel (You know who you are), Close Combat for those Heatran normies AND your choice of clapping ghosts, Enamorus-T or ghosts thinking they can revenge you.
252 SpA Beads of Ruin Darkrai Dark Pulse vs. 208 HP / 0 SpD Eviolite Ursaring: 153-180 (41 - 48.2%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
252 Atk Tough Claws Iron Valiant Close Combat vs. 208 HP / 0 Def Eviolite Multiscale Ursaring: 216-255 (57.9 - 68.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
meanwhile you cleanly 2HKO both with Espeed.
Am I overhyping this? Possibly, but I think Ursaring 100% deserves a spot in the metagame and should be considered more.
Ting-Lu @ Leftovers
Ability: Magic Bounce
Tera Type: Dark
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpD
Sassy Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe
- Wish
- Trick Room
- Protect
- Yawn

For some reason this here is being counted as an illegal set, although when yawn is removed, it's allowed. Should be able to inherit the set from Espeon.
Ting-Lu @ Leftovers
Ability: Magic Bounce
Tera Type: Dark
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpD
Sassy Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe
- Wish
- Trick Room
- Protect
- Yawn

For some reason this here is being counted as an illegal set, although when yawn is removed, it's allowed. Should be able to inherit the set from Espeon.
This is because of Sleep Moves Clause. Yawn is a sleep move, so it's illegal to use it.
In a tier with barely any decent foggers and fairly passive spinners
Pssh, I have a non-passive spinner for you

Why use Chien-Pao as a spinner? For two reasons, the first is that it's a strong Dark type and therefore inherently hazardous to spinblock, and the second is that it's really fast so it can get the spin off in many situations, even as a last ditch effort.
The combination of Knock Off, Ice Spinner and Rapid Spin is surprisingly common so the choice hinges on the fourth move and ability you want, I'll analyze a few examples here.
Provides the SturdyBoots combo, Ice Shard and Earthquake
:great tusk:
Fits well on Sun, that's about it. Headlong Rush alone isn't a big enough selling point.
Moxie is pretty nice to raise its threat level, can pick off weakened threats with Rapid Spin, can potentially run Swords Dance, CC is a good coverage move.
The no-brainer option if you want your Pao to pivot.
What you pick if the Regenerator slot is already occupied, though Comatose isn't too bad, and it's the only option with Sucker Punch.
This is the raw power option, it's significantly stronger than the other Paos at the cost of utility.

A honorable mention goes to :tsareena: who due to Queenly Majesty would be the default pick if she still had Triple Axel (maybe in Indigo Disk), but can be still usable if you are willing to drop Ice STAB.
Chien-Pao with Knock Off OHKOs uninvested Gholdengo and 2HKOs physically defensive ones, so spinblocking it is highly risky. Unless the Gholdengo is Fur Coat in which case Pao is kinda stonewalled, but at least it will remove its lefties let's hope GF is ballsy enough to give both Knock Off and Ice Spinner to Excadrill.