charizard8888 Jan 24, 2018 Vote in for your favourite Pet Mods here if you haven't
Vote in for your favourite Pet Mods here if you haven't
Dunfan Aug 5, 2017 >Tfw you always have strong opinions about the metagame but you lack so much of presence that everybody ignores you.
>Tfw you always have strong opinions about the metagame but you lack so much of presence that everybody ignores you.
Dunfan Jul 15, 2017 I should reread myself instead of correcting my bad english after posting. *facepalms*
Dunfan May 24, 2017 Oh boi, i'm thinking about submitting a Pet Mod about RPG classes but too bored to do it now.
charizard8888 Feb 5, 2017 Wew sorry I was afk so couldn't say bye. Come back soon m8 you're the coolest!
Uselesscrab Nov 17, 2016 I was actually wrong in the post I just made quoting you so I deleted it. Thanks for checking on that Pulverizing Pancake thing though
I was actually wrong in the post I just made quoting you so I deleted it. Thanks for checking on that Pulverizing Pancake thing though
Dunfan Nov 15, 2016 >Tfw anyone notice your post but some posts later, guys have the same idea. D: EDIT : >Tfw i'm basically C/Cing this.
>Tfw anyone notice your post but some posts later, guys have the same idea. D: EDIT : >Tfw i'm basically C/Cing this.
Dunfan Mar 26, 2016 Mega-Dunsparce for Sun and Moon = Another Anything Goes Pokemon - EDIT :
Mega-Dunsparce for Sun and Moon = Another Anything Goes Pokemon - EDIT :