not to be pretentious but yall should really read this… C.H.A.T. (Come Here for All Talk)

I would like to take post #1000 to boost my ego because I have nothing better in life. Please kindly delete the previous three posts at your earliest convenience.

I think phoopes had some way to clone posts and create new ones that get inserted halfway through the thread, so if I knew how to do that and if I were to manipulate the post system (which I would never do because I am a proud and just monk of the Order of the Post) I woul dbe giving myself 1000 not deleting stuff to give it to you!
I think phoopes had some way to clone posts and create new ones that get inserted halfway through the thread, so if I knew how to do that and if I were to manipulate the post system (which I would never do because I am a proud and just monk of the Order of the Post) I woul dbe giving myself 1000 not deleting stuff to give it to you!
Now he has reason to give it to me just to spite you specifically.
I think phoopes had some way to clone posts and create new ones that get inserted halfway through the thread, so if I knew how to do that and if I were to manipulate the post system (which I would never do because I am a proud and just monk of the Order of the Post) I woul dbe giving myself 1000 not deleting stuff to give it to you!

I can give post #1000 to anyone, but I choose not to out of respect for the order of the posts in the thread, as well as the Order of the Post religious organization
why can't I look up some things without getting into the manosphere/incel space

I just wanna get hollow cheeks cause that looks cool. Why can't I get normal people explain that to me, like why do I have to get some prelude about how much looks matter and how how to make yourself attractive to girls and get some weird services advertised to become attractive

I just wanna cosplay gigachad. Why can't a dog have a simple answer questioned nowadays anymore, damn
why can't I look up some things without getting into the manosphere/incel space

I just wanna get hollow cheeks cause that looks cool. Why can't I get normal people explain that to me, like why do I have to get some prelude about how much looks matter and how how to make yourself attractive to girls and get some weird services advertised to become attractive

I just wanna cosplay gigachad. Why can't a dog have a simple answer questioned nowadays anymore, damn
This would've never happened on the old internet
I’d imagine wanting to cosplay gigachad is a major reason you’re ending up in incel space
understandably. I mean I work out and I am single and I like looking good and I guess that's just, you know, all related to incel culture. I guess it's like someone who likes nordic and roman culture. Nothing's wrong with that but there's a good chance they'll land on some facist's channel during their research at some point

Talking about this

I actually live like 20 minutes away from the place this interview was conducted. I think what she says is very interesting. Also noteworthy that her husband's jewish. I met a guy once who's grandparents were super devoted nazis and now he's married with a Kenyan girl. Or this guy I've met who's an argentinian jew and who's girlfriend's grandpa was part of the Waffen SS and fled Europe to Argentina. Funny how that works
there are two acceptable reasons to decorate before december
1: you will be out of town
2: you dont want to slip on some ice, fall off the roof, and die while putting up christmas lights
decorate early for any other reason, and you will be executed
So English is my third language

Is it bad I don't understand what she says? I also don't understand Jamaican, thick Irish accents and some west African dialects well
Met a dude at the bar tonight named Muk

I thought I misheard him so I asked him again and he said “Muk, like the Pokemon”

It’s apparently not a nickname/short for anything either

Pretty neat

At work today I met a kid and asked him what his name is. He told me his name was Moo-Moo and I thought I misheard him so I asked again. He then said, “Have you ever played Pokémon?” I said that I had. He says, “Yeah, Moo-Moo like Moo-Moo Milk. That’s my name.”

pretty neat

I miss this man so much. Following him for years, seeing his mental health decline and hearing about his tragic death was shocking. I really have many fond memories of his streams and his videos
showdown developers are the fastest workforce in history, they can code in 10 different mons in a day. im fairly certain they are all trapped in a basement somewhere and arent alowed to eat until they update showdown. if they worked on scarlet and violet, it would probobly get done in half the time with absolutely no glitches. i think the fbi needs to get involved, this efficiency cant be legal
When I first got into hiphop at 15, I mostly listened to 90s stuff. I just thought it sounded good. Over the years, I got more and more into newer stuff and haven't listened to 90s rap for many years

I started listening to some Pac again and now as an adult, what the fuck man, these lyrics speak deeply to me. I never understood what it all meant as a teen, now meanwhile?
