Resource Draft League Simple Questions, Simple Answers

Finally got around to fixing this, thanks for pointing it out.

If you mean the template, there's a guide on how to do so on the Setup tab.
I got that much, but whenever i edit a point value of a mon it doesnt update on the draft tab, im a novice with spread sheets so please be patient with me
maybe not the best place to ask but more so than servers with upcoming seasons im looking for servers that run speed tours often, is their any servers i can join or anywhere to look for these?
Hello. I hope this is a reasonable request, but can there be a single pinned thread that explains what a draft league is and how to get started as a player?

As someone not really on discord who only knows that draft leagues exist through forums and seeing the button in the teambuilder, it would be very helpful to have one place to go for this information, so I don't have to scroll through the SQSA thread for the answer to 'what is a draft league' and assume that the next place to go is the Draft League Advertisement Thread.

I don't really know if there's a reason this doesn't exist already, but draft leagues are different enough from normal singles for my smooth brain to want something like this.

Also, I did figure out where to start for myself, but I still think a thread would be helpful for when I actually have time and have forgotten where to go.
Apologies if this has been asked before or is in an FAQ somewhere, but approximately how long does it take to update a sample board? With the release of the Teal Mask in mid-September, I was hoping to run an SV Paldea Dex draft league in a Discord server I am a part of. TIA!
Apologies if this has been asked before or is in an FAQ somewhere, but approximately how long does it take to update a sample board? With the release of the Teal Mask in mid-September, I was hoping to run an SV Paldea Dex draft league in a Discord server I am a part of. TIA!
We'll most likely have it updated by the end of September but be warned that it will be wildly inaccurate since the metagame won't have had time to develop at that point
How many people is recommended for a draft league?
For a personal draft league it’s typically around 8, 16, 24 and 32 players. It depends on a few things, primarily being how many players you want to accept, what format the draft is and how many subs you think you’ll need in the event somebody drops. Overall you can run your league however you want and accept or start at whatever amount of players you have that are interested in participating.
How do draft leagues normally handle a big dlc addition of new moves and such? Do they include the new movesets into future matches or ignore them? In a newish draft league rn and we’re not super sure how to progress
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How do draft leagues normally handle a big dlc addition of new moves and such? Do they include the new movesets into future matches of ignore them? In a newish draft league rn and we’re not super sure how to progress
Normally what happens is leagues will try their best to avoid being mid-season when DLC drops, but obviously that isn't possible for everyone so in the absence of that prior planning it's good practice to keep the same ruleset you started with and to play in a "legacy" tier that allows the same movesets and legal pokemon as when you started the season. It's not fair that people have their rosters enhanced/harmed by new DLC without appropriate tiering modifications which isn't something that can really be done mid-season. We work with the PS developers to ensure there's some legacy tiers for a few weeks after the DLC updated tiers come out so these servers can wrap up without interruption. Let me know if you have further questions!
We work with the PS developers to ensure there's some legacy tiers for a few weeks after the DLC updated tiers come out so these servers can wrap up without interruption. Let me know if you have further questions!

do you know if such tiers will be made available soon? kind of at a standstill in my natdex league rn & dont wanna put things on hold unless some pre-dlc2 format becomes usable
I was led from X(Twitter) and Pk Showdown to come here to look into joining a Draft League. I have been watching for years, play Showdown all the time, and want to be a part of the Draft League community. I have no one personally that is into Pk Draft, so I haven't been able to play.
I was led from X(Twitter) and Pk Showdown to come here to look into joining a Draft League. I have been watching for years, play Showdown all the time, and want to be a part of the Draft League community. I have no one personally that is into Pk Draft, so I haven't been able to play.

Welcome. You can check out draft leagues looking for members in our Draft Leagues Advertisement thread. Occasionally, someone will also ask the same question in our Discord where we post the same advertisements from the thread, but it might be possible someone could reach out to you from there. Hope this helps!
Heyo, just wondering for the SV National Dex Draft League, why shed tail was unbanned?
Were there changes in the meta recently?
Hey, i have an advertisement ready for my league that is about to start. How can i post it in Draft Leagues Advertisement?
Heyo, just wondering for the SV National Dex Draft League, why shed tail was unbanned?
Were there changes in the meta recently?
It was unbanned because it’s widely regarded as competitively balanced due to the substitute being passed as based off of the user’s HP. All four native learners have 70 base HP which means it’s incredibly easy to break the substitutes that are passed. Hope this helps!
When are the captains choosing and where can we see who they picked

Not quite sure what you're referring to but I'll answer as much as I can.

For Winter Seasonal, the draft will begin either tonight or at some point tomorrow, and you can follow the drafting by checking the draft pools linked in the Discord. As for captains for team tours such as Draft League World Cup and Draft Champions League 2, they will be chosen closer to the dates of the events themselves. DLWC captains will be selected likely sometime in March, and pick their members as soon as signups close, as for DCL2 you're looking at sometime in June or July for captain selection, and the player auction will likely be some time in July. None of these dates are set in stone, but you can always follow the updates in the Discord for up-to-date information!
What ever happened to NatDex 4v4 Doubles Draft? It disappeared while my draft league took a break, and while we've been running NatDex 6v6 Doubles Draft, it's really not the same experience at all and we miss it.

Hey, I had a question about the sample doc's sprite, as the array doesn't seem to be working properly. If you view the Pokedex tab or the Draft Board tab, it only shows a sprite for Bulbasaur.

Here's the formula in the cell, which looks correct?

I haven't edited any of the formulas.

this sounds stupid, but all you should need to do to fix this is upon making a copy just make a change to the formula, leave that cell, and go back and make it was before. The command should look the same by the end, its just sheets being weird
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