Metagame SV OU Metagame Discussion v4 [Kyurem suspect now up]

seen a lot of ppl complaining about sleep qb but personally think its a clear change for the better.
hopefully council will continue in a positive direction & suspect both kyurem and roaring moon in the near future.
also still think deoxys-s & tera blast are banworthy but they seem lesser priorities rn
That Chi-Yu gif was clearly a troll post since Chi-Yu is insanely broken as has no business being OU.
Of course it is. its Chi-Yu.

252+ SpA Choice Specs Beads of Ruin Tera Fire Chi-Yu Overheat vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Blissey in Sun on a critical hit: 840-990 (117.6 - 138.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO

tera blast are banworthy
May I ask how? I don't see how tera blast could be banworthy when you ca just ban tera (which i don't support or get at all).
May I ask how? I don't see how tera blast could be banworthy when you ca just ban tera (which i don't support or get at all).
I believe it is the only Tera restricting option left which is still in favor that isn't an outright ban on the mechanic while also not causing any policy related fuss like Tera Preview.

Additionally, this feels like the most consistent throughline of Tera abusers being able to choose their checks and sweep vs the more universally beneficial defensive Tera that near every mon can benefit from. I'm not sure how needed I think a ban on the move is, but if it'd help sort out the entire Tera debate, I'm all for a test when we have less pressing threats.
Of course it is. its Chi-Yu.

252+ SpA Choice Specs Beads of Ruin Tera Fire Chi-Yu Overheat vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Blissey in Sun on a critical hit: 840-990 (117.6 - 138.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO

May I ask how? I don't see how tera blast could be banworthy when you ca just ban tera (which i don't support or get at all).
Tera Blast ban keeps things like Volcarano from getting too much coverage options it would otherwise not have. Volcarano would be much more manageable without Tera Blast, because things like Unaware Clodsire and Heatran could still handle a Tera Water / Ground Volcarano without the coverage.
252+ SpA Choice Specs Beads of Ruin Tera Fire Chi-Yu Overheat vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Blissey in Sun on a critical hit: 840-990 (117.6 - 138.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO
back in the chi-yu days i legitimately saw people defending this calc because "but it has to be a crit!!!!!" when the problem is the fact that the calc is possible at all. no special move should be able to ohko a fully invested blissey, ever, under any circumstances that don't involve some sort of stat stage change. no way in hell is that mon coming back
So let me get this straight, ive been childish before, petty, immature, and people always call me out on it, i could admit it here, sometimes even despicable, but the way people attacked and joked about this ban is the most immature thing i have ever seen, yall are acting like they made this decision without yall input, the community input is what they listen to, the SURVEY INPUT is what they listen to, it got a 3.7, which warrants a quickban vote, and people saying 3.7 happened before with no suspect , thats the threshold, where they could CHOOSE to suspect or quickban for the betterment of sv ou, you dont get to tell them to pull the trigger or not, im all about being rebellious against decisions being made but yall are just straight up attacking and bullying them with little to no substance and its starting to look like some of yall are the ones that need to be stood up to, so let me provide some ACTUAL logic in the topic im supposed to talk about today, and justify their decision, (and call out the 1 tiny flaw in it):

- Sleep is no base to compare to paralysis, sun/heat rock, rain/damp rock, items, the number 1 difference is paralysis still has only a 25% chance to not move, sun is a boost to certain pokemon, rain is the same, its a boost to certain pokemon, items boost all pokemon, sleep has a 100% chance to not move on turn 1, 33% chance to wake up on each sleep turn, which is a 66% chance to not move, and theres moves that put you to sleep directly? , its like a free kill , the odds are in your favor and if u dont have a sleep sponge u just lose a mon, oh and comparing it to freeze is ridiculous because theres no move that just freezes u directly, theres no freeze powder, no freeznosis, no uhh no freezor(freeze version of spore ik its bad LOL), and if there were, direct freeze moves would be banned aswell, people need to understand when something is uncompetitive in tournament play or high ladder play, its uncompetitive by default.

- "Sleep was never a problem before darkrai came in" lemme reiterate, nobody cared to explore sleep over the last decade and a half before darkrai came around, darkrai was never broken it just rose awareness to the problem at hand, because once people explored sleep after it was brought up during the darkrai discussion, other sleepers came forth and became very uncompetitive in the ladder and tournament play such as hypnosis valiant(which i think is scarier than darkrai), lilligant hisui(which is also scarier), which have been sweeping teams left and right, almost like these sleep moves are buffing them indirectly, i wonder if yall had the same opinions when they banned baton pass, like baton pass wasnt the problem right? Or shed tail right? Yall really saying it was the mons? baton pass and shed tail were apart of the game but it was uncompetitive, so is sleep but its uncompetitive, its not different, its the same, its a double standard, and those of u were comparing it to banning abilities as a joke, lemme remind yall: arena trap, shadow tag, those were banned too, and what about evasion?, Evasion moves, they were banned, its the same thing, yall r basically saying lets have a clause where only 1 evasion move can be used, just wouldnt work out, which is why evasion moves were banned.

- People need to understand that the people who run the tier want to make the game as close to the cartridge as possible, so that means keeping the mods to the absolute minimum, so if sleep was a problem enough to have a sleep clause mod in place to try to balance it, then sleep was never competitive to begin with, so the decision that needed to be made here would be to remove the mod and tackle the actual problem, which is sleep itself, 1 less mod to the game brings us closer to the cartridge.

- This is the 1 flaw i was talking about, which is yawn, yawn requires a turn to use, and another turn to make you fall asleep, which is completely fine in competitive play, because if they yawn spam the whole game on switches, then yawn is eventually gonna run out of pp, they cant do it forever, if anything it keeps setup threats in check by forcing them out, pretty chill move, took 2 turns to set up, which isnt bad at all, im sad that its gone. Oh yeah ban dire claw and relic song too if ur gonna ban yawn, dire claw sleeping more than 1 is insane, but i guess it doesnt matter because sneasler is banned but do note that smeargle is a prominent lead and can use dire claw.

Im concluding this post by saying youll be grateful in the future that this decision was made, its one of those things that age really well, but isnt very popular at first, i understand ur frustration, their decision may not be the most popular one, but it was the right decision to make for the sake of all competitive play.
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Is it possible to get a Yawn suspect in the future? It doesn’t induce sleep (the status it induces is separate) so I think it is fair game to consider as it has competitive use and doesn’t seem broken. I didn’t like the sleep ban but if it’s what people wanted then that’s fine - we should play the game that we for the most part agree on playing. But in reading a lot of the prior and current discussion on this I think Yawn may have more support to not be banned than to be lumped in with the rest.

Dire Claw should also probably just be banned outright without sleep clause, if anything that’s super rng fishy now without sleep clause and definitely not competitive.
Good thing that Kyurem's gonna possibly go, that thing has Iron Valiant's set potential on an arguably better typing and stat spread. Even though i've always viewed it as an OU regular, HDB was arguably the best thing it could've gotten, and the fact that it thrives in such a hazard heavy meta should be enough proof of its strength.

Also as a slight offshoot, i doubt a 'dengo ban would neuter the strength that hazards have in the meta. In such a flip-floppy gen as this, hazards are a reliable constant that work even without the GOAT of spinblocking. I do genuinely think that possibly looking at a spikes suspect (disregarding ceaseless edge) could be neat, but time will tell. This could just also me being tired of slapping 4 pairs of HDB on my team due to a lack of good spinners aside of the elephant
Can someone please explain why banning Tera Blast instead of Tera itself is a good idea? I thought that the defensive aspect of Tera was much more problematic, at least in my eyes.
Is it possible to get a Yawn suspect in the future? It doesn’t induce sleep (the status it induces is separate) so I think it is fair game to consider as it has competitive use and doesn’t seem broken. I didn’t like the sleep ban but if it’s what people wanted then that’s fine - we should play the game that we for the most part agree on playing. But in reading a lot of the prior and current discussion on this I think Yawn may have more support to not be banned than to be lumped in with the rest.

Dire Claw should also probably just be banned outright without sleep clause, if anything that’s super rng fishy now without sleep clause and definitely not competitive.
Personally, I don’t want to see a Yawn without a Sleep Clause, and I’m also not too keen on re-introducing Sleep Clause now that we finally have true parity with the game. I miss Yawn as it used to be a bit too, but just me personally speaking, I think things played out for the best and a Yawn suspect would be an inefficient use of time.
Good thing that Kyurem's gonna possibly go, that thing has Iron Valiant's set potential on an arguably better typing and stat spread. Even though i've always viewed it as an OU regular, HDB was arguably the best thing it could've gotten, and the fact that it thrives in such a hazard heavy meta should be enough proof of its strength.

Also as a slight offshoot, i doubt a 'dengo ban would neuter the strength that hazards have in the meta. In such a flip-floppy gen as this, hazards are a reliable constant that work even without the GOAT of spinblocking. I do genuinely think that possibly looking at a spikes suspect (disregarding ceaseless edge) could be neat, but time will tell. This could just also me being tired of slapping 4 pairs of HDB on my team due to a lack of good spinners aside of the elephant
Point being, if Ghold goes spinners become a whole hell of a lot better and easier to fit, treads usage might go up if that were to happen

Also suspect is probably Kyurem.
Personally, I don’t want to see a Yawn without a Sleep Clause, and I’m also not too keen on re-introducing Sleep Clause now that we finally have true parity with the game. I miss Yawn as it used to be a bit too, but just me personally speaking, I think things played out for the best and a Yawn suspect would be an inefficient use of time.

To be true in the various threads on Sleep Clause I don't think anyone really provided arguments supporting banning Yawn at all (could be missing something though), so its inclusion is a bit weird. I get that with no Sleep Mod it's more powerful, but the thing is you can always switch out, regardless of Sleep Mod. Yawn rarely put things to sleep anyway.
Evasion moves are banned and accuracy lowering ones are not because you can always switch out from the latter. It's of course a bit different with Yawn but even with no Sleep Mod you can just switch out. Also you can't ban a move without considering its users. In OU that's Dondozo, Clodsire, Torkoal and Skeledirge, none of which can pose a big threat by exploiting a forced switch (if they even can fit Yawn on their set).
Technically, Smeargle can use it, but like... who's out there using Dire Claw Smeargle? I definitely think that falls in the "bigger fish to fry" pile.
no one's out there using smeargle at all. it was carried by sleep more than any other mon. smeargle cannot survive more than one attack, ever, so it being able to do anything meaningful requires it to deny the opponent turns somehow, and it doesn't threaten anything out at all so it needed to abuse spore to do that
back in the chi-yu days i legitimately saw people defending this calc because "but it has to be a crit!!!!!" when the problem is the fact that the calc is possible at all. no special move should be able to ohko a fully invested blissey, ever, under any circumstances that don't involve some sort of stat stage change. no way in hell is that mon coming back

252+ SpA Choice Specs Tera Fighting Hoopa-Unbound Focus Blast vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Blissey on a critical hit: 690-812 (96.6 - 113.7%) -- 81.3% chance to OHKO

most pedantic calc ever, but i think it actually helps your point, because chi yu was able to do this without a super effective move. stupid that that mon was allowed for so long
no one's out there using smeargle at all. it was carried by sleep more than any other mon. smeargle cannot survive more than one attack, ever, so it being able to do anything meaningful requires it to deny the opponent turns somehow, and it doesn't threaten anything out at all so it needed to abuse spore to do that

Having Webs + Rocks in a Shuckle-less metagame is still a niche, albeit a very small one. I could see it still seeing some usage if webs ever picks back up but to be honest running separate webs/rocks setters isn't even that much of an opportunity cost in the current metagame so it's probably still not worth running a mon who's literally an empty slot other than getting hazards up.
Gholdengo finally getting suspected after all the votes above 3/5 on the multiple tiering surveys thank you OU council

The Year is 2030.

Every month since 2024, there has been a Scarlet & Violet OU Metagame survey. The goal? To finally get a survey where Gholdengo is below around a 3/5.

"The hazard meta will not change trust me bro," the 47th new Council member types into the SV OU Discord chat, his fellow players awaiting the new member's guidance. Many people start to argue of varying skill levels and positions, and the post-gen OU channel remains active. We are on page 592, with all the last 580 being about Gholdengo. No other Pokemon is asked for a suspect test, only the one.

The current council are long gone, and they log in to see the 6th Policy Review thread about the hazard metagame in Gen 9 Overused, and writhe in pain. Collectively, all prior members have one thought about the metagame they tried their best to tier:


Finchinator thinks to himself. This was the last generation he tiered, did it always have to end this way? He receives a ping, a ping from a user called "ashketchum1999". The message reads, 'imo unlike what finch said we should unban giratina so that we can get a new Defogger'. Finchinator leaves the Discord server and turns off his computer.

"Yes, it was always going to end this way," he finally concludes.