Draft Darkrai

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**Draft order**: Mid- or late-round 1 onwards

**Price range**: 18-19 points

**Overview**: Darkrai is a very fast, strong special attacker with incredible coverage. With access to Hypnosis and Bad Dreams, it can be a very difficult Pokemon to handle for any team if Hypnosis doesn't miss. Access to Nasty Plot, coupled with its amazing Speed and amazing coverage options, makes Darkrai a potent setup threat. It is also a strong cleaner thanks to its base 125 Speed. However, Darkrai is frail and lacks a strong STAB option outside of Dark Pulse; thus, it works best on teams with good entry hazard support and pivot options.

[strategy comments]
Common Roles
**Setup sweeper**: Darkrai's amazing Speed, excellent coverage, and access to both Nasty Plot and Calm Mind make Darkrai an excellent setup sweeper. Hypnosis can be used to give Darkrai free turns to set up.

**Wallbreaker**: Holding a Special Attack-boosting item allows Darkrai to hit extremely hard. It has super effective coverage to hit all of the types that resist Dark.

**Cleaner/revenge killer**: Darkrai's excellent Speed allows it to outspeed several Pokemon and pick them off with a strong Dark Pulse or strong coverage move. It's also an excellent Choice Scarf user, as it naturally outspeeds the entire unboosted metagame with a Choice Scarf.

Common Moves
**Primary STAB moves**: Dark Pulse

**Setup moves**: Nasty Plot, Calm Mind, Swords Dance

**Utility moves**: Trick, Hypnosis, Taunt, Substitute, Knock Off, Will-O-Wisp, Thunder Wave, Disable

**Coverage**: Sludge Bomb, Focus Blast, Ice Beam, Thunder, Psychic, Psyshock

Niche Moves
**Foul Play**: Foul Play can be used to deal with physical attackers. This is a good option on a Choice Scarf set to revenge kill physical setup sweepers.

**Sucker Punch**: Sucker Punch can be used to pick off weakened Pokemon that might have a Choice Scarf or priority attacks.

**Hex**: Hex can be combined with Toxic Spikes or other status spreading support to give Darkrai a 130 base power Ghost-type coverage option.

**Night Shade**: Night Shade is an option to deal consistent damage to Fairy-types that are not weak to Poison-type coverage like Diancie.

Common Items
**Special Attack-boosting items**: Darkrai prefers switching up moves to make the most out of its excellent coverage. Items like Life Orb and Expert Belt provide a much needed boost without locking Darkrai into a single move. Choice Specs can be run in case Darkrai wants to hit as hard as possible.

**Choice Scarf**: Choice Scarf makes use of Darkrai's excellent Speed, enabling it to revenge kill faster Pokemon or slower Pokemon at +1 Speed. It can also be used in combination with Trick to hinder bulky special walls.

**Heavy-Duty Boots**: Darkrai is pretty frail and entry hazards cut into its longevity. Heavy-Duty Boots circumvents this issue.

**Focus Sash**: Focus Sash is usually seen on lead sets that carry Hypnosis. Focus Sash allows Darkrai at least 2 two chances to land a Hypnosis and impair a Pokemon.

Niche Items
**Leftovers**: Leftovers can be run on sets with Hypnosis or Substitute to provide consistent recovery, allowing Darkrai to stick around for longer.

**Assault Vest**: Assault Vest can be used to patch up Darkrai's mediocre special bulk to take on special hits better. This can be useful in games where Darkrai has to check a Psychic-type.

**Resistance Berry**: A resistance Berry can be used to live a super effective hit once, helping with setting up or revenge killing.

Darkrai is typically banned from using Tera due to its amazing Speed and strong Special Attack with excellent coverage options. If it is allowed to Tera, it would make an excellent Tera Captain. Defensive Tera type options like Steel, Fairy, or Poison can allow Darkrai to set up more easily and sweep. Tera Ground and Electric are also excellent options to avoid any potential Thunder Wave attempting to slow it down. On the offensive side, Darkrai can use Tera Dark, Poison, or Ice to boost its damage output.

Draft Strategy
Darkrai will be one of the top Pokemon on a draft. Darkrai provides an excellent speed option and the important Dark typing for a draft. The rest of the draft should be chosen to support Darkrai. Darkrai's profile is best suited for offense-oriented teams.

**Entry hazards**: Darkrai particularly appreciates entry hazard support like Toxic Spikes from Galarian Slowking, Stealth Rock from Landorus-T, and Stealth Rock, Spikes, and Toxic Spikes from Glimmora to weaken opposing bulky Pokemon. This enables Darkrai to sweep more easily.

**Pivot options**: Darkrai is very frail and takes a lot of damage, even from neutral hits. As such, it appreciates being able to switch in safely and appreciates VoltTurn momentum from the likes of Rotom-W, Landorus-T, and Quaquaval and Chilly Reception support from Galarian Slowking.

**Strong physical attackers**: Darkrai appreciates a physical wallbreaker or setup sweeper on the team to help with breaking the opposing team. This makes the likes of Ogerpon-W, Quaquaval, and Iron Hands excellent partners for Darkrai.

**Dual screens support**: Dual screens from Pokemon like Uxie, Rotom-W, and Klefki help circumvent Darkrai's frailty and allow it to setup more easily and sweep the opposing team.

**Strong Steel- or Poison-type Pokemon**: Darkrai appreciates having a teammate that is able to switch into Fairy-type moves and threaten to KO them. Pokemon like Metagross and Glimmora make excellent teammates for this reason.

Checks and Counters
**Bulky Fairy-types**: Fairy-types that are not weak to or are immune to Sludge Bomb like Diancie, Klefki, and Tinkaton are especially very good vs Darkrai, as it lacks the coverage to hit them super effectively. Other Fairy-types need to be wary of switching into Sludge Bomb. Darkrai can overcome this by being paired with a strong Steel- or Poison-type that can switch into the Fairy-type move.

**Faster attackers**: Darkrai is very fast, but it is still vulnerable to opposing Choice Scarf users and faster threats like Iron Bundle. Darkrai likes being paired with strong Choice Scarf or priority attack users to help deal with opposing faster threats.

**Strong attackers with priority**: Darkrai is frail and does not resist any priority attacks outside of Sucker Punch. As such, it can be picked off by strong priority attacks like Jet Punch from Palafin-H, Vacuum Wave from Keldeo, and Bullet Punch from Scizor. While Darkrai is bulky enough to live a strong priority move from full, it's worth scouting for the item and offensive investment of these Pokemon before deciding to stay in with Darkrai.

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Draft order: Mid-late round 1

Price range: 18-19 points

Darkrai is a very fast, strong special attacker with incredible coverage. These traits meant Darkrai used to be banned in draft leagues prior to SV. With access to Hypnosis and Bad Dreams, it can be a very difficult Pokemon to handle for any team if Hypnosis hits. Access to Nasty Plot coupled with its amazing speed and amazing coverage options makes Darkrai a potent setup threat. However, Darkrai is very frail and thus works best on teams with good hazard support and pivot options. can mention that it’s also a strong cleaner thanks to its speed stat of 125

Common Roles
Setup sweeper: Darkrai's amazing speed, excellent coverage and access to both Nasty Plot and Calm Mind makes Darkrai an excellent setup sweeper.
Wallbreaker: Holding a Choice Specs or Life Orb allows Darkrai to hit extremely hard. It has Sludge Bomb to hit Fairy types, Psychic to hit Fighting types and Focus Blast to hit Dark types. id change specs/lo to say special attack boosting items, ebelt/black glasses can be used for the same rsn
Cleaner/Revenge killer: Darkrai's excellent speed allows it to outspeed several Pokemon and pick them off with a strong Dark Pulse or strong coverage move. Darkrai's excellent speed also means it's an excellent Scarfer to outspeed opposing Scarfers or Pokemon that have setup to +1 speed. can mention that +1 darkrai naturally outpaces the entire metagame
Utility: Darkrai has excellent utility options like Hypnosis, Will-O-Wisp, Thunder Wave, Trick and Knock Off, that can help cripple Pokemon on the opponent's team. Hypnosis, if it lands, also results in additional chip, thanks to the ability Bad Dreams, and can help it get past would be checks. remove if it lands, gp won’t be a fan of it. other gp things for this section, it’s Speed not speed when referring to the stat

Common moves
* STAB moves: Dark Pulse, Knock Off
* Setup moves: Nasty Plot, Calm Mind, Swords Dance
* Utility moves: Trick, Hypnosis, Taunt, Substitute, Will-O-Wisp, Thunder Wave, Disable
* Coverage: Sludge Bomb, Focus Blast, Ice Beam, Thunder, Psychic, Psyshock

Niche moves
* Foul Play: Foul Play can be used to deal with physical attackers. This is a good option on a Choice Scarf set to revenge physical setup sweepers.
* Sucker Punch: Sucker Punch can be used to pick off weakened Pokemon that might be scarfed or havep
* Hex: Hex can be combined with Toxic Spikes or other status spreading support to give Darkrai a 130 base power Ghost-type coverage option.
* Night Shade: Night Shade is an option to deal consistent damage to Fairy types that are not weak to Poison coverage like Diancie.
Common items
* Choice Specs: On the wallbreaker set, Darkrai maximizes its offense to dish out powerful Dark Pulse, Sludge Bomb and Ice Beam.
* Choice Scarf: Choice Scarf makes use of Darkrai's excellent speed to enable it to revenge faster Pokemon or slower Pokemon at +1 speed. It can also be tricked to bulky special walls to cripple them.
* Life Orb/Expert Belt: id change this to Special Attack boosting items to cover glasses, also missing an explanation; it’s rly jus when u don’t need the power of specs to hit ur damage benchmarks
* Heavy-Duty Boots: Darkrai is pretty frail and hazards cut into its longevity. Heavy-Duty Boots circumvent this issue.
* Focus Sash: Focus Sash is usually seen on lead sets that carry Hypnosis. Focus Sash allows Darkrai at least 2 chances to land a Hypnosis and cripple a Pokemon.

Niche items
Leftovers: Leftovers can be run on sets with Hypnosis or Substitute to provide consistent recovery to allow Darkrai to stick around for longer.
Assault Vest: Assault Vest can be used to patch up Darkrai's mediocre special bulk to take on special hits better. This can be useful in games where Darkrai has to check a Psychic type.
id add resistance berries as they can help setup darkrai clean but that’s rly personal preference - i don’t feel strongly if it’s not added

Darkrai is typically banned from using Tera due to its amazing speed and strong Special Attack with excellent coverage options. If it is allowed to Tera, it would make an excellent Tera captain. Defensive Tera type options like Steel, Fairy or Poison can allow Darkrai to setup easier and sweep. Ground or Electric are also excellent options to avoid any potential Thunder Wave attempts to slow it down.
id throw in a one liner abt offensive teras it can use, prolly dark ice psn to boost its damage output; idt it benefits from tera blast

Draft Strategy
Darkrai will be one of the top Pokemon on a draft. Darkrai provides an excellent speed option and the important Dark typing to a draft. The rest of the draft should be drafted to support Darkrai. Darkrai's profile is best suited for offense oriented teams.

Entry hazards: Darkrai particularly appreciates entry hazard support from Pokemon like Slowking-Galar, Landorus-T, and Glimmora to weaken opposing bulky pokemon. This enables Darkrai to sweep easier. just be extra clear what entry hazards each of these set as it’s different for each mon, little timmy isn’t smart and we can’t assume 3:

Pivot options: Darkrai is very frail and takes a lot of damage, even from neutral hits. As such, it appreciates being able to switch in safely and appreciates VoltTurn momentum from the likes of Rotom-Wash, Landorus-T, Quaquaval and Chilly Reception support from Slowking-Galar.

Strong physical attackers: Darkrai appreciates a physical wallbreaker or setup sweeper on the team to help with breaking the opposing team. This makes the likes of Ogerpon-Wellspring, Quaquaval, Iron Hands excellent partners for Darkrai.

Double screens support: Screens circumvent Darkrai's fraility and allows it to setup easier and sweep the opposing team. would mention good setters of these, perhaps uxie scream and keys?

Checks and Counters
Bulky Fairy types: Fairy types resist Dark Pulse and threaten Darkrai with their STAB moves. Fairy types that are not weak to Sludge Bomb like Diancie, Klefki and Tinkaton are especially very good vs Darkrai as it lacks the coverage to hit them super effectively. Other fairies need to be wary of switching into Sludge Bomb. mention how it overcomes this (being paired with strong steels/psns)

Faster attackers: Darkrai is very fast, but is is still vulnerable to opposing Choice Scarfers, and faster threats like Chien-Pao, Iron Bundle and Dragapult.
can mention that it thus appreciates having strong scarfers/priority with it

Strong priority attackers: Darkrai is frail and does not resist any priority attacks outside of Sucker Punch. As such, it can be picked off by strong priority attacks like Jet Punch from Palafin, Vacuum Wave from Keldeo and Bullet Punch from Scizor. mention that it’s worth scouting for these before staying in wirh darkrai

Chansey and Blissey: Chansey and Blissey are able to tank Darkrai's hits easily with their high special bulk and access to reliable recovery. They are vulnerable to Trick and Knock however.

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QC 1/2 - great analysis, just fix the formatting like we discussed on Discord + make some things slightly clearer
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**Draft order**: Mid-late round 1 onwards

**Price range**: 18-19 points

Darkrai is a very fast, strong special attacker with incredible coverage. These traits meant Darkrai used to be banned in draft leagues prior to SV. With access to Hypnosis and Bad Dreams, it can be a very difficult Pokemon to handle for any team if Hypnosis hits. Access to Nasty Plot coupled with its amazing speed and amazing coverage options makes Darkrai a potent setup threat. It is also a strong cleaner thanks to its Speed stat of 125. However, Darkrai is very frail and thus works best on teams with good hazard support and pivot options.
I feel like Darkrai’s main weakness isn’t its frailty, but rather its lack of strong STAB. Dark Pulse has low BP, and no secondary STAB makes its coverage relatively weak. Its bulk is fairly good for a mon of its archetype. Its frailty can be mentioned, but its STAB issues probably should be as well.

[strategy comments]
Common Roles
**Setup sweeper**: Darkrai's amazing Speed, excellent coverage and access to both Nasty Plot and Calm Mind makes Darkrai an excellent setup sweeper.
Hypnosis could be mentioned here since it potentially gives Darkrai free turns to Nasty Plot.

**Wallbreaker**: Holding a Special Attack boosting item allows Darkrai to hit extremely hard. It has Sludge Bomb to hit Fairy types, Psychic to hit Fighting types and Focus Blast to hit Dark types.
Second sentence could be shortened to just say that it has super effective coverage for all of Dark’s resistances.

**Cleaner/Revenge killer**: Darkrai's excellent Speed allows it to outspeed several Pokemon and pick them off with a strong Dark Pulse or strong coverage move. It's also an excellent Scarfer as it naturally outspeeds the entire metagame with a Choice Scarf.

**Utility**: Darkrai has excellent utility options like Hypnosis, Will-O-Wisp, Thunder Wave, Trick and Knock Off, that can help cripple Pokemon on the opponent's team. Hypnosis also results in additional chip, thanks to the ability Bad Dreams, and can help it get past would be checks.
Is this really a “role” for Darkrai? I feel like it just occasionally slots in a utility move on its other three sets, like Trick Scarf or Knock Off + 3 attacks LO. This section should probably be cut.

Common Moves
**Primary STAB moves**: Dark Pulse, Knock Off
Move Knock Off to utility moves

**Setup moves**: Nasty Plot, Calm Mind, Swords Dance

**Utility moves**: Trick, Hypnosis, Taunt, Substitute, Will-O-Wisp, Thunder Wave, Disable, Knock Off

**Coverage**: Sludge Bomb, Focus Blast, Ice Beam, Thunder, Psychic, Psyshock

Niche Moves
**Foul Play**: Foul Play can be used to deal with physical attackers. This is a good option on a Choice Scarf set to revenge physical setup sweepers.

**Sucker Punch**: Sucker Punch can be used to pick off weakened Pokemon that might be scarfed or havep
Looks like this sentence was left unfinished?

**Hex**: Hex can be combined with Toxic Spikes or other status spreading support to give Darkrai a 130 base power Ghost-type coverage option.

**Night Shade**: Night Shade is an option to deal consistent damage to Fairy types that are not weak to Poison coverage like Diancie.

Common Items
**Choice Specs**: On the wallbreaker set, Darkrai maximizes its offense to dish out powerful Dark Pulse, Sludge Bomb and Ice Beam.
See comment on Special Attack boosting items

**Choice Scarf**: Choice Scarf makes use of Darkrai's excellent speed to enable it to revenge faster Pokemon or slower Pokemon at +1 speed. It can also be tricked to bulky special walls to cripple them.

**Special Attack boosting items**: Darkrai prefers switching up moves to make the most out of its excellent coverage. Items like Life Orb and Expert Belt provide a much needed boost without locking Darkrai into a single move.
I’d put this first in the list of common items since you’re right about Darkrai preferring to switch up moves. In the Choice Specs section, you can say it’s still run in case Darkrai wants to hit as hard as possible.

**Heavy-Duty Boots**: Darkrai is pretty frail and hazards cut into its longevity. Heavy-Duty Boots circumvent this issue.

**Focus Sash**: Focus Sash is usually seen on lead sets that carry Hypnosis. Focus Sash allows Darkrai at least 2 chances to land a Hypnosis and cripple a Pokemon.

Niche Items
**Leftovers**: Leftovers can be run on sets with Hypnosis or Substitute to provide consistent recovery to allow Darkrai to stick around for longer.

**Assault Vest**: Assault Vest can be used to patch up Darkrai's mediocre special bulk to take on special hits better. This can be useful in games where Darkrai has to check a Psychic type.

**Resist berries**: Resist berries like Chople, Roseli or Tanga can be used to live a super effective hit once to help with setup or revenging.
Those are the only three resist berries Darkrai can run so you probably don’t need to list them all out. Probably should be rephrased to “A Resistance Berry can be used…”

Darkrai is typically banned from using Tera due to its amazing speed and strong Special Attack with excellent coverage options. If it is allowed to Tera, it would make an excellent Tera captain. Defensive Tera type options like Steel, Fairy or Poison can allow Darkrai to setup easier and sweep. Ground or Electric are also excellent options to avoid any potential Thunder Wave attempts to slow it down. On the offensive side, Darkrai can use Tera Dark, Poison or Ice to boost its damage output.

Draft Strategy
Darkrai will be one of the top Pokemon on a draft. Darkrai provides an excellent speed option and the important Dark typing to a draft. The rest of the draft should be drafted to support Darkrai. Darkrai's profile is best suited for offense oriented teams.

**Entry hazards**: Darkrai particularly appreciates entry hazard support from Pokemon like Slowking-Galar (Toxic Spikes), Landorus-T (Stealth Rock), and Glimmora (Stealth Rock, Spikes, Toxic Spikes) to weaken opposing bulky Pokemon. This enables Darkrai to sweep easier.

**Pivot options**: Darkrai is very frail and takes a lot of damage, even from neutral hits. As such, it appreciates being able to switch in safely and appreciates VoltTurn momentum from the likes of Rotom-Wash, Landorus-T, Quaquaval and Chilly Reception support from Slowking-Galar.

**Strong physical attackers**: Darkrai appreciates a physical wallbreaker or setup sweeper on the team to help with breaking the opposing team. This makes the likes of Ogerpon-Wellspring, Quaquaval, Iron Hands excellent partners for Darkrai.

**Double screens support**: Screens from Pokemon like Uxie, Rotom-Wash and Klefki help circumvent Darkrai's fraility and allows it to setup easier and sweep the opposing team.

**Strong Steel or Poison type Pokemon**: Darkrai appreciates having a teammate to be able to switch into Fairy type moves and threatening to KO them. Pokemon like Metagross or Glimmora make excellent teammates for this reason.

Checks and Counters
**Bulky Fairy types**: Fairy types resist Dark Pulse and threaten Darkrai with their STAB moves. Fairy types that are not weak to Sludge Bomb like Diancie, Klefki and Tinkaton are especially very good vs Darkrai as it lacks the coverage to hit them super effectively. Other fairies need to be wary of switching into Sludge Bomb. Darkrai can overcome this by being paired with a strong Steel or Poison type to switch into the Fairy type move.

**Faster attackers**: Darkrai is very fast, but is is still vulnerable to opposing Choice Scarfers, and faster threats like Chien-Pao, Iron Bundle and Dragapult. Darkrai likes being paired with strong Scarfers or priority users to help deal with opposing faster threats.
I wouldn’t focus on mons with higher base Speed than Darkrai since Chien-Pao/Dragapult are banned and most others aren’t relevant. Scarfers are valid though and take advantage of its frailty.

**Strong priority attackers**: Darkrai is frail and does not resist any priority attacks outside of Sucker Punch. As such, it can be picked off by strong priority attacks like Jet Punch from Palafin, Vacuum Wave from Keldeo and Bullet Punch from Scizor. It's worth scouting for the item and attacking investment of these Pokemon before deciding to stay in with Darkrai.
Probably worth mentioning that Darkrai is bulky enough to live a strong priority move from full. 70/90/90 bulk is frail but not that frail

**Chansey and Blissey**: Chansey and Blissey are able to tank Darkrai's hits easily with their high special bulk and access to reliable recovery. They are vulnerable to Trick and Knock however.
I don’t think either of these Pokemon actually beat Darkrai 1v1 due to some combination of Trick, Knock, Taunt, Swords Dance, and Drain Punch. We probably don’t want to mention specific Pokemon in these sections anyway, so I’d just delete this section.

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QC 2/2 - mostly minor things to add/remove
1/1 GP Team done
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**Draft order**: Mid-late Mid- or late-round 1 onwards

**Price range**: 18-19 points

**Overview**: moved up a line Darkrai is a very fast, strong special attacker with incredible coverage. With access to Hypnosis and Bad Dreams, it can be a very difficult Pokemon to handle for any team if Hypnosis hits doesn't miss. Access to Nasty Plot, (ac) coupled with its amazing Speed and amazing coverage options, (ac) makes Darkrai a potent setup threat. It is also a strong cleaner thanks to its Speed stat of 125 base 125 Speed. However, Darkrai is frail and lacks a strong STAB option outside of Dark Pulse; (rc, asc) and thus, (ac) it works best on teams with good entry hazard support and pivot options.

[strategy comments]
Common Roles
**Setup sweeper**: Darkrai's amazing Speed, excellent coverage, (ac) and access to both Nasty Plot and Calm Mind makes make Darkrai an excellent setup sweeper. Hypnosis can be run used to give Darkrai free turns to setup set up.

**Wallbreaker**: Holding a Special Attack-boosting (ah) item allows Darkrai to hit extremely hard. It has super effective coverage to hit all of the types that resist Dark.

**Cleaner/revenge killer**: Darkrai's excellent Speed allows it to outspeed several Pokemon and pick them off with a strong Dark Pulse or strong coverage move. It's also an excellent Scarfer Choice Scarf user, (ah) as it naturally outspeeds the entire unboosted unless there's a 100% chance no faster pokemon can use a Scarf, this keeps it more correct metagame with a Choice Scarf.

Common Moves
**Primary STAB moves**: Dark Pulse

**Setup moves**: Nasty Plot, Calm Mind, Swords Dance

**Utility moves**: Trick, Hypnosis, Taunt, Substitute, Knock Off, Will-O-Wisp, Thunder Wave, Disable

**Coverage**: Sludge Bomb, Focus Blast, Ice Beam, Thunder, Psychic, Psyshock

Niche Moves
**Foul Play**: Foul Play can be used to deal with physical attackers. This is a good option on a Choice Scarf set to revenge kill physical setup sweepers.

**Sucker Punch**: Sucker Punch can be used to pick off weakened Pokemon that might be scarfed have a Choice Scarf or have priority attacks.

**Hex**: Hex can be combined with Toxic Spikes or other status spreading support to give Darkrai a 130 base power Ghost-type coverage option.

**Night Shade**: Night Shade is an option to deal consistent damage to Fairy-types (ah) that are not weak to Poison-type coverage like Diancie.

Common Items
**Special Attack-boosting (ah) items**: Darkrai prefers switching up moves to make the most out of its excellent coverage. Items like Life Orb and Expert Belt provide a much needed boost without locking Darkrai into a single move. Choice Specs can be run in case Darkrai wants to hit as hard as possible.

**Choice Scarf**: Choice Scarf makes use of Darkrai's excellent Speed, (ac) to enable enabling it to revenge kill faster Pokemon or slower Pokemon at +1 Speed. It can also be tricked to bulky special walls to cripple them used in combination with Trick to hinder bulky special walls.

**Special Attack boosting items**: Darkrai prefers switching up moves to make the most out of its excellent coverage. Items like Life Orb and Expert Belt provide a much needed boost without locking Darkrai into a single move. mentioned above

**Heavy-Duty Boots**: Darkrai is pretty frail and entry hazards cut into its longevity. Heavy-Duty Boots circumvents this issue.

**Focus Sash**: Focus Sash is usually seen on lead sets that carry Hypnosis. Focus Sash allows Darkrai at least 2 two chances to land a Hypnosis and cripple impair a Pokemon.

Niche Items
**Leftovers**: Leftovers can be run on sets with Hypnosis or Substitute to provide consistent recovery, (ac) to allowing Darkrai to stick around for longer.

**Assault Vest**: Assault Vest can be used to patch up Darkrai's mediocre special bulk to take on special hits better. This can be useful in games where Darkrai has to check a Psychic-type (ah).

**Resistance Berry berries**: A resistance Berry can be used to live a super effective hit once, (ac) to help with setup or revenging helping with setting up or revenge killing.

Darkrai is typically banned from using Tera due to its amazing Speed and strong Special Attack with excellent coverage options. If it is allowed to Tera, it would make an excellent Tera Captain. Defensive Tera type options like Steel, Fairy, (ah) or Poison can allow Darkrai to setup easier set up more easily and sweep. Tera Ground or and Electric are also excellent options to avoid any potential Thunder Wave attempts attempting to slow it down. On the offensive side, Darkrai can use Tera Dark, Poison, (ah) or Ice to boost its damage output.

Draft Strategy
Darkrai will be one of the top Pokemon on a draft. Darkrai provides an excellent speed option and the important Dark typing to for a draft. The rest of the draft should be drafted chosen only changing due to "draft should be drafted" sounding redundant; you can ignore this change if you like drafted better to support Darkrai. Darkrai's profile is best suited for offense-oriented (ah) teams.

**Entry hazards**: Darkrai particularly appreciates entry hazard support from Pokemon like Slowking-Galar (Toxic Spikes), Landorus-T (Stealth Rock), and Glimmora (Stealth Rock, Spikes, Toxic Spikes) like Toxic Spikes from Galarian Slowking, Stealth Rock from Landorus-T, and Stealth Rock, Spikes, and Toxic Spikes from Glimmora to weaken opposing bulky Pokemon. This enables Darkrai to sweep easier more easily.

**Pivot options**: Darkrai is very frail and takes a lot of damage, even from neutral hits. As such, it appreciates being able to switch in safely and appreciates VoltTurn momentum from the likes of Rotom-Wash, Landorus-T, and Quaquaval and Chilly Reception support from Slowking-Galar Galarian Slowking.

**Strong physical attackers**: Darkrai appreciates a physical wallbreaker or setup sweeper on the team to help with breaking the opposing team. This makes the likes of Ogerpon-Wellspring, Quaquaval, and Iron Hands excellent partners for Darkrai.

**Double Dual screens support**: Screens Dual screens from Pokemon like Uxie, Rotom-Wash, (ac) and Klefki help circumvent Darkrai's fraility frailty and allows allow it to setup easier more easily and sweep the opposing team.

**Strong Steel- (ah) or Poison-type (ah) Pokemon**: Darkrai appreciates having a teammate to be that is able to switch into Fairy-type (ah) moves and threatening threaten to KO them. Pokemon like Metagross or and Glimmora make excellent teammates for this reason.

Checks and Counters
**Bulky Fairy-types (ah)**: Fairy types resist Dark Pulse and threaten Darkrai with their STAB moves. direct dex info via the type chart, so implied by being their respective types Fairy-types (ah) that are not weak to or are immune to Sludge Bomb like Diancie, Klefki, (ac) and Tinkaton are especially very good vs Darkrai, (ac) as it lacks the coverage to hit them super effectively. Other fairies Fairy-types need to be wary of switching into Sludge Bomb. Darkrai can overcome this by being paired with a strong Steel- (ah) or Poison-type (ah) to that can switch into the Fairy-type (ah) move.

**Faster attackers**: Darkrai is very fast, but is it is still vulnerable to opposing Choice Scarfers (rc) Scarf users and faster threats like Iron Bundle. Darkrai likes being paired with strong Scarfers Choice Scarf or priority attack users to help deal with opposing faster threats.

**Strong priority attackers with priority**: Darkrai is frail and does not resist any priority attacks outside of Sucker Punch. As such, it can be picked off by strong priority attacks like Jet Punch from Palafin-H, Vacuum Wave from Keldeo, (ac) and Bullet Punch from Scizor. While Darkrai is bulky enough to live a strong priority move from full, it's worth scouting for the item and attacking offensive investment of these Pokemon before deciding to stay in with Darkrai.

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1/1 GP Team done
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**Draft order**: Mid-late Mid- or late-round 1 onwards

**Price range**: 18-19 points

**Overview**: moved up a line Darkrai is a very fast, strong special attacker with incredible coverage. With access to Hypnosis and Bad Dreams, it can be a very difficult Pokemon to handle for any team if Hypnosis hits doesn't miss. Access to Nasty Plot, (ac) coupled with its amazing Speed and amazing coverage options, (ac) makes Darkrai a potent setup threat. It is also a strong cleaner thanks to its Speed stat of 125 base 125 Speed. However, Darkrai is frail and lacks a strong STAB option outside of Dark Pulse; (rc, asc) and thus, (ac) it works best on teams with good entry hazard support and pivot options.

[strategy comments]
Common Roles
**Setup sweeper**: Darkrai's amazing Speed, excellent coverage, (ac) and access to both Nasty Plot and Calm Mind makes make Darkrai an excellent setup sweeper. Hypnosis can be run used to give Darkrai free turns to setup set up.

**Wallbreaker**: Holding a Special Attack-boosting (ah) item allows Darkrai to hit extremely hard. It has super effective coverage to hit all of the types that resist Dark.

**Cleaner/revenge killer**: Darkrai's excellent Speed allows it to outspeed several Pokemon and pick them off with a strong Dark Pulse or strong coverage move. It's also an excellent Scarfer Choice Scarf user, (ah) as it naturally outspeeds the entire unboosted unless there's a 100% chance no faster pokemon can use a Scarf, this keeps it more correct metagame with a Choice Scarf.

Common Moves
**Primary STAB moves**: Dark Pulse

**Setup moves**: Nasty Plot, Calm Mind, Swords Dance

**Utility moves**: Trick, Hypnosis, Taunt, Substitute, Knock Off, Will-O-Wisp, Thunder Wave, Disable

**Coverage**: Sludge Bomb, Focus Blast, Ice Beam, Thunder, Psychic, Psyshock

Niche Moves
**Foul Play**: Foul Play can be used to deal with physical attackers. This is a good option on a Choice Scarf set to revenge kill physical setup sweepers.

**Sucker Punch**: Sucker Punch can be used to pick off weakened Pokemon that might be scarfed have a Choice Scarf or have priority attacks.

**Hex**: Hex can be combined with Toxic Spikes or other status spreading support to give Darkrai a 130 base power Ghost-type coverage option.

**Night Shade**: Night Shade is an option to deal consistent damage to Fairy-types (ah) that are not weak to Poison-type coverage like Diancie.

Common Items
**Special Attack-boosting (ah) items**: Darkrai prefers switching up moves to make the most out of its excellent coverage. Items like Life Orb and Expert Belt provide a much needed boost without locking Darkrai into a single move. Choice Specs can be run in case Darkrai wants to hit as hard as possible.

**Choice Scarf**: Choice Scarf makes use of Darkrai's excellent Speed, (ac) to enable enabling it to revenge kill faster Pokemon or slower Pokemon at +1 Speed. It can also be tricked to bulky special walls to cripple them used in combination with Trick to hinder bulky special walls.

**Special Attack boosting items**: Darkrai prefers switching up moves to make the most out of its excellent coverage. Items like Life Orb and Expert Belt provide a much needed boost without locking Darkrai into a single move. mentioned above

**Heavy-Duty Boots**: Darkrai is pretty frail and entry hazards cut into its longevity. Heavy-Duty Boots circumvents this issue.

**Focus Sash**: Focus Sash is usually seen on lead sets that carry Hypnosis. Focus Sash allows Darkrai at least 2 two chances to land a Hypnosis and cripple impair a Pokemon.

Niche Items
**Leftovers**: Leftovers can be run on sets with Hypnosis or Substitute to provide consistent recovery, (ac) to allowing Darkrai to stick around for longer.

**Assault Vest**: Assault Vest can be used to patch up Darkrai's mediocre special bulk to take on special hits better. This can be useful in games where Darkrai has to check a Psychic-type (ah).

**Resistance Berry berries**: A resistance Berry can be used to live a super effective hit once, (ac) to help with setup or revenging helping with setting up or revenge killing.

Darkrai is typically banned from using Tera due to its amazing Speed and strong Special Attack with excellent coverage options. If it is allowed to Tera, it would make an excellent Tera Captain. Defensive Tera type options like Steel, Fairy, (ah) or Poison can allow Darkrai to setup easier set up more easily and sweep. Tera Ground or and Electric are also excellent options to avoid any potential Thunder Wave attempts attempting to slow it down. On the offensive side, Darkrai can use Tera Dark, Poison, (ah) or Ice to boost its damage output.

Draft Strategy
Darkrai will be one of the top Pokemon on a draft. Darkrai provides an excellent speed option and the important Dark typing to for a draft. The rest of the draft should be drafted chosen only changing due to "draft should be drafted" sounding redundant; you can ignore this change if you like drafted better to support Darkrai. Darkrai's profile is best suited for offense-oriented (ah) teams.

**Entry hazards**: Darkrai particularly appreciates entry hazard support from Pokemon like Slowking-Galar (Toxic Spikes), Landorus-T (Stealth Rock), and Glimmora (Stealth Rock, Spikes, Toxic Spikes) like Toxic Spikes from Galarian Slowking, Stealth Rock from Landorus-T, and Stealth Rock, Spikes, and Toxic Spikes from Glimmora to weaken opposing bulky Pokemon. This enables Darkrai to sweep easier more easily.

**Pivot options**: Darkrai is very frail and takes a lot of damage, even from neutral hits. As such, it appreciates being able to switch in safely and appreciates VoltTurn momentum from the likes of Rotom-Wash, Landorus-T, and Quaquaval and Chilly Reception support from Slowking-Galar Galarian Slowking.

**Strong physical attackers**: Darkrai appreciates a physical wallbreaker or setup sweeper on the team to help with breaking the opposing team. This makes the likes of Ogerpon-Wellspring, Quaquaval, and Iron Hands excellent partners for Darkrai.

**Double Dual screens support**: Screens Dual screens from Pokemon like Uxie, Rotom-Wash, (ac) and Klefki help circumvent Darkrai's fraility frailty and allows allow it to setup easier more easily and sweep the opposing team.

**Strong Steel- (ah) or Poison-type (ah) Pokemon**: Darkrai appreciates having a teammate to be that is able to switch into Fairy-type (ah) moves and threatening threaten to KO them. Pokemon like Metagross or and Glimmora make excellent teammates for this reason.

Checks and Counters
**Bulky Fairy-types (ah)**: Fairy types resist Dark Pulse and threaten Darkrai with their STAB moves. direct dex info via the type chart, so implied by being their respective types Fairy-types (ah) that are not weak to or are immune to Sludge Bomb like Diancie, Klefki, (ac) and Tinkaton are especially very good vs Darkrai, (ac) as it lacks the coverage to hit them super effectively. Other fairies Fairy-types need to be wary of switching into Sludge Bomb. Darkrai can overcome this by being paired with a strong Steel- (ah) or Poison-type (ah) to that can switch into the Fairy-type (ah) move.

**Faster attackers**: Darkrai is very fast, but is it is still vulnerable to opposing Choice Scarfers (rc) Scarf users and faster threats like Iron Bundle. Darkrai likes being paired with strong Scarfers Choice Scarf or priority attack users to help deal with opposing faster threats.

**Strong priority attackers with priority**: Darkrai is frail and does not resist any priority attacks outside of Sucker Punch. As such, it can be picked off by strong priority attacks like Jet Punch from Palafin-H, Vacuum Wave from Keldeo, (ac) and Bullet Punch from Scizor. While Darkrai is bulky enough to live a strong priority move from full, it's worth scouting for the item and attacking offensive investment of these Pokemon before deciding to stay in with Darkrai.

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