Media First look at Avatar: The Last Airbender (2024)


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useless trailer

cool costumes, though!

already an improvement on the 2010 shyam(alan)
ngl im pretty excited the pictures look pretty accurate the animated series, hopefully netflix doesn't fuck it up
ngl im pretty excited the pictures look pretty accurate the animated series, hopefully netflix doesn't fuck it up
That’s definitely the saving grace, age-appropriate, race-appropriate(mostly), aesthetically appropriate

Not bad Netflix… for now
Avatar is my all time favourite cartoon and seeing this trailer I just think…why? If you’re going to remake something, give me something new with it otherwise what’s the point? The live action jungle book remake gave us a more accurate to the book, darker film than the Disney original.

Hoping I’m wrong, but that trailer made it look for a shot for shot remake. Still better than the M Night film of course, but that’s no 3 on my most hated movies of all time list
2010's TLA was perhaps one of if not the worst movies of all time. A colossal failure in every way.

The bar is now so extraordinarily low that it would be pretty hard for Netflix to fuck this up so much that people hate it.

It would be incredibly funny if this is somehow worse than the Shyamalan version.
2010's TLA was perhaps one of if not the worst movies of all time. A colossal failure in every way.

The bar is now so extraordinarily low that it would be pretty hard for Netflix to fuck this up so much that people hate it.

It would be incredibly funny if this is somehow worse than the Shyamalan version.
I think the only things that could really sink the ship are CGI that is lower quality/precision than the 2010 TLA, which I can’t imagine given the advancements in just the last 5 years let alone 13…

and/or the narrative runs rampantly un-parallel to the source material and is consumed by its own liberties. But this particular team doesn’t seem ready to abandon one of the pieces of the motor than ran the TV show’s engine so mightily at its inception so I’m not that worried.
Late to the party, didn't actually know that this trailer dropped

Doesn't look bad but I don't understand the point of live action remakes. Nothing is gained from it and considering how material is adapted that's fantastical, a lot is lost through adaption

I heard the makers of TLA want to do new animated shows as their attempt to have separate careers failed and I am honestly also heavily against this. TLA was great, LOK I loved despite understanding people who disliked it, just let it rest and move on. I read the comics and they also just went further than they ever needed to

Not a big fan of what wants to be done with this franchise
Late to the party, didn't actually know that this trailer dropped

Doesn't look bad but I don't understand the point of live action remakes. Nothing is gained from it and considering how material is adapted that's fantastical, a lot is lost through adaption

I heard the makers of TLA want to do new animated shows as their attempt to have separate careers failed and I am honestly also heavily against this. TLA was great, LOK I loved despite understanding people who disliked it, just let it rest and move on. I read the comics and they also just went further than they ever needed to

Not a big fan of what wants to be done with this franchise

Unsure if this is just in reference to ATLA or not, but as we’ e seen recently with OP, there are plenty of reasons to do a live action remake. However, sadly, usually the people involved are not in it for the right reasons and there are far more failures than successes with this format.
Unsure if this is just in reference to ATLA or not, but as we’ e seen recently with OP, there are plenty of reasons to do a live action remake. However, sadly, usually the people involved are not in it for the right reasons and there are far more failures than successes with this format.

Just one reason for a live action remake: they love money and hate work.

I’d love to see more stuff from the world of avatar, it’s my favourite cartoon of all time, but not this.
honestly after how One Piece and Pluto went I think I can actually say with a straight face that I'm excited for a Netflix adaptation
honestly after how One Piece and Pluto went I think I can actually say with a straight face that I'm excited for a Netflix adaptation
i don't know about Pluto but the thing with one piece was that the creator was heavily involved, the cast and the crew were huge fans of the IP. Here meanwhile? The creators tried being involved, but the Netflix adaption went into a direction they couldn't agree with and they disowned the project. That's a repeat of cowboy bebop

I know I contradict myself here, but the artistic ability of the creators has left with the ending of LOK. Probably much earlier if you were to ask many fans of ATLA. Their work afterwards was really poor and after having failed their solo careers, they returned to the franchise and let it go on for much longer than it should've. Just let the franchise rest
Pluto features Keith David as Tenma and Nazeem's voice actor as a flying orphan-adopting peace activist. He does indeed get to the Cloud District often. I liked it much better than One Piece tbh
I have been excited about the Netflix adaptation of ATLA, as it seems to have been made with more effort than the 2010 live-action movie. Netflix's ATLA is set to come out on February 22nd which is roughly one month from now. I would love to hear what others think about the series. I am cautiously optimistic as Netflix is bound to cut some content, such as The Great Divide (Often agreed upon by most to be the worst episode of ATLA), and is expanding on the original as the runtime is longer than the original season 1 of ATLA.

Here are some posters and screenshots that are interesting.



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Slightly concerned about the acting chops in that trailer (especially the girl playing Katara) but otherwise I'm pretty excited for it. The bending looks like it has a lot of weight to it which is nice to see. Lots of attention to detail in characters as well, such as Bumi. I don't know how many seasons this is expected to cover, but I really, really hope they give GOAT tier episodes what they deserve (The Storm, Zuko Alone, Tales of Ba Sing Se, Blue Spirit, etc.).
the casting for sokka seemed great in the trailer and i was pleased with how spot on june looked in particular, blue spirit looked sick. super excited.
Doesn't look bad but I don't understand the point of live action remakes. Nothing is gained from it and considering how material is adapted that's fantastical, a lot is lost through adaption
I used to have this view before, but then I watched The Last of Us and Percy Jackson tv series and surprisingly enjoyed the experience even when I played/read the original source. As long as the Netflix show changes something that makes them unique or more realistic from the original without deviating too much from the original plot, then it's like having a fun reimagined version of a story I love.

i don't know about Pluto but the thing with one piece was that the creator was heavily involved, the cast and the crew were huge fans of the IP. Here meanwhile? The creators tried being involved, but the Netflix adaption went into a direction they couldn't agree with and they disowned the project. That's a repeat of cowboy bebop

I know I contradict myself here, but the artistic ability of the creators has left with the ending of LOK. Probably much earlier if you were to ask many fans of ATLA. Their work afterwards was really poor and after having failed their solo careers, they returned to the franchise and let it go on for much longer than it should've. Just let the franchise rest
The original creators leaving is honestly a worry for me, but so far the trailer looks good. Even if the trailer looks bad I would probably still watch it to see just what made the OG creators quit. As for projects after LoK, the Kyoshi novels are great stories that expand on the Avatar lore. It also feels like an Avatar universe more grounded in reality. Like Kyoshi feeling actual muscle cramps when she was training her stance or injuries being more detailed. I honestly wouldn't mind if they expand on the Avatar lore more, even if they don't make stories about the Avatars. The Avatar universe is very well-written with so many stories to tell that I wouldn't consider it "milking" unlike what Star Wars or the MCU is doing.

...and is expanding on the original as the runtime is longer than the original season 1 of ATLA.
Where did you hear this? If true, I wonder what they could possibly add to an already complete story. It's usually the other way around with the live-action ones cutting down parts.

As for the characters based on the trailer: Aang looks solid, Zuko feels like the closest to the original (although in the first season he was basically moody the whole time so I would wait for the next two seasons before judging his acting), Sokka has the same sarcastic tone and big-brother vibes but feels less of a cartoony comic-relief character (not sure how I feel about this), and I kinda agree with faint on Katara's acting. Can't wait to see Azula and especially Toph next season.
I'm definitely nervous to see where this goes. I think my feat is a combination of the 2010 (I think?) version from M. Night Shyamalan, and live actions being pretty hit or miss. ATLA was really great for me growing up, and I'd hate to see it done wrong again.

I am really excited/nervous for it though either way, so I'm really hoping it's good. Here's hoping!
The ATLA live action film set the bar so absurdly low that it would pretty much impossible for this to be worse but...

I'm pleasantly surprised to say the Netlfix series, at least the first episode, is pretty good. It's like 80% a 1-1 remake with 20% being expanded scenes. The into shows a bit more of the air nomad genocide and... let's just say Netflix gave them a bit more freedom to show violence than Nickelodeon ever did. Overall pretty good. I only saw the first episode but if the rest keeps up the quality this should be a worthwhile live action TLA series.

Seems pretty solid!
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Just watched a clip where Aang was basically flying without his glider and I don't know if I can give this a chance anymore. I was genuinely looking forward to it after the second trailer... and then more started coming out. I saw another clip of Azula and crew chatting and it just felt like they were in another dimension.
I had the pleasure of finally telling myself to watch the original series last year as some of my roommates are really big fans of the series. They insisted I would really enjoy it, and by the end, all I could really say was... yep. They were right.

Fast forward to present day- I still haven't seen the live-action movie adaptation (sounds crazy to say I want to watch something so widely hated, but the idea here is that I specifically want to see how badly they messed it up) and I also watched a bit of The Legend of Korra after I finished watching The Last Airbender. I had done a bit of extra research on the I.P. between my original viewing last year and when the new Netflix adaptation released, so while I still definitely wouldn't call myself an OG fan or anything, I felt pretty caught up by the time my roommates wanted to see how the Netflix adaptation turned out.

The general consensus seems to be that this new Netflix adaptation is better than the live-action movie but worse than the original series. How faithful a remake should be to its original version is a topic that's been very divisive in recent years, and this adaptation definitely goes the route of wanting to differentiate itself so far. We finished Season 1 a couple weeks ago, and while I definitely understand the gripes that longtime Avatar fans are going to have with this adaptation, I can't say it's a complete downgrade either. The issue here isn't that the adaptation is necessarily bad per sé, but rather the fact that the original Last Airbender series set the bar of quality and consistency so high that trying to match that, especially in live action, is either going to be extremely difficult or straight up impossible depending on who you ask.

The first two episodes of the Netflix adaptation were probably my favorite, but the direction the story takes starts to feel disconnected and dissatisfying from Episode 3 onward. Some research on Season 1's development can tell you why this is the case: during the early script writing process before the Netflix adaptation was even announced, the original series writers and the Netflix writing team had some... disagreements, to say the least, about what direction the series should be taken in. The original writers ended up leaving the project entirely, but it seems that their plans for at least the first two episodes still made it into the final release, as the disconnect between which episodes are being adapted into which episodes of the Netflix adaptation only starts in Episode 3 but continues like that for the rest of the first season.

As far as I'm aware of, the active development of a Season 2 of the hasn't started quite yet, but there are reportedly story plans in place for if and/or when a Season 2 is released. Whereas I would give the full original series a 9/10 (technically 27/30) rating across all three seasons and give the original Book One (Water) an 8.5/10 rating, I would probably give this first season of the live-action Netflix adaption a 6/10 overall, just enough to where I could still recommend it if you haven't seen the source material before but is still noticeably worse than said source material at the same time. My relative rankings for the whole franchise could still change if or when I decide to see the live-action movie, though.