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I haven’t been following UU for a while, what does Iron Hands do?

Generally and also sets wise.

From what ive seen, its a good check into rain but also just a very bulky mon that does a lot of damage

Ive seen life orb and AV sets, with tera grass swords dance, Wild charge/thunder punch, drain punch, and heavy slam/other as a 4th slot.

I don't think its super super oppressive, but its very strong even when burned. Fake out is another option you can run on it as well, but that's more for doubles.

tldr: natural bulk and good moves make it a threat
I haven’t been following UU for a while, what does Iron Hands do?

Generally and also sets wise.

broad general answer: tanks hits and deals them back

in terms of sets, you can do sub SD, AV 4 attacks, bulk up... anything, really

EDIT: oops i'm dumb it does not get bulk up
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i wish it got bulk up that would be epic

i'd like to add, i tried it out a bit and CB is not bad either! for iron hands in general though, i'd like to add that it's at its fullest potential when it has wish, healing wish, or screens support - it's still pretty good without any of that, but it becomes actually awesome with one of those (i wouldn't recommend trying to fit multiple of these supports, they're found on nearly exclusive team styles).
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Why does Gyarados' sample set recommend Tera Bug?
Tera Blast Bug was a fringe option on Gyarados back before Pokemon Home released to hit Wo-Chien and Slowbro. Those two aren't really used much anymore, so I'd recommend Tera Blast Flying instead in the vast majority of situations.
is 1300-1450 elo low, mid, or high? Also what is the general skill level of people in those elos?

this range is generally considered to be mid with 1300 being the low end of mid (for reference, 1600+ is generally considered to be high for non-OU ladders). you can't really determine someone's skill level based on their ELO alone though, they could just be really lucky, it could be a good player on an alt they're using to climb the ladder/test teams, etc.
what is the ideal moveset for a punching glove metagross? MM/Ice Punch/Thunder Punch/EQ?

while the idea seems interesting, it doesn't look so promising in practice damage-wise.

ice punch would only be good vs garchomp (which kills you first anyway), as stab meteor mash does about the same amount of damage to anything that is only x2 weak to ice and doesn't have the added benefit of an attack boost.

252+ Atk Punching Glove :Metagross: Meteor Mash vs. 0 HP / 0 Def :Latios: 220-259 (73 - 86%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ Atk Punching Glove :Metagross: Ice Punch vs. 0 HP / 0 Def :Latios: 248-292 (82.3 - 97%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

thunderpunch only 3HKOes alomomola. though, i have to admit that negating rocky helmet damage due to punching gloves sounds fun. but still, mola wish+protects+scald burns all day.

252+ Atk Punching Glove :Metagross: Thunder Punch vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def :Alomomola: 170-202 (31.8 - 37.8%) -- 91.1% chance to 3HKO

other common water types like azumarril or keldeo don't get OHKOed either, in which case, meteor mash sounds better vs azu and psychic fangs vs keldeo (plus the added benefit of stab + screens removal)

252+ Atk Punching Glove :Metagross: Thunder Punch vs. 0 HP / 0 Def :Azumarill: 248-292 (72.7 - 85.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ Atk Punching Glove :Metagross: Thunder Punch vs. 0 HP / 0 Def :Keldeo: 224-264 (69.3 - 81.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

so idk if it's worth it, but yeah. if you really want to use it anyway, i'd probably recommend meteormash + thunderpunch + eq + bullet punch/psychic fangs. maybe you can get a +1 atk from meteor mash vs an incoming alomomola and threaten to 2HKO with thunderpunch; that sounds fun. ice punch seems useless, so i'd go for boosted bulletpunch or psychic fangs.

edit: i just realized ice punch also can hit and pressure incoming zapdos, which seems interesting. if you predict the roost then you can eq, but the scenario doesn't seem so favorable either. still not a fan of the set

252+ Atk Punching Glove :Metagross: Ice Punch vs. 252 HP / 104 Def :Zapdos: 208-246 (54.1 - 64%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
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while the idea seems interesting, it doesn't look so promising in practice damage-wise.

ice punch would only be good vs garchomp (which kills you first anyway), as stab meteor mash does about the same amount of damage to anything that is only x2 weak to ice and doesn't have the added benefit of an attack boost.

252+ Atk Punching Glove :Metagross: Meteor Mash vs. 0 HP / 0 Def :Latios: 220-259 (73 - 86%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ Atk Punching Glove :Metagross: Ice Punch vs. 0 HP / 0 Def :Latios: 248-292 (82.3 - 97%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

thunderpunch only 3HKOes alomomola. though, i have to admit that negating rocky helmet damage due to punching gloves sounds fun. but still, mola wish+protects+scald burns all day.

252+ Atk Punching Glove :Metagross: Thunder Punch vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def :Alomomola: 170-202 (31.8 - 37.8%) -- 91.1% chance to 3HKO

other common water types like azumarril or keldeo don't get OHKOed either, in which case, meteor mash sounds better vs azu and psychic fangs vs keldeo (plus the added benefit of stab + screens removal)

252+ Atk Punching Glove :Metagross: Thunder Punch vs. 0 HP / 0 Def :Azumarill: 248-292 (72.7 - 85.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ Atk Punching Glove :Metagross: Thunder Punch vs. 0 HP / 0 Def :Keldeo: 224-264 (69.3 - 81.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

so idk if it's worth it, but yeah. if you really want to use it anyway, i'd probably recommend meteormash + thunderpunch + eq + bullet punch/psychic fangs. maybe you can get a +1 atk from meteor mash vs an incoming alomomola and threaten to 2HKO with thunderpunch; that sounds fun. ice punch seems useless, so i'd go for boosted bulletpunch or psychic fangs.

edit: i just realized ice punch also can hit and pressure incoming zapdos, which seems interesting. if you predict the roost then you can eq, but the scenario doesn't seem so favorable either. still not a fan of the set

252+ Atk Punching Glove :Metagross: Ice Punch vs. 252 HP / 104 Def :Zapdos: 208-246 (54.1 - 64%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

Yeah I was just messing around and saw how diverse its punching movepool is. I was less interested in the damage boost than the contact avoidance but I suppose Protective Pads would be better so you can safely spam knock off into things like Zap and Moltres.
It seems like Tyranitar is a lot better now than it was a few months ago (its in High tier viability when it was chilling in mid-C a few months ago). I was wondering why that is. Does seem like a good check to stuff like Ceruludge or Latios, but is there more to it than that?

Also curious about Azumarill.
It seems like Tyranitar is a lot better now than it was a few months ago (its in High tier viability when it was chilling in mid-C a few months ago). I was wondering why that is. Does seem like a good check to stuff like Ceruludge or Latios, but is there more to it than that?

Also curious about Azumarill.
Well idk how to answer this but i'd just like to point out that tyranitar isn't exactly a good check to ceruledge given ceruledge does have close combat
It seems like Tyranitar is a lot better now than it was a few months ago (its in High tier viability when it was chilling in mid-C a few months ago). I was wondering why that is. Does seem like a good check to stuff like Ceruludge or Latios, but is there more to it than that?

Also curious about Azumarill.
Addressing that point above, Ceruledge does have CC, but dropping one of Poltergeist/Sneak/Bitter Blade is a bit rough so TTar can check it fine for some teams. It's also a very sturdy answer to Iron Moth and Goltres which are both quite difficult to counter as hard as it does otherwise. STAB Knock Off is also pretty good right now, there aren't too many bulky resists running around so you can click it pretty freely for 50%+item removal into something.
As for Azu, lowered Amoonguss usage is super useful for it offensively, but most importantly its resists are incredibly valuable and that has led to AV/Lefties/Boots being used a lot. Its the best Fairy type, so it's the best option to make Latios not want to spam Draco and it's also one of the best Greninja checks available. Aqua Jet is also very useful priority for Iron Moth and Ceruledge. It also just hits really hard as a whole, so it's a very consistent wallbreaker with some great defensive utility.
What Incineroar build is being commonly run?

Finding it hard to find any up to date resources on Pokémon lately.

i have never used it, and it is not that common in uu. but i guess it depends on what you need it for.

i have seen some people use defensive heavy duty boots intimidate incineroar as ceruledge counter with knock off, willowisp, parting shot and maybe flare blitz. the spread is probably max hp, max def, unless you want to speed creep something.
Hello, I know Trick Room is not really a viable playstyle yet I enjoy it a lot

There are some mons usable with TR (:Ursaluna:, :Hydrapple:, :Reuniclus:...) but my main concern is dealing with :Scizor: since my team is really vulnerable to U-Turn. I'm looking for TR abusers/setters that could deal with this issue (perhaps Scizor itself?)

Thank you so much!
Hello, I know Trick Room is not really a viable playstyle yet I enjoy it a lot

There are some mons usable with TR (:Ursaluna:, :Hydrapple:, :Reuniclus:...) but my main concern is dealing with :Scizor: since my team is really vulnerable to U-Turn. I'm looking for TR abusers/setters that could deal with this issue (perhaps Scizor itself?)

Thank you so much!
Volcanion? Resists U-Turn, quad resists bullet punch, can easily underspeed Scizor, and hits like a truck. Probably a boots or even LO AoA (or three attacks plus taunt) set?