New Name and Profile Change Requests (Yet Again) [READ THE OP]

hi, i was unlocked a little while ago but i'm still not able to edit anything on my profile. is that normal?

this is not normal, tis fixed - nya
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requesting a name change from reshprince to Avongarde, it's what I go by nowadays on most other places

my account is also over 3 years old

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I would like 2 name change to "fantastic magic" cuz I don't want my main online alias 2 be used for ps/smogon anymore

im p sure we cut you off from them so would have to wait 3 years unfort, if this is intended as a like post disable anonymisation then submit the request for that first and we can consider it after though
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Greetings, I would like to change my username to "I ONLY USE KLEFKI" -- specifically with the full capitalization. If that is not possible then "iouk" would be a preferred second option. The reason I am requesting this change is because: back when I made this account, I was going through many different usernames (such as Meow McMeowerson, this one, MachoPad, etc.). The one that stuck and that I still use to this day actually came from Showdown, during early gen 6 OU when I played the most and Klefki was extremely broken (before the ban). Eventually I became known as klef, klefki, iouk, and would also be fairly active in Showdown as "iouk" as well. This has also branched out into other usernames as well, I am generally either IONLYUSEKLEFKI or iouk on most things. I did not even remember what my possible username could be on this forum when I came to log back in. Since it is Smogon and where my username originated from I would love to change it to this.

Also can you please change my birthdate to May 22, 2001, as it is my real and accurate birthdate.

Thank you very much!

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Requesting name change:
slainey -> Shaymin Sky

That account has 0 post, has not been logged on for over 10 years.

My discord accounts name is literally shayminsky with 0 special characters and people get confused when my disc profile is a literal Pokemon name and not yknow slainey. This is especially annoying in side servers like Freezai's discord where I have to usually explain that I am slainey when I refence myself lol. Am ladybug from VGC/OU contributions and I am pretty active regarding my contributions on P.S all of this spanning past 6 months. I am hoping that and my Discord name can maybe let me get the name of my favorite Pokémon and make things less confusing on Discord. 1 of my YouTube channels also has the name skymin in it if that helps, with 100k views total on that channel. I have also begun to not like the name since I got it from a wolf player in smash ultimate, but I have basically cut ties with the competitive smash community for personal reasons so this would help in that aspect too. I understand if the name is too high value though, and if so I'll hopefully have enough contributions in the future.

This is probably important but I am asking for a request now and not way earlier because I thought you needed badges or smthin to request but I did this crazy thing called reading the rules...sorry nya

oki, you did need the badge ftr though--mari
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Requesting name change:

Maizup -> The Suicune Replacement

Reason: The name I want to change to is my discord username and the current one is no longer used elsewhere.

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(540420) AlexSaysBruh123 -> Gimmickyasitgets

Requesting a shortening to Gimmicky, it's what most people on the site call me + just shorter and nicer in general

hi i am mari--mari
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Not sure if this is the right place to ask, but I wanted to change the username for this account since it has some personal info in it but I apparently I made another account with my preferred username (hexpug) at some point that has no posts. Is it possible to at least remove this name so that my info isnt online? Sorry for the confusing request but thanks for any help you can provide!

best i can do for you is change this acc's name to hexpug, you okay with that? - nya
yes that would be good, thank you!!

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Hello! I would like to request a name change to Elvira.

Reason: My discord name is elvira and I am changing from Bruised on all platforms.

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hi id change my name into « Suzuya ».
I'm making this request because my nickname doesn't quite fit me anymore and I'm slowly beginning to "retire" from future poke activities.

i alr own the alt on PS - id like to transfer my customs this alt.
ty in advance

done, contact ps upper staff for the transfer--mari
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Requesting name change:
mil -> busyguy

I've been away many years and life has changed (got busy). Tours and ladder will be my focus, so I would like to leave the old behind and start anew. Also, the new name is less "serious", which helps keeping things lighthearted, as they should be.

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Memoric -> Idyll

change of pace. better to be uniform across socmeds as well.

did - nya
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Reactions: cat
Would like to request a name change to SolarBeam. My account is a little over 5 years old and I normally go by that tag these days. I understand if SolarBeam is too high value of a name, in which case I would prefer the numbers removed to just be Solunar.

did - nya
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Requesting another name change since it's been like more than a year and I just got back to competitive Pokemon
I'd like to get the username Kazeiyuu, as it is the one I'm currently using in competitive Smash
Thanks in advance :boi:

not sure how you got one earlier but sure--mari
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Requesting name change to BurnTheSky, I want to be more active in tournaments without being associated with someone else (unfortunately, because I really like the name Lavos).

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Request: Name change to "Beauvoir"

Reasons: Been around PS! for more than 11 years. Old name is edgy and reminds me of past people that I've disassociated from. Requested name reflects my current online alias and persona.

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Would like to request a name change to "vespyyy", to match both my discord and PS! accounts.

can i just give you vespy pls
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I would like to name change to "tkhanh", I made this name a long time ago and more recently have gone by tkhanh on both ps and discord which I much prefer, I don't mind being called shadow though if you know me as that
I should have the 100 post requirement

yep - nya
Requesting unlock

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I am requesting a name change to "Castelia". This is the tag I go by in other communities as well as in draft leagues, so I would like my smogon presence to reflect that.

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