Tournaments ADVPL IV Format Discussion

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Free old gens in WCOP
is a Pre-Contributor
Approved By Jirachee
Good morning ADVPL enthusiasts. This thread is a place to discuss the format of everyone's favorite adv team tour, since I've heard some grievances with the format and am not a big fan of it myself. My main issues with a 5 week 6 team format can be found in this thread, but to sum it up I believe each week making a massive difference is bad for enjoyment and competitiveness (going 4-6 twice shouldn't nearly kill your playoff chances). The same can be said for variance in a 5 week format, you're a few unlucky games every week from being one of the best teams to one of the worst. There's also the matter of the bye week for first seed, which is supposed to be a reward. In practice the Dugtrios had to wait like 4 weeks last year between week 5 and finals which no doubt killed their teamchat and is pretty unacceptable.

As for my solution, I'd like to see the tour become 8 teams 7 weeks, same amount of slots. 7 weeks gives a lot more time for teams, chats, and players to develop, more time spent playing these tiers that only have a few team tours a year, fixes the 1 seed issue, and is generally more competitive. I fully believe the tour can support this many players as well. ADVPL III had 184 signups, out of which 80 players were bought. Obviously not every signup is a top starter level, but more than half of the pool going undrafted is proof the playerbase runs quite deep for ADV tiers. In addition with ADV Grand Slam having a successful first edition, as well as the general growth of old gen lower tier tours in the past couple years, these playerbases are certainly growing and can support more teams than prior years.

About the slots, I see no issue with how they were last year (3x OU, 2x UU, 1x Ubers, 1x NU, 1x DOU). I could see an argument for changing them by adding ADV PU (pretty established by this point + was in grand slam) or ADV RU/ZU (newer tiers but have active players/leaders/resources) or even other options like LC if the people want it. However I don't like the idea of removing a UU slot given how stacked it was last year + how active it is, and I can guarantee you there's plenty of active motivated and talented OU players for those 3 slots. To me the slots should just stay the same, and if we want to add PU or anything else it should be added rather than replacing something. This may be somewhat wishful thinking on my end though especially with 7 teams.

Anyway that's about it from me, I'll tag the hosts and managers from last year to get discussion going and so there's no shock come the start of the tour if we decide a change is needed. Obviously feel free to share your thoughts even if you weren't heavily involved last year. IMO the realistic options are change nothing, 6 teams 10 slots, 8 teams 8 slots, maybe 8 teams 10 slots. But the point is to get everyone's thoughts on this so we can have the best tour possible, so let's do exactly that!
Star shiloh SEA Hclat Jirachee JabbaTheGriffin ArcticBreeze giraffefromholland pkThunderbolt Stone Cold Leru susciety Mashing Arai
8 teams is good break week for #1 sucks, 8 slots good but if 10 is doable then that's also good. PU is quite well established by this point and I believe it was well liked during PUPL, should be a no brainer inclusion imo. I think dropping a UU slot is a viable option, 8 players ended the season with 5 or more games played and that number only increases to 9 looking at those with 4+. Going from 6 teams 12 UU starters to 8 teams 8 UU starters should be a reasonable cut. If dropping a UU slot isn't seen as a viable option, then ADV LC is in a similar position to ADV DOU last year being a relatively new tier with a unique playerbase and newfound interest from money tours. I don't know anything about ADV RU but my concern with adding that would be how it overlaps with pre existing playerbases. Please don't bring back Ubers2 the player base isn't there. ZU seems too raw and I wouldn't include it over any of the other options. Also, a dedicated OU Bo3 slot would be really cool to see if interest is there and I agree with later posts in support of Bo3 DOU for all the reasons they provide.

tldr: 8 teams > 6 teams, PU > UU2 > LC >= RU >>> Ubers2 > ZU, consider a Bo3 slot, consider Bo3 DOU
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I would love to see ADV LC included in ADVPL if it's possible!

We have gone through a lot of metagame development since the initial money tournament last June and have plenty of active players looking for more opportunities to play ADV LC in tournament. ADV LC was previously featured in an 8 team Discord LC team tournament (LPL if you are familiar) and had no problem bringing in new players to fill the ADV LC slots. There may be some concern with how different it is from level 100 tiers, but I strive to make sure the metagame is as accessible as possible. Frequently updated resources are available in the ADV LC thread including a viability ranking, sample teams, role compendium, and speed tier list. We also have up to date sample sets available on Smogon's strategy Pokedex for every Pokemon on the viability ranking. This should make it very easy for players unfamiliar with the tier to get playing ADV LC. LC is featured in every other oldgen premier league (excluding RBY and GSC which do not have active LC communities,) so given that it is popular and easy to get into, it seems like a no brainer to add it here.

If there is anything I can do as the tier leader for ADV LC to help get it included, please let me know.
I would love to see ADV LC included in ADVPL if it's possible!

We have gone through a lot of metagame development since the initial money tournament last June and have plenty of active players looking for more opportunities to play ADV LC in tournament. ADV LC was previously featured in an 8 team Discord LC team tournament (LPL if you are familiar) and had no problem bringing in new players to fill the ADV LC slots. There may be some concern with how different it is from level 100 tiers, but I strive to make sure the metagame is as accessible as possible. Frequently updated resources are available in the ADV LC thread including a viability ranking, sample teams, role compendium, and speed tier list. We also have up to date sample sets available on Smogon's strategy Pokedex for every Pokemon on the viability ranking. This should make it very easy for players unfamiliar with the tier to get playing ADV LC. LC is featured in every other oldgen premier league (excluding RBY and GSC which do not have active LC communities,) so given that it is popular and easy to get into, it seems like a no brainer to add it here.

If there is anything I can do as the tier leader for ADV LC to help get it included, please let me know.

Strongly echoing the sentiments here. The tier is far easier to break into because of two big tours and is consistently drawing in more interest than the other options presented. Speaking as someone who tried all the potential options bar DOU I'm fairly confident LC adds the most interesting option that draws in a good mix of a newer player base courtesy of mainers and other players who may have been exposed to it courtesy of the two huge money tours. Adding a repeat slot feels unjustified when this is a chance for more people to experience the diversity of modern ADV, and LC has had consistently more development than the other options. This is a must include for sure.

PS. Another point of note is that we had a ladder active pretty frequently over the last few months, including right now. This means we've had even more chances for people to get casually exposed to the tier had they missed either Todd tour or LPL.
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Just giving my 2 cents here, but I'd really love to see ADV LC included. Admittedly it hasn't been a particularly active meta in the past, but over the past year or so it has really taken off. Given the size of the money tours, inclusion in LPL 11, and activity of the community, l believe that it would make for a great addition to the tournament without causing any issues for teams trying to field a player for the slot.
I am in support of the 8 team format as I believe the longer schedule is definitely compensated for with activity and tier development (bye week sucks i agree). I would be going 8 teams 10 slots.

As far as slots go, as an avid supporter and council member of ADV RU I will weigh in and address some concerns. ADV RU does not have substantial overlap with other ADV Lower Tiers, I completely understand the perspective as it means RU signups will be more dire and people would have to learn a tier they don't play without much in terms of support, however a large part of ADV RU's playerbase comes from the general RU community which means there will absolutely be dedicated ADV RU signups and enough to fulfill the slots needed. And as icing on the cake, a lot of ADV lower tier players being involved with ADV RU or who have played it in a tour will be able to provide support or will be able to play ADV RU. Ever since ADV RU has received its ROA Spotlight Ladder, ADV RU is the most popular RU oldgen rn and it would be amazing for our community to see team tour play and get a new fresh community involved with ADV. If the slots were to be upgraded to include more than the obligatory 1 Uber 3 OU 2 UU 1 NU, I vouch for ADV PU as that tier has a lot in terms of establishment and active playerbase, but ADV RU too which has a lot in terms of recent success.

ADV RU will get signups. ADV RU will get played. It is a very good tier not unlike some of the already included lower tier slots. I vouch for its addition if teams get more slots.
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i agree with you than 6 teams in this format makes it a little too much variance dependent + having 4 top clasified out of 6 seems kinda xD.

Thats why i would prefer add teams over tiers (i would like both increases if it is viable) , so 8 teams-10 slots (kinda wishful) > 8 teams-8 slots > 6 team , 10 slots .

Abou the tiers, i think that PU is the one most stabilished of the new ones while LC has the momentum so the actual ones with 1UU + (PU>LC>>>2UU/1UU+RU >>>another tier)
Honestly after reading all these post I say we just go for it - 8 teams with 10 slots. Why hold back when there’s plenty of excitement - if you add 2 tiers you’re not really draining the player pools because of minimal overlap so it should be almost the same thing as 8 teams 8 tiers. Could even put a 4th OU if you wanted, there’s plenty of players for it.
it should be possible to open signups for 2 weeks and use the first week to gauge whether 8x10 is realistic, it seems most people agree it would be ideal if the numbers can support it

and then it's worth asking the question of: if it's looking sketchy, do you pivot to 8x8 or 6x10? and that's a bit of a difficult question, hopefully it doesn't come up but there should be an agreement as a contingency imo

(i don't really have a horse in this race but i like when tournaments go well)
IMO 8x8 is the best format. 6 teams is cringe as was detailed multiple times in this thread already. However making it 10 slots will push it to at least 100 players drafted (80 starters and 20+ subs) which is pushing an event like this to the extreme.

IMO the following slots are non-negociable:
OU x3

Which leaves us at 7 slots already filled. I think a second UU has a pretty weak case to be the last here as there is always contamination of playerbases within these lower tiers. Adding 2 extra teams will also dilute the player pool even further. I personally would tilt towards including LC, which just had a pretty big tournament and is decently active, on top of adding a varied experience compared to other lower tiers.

it should be possible to open signups for 2 weeks and use the first week to gauge whether 8x10 is realistic, it seems most people agree it would be ideal if the numbers can support it

and then it's worth asking the question of: if it's looking sketchy, do you pivot to 8x8 or 6x10? and that's a bit of a difficult question, hopefully it doesn't come up but there should be an agreement as a contingency imo

I don't think it'd be a good idea to cut 2 entire teams mid signups, as I'm sure the well established tiers will have more than enough players to fill 8 good starting slots anyway. I'm also not convinced cutting 2 tiers mid signups would do more good than harm; it's sure to cause a shitstorm and a campaign to readd the affected tiers. It could also cause issues with people signing up, then forgetting to delete once their favorite tier is removed
Why not remove an ou and uu slot and add all 4 options (ru, pu, zu and lc) with 2 increased slots.

My reasoning is that there is already a big amount of tours with adv ou and I don't see a reason for double uu over other tiers unless the playerbase is massive in comparison. Ubers is usually bigger in almost every gen so I doubt that's the case. I may be mistaken in the uu part so correct me if I'm wrong.

Also almost every team tour I've been made of 6 teams has been awful compared to 8 or 10 teams. A bad streak be bad play or bad luck and you are out and by week 4 there is usually at least a team that doesn't care anymore.
Why not remove an ou and uu slot and add all 4 options (ru, pu, zu and lc) with 2 increased slots.

My reasoning is that there is already a big amount of tours with adv ou and I don't see a reason for double uu over other tiers unless the playerbase is massive in comparison. Ubers is usually bigger in almost every gen so I doubt that's the case. I may be mistaken in the uu part so correct me if I'm wrong.

Also almost every team tour I've been made of 6 teams has been awful compared to 8 or 10 teams. A bad streak be bad play or bad luck and you are out and by week 4 there is usually at least a team that doesn't care anymore.
2 OU seems like a bad idea for an individual generation tour. It would be better representation for both OU and lower tier players to increase slots rather than cut and replace.

Saying there’s going to be a “contamination” of player bases is crazy lmfao
Please don’t remove the second UU slot, if you’re going to go 8x8 then don’t remove any slots, but again I don’t think adding two more slots is going to have any negative impact if they are two additional tiers. The quality of the player pool should remain virtually the same because you will naturally have more signups with two different tiers added so 8x8 is basically the same as 8x10 if you add two extra tiers. The overlap is a non-issue there. Also if anything gets added it should definitely be PU before anything else, then a second tier is more debateable on what it should be.
and then it's worth asking the question of: if it's looking sketchy, do you pivot to 8x8 or 6x10?

I would say that 8 x8 just because it is easier and fair to remove tiers before teams that already have a captain? + it seems that nearly everyone agrees that 6 team sucks .

I would propose too , to make ADV DOU bo3. I propose this for 3 reasons :

1) Most of people that has only play ADV DOU in team tournaments (ergo bo1) seems to dislike the tier or have a worse opinion of it than people which has played individual tours of it . (this is mostly due to the variance nature of DOU boosted in a tier with key speed tiers , fast rhytm and explosion being a key move)
2) Like i said , the tier is fast, pretty fast, im sure than a average game of ADV DOU is larger than a bo3 of ADV DOU so that is not gonna be a problem

3) Building for it is not a stretch like in other tiers, due to the fact that the pool of viable mons is lower and that there is no team preview , so reutilizing teams or building others based in the same framework is not bad and is not gonna punish you
Anecdotally we've struggled with having more capable players than lineup slots, particularly in OU. I'd support adding teams and/or more slots. I anticipate an uptick in interest for OU this year, from the Jimcool effect. I'm not tapped in enough with other ADV tiers to comment on those, but 8 teams and 10 slots (4ou) sounds reasonable.

I've also felt like this tour's pacing has been back-heavy. Relatively short regular season and very slow playoff. We've had to play a ton of tiebreaks (I wanna say 5 over 3 years?), which is partially random + indicator of parity, but more slots could lower this. And more teams would let us do away with the awkward 3-team playoff.
I currently believe that 8 teams 10 slots make the most sense, with the slots being

3 OU
1 Ubers
1 UU
1 RU
1 NU
1 PU
1 LC

This way every tier is included in some capacity, and with the inclusion of 3 whole new tiers, I doubt player bloat would be much of an issue. I also doubt that UU being too competitive would be a massive issue, given that the alternative is having 16 UU players and with the expansion of lower tiers a lot of the people left out will have somewhere to go.
I would like to see ADV BL to be considered for a slot.

It has had a few tournaments on smogon in the past.

For the UU P BL tour, 60 people signed up to play. That is plenty of people being interested in the idea of UU BL being played

From The ADV UU Community. More than half of the community are either neutral or like the idea of a full grand scale UUBL drop.

I think ADV BL would be a good slot for this tour and would grab many interested people to play the tier.
Just want to add my 2 cents:

6 teams sucks. A lot. First seed bye week is genuinely terrible, and I would love to see 8 teams for this tour. This is definitely my favorite tour on the site, and it’d be great to see it both grow in size and have a much more viable format.

As for the slots, I largely agree with what Jirachee said. While ”contamination” may not the best choice of words, the point is pretty true. I would like to also push for LC’s inclusion for that reason, as LC has essentially an entirely unique playerbase. The tier has been very active as of late as well with their money tour(s) and suspect tests, and I think that’s more than enough reason. A second UU is pretty sketchy for 8 teams (that’s 16 UU starters, not to mention managers wanting subs for those slots) and would be fine to see that go. (For total volume of games, 30 in 2 slot 5 week and 28 in 1 slot 7 week, which is pretty comparable)

Also, to largely echo what Hclat said, we have felt we have had the problem of too many capable OUers. ADV is the most active old gen OU with a ton of depth and a great development system, so I think there’s probably a real argument for 10 slots with a 4th OU (maybe even one as a Bo3 slot?) and another lower tier.

edit: adv pu fucking rules and I would love to see it in the tour :)
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As a Adv lc council I voice my opinion about adv lc

I believe that adv lc since this summer have made huge steps within the tier having multiple bans/unbans and suspect tests. Making the tier enjoyable and competitive. that is all thanks to a active tier leader but lets not forget the strong and active community having a super active discord where games been played daily. I believe that most lc players don't overlap with any other adv lower tiers wich makes it easy to find 16 reliable and good players 1 starter and 1 potential sub. I believe and i think the adv lc community too are ready for advpl but in the end it depends wich format the people outside of the adv lc community like. I see a lot of people talking about 8 teams being better based on past experience so my suggestion is 10 tiers to not exclude any tier for no good reason.
Something like this:
3 OU
1 Ubers
1 UU
1 NU
1 ZU
1 LC

Reading this thread the tierleaders from the tiers in this thread all believe that they have enough players to fill their slot so the debate between 8 or 10 really depends on what managers and ADV vetrans like i believe.

Also i saw some posts attacking other tiers i believe thats childish and unnecessary Let's all enjoy advpl :quagchamppogsire:

Edit: i made a mistake my example post I excluded zu i wasnt aware of if being a option too. I got no real opinion wich tiers should be in besides last edition tiers and me hoping for lc.i just wanted to visualize it
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Just throwing my hat in the ring for ZU because I feel obligated, but the case for ZU to be in is about as strong as LC, being very new metagames with pretty high interest within their communities. The only option I feel super strongly about is NO double UU, as there are many communities vying for their representation while UU already has its slot. I would prefer to see a 4th ou slot which gets everyone tuned in than a second uu.
I'd like to bring up the notion of including ADV ZU in this iteration of ADVPL. Our meta has seen consistent growth inside and outside of the ZU community and the meta itself has been around for quite awhile. Our inclusion into ADVPL would further snowball our growth and open up further potential for the metagame and opportunities for our community. Currently ADV ZU only has 1 other team tournament in which the ADV signups were the deepest pool of the entire tournament.

Ideally my take on the ADVPL Format would look like this:
3 OU
1 Ubers
1 UU
1 NU
1 PU
1 ZU
1 LC

I think this is the optimal format as it includes both LC and ZU which I feel are more then deserving of a spot in this tournament due to interest, meta stability, and in ZU's case, diversity within the metagame.

EDIT: I'd like to call to attention that my format has 10 slots. ADV is one of the most popular and widely played generations in and out of Smogon. I see no reason why 10 slots to accommodate dedicated metagames isn't possible. Especially since both PU, LC, and ZU have a large number of players little to no player overlap.
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As Colteor already said new tiers should be additive, not replacing other tiers. I can vouch for the adv zu community, it’s one of the most active and enthusiastic old gen communities I‘ve ever seen (our old gen chat on discord is 90% adv). If the tier gets added, those slots will be filled with ease.

Make it happen and have a great day!

Edit: I totally agree with SEA that there should be 8 teams (and possibly 10 slots per team). I'm sure that there'll be more than enough sign ups to implement both of those changes. This would give more people the chance to get involved in the competitive adv scene, give more formats a spotlight and connect people all over showdown.
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I'm absolutely on team 'add ZU'. The ADV ZU community features some of the nicest users I've met in the competitive community; they're all very helpful and passionate for the format, which I find to be very fun as well. Several more niche 'mons have seen themselves use in the past, so the tier is far from stale to boot, especially with the relatively recent unfreezing (Like december last year IIRC). It would be very cool to see more users learn about and enjoy the ADV ZU metagame, so I would love to see it added to the schedule :)
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