not to be pretentious but yall should really read this… C.H.A.T. (Come Here for All Talk)

What happens if I were to divide undefined (the product of division by zero) by itself? Would it equal one?

If so, undefined must equal the set of all real numbers, as any real number divided by itself will invariably equal one.

Therefore, the set of all real numbers equals undefined.

Therefore, math cannot exist since all of the numbers we must use to get undefined are in themselves undefined.

Therefore, math is not real.

Any questions?
so many. it dosent add up.

What happens if I were to divide undefined (the product of division by zero) by itself? Would it equal one?

If so, undefined must equal the set of all real numbers, as any real number divided by itself will invariably equal one.

Therefore, the set of all real numbers equals undefined.

Therefore, math cannot exist since all of the numbers we must use to get undefined are in themselves undefined.

Therefore, math is not real.

Any questions?
All you've done is assigned undefined to some variable, in the same vein x over x would equal one. It still does not have a known value. That's why it's undefined: We know it's a number, and we can do normal number things with it, but we don't know exactly what number it is, therefore it is undefined.
Therefore, the set of all real numbers equals undefined.
Your answer is right here.
What happens if I were to divide undefined (the product of division by zero) by itself? Would it equal one?

If so, undefined must equal the set of all real numbers, as any real number divided by itself will invariably equal one.

Therefore, the set of all real numbers equals undefined.

Therefore, math cannot exist since all of the numbers we must use to get undefined are in themselves undefined.

Therefore, math is not real.

Any questions?
I would like to ask both who and where, as I know the answer to neither.
If we are to hold that this proposition:
Therefore, the set of all real numbers equals undefined.
Your answer is right here.
is true, then:

A real number added to a real number must always equal a real number.

As such, the quantity undefined (which is, again, the result of division by zero) must be a real number.

As such, division by zero must result in a real number.

How do we figure this out? Well, let's take x divided by zero.

If we are to perform algebraic expressions to get x by itself, we get x = 0.

However, since a real number divided by itself must equal one, x divided by 0 = 1.

However, since we are holding the original statement to be true, then division by zero equals every real number.

So right now, there should be three accepted answers to division by zero: 0, 1, and the set containing all real numbers.
How do we figure this out? Well, let's take x divided by zero.

If we are to perform algebraic expressions to get x by itself, we get x = 0.
You can't do this. (x/0)*(0/0) is still going to end up as ((x*0)/0), and then just 0/0 because 0 times 0 is still 0. Therefore, the only possible solution is the set of all real numbers because the proof that a number divided by 0 can equal 0 or 1 specifically is dependent on an untrue mathematical statement.
Again, this means division by zero is undefined, because we KNOW it is a real number, we DO NOT know which one it is.
yea this is what it looks like. it's so weird
If you want an actual answer, I don't have one. Maybe someone here does? Normally I just chalk up these as random occurrences, especially if they can be fixed by reloading the page.
Maybe the entirety of smogon is playing a really complicated prank on you where they collectively change the text size in their messages with well coordinated timing.
ive got a story for you all

so, i am in the e-sports club at my school, and one time we had a field trip to an expo of up and coming games. there was one game there called talons blade. so i played the game. the core gimmick of the game was that you use the mouse to control your sword. i was not good at it. while i was playing it, the creator was explaining to me the lore of the game. and let me tell you, there is nothing like the creator of a game telling you that you are a part of an elite fighting force while you die for the 20th time to the first enemy.
Dragon Ball Evolution is one of the most disappointing movie-watching experiences I've ever had. Not because I had any genuine expectation of quality, of course not, but because the years of anti-hype led me to think I was about to watch a hysterical, side-splitting trainwreck, a tie with the likes of Kung Pow in the realm of martial arts comedy by complete accident. The only scene that lived up to that was the beginning Goku and Grandpa Gohan spar, the fly swallowing making me burst out laughing. The rest was the world's most generic, middling c-tier martial arts film that would be rotting in bargain bins completely forgotten were it not for the license attached to it.
ive got a story for you all

so, i am in the e-sports club at my school, and one time we had a field trip to an expo of up and coming games. there was one game there called talons blade. so i played the game. the core gimmick of the game was that you use the mouse to control your sword. i was not good at it. while i was playing it, the creator was explaining to me the lore of the game. and let me tell you, there is nothing like the creator of a game telling you that you are a part of an elite fighting force while you die for the 20th time to the first enemy.
This feels like a conversation Gojo would have with Yuji.
anyways, my takeaway from that field trip is that a roomba fighting party game should have been developed sooner. check out broombot battlegrounds, it is an amazing party game.
some other great games i found there
periphery synthetic: a game where all you do is rome around a blank environment, and it is very satisfying.
game which name was along the lines of "hide and survive":cool hide and seek game
you have no time:a speedrun puzzle game based on pirates. pretty cool
i forget what this game was called, but it was essentially viking ultrakill
the previously stated talons blade:i would probably really enjoy it if i was good at it.
there was also another one that i forgot the name of, but it was like space invadors with bosses.
someone was being toxic to me on showdown, so i reported them, and they locked both of us, because i was toxic back. i have learned no lessons, and would absolutely do it again. i know what my signature says, but anyone who says EZ should not be considered a person. my only regrets are that i cant participate in the help room, and that i couldnt tell someone how funny their joke was. absolutely worth it.
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someone was being toxic to me on showdown, so i reported them, and they locked both of us, because i was toxic back. i have learned no lessons, and would absolutely do it again. i know what my signature says, but anyone who says EZ should not be considered a person. my only regrets are that i cant participate in the help room, and that i couldnt tell someone how funny their joke was.
L+ ratio + fell to PU + no usage + no viability during debut generation + get flinchhaxed + unfortunate + last respects + agent of big stall + touch torterra + miss triple axel + crit spdef dropped + no scald burns
overleaf is down. as a math major this is like taking a child's favorite toy away except the child isn't academically pressured to play with the toy

Me speechlessly sitting in front of my computer on February 27th after witnessing the worst BW remake trailer imaginable, quietly wishing I had gotten Spirit Tracks or the original NSMB instead of Pokemon Pearl as a child so I could've invested myself in a less mickey mouse franchise

i already made a very similar joke to this in the OI Pokemon Day thread so I'm posting this version here as to not be repetitive dont tell anyone shhh