Metagame SV OU Metagame Discussion v4 [Kyurem suspect now up]

not to say "the ladder is dead" or anything but ive definietly noticed in the past week, only about 1 in every 4 games the opponent is within 100 elo of me. its pretty weird playing 1400 player straight after a 1700 player while im sitting around the 1600s.
Duraludon @ Eviolite
Ability: Light Metal
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 80 HP / 252 SpA / 176 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Stealth Rock
- Draco Meteor
- Flash Cannon
- Thunder Wave

In my effort to cope with today's ... horrible news, I've been testing this set out on a new alt I made. Haven't gotten too high yet, but I must say, barring the poor Ghold MU, this actually isn't half bad! Dura is a really bulky with Eviolite, letting it trade decently well vs a number of offensive threats like Valiant + spread paralysis effectively vs bulky targets like Slowking-G and Mola. This is quite useful for its partner, Manaphy, which can take advantage of these free turns to setup Tail Glow + Sub and sweep easily. Most ground-types do not want to switch into Dura because of the threat of Draco. I've found it to be a nice lure for Volcarona since ppl love to use Dura as an entry point to setup QD, only for it to get T-Waved lol. Like most high def mons, this guy in G-Terrain can somewhat check Roaring Moon (though Knock is REALLY annoying) and a few other annoying mons like Maushold (not nearly as well as Arch) some Dragonite (again not as well as Arch) etc. Woger is probably going to drop Superpower in the coming days, so this should match up fine vs that as well.

Overall, not a perfect replacement for Arch, but it is surprisingly not that awful, which is more than what I was expecting.
no :)
not to say "the ladder is dead" or anything but ive definietly noticed in the past week, only about 1 in every 4 games the opponent is within 100 elo of me. its pretty weird playing 1400 player straight after a 1700 player while im sitting around the 1600s.
ive been saying that for ages while every1 was laughing at me rookie took u long enough to realise, its not even worth laddering unless youre incredibly consistent, then kudos to you that guy who took the -35 ragequit after (understandably XD)

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How is the Ice typing helping with Thunder Clap or Draco Meteor falling on their heads?
It is not, it is helping with scaring the raging bolt.
also wait i just thought of an actual counter:
Assault Vest Lando-T
Now, yes, that isn't sounding good, but hear me out:
Make it a special attacker.
Give it Grass knot to lure in Great Tusk and K.O it so it isn't doing just ONE thing per game.
and we have ourselves the funniest gimmick set of all time
It is not, it is helping with scaring the raging bolt.
also wait i just thought of an actual counter:
Assault Vest Lando-T
Now, yes, that isn't sounding good, but hear me out:
Make it a special attacker.
Give it Grass knot to lure in Great Tusk and K.O it so it isn't doing just ONE thing per game.
and we have ourselves the funniest gimmick set of all time
That has been used, it was one of the better counters to archaludon as it could take a draco in a pinch and ko it back with earth power. Special Lando-T is interesting, but you should use e-quake on the grass knot set to actually threaten bolt after it calm minds. If you want to get extra quirky, use nasty plot to threaten a sweep.
ive been saying that for ages while every1 was laughing at me rookie took u long enough to realise, its not even worth laddering unless youre incredibly consistent, then kudos to you that guy who took the -35 ragequit after (understandably XD)

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Last month, there were 1,880,968 battles in OU, that is almost 2 million. This month, if we are saying it is dying, might have maybe 1 million, which I say is very generous for your narrative and is more likely somewhere around 1.4 million if we are being realistic. The ladder is not dying, it just has a bit less traffic, that's all. The amount of battles will eb and flow constantly. Last months statistics is up from 1069916 battles in December.
And just to source them:
January statistics
December statistics
That has been used, it was one of the better counters to archaludon as it could take a draco in a pinch and ko it back with earth power. Special Lando-T is interesting, but you should use e-quake on the grass knot set to actually threaten bolt after it calm minds. If you want to get extra quirky, use nasty plot to threaten a sweep.
Wouldn't the mixed EVs that it would need for that make it incapable at doing its job? (I mean running earthquake)
Wouldn't the mixed EVs that it would need for that make it incapable at doing its job?
0 Atk Landorus-Therian Earthquake vs. 64 HP / 28 Def Raging Bolt: 312-368 (76.6 - 90.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
+1 252+ SpA Raging Bolt Draco Meteor vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Assault Vest Landorus-Therian: 292-345 (91.5 - 108.1%) -- 50% chance to OHKO
This can live a +1 protosynthesis bolt draco with no investment 50% of the time. It can do its job.
Wouldn't the mixed EVs that it would need for that make it incapable at doing its job? (I mean running earthquake)
No, because for some godforsaken reason it has base 145 attack, and as such could run it with no EVs. Its special attack isn't bad, either, at iirc 90 or so, which, while not great in today's meta, is plenty servicable with Nasty Plot and a free turn.
0 Atk Landorus-Therian Earthquake vs. 64 HP / 28 Def Raging Bolt: 312-368 (76.6 - 90.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
+1 252+ SpA Raging Bolt Draco Meteor vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Assault Vest Landorus-Therian: 292-345 (91.5 - 108.1%) -- 50% chance to OHKO
This can live a +1 protosynthesis bolt draco with no investment 50% of the time. It can do its job.
huh. Cool.
No, because for some godforsaken reason it has base 145 attack, and as such could run it with no EVs. Its special attack isn't bad, either, at iirc 90 or so, which, while not great in today's meta, is plenty servicable with Nasty Plot and a free turn.
It has 105 sp.Attack, which is still great. I wouldn't reccomend special landorus, but it can be used.
Last month, there were 1,880,968 battles in OU, that is almost 2 million. This month, if we are saying it is dying, might have maybe 1 million, which I say is very generous for your narrative and is more likely somewhere around 1.4 million if we are being realistic. The ladder is not dying, it just has a bit less traffic, that's all. The amount of battles will eb and flow constantly. Last months statistics is up from 1069916 battles in December.
And just to source them:
January statistics
December statistics bad let me just rephrase that, it starts to get dead at the higher ends of the ladder, i was quite competitive when i last played this seriously and always tried to get up there on the ladder, i only returned recently cos i got nostalgia when pokeaims videos kept popping in my feed when i hadnt even played for many years and told myself ill just be a casual now, but tbh i still have a bit of that competitive mentality inside of me :) its a lot tougher to climb the ladder to the very top like say top 50 to 10. if youre content just being a casual & enjoying the game then theres absolutely no problems the games still alive and well, whoevers playing ou format these days should know high elo games are a lot rarer now and ud have to be very consistent to climb to the top collecting +5/6s and taking a -35/40 if u lose XD this is the last ill talk about this anyways
Last month, there were 1,880,968 battles in OU, that is almost 2 million. This month, if we are saying it is dying, might have maybe 1 million, which I say is very generous for your narrative and is more likely somewhere around 1.4 million if we are being realistic. The ladder is not dying, it just has a bit less traffic, that's all. The amount of battles will eb and flow constantly. Last months statistics is up from 1069916 battles in December.
And just to source them:
January statistics
December statistics
if there is so many battles going on its weird that the matchmaker is putting battlers of such different skill levels together. unless its not based on elo but in that case it shouldnt take such big points off people if you lose to someone lower than you. bad let me just rephrase that, it starts to get dead at the higher ends of the ladder, i was quite competitive when i last played this seriously and always tried to get up there on the ladder, i only returned recently cos i got nostalgia when pokeaims videos kept popping in my feed when i hadnt even played for many years and told myself ill just be a casual now, but tbh i still have a bit of that competitive mentality inside of me :) its a lot tougher to climb the ladder to the very top like say top 50 to 10. if youre content just being a casual & enjoying the game then theres absolutely no problems the games still alive and well, whoevers playing ou format these days should know high elo games are a lot rarer now and ud have to be very consistent to climb to the top collecting +5/6s and taking a -35/40 if u lose XD this is the last ill talk about this anyways
I doubt that is true, but I can see why you don't like ladder right now. I would bet that once arch is banned/when the new broken thing is discovered that then the high ladder will be more active. Also, you have a long way to go, you are about in the 100ish range, so you have more to achieve. I know the struggle as a month ago I was so close to getting top 100 in Doubles OU, which I am very close to getting again.

if there is so many battles going on its weird that the matchmaker is putting battlers of such different skill levels together. unless its not based on elo but in that case it shouldnt take such big points off people if you lose to someone lower than you.
Idk why, it probably is because it prioritises speed, which means that you get a game quicker but have to face opponents worse then you. There is probably some complex system that is a combination of relative elo and time, where the longer you wait the broader the Elo distance it is to find another player. If that makes any sense.
This is by smogon rules, which uses 6v6 singles. There is also Doubles OU which is basically VGC, but with bans. The second link is for talk on VGC, which you can play on showdown as well.
6v6 singles isn't offical, that is true, but we use an emulator called showdown in which 6v6 singles is the main format.

I checked and you are correct. Idk why I thought there was an extra r in there, but the more you know. Like I can easily spell all the ultra beasts names (nihilego, Buzzwole, Pheromosa, Xurkitree, Kartana, Celesteela, Guzzlord, Stakataka, Blacephalon, poipole, Naganadel), but can't even spell an ostrich's name. :psycry:
sometimes i feel like my brain is running on the chipset of the Atari
This is by smogon rules, which uses 6v6 singles. There is also Doubles OU which is basically VGC, but with bans.
I should clarify that Doubles OU is a bit more than just VGC with bans. It also is a 6v6 format, there’s no VGC timer, and it also allows certain Pokémon that VGC doesn’t like most of the mythicals and base Kyurem. In past gens, it also allowed for transfer moves just like other Smogon formats, but Scarlet and Violet nuked those lol
sometimes i feel like my brain is running on the chipset of the Atari
don't worry about it, a lot of people get confused about smogon's place in the competitive world when they first encounter it because we're by far the biggest competitive community around. even most of the vgc players you see in official play will at the very least be using showdown in some measure, for testing out strategies, practicing more efficiently than they can on cartridge, or just building sets to import into pkhex (it's no secret, every cartridge player uses it)
Manaphy @ Leftovers
Ability: Hydration
Tera Type: Steel
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Tail Glow
- Scald
- Alluring Voice
- Substitute

I like this set. For the most part, its done very well vs those Kyurem / Gking / Corv structures that populate the ladder. Admittingly, the initial power isn't that great, but this mon has perfect coverage in 2 moves & sets up effortlessly vs most team's main Special wall (GKing). For maximum effectiveness, pair it with some para spammers like Serp, Gking, Hatt, or ....Duraludon :).

I actually am liking Manaphy's place a bit more in the metagame now. It still feels like a very cheesy pick, but Kyurem limits it in an, arguably, healthy way by forcing it to run Alluring voice, which is a sizable downgrade in its coverage compared to Ice Beam + Energy Ball (though you prob could still get away with running that). Still, imo the combination of bulk and speed are a bit too high for this metagame vs balance structs in particular. I still don't know if its healthy presence, but at the very least, I am glad its uncommon lol.
I lost horribly leading with Moon against a Pseudo Rain team today. I do not know where this came from but Pelliper with access to Ice Beam is a threat. Is anyone else encountering Rain despite the Archa ban?
It hasn't been updated on the site just yet, but still, I think you will encounter it for a while after once the site updates. Rain won't get too much worse with arch's ban, though there will be a noticeable drop in power. We might just have to wait for bolt's ban for it to get better.
The Ice Beam pelliper is unlucky though, they just outplayed, sorry to say.