NOC Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Mafia - Explorers - Signups

Alice Kazumi StupidFlandrs48 you asked about rules in other thread, it was a good question because apparently we dont actually have a spot (probably something we should add), but typically we have them in opening threads like sb has here. Overall I would say the rules here are a fairly good grounding for the core rules.

There are other things, which mostly come down to personal judgement beyond this (and common sense). I would say if you are confused, dont be hesitant to ask either your mafia partners, or town in thread etc, and a more experienced player will offer guidance before you do something you might be unsure about. If you sign up and play this game (as Alice has yay), I would say that the host Charlie is very experienced and friendly so be sure to check in with them about any queries too. I do think the rules here cover the main bulk of everything however, beyond don't be toxic, or attempting to find information outside the scope of the game etc.
in fairness the no logs/copy pasting rule is different for OC games than it is for NOCs so idk if that needs to be a universal forum rule. even screenshotting convos to your teammates is ok in OCs. i'd say putting clear rules into your game OP about these things should be the forum rule, and all games must state what is and isn't acceptable.

i think the specific vote format in this game's OP is good since it lets the host ctrl-f to ensure they don't miss any.

have fun noc gamers!
its thursday night
I said to Tommy about waking up to full signups, he didn't believe me...

I've put Ehmcee on the sub list since he's likely to miss my planned D1 time, everyone else who /inned should still be good. Thanks to everyone for signing up to play/sub!

Aiming to get Role PMs out on Thursday night and get the game rolling the following day.
Thanks to Tommy for making the role pm husks so I can avoid being terrorised by smogon dot com midway through sending them.

Speaking of that, I’ll start sending them after I’ve eaten, but I’m gonna be slowrolling them a bit to do a last check for syntax/formatting as I send them.

I will make the game thread when all PMs are out, please do not comment on whether or not you’ve received yours until then!