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  • I actually only have the dusk ball one. I dont know where the nest ball is :/
    Is that okay?
    I posted a good bye message in my trade thread!
    It's only for my trading retirement, I'm going to always lurk the forums because smogon is such a great website. :)
    I didnt see that. Choose one of the Pokemon you wanted for the blaziken
    I dont got any flawless IV pokemon i dont know how to egg abuse or RNG however you call it
    Oh well i got one of those already now but is there any other pokemon you looking for instead i got some villinites that have decent ivs and moves are icicle spear,ice beam,frost breath and there @ level 1
    Nope but i got alot of 4th gen eved pokemon and what did i want from your thread again lol.
    Um your like super late i retired from trading but i might make a joint thread with someone
    So, lately I've realized that my academia is in somewhat disarray and I definitely cannot maintain a trade thread. I can't guarantee that I'll be on to finish our pending, I'll just be on randomly. If you PM your e-mail address I will send you a consolation.
    Sorry about this :S
    I am very sorry, but I am currently on hiatus. I have a significantly less time to trade and etc.
    Now and the next three hours are the perfect time for me to trade. :) I'd love Masquerade from your thread if possible.
    Sorry I haven't been on much to give you that clone :/ But I'll be on thursday, -5 GMT, until about 5. :)
    Im going online now the evs are: EmeraldRyu's Bronzor -252 HP / 84 Atk / 80 Def / 92 SpD [Gyro Ball/Stealth Rock/Earthquake/Hypnosis]
    Uhh sure Ill bring Gyara, Hippo, and a poke to ev train. Remember to ev train legit
    Yes give me 5 mins to get ready. Bring Magnazone. never mind you dont have to clone anymore
    Yeah I just thought that I can give you a pokemon to ev train and the hippowdon for your friends house
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