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  • Hi we have to play for the Type Restriction Tour,when can you play?My GMT is +1
    Fire Blast
    Hi, I'm GMT-8. I can play anytime today and anytime the next few days between 3 and 11
    Lord V
    Lord V
    we can even play now if you want
    hi we're paired for type restriction tour, when can you play
    Fire Blast
    Hey, I can play on Friday from around 7-12 pm PST and on most of the day Saturday.
    im +5.30 and can play anytime in next 8 hours
    Fire Blast
    Ok, I 'm ready. when you are
    I'm TheLastFlare on the main server
    Hi. What is your timezone and when can you play for Eggbreaker? I'm at UTC+4 and can usually play any time from the afternoon to an hour or two after midnight.
    Fire Blast
    I'm in UTC-8. I can play at noon Tommorow, which would be 11pm for you. Would that work? I still haven't received my Pokemon though, I messaged him and hopefully I'll get them by tommorow. If not, we'll reschedule
    The Immortal
    The Immortal
    That's fine. I'm always on the main server, just pm me.
    Blast, you've been holding up two of my battle slots for about ten days. I'm afraid I'll have to DQ you from our battle and find a subref for the battle you're reffing.
    Sorry about that, didn't even notice the Expert Belt, and I derped on the abilities. All fixed now though
    Blast, we're waiting on you in the 3K Melee. You need to send out Gliscor and choose its ability.
    Blast, I didn't get your Pokemon for the match against Its A Random. Could you send them over please? Thanks. :]
    Fire Blst, I WILL request a sub-ref in about 10-11 hours if you don't ref or at least answer me! (hall challenge)
    Do you want me to get a sub-ref for my castle challenge? Your already reffing another 2 things of mine and I don't want you feeling too presurred.
    yo blast, what happened to me'n cloverleaf? If he didn't send teams, wanna go for a crush the combee battle royale? Look in the tower for details.
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