Adamant Zoroark
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  • What have you been up to lately? I'm guess I'm not the most talkative avatar-less user around.
    Oh, don't worry. I am new, too. The people there are very nice, and there are many sub-groups within BABA (such as TPH, BWS, and more), so they will keep things quite occupied. By the way, how are you in battling? I, well, am getting better...
    Hello, LucaroarkZ! How is the BABA thing treating you? I want to make sure that the members of the group are having fun! :3

    On an unrelated note, are you ready for the tier update tomorrow?
    There was some article about 2 years ago about some kids in Nevada that did it because of the work they did in their AP Classes (Clac included)

    AP Chem is alright, though that may be because I actually like Chemistry. The Labs are MUCH funner than in Honors
    Is it hard, or were those rumors of kids committing suicide because it was so hard a myth?

    Taking AP Chem, even though my rents didn't want me too since I'm trying to major in Communications.
    Haha yeah I'll try. I'm just REALLY REALLY REALLY busy at the moment with smogon stuff as well as school which is starting, and like 5 other people already asked me to GP their stuff xD. Just telling you so you don't think I'm ignoring you :( I'll try to get to it!
    edit: Damn it TrollFreak, ninja'ing me

    Your Post: Aug 21st, 2012, 5:59:26 PM

    My Post: Aug 21st, 2012, 5:54:54 PM

    My, aren't you a very slow poster :P
    Very well structured team, also resembles one I used a long while back but with Deoxys instead.
    After using White Kyurem once it was available, I found it to be a complete killing machine requiring little effort to get it going.

    The return of Soul Dew on the other hand could open up the door to an old team I used in the 4th generation...or not.
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