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  • Hey we are paired for this round of the VGC tournament. I am GMT -4 time zone. I am available on week days from about 7pm to 10pm and I should be available most of the day Saturday.
    Hey there! We have to play for the VGC tournament! My timezone is GMT+0 and I should be free any day from 7pm to 11pm my time.
    Hi, I've seen you've been online, so you might not have noticed my message. I'm your round 5 opponent for the VGC tournament. I can play almost everyday from 5 pm to 11 pm (gmt +1). When do you want to play? :)
    Hi, I'm your round 5 opponent for the VGC Tournament.
    I'm BassoTara on Showdown. I can play almost everyday from 5 pm to 11 pm GMT +1.
    Hi. I'm your rival for the tournament vgc 17
    My showdown name is "Nottonby".
    I'm JST(GMT+9)
    I can battle following days in your time.
    30th 5a.m~14p.m
    31th 5a.m~14p.m
    2/1 5a.m~14p.m
    2nd 5a.m~14p.m
    3rd 5a.m~14p.m
    Do you suit with the time?
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