Akira 153
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  • Scheduling here for official purposes
    When are you available on weekends? Any time you prefer? I’m probably free both days.
    Akira 153
    Akira 153
    GMT+2, Saturday late in the evening or Sunday anytime work for me
    hey bh open, sorry for the late message i was at camp, when are you free? ill be free this weekend nearly all day, gmt +8
    Akira 153
    Akira 153
    No problem, I'm GMT+1 (+2 with DST), I'll be free saturday morning and sunday all day, does saturday from 10-12 or so my time work?
    Akira 153
    Akira 153
    I'm also on OMcord as Akira if that's easier
    bh no tera (scheduling here bc official), +0, probably best on weekend (can do basically all but can't do 6-8pm sun)
    Akira 153
    Akira 153
    +1, available every evening and all day on weekends
    Tea Guzzler
    Tea Guzzler
    10pm sun +0?
    BH tour- I'm GMT-6. I'm free all weekends and can do evenings/afternoons the weekdays except wednesday. lmk when works for you
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