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  • Hi, Can you add me as a friend for xy safari please.
    My code is 2981-5963-8592. Thank you, I really appreciate it
    Hi there, I was wondering if you would be able to add my 2 friend codes on the friend safari? My codes are Karl 4038-6095-4172 and 3754-7590-2900. Let me know if this is ok or not. Thanks :)
    Change Shroomish's claim to this:

    Shromish: 1 EC, 2 MC, 1 DC and 1 KOC

    Then you buy moves ^^
    Yeah, it is just a typo, it was meant to be MC.

    Shroomish gets a KOC for KO'ing Tirtouga though.
    Hey man, not sure how to contact you and give you a head's up, but you are up in our battle.
    Hey there :D

    Welcome to ASB, i will be glad to try and help ya if you need.

    For starters, i suggest you to edit your post and change your mon's actions to
    Sunny Day -> Toxic -> Seed Bomb (Oo) and Thunderbolt (Oo) -> Tail Whip -> Rock-Slide

    I hope you have a wonderfull time in ASB, but keep in mind, battles may take a fairily long time.
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