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  • Yes! And I have the Rotom all EVed, and ready to trade!

    Sorry about the delay! VM me the next time you see me on!
    Thanks again man :), will your be able to trade in about an hour? Is 5+credits good for Latios? You did a fantastic job I can offer more credits if you want aswell :P
    I might not RNG this lol...on my first try I hit my seed and advanced my frame to where it should be but there so many NPCs.....messed me up big time....I found a good adamant ability 1 spread on PokeRNG and I had to advance my frame to only 136. After I checked the IVs on Snorlax my frame went from 136 to 141.
    Ouch thats alot XD but thanks for finding me this spread :). It shouldnt be to to hard with the radio.
    Thanks and sorry to make you hunt but what frame is the target frame for this spread? is it on frame 2256? If so then im going to have to try to get figure out how to use the radio :P. I just found I have a Impish Umbreon for my Synch ;), I will give you a free copy of this whenever I get it too for your help ;)
    Sweet, Thanks alot for the help and explaining :), To bad ability 0 with be immunity on the Snorlax but it had a reasonable delay that I can hit easily and a low frame.
    Ah yes I found it :), its on frame 179 so I guess I dont need a synch (good thing too I do not have a impish synch). And my delay is 639 :) something pretty reasonable. And which radio channel do is the easiest to use? not all channel advance the frame I do believe. And on the seed to times I can pick any time and date right?
    I think I may use a 100% capture code for this. In a heavy ball :) just because theres alot of NPCs that will advance my frame....I think I may try to start on this right now.

    Are these the steps I have to do?

    1: set method to method k on rng reporter main window
    2: add the seed to the seed (hex) and press generate
    3: go to seed to times function click hgss and press generate
    4: find a time and set clock to accordingly

    I just did that and I have no idea what frame I have to advance to. I probally missed something
    Oh ahah, I needed the bold synch for a Bold shinx I wanted to capture in Dppt when I have the time to learn how to do that :P. And cool! thanks!. Can you help me on what I need to do now? do I just add that to the seed to times function and look for a date?
    Im not sure on a Bold Snorlax lol, There is an Impish one if the analysis. I was going to RNG that when I find a parent with whirlwind. By the way for the Snorlax Im not sure how much the Poke flute radio channel advances the frame by. Jubilee gave me a list on the radio but it didnt have the pokeflute channel.
    Well I can give your some credits or maybe do a few BPs :P, Im really not to sure. If you want credits how many you think is fair? And well said on the moon ball.
    And no...I couldnt find a spread with a decent frame and delay...the ones I found had a delay of 4000+ and no thanks for that...If I could fine a low frame and delay then I still want to go for it.
    Yea I like the shiny Palkia sprite :). Also what kind of payment do you want for the Latios CP? I was hoping you were going to go with a Moon Ball with it too.
    I never used a Giratina-O since I don`t got the Gresious orb or whatever, But you could run this moveset for a mix set.

    Substitute\Aura Sphere | Outrage | Draco Meteor | Shadow Sneak|Shadow Force

    Aura sphere should still hurt Forretress (Not sure on damage calcs) since really that is what your trying to kill.

    I can trade in like 10 minutes
    Did you want to try to trade right now? Sorry I couldn`t internet cut out and I edited my VM on my phone.
    Yea sure just tell me what you would like for Latios :), Also can I get the Brave Medicham instead of Dugtrio for my Solrock?
    I don't really need the rights since you did say you were planning to do Latios and I would feel bad since you worked really hard to capture him :(
    Hey when would you like to finish our trade? Also what did you want for Latios?

    :edit: edited my VM^
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