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  • Lawl XD. Ok sure, I'll go up to their studio and ask them all about that new attribute that we all know is totally going to appear in the new games. This is happening now XP
    Especially since all the new evolutions of old pokemon are gonna be love types too (I can't type this jokingly enough). This is fairly recent

    As the first Dark/Love type, SuperSableye will have even more immunities and a greater lack of weaknesses[/HIDE]
    and also this [HIDE][IMG][/HIDE]
    The creative types are kicking themselves to tease the fanbase extra hard right now, haha
    I get the feeling they're going to show us a new bug or bird. The commercial had a relatively small space on the battlefield botted out by a question mark, and it makes me think it couldn't have been anything that takes up too much surface space. My best fan guess is our new route 1 Bug/Light type :DDD
    Absolutely nothing related to Slyveon. It will be at least 1 new Pokemon.
    Sorry, I was offline while you were available. I'll vm you when we are both online and we can battle.
    Hey, yeah I'll probably be on for most of the day today if you want to have that deciding battle. Obviously I was hoping you'd upload me beating you but I don't mind :)
    I'm on my iPhone-_- my iPhone locked after a bit and I was like NOOOOOOO wth lol I'm really a sorry=\
    Hey I'll OU single battle you my FC 4556 6256 5030 could u reply to this so I know Ur still online
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