Bald Accountant
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  • Axelia
    That's good to hear (the first part) and I have experienced problems with my own stress and anxiety, it is really a bothersome thing to deal with, and I wish you luck with it ^^

    I have had a lot of problems myself to deal with so much that I couldn't really be on these forums... I'm glad I'm back though but I am taking a break from most pokemon playing
    Bald Accountant
    Bald Accountant
    If you want to talk more let me know. They dont really have private messages anymore. I will pray for you.
    Thanks BA ^^ I think I will start a convo with you ^^
    Hi! I'm having trouble with RNGing no shiny check wonder card SMR2012. Should I use Wondercard method and use my own ID/SID?
    Hey BA! long time no see. I hope you have a great Christmas! you planning on doing anything special for the kids?
    Bald Accountant
    Bald Accountant
    Giving them lots of gifts. We are having my parents and brothers over tomorrow. then on new years day we are having my family and some friends over. Saturday we have to go see our extended family. Every year they drag my poor 90 something great grandma who has dementia out of the nursing home. She looks miserable.
    I think my wife is enjoying having my son and daughter home on their break.
    hey BA! would you like a wifi battle?
    Bald Accountant
    Bald Accountant
    Probably not today, I am going out on the town with the wife if the weather permits.
    I am also trying to get a 100 win streak in the battle maison so I can get the starf berry, so if I have not battle live people much so my team is not really fully assembled, but maybe sometime this weekend
    K thats fine. Good luck with the battle maison and have fun with your wife :D
    Hey BA, wanna trade Friend Codes? (Surprised we haven't already @_@) I kinda want a Ditto too haha
    1392 4942 8972

    I'm at school right now (waiting to be picked up, not skipping! xD) so I'll add you when I get home.
    Bald Accountant
    Bald Accountant
    OK it will probably be a couple of hours before I can add you too
    You dont know anyone with starf and lansat berries from the battle maison, do you? It is my current obsession to get them
    I don't, sorry! :x
    Hey BA, long time no battle! If youre interested in a 6th gen my FC is 3754-7216-3520 IGN: Marwan. I should be available for the next 1-2 hours and then most of tomorrow GMT+2
    Bald Accountant
    Bald Accountant
    I dont have my team ready yet. But I will add your FC. maybe in a few days
    Do you want to exchange FC? Mine is 3368-1022-7382
    Bald Accountant
    Bald Accountant
    I dont mean to be judgemental, but I have kids who use my 3DS. Is your user name on the 3DS a little more kid friendly?
    Yeah, its Obi Wan (I'm not lying).
    Bald Accountant
    Bald Accountant
    OK, added
    Hey buddy how's life
    Bald Accountant
    Bald Accountant
    A little rough, but the Lord will see me through.
    Work has been real stressful.

    Really glad to see you back
    Do you have a 3DS and pokemon X?
    That's life eh. And yes I do and yes I do. Still figuring it all out with the new typing and what not
    Bald Accountant
    Bald Accountant
    Let me know you 3Ds code and I will add me - use my 2DS code in my sig - it is ditto /normal safari
    Did you start a new game? Because when I go to the Safari, it says that you only have 2 Pokemon available for capture.
    hey bro will you please add my FC and give me yours to add, 2337-4159-9569
    I'm trying to build up my friend Safari and could use all the help i can get, Once I have a large repertoire of Perfect IV poks I will start doing give away's especially to my first FC friends who helped made it possible.
    Bald Accountant
    Bald Accountant
    Is Diggersby anygood, because it is a poke only a mother could love as far as looks.
    lol so true, prolly not OU material but possibly UU material given that it gets, Huge power, spikes, and super fang
    Hey man do you mind adding me? I'm starting to breed for a competitive in-game team, and I really need your Ditto Safari. My FC is 1693-1690-2833, and I have a Bug-type safari with Venemoth, Vivilion, and Pinser. Thanks so much!
    also you know theres a baba skype chat?
    Bald Accountant
    Bald Accountant
    I heard that, but I have not checked it out yet (dont really know how)
    if you have a skype accountant i can add you too the chat.
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