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  • Hi we play for the dpp roa tournament. I'm gmt-6 and will be free Friday-Sunday. Does Friday at 12pm my time work?
    sounds good, i will say though that I don't think I should've been the one advancing. I think Void should've moved on.
    Roa spotlight usm ubers when I'm gmt+5.5
    oh my b, I didn't check to see if I advanced since I never actually played R1. I think its too late
    We can play today let's play in 40 minutes if you're on
    Hi, we’re paired for dpp doubles, I’m gmt+8 and free nights mine on weekdays, more flexible on the weekend (more so on sunday). Lmk when you’re available
    Hi, we're up for randbats, I'm GMT -3 and can do between 2 pm and 6 pm during the week and most of the weekend, lmk what time is good for you
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