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  • meh its all good... it was actually quite a good strategy... i had a roarer but ingrain made that go away... but i will say that dragonite had a fire blast with scizor's name on it... even if he didnt get crit w/ focus blast...
    then again... it seems like u saw what was going to happen and just quit... no matter what move u used u were not faster than staraptor and even if u switched him bravebird or u turn is gonna put me a in a good situation...
    wow dude ur connecton is absolutely atrocious....i havent dc'd n so long i seriously doubt it was me.... ur celebi was about to catch hell too
    id double check ur guys i dont hax in any way i can proimie u that and im pretty sure did attack first with infernape but it didnt kill me im sorry u lost no need to attack my team man
    it STILL isnt enough to outspeed them. so keep using your hax. and youll get blacklisted sooner or later.
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