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  • Celsius, sorry for the late response. What is your time zone? Is it possible to play tomorrow or Thursday after 11 PM EDT (currently 2:49 PM)? If it's too late, I can also play from 2-4:30 PM instead.

    Please let me know!
    i arrived early today from school, im going to eat now. are you going to be available in like 30 minutes? So we can battle all our tournament matches
    please this is annoying i cant battle earlier than 6pm my time in weekdays cause im on school so we can only battle on weekends around smogon tour time. I have been around those times all the weekend on grotto as robert and i never find you on. so we are going to battle on weekend
    I'm back if you can still play now. PO 1 or PO 2 grotto? because i only have po 2 installed on this pc.
    Do you use IRC? Because if so, it's by far easier to find me there, my name on IRC is Luck, just pm me there if I'm on and we'll be able to play easily
    I'm usually around 4pm (GMT -5) and normally able to play when I'm on. Best tiime to play would be when we are online at the same time.
    When do you wanna play for fan favourites. Im gmt +1 and available from 3 to 9 pm every day
    i contacted you first that you ignored it so its your problem not mine i can battle anytime, im usually on irc as Robert or on ps as tbr jr/the boss reaper
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