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  • Just a reminder that you need to get your match done for the No More Legends Tournament
    sorry im just seeing this. What times are good for you, im gmt -5. I can play within the next couple of hours today
    Hey sorry the company that provides me Internet have some problems and stuff so take the win cause i don't know when my Internet works again.
    Can't play right now, I'm on my cellphone am at the college :l could be better for me to play on the weekend
    can't really play atm because of PO and Netbattle errors along with my laziness to actually build a team xD, I asked Bri if the winner of my previous match via coinflip can get subbed in, if not, take the win.
    hey man when you on please go to irc.

    #adv and talk to me for play , and we need to play today and not tomorrow
    hey man me vs you in uu torney
    i can to play every day 11:30 pm
    my timezone gmt -3
    i can play every day from 1 pm to 7 pm your time, on the weekend from 6 am to 7 pm. Please let me know a day before if you wanna play the next day
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