Century Express
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  • when are we playing wcop? gmt -4 here, prefer midday games, weekdays over weekends
    Century Express
    Century Express
    if you want to play asap, this Wednesday or Thursday 14:00-21:00 (GMT -3) should be fine for me, otherwise i'm free both Saturdays 15:00-23:30 (GMT -3)
    thursday would be best, how about 14:00 your time? or a bit later if you're just getting home or w/e
    Century Express
    Century Express
    Thursday 14:00 is perfect for me
    We’re paired for GSC NU, I’m GMT -5. When can you play?
    Century Express
    Century Express
    I am available usually around 11:00-14:00 or 15:00-16:30 GMT -5 (Wednesday / Friday), or 11:00-20:00 GMT -5 (Thursday)

    this weekend is inconvenient for me because I have two different events to go Saturday and Sunday, otherwise almost every day should be fine
    Ok let’s play 15h my time on Friday
    Century Express
    Century Express
    perfect, see ya then
    when do you want to play? gmt +1. friday and saturday are likely impossible to me, as i'll be extremely busy.
    Century Express
    Century Express
    I'm hella stressed and exhausted to play now, but i'm gonna try to do it tomorrow ._.

    i'll be super busy Monday, but I can try to play around 10-11am (GMT -2), otherwise playing tomorrow is nigh unviavble for me
    Century Express
    Century Express
    are you there? if so, i'd like to finish this asap
    i am. i have a 1 hour window, i'll be on tours. if you are not on or you can't, go ahead and take the win, i won't be holding finals
    roa room championship gmt+1 when?
    Century Express
    Century Express
    Do you want to play now? If yes, i'll be waiting on smogtours under a few mins, otherwise I'm available usually around 14:00-17:00 (GMT -2) or 18:00-19:30 (GMT -2) at Tuesdays / Thursdays / Fridays
    If you still can play, i will go on smogtours
    I'm gmt +3 When do you want to play for WCOP, any preference? (plus let me know availability and current timezone). I am working on weekday mornings.
    Century Express
    Century Express
    I'm available 14:00-17:00 and 18:00-19:30 (GMT -3) on weekdays, although i'd like to avoid playing around June 6th / 7th / 8th (I've scheduled other tour games for these days). Saturday and Sunday I am available usually around 13:00-22:00 (GMT -3)
    Lets play this Sunday then, around 8 PM gmt. (This would be 11PM for me and 5pm for you). How does that sound?
    Century Express
    Century Express
    sure, should be fine
    hi, let us schedule for wcop. gmt +2. if you agree we can play next week im most available my mornings or evenings from 10 pm weekdays. weekend my availablity fluctuate so i cant say rn. lmk cya
    Century Express
    Century Express
    sure, next week should be fine, what do you think about June 6th (next Wednesday) 10pm?
    my time i guess, its fine
    Century Express
    Century Express
    yea yea your time, I've forgot to mention it :p
    Hello Century Express; I'm gmt+2 and I can play in weekdays and the saturday at my morning. I'd like to play you next week but lmk your viabilities first. Um abraço.
    Century Express
    Century Express
    Sup, i'm available usually around 19:00-22:00 or 23:00-01:00 in your timezone at weekdays, but I think it is kinda complicated for both of us, because your morning avaliability is basically 02:00-06:00 in my timezone, which i'm not available most of the days. June 6th~7th is an excepction, and i can play from 18:00 (your Wednesday evening) until 02:55 (your Thursday early morning) in your timezone, what do you think?
    Yeah, sounds viable for me. Let's schedule for this June 6th~7th by now, I think we can make that run.
    ready over here whenever you want!
    tá vendo aquela lua que brilha lá no céu? ela não brilha mais forte que meu amor pelo seu bumbum
    r u seeing that moon on the sky? it doesn't shine brighter than my luv 4 ur ass
    playing for portuguese snake. would prefer to schedule on here or discord . gmt -7 and free weekdays past 4 for the most part and Sunday
    Century Express
    Century Express
    Sunday should be fine, what do you think about 14:00~15:00 (GMT -7)?
    should work
    Century Express
    Century Express
    hey, i'll be waiting on main / smogtours as "Century Express" whenever you're ready
    ADV cup free cst 10pm-2am. If that doesn’t work I have lots of free time at other random times so let me know what’s good for you
    Century Express
    Century Express
    I am available before or during Sunday stour (11:00-14:00 CST should be ideal), or tonight (18:00-22:00 CST) - feel free to choose a convenient timestamp
    Cool 11am cst tmrw works for me!
    On main as hyperbeem
    when do u wanna play for dpp cup? I'll be out from monday to friday so prob wont be able to play. I'm GMT +2 and I'm free mostly at nights
    hey we have to play for ladder tour multi gen playoffs. When I can find you online? gmt +1
    Century Express
    Century Express
    Thursday is quite flexible for me, I think we can play this set around 21:30-22:30 (GMT +1) as well, what do you think? Friday should be okay-ish for me, so feel free to suggest any other times if you want; fwiw i don't mind to play a couple of hours earlier / later than the suggested times, I just want to avoid to play at my mornings
    I think the best day for me is Thursday at that time. I will be on main
    Century Express
    Century Express
    alright, see ya then
    Hey man we are matched for ADV BL tour. Im gmt+0. Free to play on weekdays 8 am - 5 pm my time most commonly. Wanna play around monday or tues?
    We play for the No Toxapex tournament. I'm GMT +1, and can play most days on the evening my time. Any specific days that work for you?
    Century Express
    Century Express
    I'm GMT -2, and Thursday | Friday | Sunday (20:00-21:30 GMT +1) should be fine for both of us; feel free to pick a time that suits better for ya
    We Three Kings
    We Three Kings
    Tomorrow sounds good, I'll try to catch you then.
    Century Express
    Century Express
    i'll be waiting on stours / main whenever you're ready
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