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  • LOL. Sorry, I betrayed you, my dearest Lady Macbeth. Wut??? NOOOO, don't stab me! I'M THE ONE FATED TO MEET MY END IN AN HONOURABLE BATTLE! BLAAAARGH!
    Lol no. But I did reply to PlatinumDude. He has MAAAANY friends. I'm wondering if I should befriend Virizion too....
    Talk in 2 days! :P
    Um, OK. Won't be on at a godly hour (for you) tomorrow, and my Friday (your Thursday) I will be on at about, like 9:30 PM (your time.) Whatever 3.30 PM is for you. Yep, OK. And of course, weekends (no matter how much homework I have, grrrr Yr 12 English)
    Hi! Just thought I'd say, I had a wonderful day,~ Think I aced Chemistry (why I am I telling you?!?!?) Hope you had a good day too~
    Kipp, I'm so sorry that I haven't contacted you earlier, but o just wanted to tell you that I love you and miss you so much. I won't and haven't been on all week so anyone who claims to be me is an impostor. Everytime I listen to lolipop I think of you. Miss you.

    Hi, just a 100% friendly reminder I will be on Mibbit *your* Friday at *my* times of 11-5 so you can SLAVE AWAY converting my pics for me (not very many though unless I go on a drawing spam tonight). And this time I'm going to let the pictures load beforeI copy them so the quality is better. But anyway, uh-yup, mm-hmmm.
    Hey kipp, I drew some ACTUALLY good proper pictures (not huuugely great but proper stuff) including Whimsicotts. So pleeeease post in my thread, or I won't give them to you on Saturday! Not really, but uh-yup.
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