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  • I'm not interested in our trade anymore sorry... I got an arcanine like that somewhere else. I'll check your thread again to see if there's something else i need.
    fine :)
    Just doing ALOT of abuses if you have checked my thread youll see them all, school more school and enjoying the new summer XD
    Yep =P But the forum quality has really dropped a lot though. Hardly anyone every breeds their own things anymore and all of the new people just leech off giveaways/redis.
    I'm okay. Exhausted. Busy lately.

    Yeah the forums are kind of the same. A lot more new and inexperienced people though =/
    I can kick your ass in that battle tomorrow im busy catching ALOT of legends right now
    Anyways DONT catch the Careful Dialga Im gunna do it on my firends Platinum he has a really good Shiny Careful Spread so you catch whatever Nature Dialga you want but I still want it :3
    Catching Legneds is the same thing as catching wild pokes...
    You hit your Delay (saved right infront of the pokemon)
    And then you subtract 1 from your Frame for the monster frame and then do your Journal Flips :)
    Did you actually put it to the RNG reporter and checked the frame?
    Anyway,im not that lucky since it has 30 in speed,but i guess i can't complain :X.
    Hehehe when im available deffinately ;)
    That wull be your chance to beat me lol I dont have any expierence in mixed tier battles XD Only expierence is in OU/UU
    Yea becuase Dialga's Orb thingy doesnt appear untill you catch Palkia.... Im pretty sure not 100% though might wanna ask in the SQSR....
    Yeah you have to do Palkia first for Dialga to appear :/
    good luck again!
    oh and...
    I say Quick Ball
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